
Reward Quotes

There are 20408 quotes

"Dopamine is the reward feel good neuromodulator that stimulates action."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can start to identify the craving as its own internally released drug... you realize that capturing the reward is wonderful, but attaching dopamine to the reward is actually a little bit dangerous."
"When you get something right, you get a little hit of a thing in your brain called dopamine. It's the happy drug."
Justin Sandercoe
"Dopamine is the molecule not just of reward but of motivation."
"Any hard work is going to be rewarded, especially with Jupiter in Capricorn."
"Serotonin is a reward molecule that is released in response to the subjective experience that we have enough resources."
"Delayed gratification comes from activities that give us some kind of reward for the long term, but it feels a bit hard and uncomfortable right now."
"Serotonin system is engaged when we feel rewards for what we have in our immediate environment or we already have in our possession."
"Having to work really hard and wait a long time to get what you want amplifies the reward once we eventually reach it."
"The key is to subjectively reward those steps. So it's not going to be, let's say I go out and I run a mile and my goal is to run 10 miles in a few weeks, the key is as you're in the strain of that mile, the hard part, you want to tell yourself this is the good part, this is the part that gives me energy."
"Growth mindset... is to attach a sense of reward to the effort process itself."
"If you believe in yourself and really put your heart into everything, I feel like you're going to get a good return on that."
"The pleasure in mentoring... there isn't anything that's more rewarding than that, all things considered."
"You will be rewarded; just wait it out. Right now is the time for hard work."
"There's nothing that's more rewarding than trying to do things right. All other forms of reward pale by comparison."
"This is going to be a very positive year for you in terms of starting something new that will be very, very rewarding."
"I've returned from my quest. Here is your share of the loot."
"The circus has packed up and left town, but not without leaving behind even more gold as appreciation."
"This is your pinnacle month of success, reward, acknowledgment for all that you do."
"The universe rewards you with something better."
"There's something super fun and empowering about seeing your hard work turn into something really incredibly beautiful to look at or incredibly tasty to eat."
"It always feels very rewarding when you put out content that you love and other people love it too."
"If you risk the biscuit, you can get the brisket."
"I've been found, I'm okay, and I will be collecting the reward. Probably a million bucks. The reward for finding myself."
"Jupiter going into your 11th house...a lot of you are finally getting the recognition that you deserve, you're finally getting the money that you deserve after years of hard work."
"Your life purpose is going to bring you a lot of luck, happy coincidences, rewards, good fortune."
"The road to achieving your goals is hardly ever straight and easy, but the journey is ultimately rewarding."
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere."
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
"You are the last survivor here, so you get all these experience points."
"Love these ones. Oh, gave me 30 tier Essence charm of flanking."
"Everything that I'm getting right now, I work for that. I'm going to really be able to enjoy it."
"Thank God I didn’t quit because that extra spin or two just paid off."
"Living in flow is very rewarding spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically."
"People get rewarded in public for what they practice in private."
"He hopes to avenge his sister's death while bagging rewards from a goddess in the process."
"It turns out all of that hard work at the market days have paid off."
"She won the tournament and got her Amulet of Darkness."
"For every disciplined effort, there is a multiple reward."
"The world rewards value. So if you bring value to the table, you are more likely to be rewarded."
"Exploration in games can be rewarding in a variety of different ways, be it how it's rewarded, how it feels, or how much of the game it encompasses."
"The silver lining is that it's so goddamn rewarding, it's so powerful to have actual real passion in your life."
"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor."
"One of you is going to win $100,000 and a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet School of New York."
"Wormhole space is tons of really valuable things but zero security: enter at your own risk but also enter at your own huge rewards."
"This world is a place of pain, but Allah subhanah wa ta'ala is saying that He has given you enough with His Deen that you can maintain that perspective and be promised the reward, no matter what."
"There's something really rewarding about cooking food yourself and it tasting amazing versus doing expensive, unhealthy takeout."
"There's a lot of opportunity within chaos, and April is really going to reward people who know how to skillfully seek out that opportunity and capitalize on it."
"Their effort was being rewarded in one of the most fulfilling ways possible."
"The journey is the reward, and the manifestation is just the reason for the journey."
"Letting go of the fears, being open, putting in effort, and a lot of rewarding things coming your way."
"So, making your decks unique is challenging, it can take a lot of work, but I think it can be very rewarding."
"What you put in you got out and I think that's really rewarding."
"Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." - Matthew 25:21.
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance." - Colossians 3:23-24.
"As a lot of us find out on the medical training path, teaching is surprisingly rewarding and fun."
"Allah does not minimize the hardship; He simply maximizes the reward."
"If you're conscientious and you work hard, you can start to see that that's paying off."
"Your reward is a delicious digital feast cooked by our head bubble chef, made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give."
"Each time you complete a task, you get a burst of endorphin."
"Whoever beats Mr Beast's traps first is going to get a giant Cash Money prize."
"It's going to be so awesome. It's all going to be worth it."
"Don't settle for less. The real treasure is out there, waiting for you."
"If you ask me if all of this is worth it, 100%."
