
Celebration Quotes

There are 78575 quotes

"Celebrate your wins but don't celebrate every win. That's one way that you can ensure that you're going to continue down the path of progress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's nice that smart women are being celebrated."
"In each of the salient areas of your life, ask yourself what would I like to be celebrating 12 months from now."
"This is possibly the happiest birthday of my life. Thank you."
"I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and have an amazing new year...get yourself back into the swing of things."
"Celebrate your friends, celebrate your family, people you love. Why not?"
"Try to find the glory in each and every little victory, no matter how uneventful it may feel, because these are the building blocks that personal growth is made of."
"How can I grow? What can I give? What can I celebrate? These are heartsets and mindsets for you to discover that the answer is you."
"This is a card of power. This is a card of happiness. This is a card of celebration and family."
"It's about celebrating everyday moments and showing the beauty of those moments."
"We see the red and green glowing lights in the distance getting closer and closer and, by a Christmas miracle, at last, we could sit down on the couch, bundled up next to the fireplace, watching a holiday movie, drinking some hot cocoa, all while zooted off that Christmas tree OG."
"Ladies and gentlemen, people of the world, today's a special day."
"You just turned 23. What did you do for your birthday?"
"Here's what I'm going to celebrate, and I think you guys should celebrate with me too: Let's make February the month that we plan to get out of debt and be debt free."
"Sacrifice properly undertaken, so that would be voluntary, is indistinguishable from celebration."
"It's so pretty, but you know what we're doing today? We're going to NASA's birthday party."
"When you succeed, we'll be there to congratulate you."
"Celebrate your success, enjoy your achievements."
"My grandma done bought her ticket; she's 96 years old to come to my wedding."
"Every day with gratitude and appreciation is a celebration. Don't wait until you accomplish a goal or some milestone; celebrate every moment."
"I hope everybody had a good Valentine's Day. I did. I had an amazing Valentine's."
"Happy New Year. This is the first episode back after the holidays."
"I want to take this moment... I hope it continues popping off."
"Let's all just celebrate all human ingenuity and progress."
"Good afternoon, esteemed faculty, distinguished guests, relieved parents, bored siblings, confused pets, and of course, the 2023 graduating class of MIT."
"You are beautiful and you deserve to have the most unforgettable birthday."
"Treasure this day and have a lot of fun. Drink a lot of cake. No, eat a lot of cake."
"After waiting so long for this day, allow me a few moments to just savor this."
"This game is a celebration of everything I love about video games."
"It's spoopy season. Halloween is tomorrow, so to celebrate, why don't we bust some ghosts."
"Celebrate yourself; you deserve it...there's going to be a big celebration in the near future."
"We have raised $51,000 for the PCRF on your birthday."
"My cool Throne is friend of the program, Dan Hurley, after winning the Big East title regular season, he went out to the bar and celebrated with fans and students."
"Happy Appreciation Day, celebration. Just really landed and I got fireworks, dude, which is the best part of all of it."
"It's February the 29th, what a rare occasion. Let's celebrate with something nice."
"Happy Friday everybody, you made it again to the end of another glorious week."
"Start celebrating yourself. Look in the mirror and say, 'I am that girl. I am the main character.'"
"She proud of my punk ass crying. Emotional day, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween."
"We mustn't bury the memory of Alexandria but celebrate it."
"December means it's Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate, happy holidays."
"Let me begin by saying congratulations on 80 incredible years of spreading the great word of God."
"At the end of the day, it's just great music, man. Great music come from everywhere but when you see someone celebrate their culture and music, there's nothing like that."
"Thank you for being such a loving and pure soul. We have many more years to celebrate, every day is Mother's Day, but today is a very special day just for mothers like you."
"Every day is Mother's Day, but today we're going to really show our utmost appreciation to all the beautiful mothers."
"The holiday season has officially started, and we are getting all types of gifts today."
"It's important to celebrate that's what allows us to sustain."
"The holiday spirit was in full swing, streets twinkled with Christmas lights, and the air was filled with the anticipation of the upcoming celebrations."
"Celebrate the progress that you've already made."
