
Narcissism Quotes

There are 1689 quotes

"Most of narcissism... is rooted in the childhood trauma of not feeling good enough."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once people learn about narcissism and they're given permission to call abusive behavior what it is, they're able to slowly but surely start coming back into themselves."
"Narcissistic people make history. They often are responsible for some of the greatest innovations we've ever known. Doesn't make them nice people."
"The antidote to narcissism is humility, and humility means we're not perfect, we have flaws."
"All narcissistic relationships in adulthood are transactional."
"Narcissists have what we call 'instrumental empathy.' They weaponize empathy."
"Understanding through the lens of narcissism can help us see the lack of empathy and entitlement in societal power dynamics."
"There is a big difference between being narcissistic and having NPD, and being somebody who is self-confident and goes after their dreams."
"Narcissism, I find, to be an absolutely fascinating topic... because I believe that when you understand what it is and what it isn't, and when you have tools, all of a sudden there is a light at the end of the tunnel that you're walking down, and you realize you're not crazy; you're around somebody who's making you believe you are."
"Narcissistic people, on average, make more money. They're more likely to be represented in leadership."
"Narcissism has so many different etiologies."
"Narcissists will fear the healed empath because the healed empath can see through the narcissist."
"You get a kind of narcissistic manipulativeness, but that slides very rapidly into sadism."
"Everything depends on sleight of hand, everything depends on pretending, on colluding in the narcissist's delusional fantasy."
"Narcissism is the terminal cancer of the soul."
"We're all somewhere in a sliding scale of trait narcissism... a healthy narcissistic phase is good, it is healthy. All human beings passed through a phase."
"Narcissism comes through the lens of envy, and envy is destructive and wants to bring others down."
"Self-love is not narcissism. Self-love is where there's a healthy balance and there's a healthy respect for who you are."
"Narcissism is a universal human phenomenon. It's only when it goes out of whack, when it's exaggerated and caricatured, when it's imbued with cognitive deficits such as grandiosity, only then do we talk about a disorder."
"Your pain, your trauma make him feel secure, safe, and calm, accepted and held in a world which is otherwise unpredictable, dangerous, and hostile."
"By causing you pain, by agonizing and torturing you, the narcissist reasserts control, regains a sense of mastery over his life."
"Narcissists are one-state machines programmed to extract narcissistic supply from other people."
"When your boundaries are observed by a narcissistic person, they will likely tell you that you're being controlling, and obviously, that's a bit of a projection."
"Our unwillingness or our inability to set boundaries with narcissists results in all of us enabling them."
"Narcissists and difficult personalities usually don't follow rules... they believe rules are for other people."
"All human behavior is on a continuum... Narcissism is on a continuum. It ranges from maybe being a little narcissistic to being woefully narcissistic."
"Setting boundaries with the narcissist in your life is very, very important."
"Narcissistic supply is in fact the validation, the acknowledgment, the admiration, the recognition, the gratification, the reward, or whatever else it is that narcissists get from other people or from other sources such as social media."
"During the love-bombing phase, when the narcissist is in some ways lavishing you with attention, it can feel as though you're being seen and heard in a way that you have never been seen or heard before."
"For a narcissist, instead of 'I think therefore I am,' it becomes 'I'm validated, therefore I am.'"
"Narcissism is characterized by a person who has a lack of empathy. They're very entitled. They're very grandiose. They're very arrogant."
"No contact has actually been shown by data to be the single most useful intervention for dealing with a narcissist."
"The Human Magnet Syndrome explains why people who are self-love deficient are always attracted to narcissists."
"When you get emotionally activated, the narcissistic family member... they're gonna win. They are master manipulators."
"They've learned some very effective narcissistic ways of getting what they want."
"The Narcissist is much more of an observer...like a computer-generated spectator, aloof. He is watching the movie of his life."
"With Narcissists, transience is the only permanence."
"In the Narcissist's life, the only permanence is transience."