"Fight like a knight, so I can reward you. Do not be fearful because you are not alone."
"Work you're putting in, time you're investing into yourself, you will see a reward."
"We are what we believe ourselves to be, and the world rewards us in proportion to that belief."
"When you treat everything in life as like a little reward, it completely changes your perspective."
"I have broken two records in this arcade. If you beat me, I'll buy you chips."
"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
"Your hard work and dedication is paying off."
"Your hard work is paying off, and you have the adventure and excitement new options with the treat surprises."
"The wait allows it to feel like an actual reward, making it stand out more and giving you a sense of fulfillment."
"It's the most challenging experience but it's the most fulfilling and rewarding."
"There's nothing more rewarding than actually helping people and serving people, making a difference in their lives."
"It's a year of reward for Scorpio as well as... being healed from all the trauma that you've been through."
"Those who use well what they are given, even more will be given."
"The reward on the other end of that [sacrifice] is just so beautiful and so wonderful."
"This creates an interesting dynamic for the player as actions like crafting or healing may leave them vulnerable to threats, adding a nice risk and reward element to the gameplay."
"Is the challenge worth the potential reward?"
"Do more than you are paid for, and soon you will be paid for more than you do."
"Revival is not an accident; it's a harvest of your sowing."
"You will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams if you go above and beyond in this city."
"The universe only rewards action that is given in the first place."
"If you're brave enough to be unique... a lot of times you get rewarded for being super unique."
"You get what your heart desires by being true to the work you put in. Work diligently on your dreams and watch the universe reward and deliver."
"When you work hard, you're going to be rewarded. You have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something better."
"If I survive this round, I win. If I die, you guys get 50,000 Robux."
"Hard work always pays off. It doesn't always pay off immediately, but somewhere down the road, there's a reward for it."
"Your hard work has and will continue to reward you."
"If a person exercises his best, most judicious Ijtihad... and he is correct, Allah will give him a double reward, and even if he's incorrect, he will get one reward. Allah does not punish for a sincere effort."
"Villages are quite an opportunity, and the beauty of it all? It's really simple, rather fun to accomplish, and super rewarding if done right."
"Your hard work is going to pay off very soon."
"Being a reward from comp, whose alumni include some of the most sought-after weapons in Destiny 2 history, Rose handedly makes its way into that list by simply being a perfect hand cannon."
"Invention is hard, that is ultimately rewarding."
"In sport and business, you reward results; you reward winning, not mediocrity."
"The job is risky, but it's going to be rewarding."
"You need to have this mindset... that the reward during this dark period of no gains, no reward, is simply the fact that you're progressing to the point that you will get the reward."
"You have to work hard. Even though it seems like it's not going nowhere, just keep going. It'll eventually go somewhere because you will be rewarded for not giving up."
"A lot of rewards are coming to compensate for everything that you have gone through."
"You've worked hard for your success and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."
"Money comes after what you give out to the world; it's just a reward."
"If you touch them, great shall be your reward. If you stumble and fall while reaching upward, you will be happy knowing you have made the effort."
"You know, the work is really, really awesome. It's rewarding."
"You're only going to get from life what you put into it."
"Painting, spraying the paint is a reward for all the hard work you did underneath it on the bodywork."
"It's a tough place to fish, but that's what makes it so rewarding, I guess, when you finally actually do catch something."
"We're getting so many transformations every single day, and everything is finally starting to pay off."
"You guys are going to be getting rewarded for the hard work that you have been putting in."
"The more you put into it, the more you get out of it."
"Anything that's worth doing in your life may take longer than you think, but it will be totally worth that energy."
"The things that have the biggest payoff always feel difficult in the moment."
"Whoever succeeds in doing so will win the real-life prize: $100,000 grand."
"The waiting was worth it, patience pays off."
"The bigger the dragon, the larger the treasure."
"As long as I'm somehow positively changing and impacting someone's life, I feel so much reward from that."
"The greater the degree of your self-sacrifice, the greater the reward."
"I wish on all of you the feeling it feels like when you actually do something nice for another human being when you ask for nothing in return."
"Having an achievement pop up at the right moment can be immensely satisfying, a brilliant bit of punctuation to completing a difficult or time-consuming task."
"Navigating the chaos of a game is a lot like navigating the chaos of life: unpredictable, challenging, but ultimately rewarding."
"It rewards players who immerse themselves fully in the world if you engage with the lore, if you explore thoroughly, if you get to understand the world, meet people, speak to them at length, you're rewarded with new solutions."
"Mentoring is about allowing the best in you to serve the best in others, which can't be beat by any other form of reward."
"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and its solution is its own reward."
"Enjoy growth and reap rewards, and boy, are you going to reap big rewards for 2021."
"Pineapple: All the best things in life have to be worked for."
"Be patient and have that dedication, because that dedication is what's going to pay off completely."
"All habits, good or bad, have some kind of benefit or reward associated with them."
"The more you give in charity, the more it will return back to you."
"The Scripture says, 'God is the rewarder of those who diligently and hotly pursue him.'"
"It's unfathomably difficult, and in the same vein, so rewarding."
"Sometimes it is so rewarding, like when you get the cutest laugh you've ever heard."