"In letting go and allowing themselves to live, they're not denying, they're not abandoning Derek; they're celebrating what he didn't have the opportunity to have."
"Happy New Year, guys. Be safe, walk home, don't drive and drunk."
"You guys make such a sweet family. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Don't forget to gather with your entire family, celebrate together, and show your appreciation to all your loved ones."
"The party is going to be themed after the Lantern Rite Festival."
"We've won the Premier League, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is trophy number one."
"Some of you might be on the road to weddings and marriage or something to very much celebrate."
"It is going to be the party to end the world."
"So, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in the anglosphere we remember all those who died in great sorrow. However, in Poland, it is something in which there is a celebration of the sacrifice that was faced to give Poland its independence back."
"We made it to spring. Spring has sprung, good job, boys."
"Have a day where you really treat yourself and really celebrate how far you've made it."
"You really deserve to take some time to celebrate your achievements, to celebrate your accomplishments, and have gratitude for how far you've already come in life."
"That was fun, we had to work as a team. We're gonna go get Rocky Road ice cream."
"Celebrate each other's achievements. Another good morale booster."
"It's been a brilliant performance from Emma Hayes's Chelsea side, but the party has started here in Barcelona."
"Happy birthday, yes, boom, four acts of kindness."
"Enjoy the process; celebrate every small step forward."
"I wish I could be a part of this so bad. I want to be there, but it doesn't suck because I get to celebrate it just like everybody else."
"I've absolutely loved every moment of it, just like, it doesn't go away, it's going to continue, he can still celebrate it for a long time."
"I love it. You've taken merry to a whole new level."
"You don't have to have achieved anything or crossed any milestone before you celebrate yourself."
"There's celebrations coming into your life really soon, something to celebrate."
"The marriage supper of the lamb is the most exquisite event in the universe."
"Kim Woo's dad says they should celebrate because the potatoes sold for $7,000."
"I love that you can just set off a firework right in the middle of graduation."
"It's like a magical surprise party where unexpected guests bring the fireworks."
"Our GDP growth is the best of all the G7. Number one. In normal times, that's something that everybody celebrates."
"It's an extraordinary day for journalism, it's an extraordinary day for free speech."
"This is such a win for Miss Trixie. This is definitely winner, winner, winner, winner, chicken dinner."
"It's been a long, wild year, so how about we gather around the table and give thanks for having kills to count."
"Congratulations on 1 million subscribers. That is so sweet."
"Now everybody's happy again. This calls for a food party."
"Always go where you are wanted, welcomed, and celebrated, not where you are merely tolerated."
"Track your progress and celebrate the milestones that you're hitting as you get to that goal."
"Tonight we celebrate more than just a creator; we celebrate a visionary who has worked tirelessly to ensure the games and community they love thrive and evolve."
"It is Earth, Wind & Fire Day because today is the 21st of September."
"Thank you all for being here, well done to Anthony Joshua, phenomenal."
"Play, have fun, celebrate; don't be so serious."
"Celebrate people of color, celebrate black people, support them, support black creators."
"Let me break it down, be mine. I'm telling you, this is a sign. Be mine, we'll celebrate with some wine."
"You deserve happiness, you deserve stability, you deserve celebration."
"For the Yule holiday season, we enjoy the richness of life and the company of people whom we cherish."
"This is the start of something amazing, let's celebrate the fact that we're on this journey together."
"Let's savor every moment, every second of today's occasion."
"This is the life. Oh yeah, I'm excited for the cake, and I know there's going to be Fortnite."
"Thank you all for coming to my masquerade ball to celebrate my marriage to the prince."
"You're headed into a time of celebration, victory, success, prosperity."
"We should celebrate the works that actually go the extra mile to give us characters instead of caricatures."
"Remember to celebrate the tiny victories, the little things that you so easily overlook. Never forget how lucky you are, never take your life for granted, and of course, remember to always, always, always play around the critical hit."
"It sure is, and now Walt Disney World is throwing a party to celebrate, filled with once-in-a-lifetime experiences, surprises, and of course Disney Magic!"
"This is the best birthday ever, thank you so much."
"This year we’re celebrating 50 years of memories, and more importantly, we’re looking forward to the endless possibilities that lie ahead."
