
Emotional States Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Agency and gratitude are verb states from which peace, contentment and delight emerge."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Different emotional states carry different levels of pain, and different levels of pain carry different levels of action."
"Each higher vibrational density is an experience of greater peace, greater joy, greater bliss, greater ecstasy, greater oneness."
"It's okay to be sad; that doesn't mean you're depressed. It's okay to be worried; that doesn't mean you're anxious. It's okay to experience trauma; that doesn't mean you have PTSD."
"Feeling pleasant, feeling unpleasant, feeling worked up, feeling calm – these are all features of consciousness."
"When you just look at what it's like to regret something or to feel shame about something, these states of mind are some of the most deranging experiences anyone has."
"Sadness and anxiety are a part of this life. Sadness and anxiety are natural emotions that Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala created in us."
"Fear is actually not a present state emotion. You can't ever be afraid of the current moment. Fear is actually a future tense state."
"I felt that I had been happy and was happy again."
"Kindness, love, and hope... now might feel like something different."
"Happy, you win the lottery; you're happy for a day or whatever. Joy is something you can experience even in grief, even in crisis."
"Life goes up and down like manic depressions, move but kill the session, dude, what I forever do."
"I made this shirt when I felt lost, self-doubt, stuck, alone, unsure, overwhelmed, broken."
"The amygdala becomes hyper reactive when we are in low serotonin States."
"There were times we doubted the case, there were times we were confident, and to say 'relieved' would be a gross understatement."
"Pink clouding... describes the feeling of elation."
"You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time."
"Chilled means you are very relaxed, while uptight means you are anxious or upset about something."
"The good spirit will make you uncomfortable, unhappy; the bad spirit will make you comfortable and happy."
"You should never make a change to a spiritual commitment made while in consolation when you're in desolation."
"Feeling physically unsafe is a whole other level."
"So much negativity hinges upon maintaining that distinction... fear, anxiety, hatred... all of that is predicated upon feeling a very strong sense of 'I' on one side and object on the other."
"When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics."
"He's feeling bitter about a few things... He's disappointed... And he's also feeling guilty because he's let himself down."
"Loneliness, fear, and panic engulf your heart."
"Days where we feel uncertain about everything, we can really have some great insights."
"When you’re going through it, it’s hard to remember what it feels like to be okay, but how you feel right now is not how you will always feel."
"Fear is the exact opposite vibration of love. Fear is to push away from oneself, its exact opposite, to separate from something."
"The best time to manipulate somebody is when they're emotionally volatile."
"Courage isn't permanent, it's a tenuous and fickle thing."
"Fear just makes more fear, fear begets fear."
"At the end of the day, where there is emotion, there is still love."
"A nervious happiness that is overflowing from his heart. In Korean that word is goo-geul, so he was feeling very 'goo-geul goo-geul' (sounds like 'Google'). A Korean Joke."
"Mars Neptune inherently avoids any overt expression of the will because of Neptune's longing for Fusion."
"Languishing is tough... not severe enough to derail your day, but not minuscule enough to not affect you."
"Loneliness is one of the scariest human emotions."
"Whether you experience emotions sadness unhappiness happiness alignment all of those things are fluctuations within the mind but the experiencer stays the same."
"Survivors of abuse are most afraid of emotional pain, terror, and shame."
"It's either you live in love or fear. Yeah, it's... this is the state of humanity."
"And I think a lot of people are realizing that they were miserable, and now they're more miserable."
"This is not a form of psychosis according to Jung but rather a normal part of a psychological process... a dreamlike state of emotional contagion."
"You want to live in love, joy, and peace, not in shame, guilt, grief, fear, and anger."
"Depression comes from living in the past, and anxiety comes from living in the future, but happiness comes from living right now."
"As with all full moons, it is very normal to feel heightened emotion; these can look like triggers, they can also look like feeling emotionally or intuitively sensitive to the world around us."
"You don't get to be in anything else, in friendship or in anger or in hope. All you can be in is love."