"Narcissists actually do not do well in relationships that are stable and steady and free of drama."
"Love bombing really links into the fact that the charm, charisma, confidence, and cleverness of the narcissist all draw you in."
"Self-compassion is like Kryptonite against the charms of the narcissist."
"With narcissism, we see someone believes that they're special or unique."
"Narcissism involves a grandiose sense of self-importance and fantasies of success and power."
"Both narcissists and psychopaths have a capacity for empathy but both don't use it because they rank other people's feelings as not important."
"Narcissism is a word that is being used to understand bad behavior everywhere - in national leaders, heads of state, heads of corporations, fancy academic types, athletes, celebrities."
"To serve as the long-term partner of a narcissist, you must have a very deficient or distorted grasp of yourself and of reality."
"Narcissism is a tidal wave; it's on the rise. Our society and culture are narcissistic."
"Narcissism isn't popular by accident; it's a real and widespread concern that worries many."
"Narcissism exposure causes a massive amount of stress, leading to depression, anxiety, and even obsessive-compulsive symptoms."
"Narcissism has a low critical mass for toxicity; just one person can cause a lot of havoc."
"Narcissism is like a Big Box store on 'Succession' - you can find every kind of narcissist there and buy them in bulk."
"A narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist is held accountable, confronted, or shown that something they did was incorrect or hurt someone else."
"Behind every pathological narcissist is a person who experienced abuse, neglect, or deprivation as a child."
"Narcissism is plaguing culture and mass society in a way like never before, similar to the zombie, it exists, feeds, and destroys aimlessly."
"Narcissism has become a cultural pathology, the routine of a fake life promoting a false self, a plastic and artificial world of redundant superficiality."
"They have a sense of entitlement or superiority and require excessive admiration and attention from others to regulate a fluctuating sense of self-worth."
"Narcissism, as a psycho-spiritual disease, is not something new or emergent; it is ancient and an innate feature of human experience."
"Narcissistic parents or parents with high conflict, antagonistic, difficult, abusive, or toxic personalities do lots of things that are really going to increase the likelihood of estrangement in adulthood."
"It hurts, there's a lot of grief in the process, but in some cases, when you get to the other side, while that hurt may always linger, sometimes, especially in narcissistic family systems, it's not unusual and may be a tool of control, but ultimately it may not always be a bad thing that it happened."
"Narcissism and codependency are not personality disorders. They are adaptive relationship strategies."
"Narcissism and codependency arise within the context of relationship, not all of life."
"Codependency and narcissism are both complex dysfunctional relationship strategies that people learned and adopted in order to be able to stay safe in their specific family system."
"Inside every narcissist is a covert codependent, and inside every codependent, is a covert narcissist."
"I have been contacted by many people explaining that they have realized that they were involved with or are currently involved with a narcissist as a consequence of access to this series and therefore it serves its purpose to alert and educate individuals to understanding more about narcissism."
"The most dangerous of narcissist is a covert narcissist, one that does not really truly show his or her hand."
"The strong empath is like a bright star offering endless light to others, while the narcissist is like a black hole."
"Narcissistic people are hurt... more than a few of them have had traumatic backgrounds... but that doesn't... excuse for your present behavior."
"Narcissism arises out of paranoia that threats are powerful, and narcissists tend to respond with a bolstered sense of ego."
"People who tend to be narcissists and psychopaths will exploit people's empathy by playing a victim."
"We're narcissists and we need external validation because we don't know how to feel good and comfortable and whole and well in and of ourselves."
"The best strategy with a narcissistic person is to disengage."
"Most people are going to be better off if narcissistic people aren't in their life."
"In being in a relationship with, or working with, or working for narcissistic people, nobody has your back. In fact, they may not just be neglecting you; they may be actively harming and manipulating you."
"You don't become narcissistic by dint of spending time with a narcissist; however, you are also not going to be your best self."
"Narcissism may be harming your mental health, but thank goodness, it's not infectious."