"50 years of dreams coming true and magic made real certainly is cause for celebration."
"This is so good, and you don't have to wait for the holidays. You can have tamales whenever you want."
"I believe with all of my heart and being that every man, woman, child, person, grandparent, everybody should infuse their days with habits of celebration and self-confidence."
"Happy Sunday! People rolling in all over the world."
"Richard is doing everything he can to make this as special as possible."
"I always cry on my birthday, but never for like this. I love you."
"What you celebrate and what makes you feel good, numbs the pain and becomes your standard."
"Pride should be an uncontroversial celebration of queer identity and queer history as a way of putting on a good face for the normies, giving people who are on the cusps of the community an entry into it, showing people what it's all about, and being fun."
"Let's make this Valentine's party one to remember."
"Welcome to the party, and it's okay, like we all were meant for our right times to come into this party."
"You guys celebrate. Love you, that was beautiful. Very, very nice."
"Oh but for now, we bask in the glory of completing it."
"Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. Michael Popok is on his babymoon, he has a little vacation pre-baby, so it's pretty exciting times."
"I'm just happy to be here, you guys. Like, this sh*t is fire. She went above and beyond for my birthday."
"I take it on a case-by-case basis, but tonight, first and foremost, this is the greatest case of all."
"Good luck, congratulations on the kid, congrats."
"Tonight was timeless and perfect in every way."
"Tonight was probably the greatest night in the history of AEW."
"Bangladesh can celebrate, but to win that big prize, you just need to follow the process."
"I was praying about what I could share with you and not just about my dad's life but about your life, asking God how can we use this moment where we're celebrating to also take inventory of our own lives, to also be stretched, changed, and transformed in our own life."
"Celebrate. Good fortune awaits you, but have you taken the time lately to celebrate just how far you've come?"
"Celebrate life, have fun again, and be okay with becoming someone different."
"This month is women history month and I want to uplift women."
"Beautiful. Well, happy Crusader Kings 3 day everybody. Cheers."
"It's the month of love, it's the month of Valentine's Day."
"This is the 20th anniversary of being here in Bahrain, which is really, really cool."
"When you celebrate people, your nervous system and your brain recognize it, and you get what he calls a positive drip of dopamine, which either calms your brain and the stress or it amplifies your mood."
"As I was shooting this video, pride month began. It's a month that over the past few years, at least, has morphed into a celebration for queer people."
"Tomorrow we're going to Hawaii. It's an early birthday present."
"The power to help us remember, grieve, and celebrate."
"It was a surprise birthday party the whole time."
"Relaxation: Something to celebrate involving relaxation. This could be vacation."
"Thank you for joining us. Hope you had a great holiday."
"Wow, Gooby, what an amazing birthday party we're having for you. This is amazing, thank you so much."
"I'm taking my wife out to the White Swan Hotel for our wedding anniversary."
"We won, finally, guys. 1,300,000, baby. Yes! My God, yes!"
"Happy Birthday to You, Make A Wish and make it true."
"Thank you so much. Let's give it up for him over here."
"Welcome back to that main stage, Toronto Ultra, your Major 3 champion."
"This is the literal definition of slay, Queen, pop off."
"Breen Ridge wrote 'Happy Birthday Miss China' on the lunar surface, proving he's really the great inventor that he's always bragging about."
"Do something really cool and cowboy...Yeehaw! Okay, and then you can put the hat on in celebration."
"What a great day it is, guys, what an absolutely great thing."
"I tell you, the closer we get to Rosh Hashanah this year, the more glory I'm feeling."
"This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad."
"Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day."
"An extra five billion people fed properly over the last 50 years is something to celebrate."
"Play, don't be serious, celebrate, be in a celebratory mood as much as you can. That's really going to serve you."
"We're all stars. Gonna go so hard. Dance in the sky. You'll see us shining like sublime, and we're the all stars tonight."
"The victories we do win are not always the victories we fought for, but we should celebrate them nonetheless."
"Life Appreciation Day is a thing that we celebrate here every single year... I try to just remember, you know, things get better."
"Celebrate the small little victories, small wins."