"We must endure to the end in order to be crowned."
"Anything that promises a high reward without any effort is in most cases a gimmick."
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
"Without risk, there is no return. You have to be willing to take risks."
"The message is you work hard and like anything in life, things will be challenging and things will get difficult, but just stick to it. If you commit to it, the reward is always there."
"All the sacrifice, everything I put into, is gonna pay off at the end of the day."
"Your hard work and determination will bring reward for your achievement."
"The reward is not people cheering or likes on Instagram; God is saying well done because we listened and obeyed."
"You will be rewarded in life for the price you had to pay if you choose to wake up."
"If you put in the hours, it'll pay off at some point."
"All our rewards in life are in exact proportion to our contributions to the world."
"This business, trading, will be one of the most challenging things you have ever tried. It will also be one of the most rewarding businesses you ever try if you stick with it."
"The act of journeying into the unknown is for many a rewarding experience."
"Many times in the life of a Muslim, a place in Jannah may finally be reserved for him or her due to the smallest of actions in our eyes."
"The sacrifices you are making or have made in the past, you are about to be rewarded."
"Don't lose faith, your hard work is paying off."
"Without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him."
"Sometimes, the hardest battles lead to the greatest rewards."
"This is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but also the most rewarding."
"If you win this challenge right now, we're going snowboarding. It's official."
"Saturn's been working you over Leo and you're done with that and this is your reward."
"Hot Cheetos are after the fight. Hot Cheetos and some pizza and a nice cold Coke, maybe a nice beer too."
"If you want Allah and the messenger and the Hereafter, then Allah has prepared for those of you who are good doers a great reward."
"What we want most of all is for there to be a just reward, something that actually excites us, and for us to put our best foot forward to try and achieve that."
"The more you explore and the more you try things out, the more you will be rewarded by the game."
"At home, Anya tells Lloyd and Yor that she wants a dog as her reward."
"You're rewarded when you fight for the light."
"By overcoming adversity, we are rewarded with an immense level of satisfaction."
"God waits for an opportune time to reward you... He doesn't forget."
"Each of New Eden's citizens offer mysteries so captivating that the act of simply unraveling them was rewarding enough."
"This is about your generous spirit being recompensed for all the goodness that you've done."
"It's incredibly rewarding... we have the ability to pull patients back from the brink."
"His mom spots you in the distance and says, 'Thank you, Aquaria, for finding my son. Here are some diamonds.'"
"Religions often promise an eternal and infinite reward for some finite and seemingly small payment in this lifetime."
"Independence is challenging but... it's rewarding."
"Purpose goes so far above that and is so much more rewarding."
"The reward comes in correlation to the diligence that was put in."
"To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne."
"A $440,000 reward was offered to anybody who could provide information that aided in the arrest of Garrett's killer."
"The greater the challenge, the greater the reward."
"You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it."
"There are so many rewards in life. You coming into our home was one of the greatest rewards we could have ever had."
"With reading, the reward is equal to the effort you put into it."
"There's so many games out there that you haven't played that is going to replace this game, and you're gonna find it extremely rewarding."
"If the reward for that big sacrifice is gonna be above average, the more extreme measures you're willing to go to."
"Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."
"Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day; and not to me only but also to all those who have loved His appearing."
"Hyperbolic discounting is a cognitive bias where individuals are willing to receive a smaller reward today, instead of a known larger reward later."
"The sim will find the legend very sad and will receive the 'this is so sad' buff... the Queen will acknowledge their caring attitude and will grant your Sims wish."
"Your hard work will pay off; you can't reap what you haven't sown."
"It rewards you infrequently, but when it rewards you, it rewards you extravagantly."
"There is no reward without significant risk in ashes of creation."
"Your hard work is going to be rewarded, and now is a time for new change, new opportunities."
"Geometry Dash Meltdown, the incredibly addictive platformer game that is very challenging yet very rewarding when you nail a level."
"The Widowmaker... with great risk also comes great reward."
"Don't cast away your confidence, for it has great recompense."
"You guys are being rewarded because you are taking the high route. You're keeping your vibration high. You are choosing to keep your heart pure."
"The potential for loss is what makes winning sweet."
"The biggest reward, more than performing in front of 10,000 people, which is great, it has a certain level of fulfillment that you cannot put into words."
"That success will not be just an opportunity that you take advantage of. It will be thanks to the effort you put in, so it's going to be even more rewarding personally."
"Your effort is being rewarded, you are on solid ground."
"Whoever pursues a path for knowledge, Allah will ease for him or her a path that leads to Jannah."
"If someone wrongs you and you're doing good, you're treating them correctly, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will reward you in the hereafter."
"If we come unto Him by keeping our covenants and repenting of our sins, we will joyfully hear our Savior’s commendation: 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'"
"It takes courage, but that's okay because, you know, the cave we feared to enter can hold the treasure that we seek. But it's worth it."
"Be faithful unto death, and I'll give you the Crown of Life."
"The moment I saw her, it made every pain and every sleepless night 100% worth it."
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
"I like how exploration is rewarded with treasure chests, optional paths, and maps lore."