"One of the most painful aspects of having a narcissistic sibling is that in your life they're sort of a shared historian."
"Clinically speaking, narcissistic sibling relationships are actually a form of narcissism that I've actually seen do tremendous harm to people in adulthood."
"Narcissistic personality is correlated with really undesirable personality traits, such as being controlling, pathological liars, never accepting the truth about themselves, very critical of others, less agreeable, and having very low empathy."
"Culture and personality also shape the way that we view ourselves and people with narcissistic personality disorder."
"Most narcissists...try to defy age...by getting plastic surgery or swapping their spouse for somebody younger just so that they can reverse the effects of aging within their mind."
"I bet you think this song is about you, don't you?"
"We're not taught to value other people. In a very bizarre, narcissistic way, we're sort of taught to value ourselves."
"Flex culture is everywhere... from the innocent to the more narcissistic types of flexing."
"If the majority of people do not find solutions as to how to be seen, entire societies become narcissistic, psychopathic, and codependent."
"The problem with narcissism is that you're not connected to primary feelings."
"A real narcissist doesn't give a [__], a narcissistic trait which many of us have, is sort of interested in changing it."
"Every time in human history that there was a traumatized society, we had a surge in narcissism."
"Narcissists...there's no accountability. For me to answer this question honestly, I have to have the ability to be objective."
"The bottom line with all narcissists is they have an extremely low sense of self, very fragile egos, and they're very jealous and insecure people."
"Narcissism is no longer an individual diagnosis. Narcissism is fast becoming the organizing principle of our society."
"There is no privacy in a narcissistic family."
"Social media is a breeding ground for narcissism."
"When you love a narcissist, it's like emotional food poisoning."
"A narcissist really does think of people as discardable."
"If you love a narcissist, you are going to be involved with someone who consistently feels entitled to exploit you and who feels like they have the right to avoid accountability."
"Narcissism is pretty destructive, and if you have ever loved a narcissist or cared for a narcissist, chances are you found yourself feeling pretty confused not knowing what end was up."
"A fountain of studies suggests that rich people are more narcissistic, less empathetic, and less compassionate."
"Educating yourself about the narcissist...is an important part of the early stages of the self-healing process; you just don't want to get stuck there."
"Millions of people around the world are aware today of narcissists, their behavior or misbehavior, and the particular form of abuse the likes of which there is none: narcissistic abuse."
"A person with narcissistic personality disorder has a need for admiration so chronic that it impedes the basic sense of empathy."
"It's okay to succeed; it's the narcissist's problem if they are too damn insecure to be there for you."
"When the narcissist communicates with you, he is sending you a manifest text, but underneath it, there's always an occult, arcane, coded message, encrypted, and only you have the key."
"Is there a healthy aspect of narcissism in cinema? I mean, imagine you go through life never seeing yourself in a film."
"Moralizers... are often the biggest narcissists of them all. They love the sound of their voice as they point fingers and preach."
"Narcissistic people just don't make any sense to me."
"Narcissists are actually possessed of empathy... a truncated version of empathy which I called cold empathy."
"We have to be really careful about labeling people as narcissists because this gives others the same right to call us narcissists for the same reasons."
"A narcissist will exploit you emotionally when they think they're losing an argument or they feel like they're losing control over you."
"Their personal desire was all about themselves, this narcissism."
"Narcissists are so good at playing the victim and as such, they pull at guilt from other people."
"The narcissist attempts to deaden you, to render you dead, to assassinate your enthusiasm, your joie de vivre."
"The narcissist is going to remain a one-person wrecking crew. Please protect yourself, as their rage and their manipulation can literally make you sick, both mentally and physically."
"Pathological narcissism is not an extreme or radical form of healthy narcissism; it is an absolutely different clinical entity."
"Modern society incentivizes people to be narcissists."
"Narcissism is increasing among college students."
"The narcissist is the first victim of narcissistic abuse."
"The narcissist is faced with the losses when he finally sees himself in the mirror, unfiltered, unembellished."