"Everything's going great, and then you start worrying about the future."
"You can't be fearful and relaxed at the same time."
"Fear and love cannot be in the same room together."
"That was the lowest, lowest, lowest, lowest point of my life at this moment."
"Someone here was going through something mentally that completely put him in this state of mind."
"Courage, fear, pain, faith – part of her will forever remained in the jungle."
"Money can buy happiness, happiness is a temporary emotional state."
"Depression and grief lead to a kind of freezing of action, whereas anger is one in which we take action."
"These nights are getting scarier by the day."
"Courage isn't permanent. It's a tenuous and fickle thing. Courage and cowardice exist in every man."
"There's a difference between feeling happy because it's Friday, and the kind of happiness you feel when you realize you were successful in a job interview."
"Misery loves company, and a lot of different people's households that's made out of misery look different."
"You don't have to be happy and positive and high vibration to see miracles, to see good things happen for yourself."
"The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality."
"You're constantly paying attention to that and stuck in the grief or the loss or the denial or the anger of that."
"Love and fear cannot exist in the same space."
"Anxiety and gratitude refuse to share the same heart."
"Tiredness is an emotion, and that may sound kind of weird, but remember that emotions are not just psychological things; they're physiologic things too."
"Staying above 3D...joy, peace, love, compassion, gratitude."
"It just feels blue, getting stuck in the blues is distorting your perception of yourself and your perception of other people."
"Something bad is on its way or you're going through a change or you're depressed or you're happy or you're sad."
"Love, happiness, and success are all feeling states and awarenesses that exist within you."
"There are moments when you feel weak and then there are moments when you feel strong."
"Last year I didn't feel right at all, and I thought that was my new way of feeling all the time."
"Unhappiness is often a necessary precondition to a drive for social change."
"Fear and faith are similar in a certain way; they both speak, but they use different vocabulary."
"Just give yourself permission to pray even when your feelings are weird."
"Darkness hid within people and took control of their emotions."
"They're feeling guilty, they're feeling bad."
"Feeling state matters and matters tremendously."
"When you're feeling sad, you're feeling sad."
"Make a choice: depressed or happy, sad or joyful."
"We are either coming from a place of great love or great fear."
"The brain learned today: excitement, ecstasy, and trust relaxation. It doesn't get no better than that. That's a great day."
"When you're feeling so altered emotionally, you feel so bad, that's the moment you could actually see yourself."
"Misery loves company. You've heard misery loves company, right? It's a true statement. Misery does love company."
"Breathing is very connected to our emotional states. It's not just about calm alert, it's also about happy, sad, funny."
"You have to work at everything you have to work in marriage you have to work at emotional states too not just physical."
"You're either in a state of euphoria or terror, like you're never in between."
"I just wanted to know why. Why was he so flipping happy and I wasn't?"
"Now it's not like 'I'm anxious or I'm agitated or I am depressed,' it's like when I was watching my breath..."
"The power of gratitude to boost emotional states."
"Our emotional states are very multifactorial."
"Alex was sad but Abigail is just angry."
"You are headed towards the pinnacle of indifference. That's a place where the narcissist can't ever get to."
"When I'm happy, I'm happy; when I'm content, I'm content. I leave it at that."
"European Americans really value excitement, enthusiasm, high arousal positive states more than in Chinese culture where there's more of an emphasis on calm, peacefulness, and serenity."
"Dr. Helen Fisher and her colleagues... identified that it's definitely real."
"Memories sleep, anger is restless, and secrets don't keep."
"Consciously choose the states you want to feel happy, confident, successful, or joyful."
"We human beings can be in different states, and one of them is called the relaxed state."
"The nobility of understanding suffering is by observing, awakening to this feeling of dissatisfaction, of anger, resentment, worry, anxiety."
"We are blessed, stressed, and depressed, but we're still thriving, striving, and driving into a new lane."
"Successful artists or really good artists are the ones who are able to identify those states and use them."
"Nobody is happy all the time, and what is happiness? Happiness is down to the person."