"Ignition, engine full power, and lift off of NASA crew. A go falcon, go SpaceX, and go [Applause]."
"It's the coolest time of the year, everyone's happy."
"Celebrate every day, every day is a celebration."
"I think it was really difficult to celebrate the achievements, to fully really soak it in because I was so afraid of soaking it in to the point where I would become complacent."
"We don't celebrate healthy, dynamic, lasting monogamous relationships enough."
"Whatever this opportunity is or this reason to celebrate, it's obviously something very exciting and it's something to celebrate over."
"Every little small win, I congratulate them on, and we celebrated."
"Tonight is all about Black excellence, then you can feel the energy in the air."
"Thank you guys for by far the best year of our lives."
"Why is there a party for me? Everyone wanted to thank you for being the best teacher in the world."
"You celebrate the victory with those who assisted in its accomplishment."
"Thank you, everyone. This is my best birthday ever."
"Celebrate small wins. If it's like, yo, we had one date night this month or he or she went to church with you, that's a big deal."
"I celebrate life, love, and abundance every day."
"Every day should just be Valentine's Day. It is nice to have a little moment though, to cherish your loved one and celebrate your relationship."
"Now I don't know about you guys, but I would be partying all night with my dogs and my action figures if I became the ultimate speedrunner."
"Thank you to all of you for joining us tonight as we celebrate and reflect on our nation's diverse history and honor all those that fought for it and who continue to fight."
"Imagine a cross between Easter and the 4th of July where congregants are decked out in Red, White, and Blue, wave American flags, cheer at indoor fireworks, and worship to The Battle Hymn of the Republic just as they would with any traditional hymn."
"When Norwegian students finish their schooling, they don't just go on a regular class trip; they celebrate in what's become one of the most extravagant school traditions in the world."
"I'm pretty proud of that the game awards is not perfect, obviously, but I like that there's a big shindig where we all get together as an industry and celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of game makers."
"Vegas is back, people are back, America's back. This is great news, it's super bullish."
"We need to celebrate Dr. Henderson while he's still here. Yeah, we need to celebrate everybody while they're still here."
"The Lunar New Year is celebrated all over Asia and is treated as a public holiday in all these different countries."
"For the first time ever, we fought for this and we won. This is big news, folks."
"Well, this is going to be a fantastic night, and I'm really grateful for all of you being here."
"This is a historic first, a real celebration of everything good about cycling."
"What a wonderful time of year, Christmas, to be able to pause and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ."
"Congratulations on your success and happy New Year, my friend."
"Wow, what a day, what a return to Portland for the first time in 11 years. It's definitely one to remember."
"The more you celebrate and have fun and enjoy life, the more things are gonna be unlocked."
"It's a good feeling, you know, especially when your friends fly to celebrate with you."
"Father's Day is right around the corner, and it's important to celebrate the person who is your protector, it could even be your mom."
"All of a sudden, you guys are able to celebrate."
"When he came out and said, 'We found him alive,' to actually go and rescue him, everybody celebrated way bigger than when he actually got out."
"Happy news! We have a new Champion here, none other than our very own Master Michael."
"Life is made up of transitions... I don't think we celebrate the transitions enough in life."
"Happy Friday, people! Thank God it's Friday, TGIF!"
"Happy 90th birthday, Dad. I know you're at home watching with Mom."
"This shows the soldier being victorious after battle and everyone cheering him on."
"When you celebrate, you give energy, you give life to things."
"Celebrate May the 4th with new Star Wars merch."
"So much has taken place during this pandemic, but at the same time, life is still here for many of us, and that is being celebrated here at the Queen's Park Savannah this independence morning."
"The parade in commemoration of 60 years of independence in Trinidad and Tobago has really been a wonderful morning, a wonderful day thus far."
"The cringe that represents Valentine's Day has officially been given a royal send-off."
"Congratulations, guys. You have achieved the impossible."
"Bless this mess. Now, fill your chalices, and let's get to it."
"It's so hard to like feel like I should allow myself to celebrate but feel bad because there are people literally going through hell right now."
"I only sing for my parents' birthdays. So if my parents have a party, I know that it's their favorite thing when I sing."