"Mortification is the narcissist's chance to escape the shackles of his taskmaster, the false self."
"Narcissists regard other people as 2D contraptions, kind of animated functions."
"Narcissists use projective identification to force other people to behave in ways that confirm their view of the world."
"Just because you came from a narcissistic family system, it doesn't mean you're damaged."
"Narcissists don't worry about being narcissists. People who are not narcissists worry that they might be narcissists."
"Social media can be quite narcissistic... It's like we've become so consumed with how we look online."
"The less codependent we are, the less narcissists exist on planet Earth."
"Life with a narcissistic person is like living in a cruel casino where some days you may come out ahead, but on more days than not, you're not going to win."
"A life well lived without the narcissist, that's some revenge I can get behind."
"Narcissists typically have a fragile self-image and are highly sensitive to criticism."
"Narcissists often see themselves as misunderstood visionaries, crusading against the ignorant masses who cannot appreciate their brilliance."
"Narcissists' reaction to very minimal criticism can usually be a sight to behold."
"When faced with accountability or negative consequences, narcissists may employ tactics to avoid the situation altogether."
"Being a two-year-old, the narcissist is very, very sad. He is melancholy. He is depressed. He is dysphoric. He mourns and grieves the loss of his life and life potentialities and opportunities."
"The narcissist, when this child becomes an adult, the child is sad. The child mourns the fact that he had never had a childhood, not a proper one at any rate, had never been loved unconditionally, had never been accepted, had never been seen, had never been embraced, never experienced warmth."
"Malignant narcissism: grandiose, neglectful, emotionally and physically violent, Machiavellian, vindictive, entitled, manipulative."
"I have done a lot of reading on narcissism because the last relationship I was in was with a narcissist, and I didn't know anything about it."
"She's entitled. A female narcissist feels entitled to just about everything."
"Deflection is the defense mechanism of a narcissist because deflection is the opposite of responsibility."
"Narcissism is especially sad because the person whose self is injured says, 'I will permanently go to sleep and let in a false self.' So the real self actually permanently goes to sleep and a false self is allowed in."
"The grandiose narcissist is already living their fantasy, not the ultimate fantasy, but they're already kind of living a fantasy because of the high level of self-deception."
"One of the major themes that I see with vulnerable narcissism is a theme of rejection and redemption."
"Grandiose narcissism features being extroverted, arrogant, socially dominant, and resistant to criticism."
"The government is actually criminalizing protest."
"Remember that the narcissist is projecting something that's very uncomfortable about themselves or something that they're feeling onto you."
"I've hit rock bottom three times in my life, diagnosed as a narcissist each time."
"Narcissism is a defense mechanism, a coping strategy to fend off pain."
"Once the public knows about it, the narcissist loses."
"One of the worst things for a narcissist is being accused of something they actually did."
"A touch of narcissism will get you really far."
"That projection of the narcissist, it's tired."
"Expect nothing, reframe the relationship, reconceive the narcissist."
"Not every problem has a solution. Narcissism has no solution, no cure."
"It explains everything that happens inside of narcissistically abusive relationships."
"Narcissism is simply the concept of the individual gone awry."
"Narcissism is partly a pathological narcissism, partly a cultural-bound syndrome."
"Many people who hate-follow others on social media are predominantly driven by narcissism."
"Did it take years before you suspected that someone in your life might be a covert narcissist? If so, don't feel bad, that's actually really common."
"Narcissism is an organizing principle of modern civilization."
"Narcissism is embedded now inextricably in social institutions and structures."
"The only goal of narcissistic abuse is for you to cease to exist."
"Narcissistic abuse is about getting rid of your existence, killing you mentally."
"Stop handing your reality over to the narcissist and own that it is blue, your reality is safe, don't pawn it off on a narcissist."
"The real final discard does not come from the narcissist. It comes from you."
"Most of the abductions are made by the so-called small big-headed great creatures or reticule Ian's or whatever are they are being called at this moment."
"It takes a very narcissistic temperament for you to change your reality for my first album and a narcissist struggles saying that they are wrong and that they've made a mistake."
"Sources of narcissistic supply can suddenly stop providing."
"Narcissism is actually about distorted self-esteem."
"What narcissism is: entitlement, grandiosity, arrogance, selfishness. They are willing to do whatever they need to do to get ahead. They make more money..."
"Pathological narcissism is a lifelong pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with oneself to the exclusion of all other people."
"Why not say that narcissism is the same... we know that this is true."
"Narcissism is just simply doing a kind of cost-benefit analysis of the belief in question."
"He is the chief narcissist, everything is about him."
"If you want to starve a narcissist, stop focusing on their needs, flying monkeys, and social media posts."
"It's mind-boggling how arrogant and narcissistic these far-left activists are."
"The more narcissistic someone is, the more right they think they are, the more self-righteous they are, the more entitled they are, the less empathy that they have for you."
"A narcissist does not want your logical rational mind to come back online. They want you in the wounded space of the inner child."
"Narcissism is a result of our inability to face fear squarely. Because once I address what I'm afraid of, it's liberating."
"The epitome of self-aggrandizement, very little about the national interests and everything about Boris Johnson's particular brand of narcissism."
"All narcissists are very psychopathic; they are out to get narcissistic supply."
"How to think like a narcissist: why would I want to think like a narcissist you say? ... Because you presumably want to know what hit you, what is this force of nature that has essentially consumed your life for a limited period of time."
"You need to anticipate the next moves of the narcissist; the more intimate you are with the way the narcissist thinks, the more likely you are to get it right."
"This is cognitive dissonance in narcissists, and narcissists have dissonant thinking."
"The narcissist's solution to his dissonant thinking is psychotic."
"Cult leaders are power hungry individuals who are typically narcissists who believe that the world revolves around them."
"Rejecting a narcissist is making a narcissist's worst nightmare come true."
"The narcissist is, in most cases, a walking clusterfuck of confusion, anger, love bombing, and abuse cycle spinning bullshit."
"Narcissists can change when given the right inducements and incentives."
"So, if I saw someone that showed signs of narcissism and they were abusive, well, at the very least I would want to know the way in which they were abusive because just hearing that they're abusive wouldn't tell me much."
"Rejecting gender roles is a form of narcissism. It says, 'I am better than my biology, I'm living for me.'"
"Cold therapy reconceives narcissism as essentially a post-traumatic condition, requiring trauma therapies."
"Preparing deflections to break the narcissist's flow gives you an escape hatch which you can activate at any time."
"We live in a country where basically everyone has main character syndrome right now."
"You're wearing your own merch, is it a sign of narcissism to wear a shirt with one's own face on it?"
"Not all abusers, or jerks, are narcissists. Although all narcissists are abusers and jerks."
"So when you are identifying narcissistic traits in people, try to remember that one of the goals is to not try to prove your point because what we have to do instead is we have to figure out boundaries for this relationship."
"It's so narcissistic... she was really trying to play us."
"Tasha K did what most narcissistic people dream of doing she literally gaslighted thousands of people on a public platform with all eyes on her."
"If you suspect you're in the thick of it with a covert narcissist or if you suspect your ex was, and you're just realizing that you are subject to emotional abuse for the entire relationship, this video is for you."
"One of the most dangerous things about covert narcissism is that the abuse is so often subtle and that makes it difficult to detect but it still has an effect on you in your emotional well-being especially when it's drawn out over time."
"The covert narcissist will be an expert at justifying their bad behavior so a covert narcissist may tell you that they cheated in a past relationship but there's always a but they did it because of X Y & Z."
"If you've ever noticed moments like this and it could be with you or it could be with somebody else if you ever notice those moments where somebody seems this person seems extremely cold and heartless you might be dealing with a covert narcissist."
"Narcissists by definition are persons who have excessive interest or admiration of themselves."