
Infection Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Heating up can actually help combat infection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"COVID-19 is on that continuum between droplet infection and aerosolization, perhaps more transmissible than simple droplet infection."
"So, the viruses are infecting cells... and then the immune system comes and mounts that response and kind of over does it."
"We found a frozen leviathan that's infected with Carra."
"It's not a moral failing if you get infected. It doesn't mean you did anything wrong."
"Look at this great big sis. Now what I remember about this video is thinking, this is big, number one. Number two, it's infected. And number three, it's really infected."
"Viruses infect every living thing on the planet. Nothing escapes a virus infection."
"Every infected person makes tens or hundreds of thousands of mutant copies."
"Fortunately, there is one silver lining in this particular infection: it looks as if children are affected much less than adults."
"There's a fungus Among Us and it's officially infecting people's brains and trying to kill you on sight."
"The sad fact remains that there are people dying now of this infection who would have survived even if they'd had fairly basic medical treatment."
"Once you're infected and you recover, if you get exposed to this exact virus, you will not get reinfected."
"Five days after his initial interview, medical staff conducted a thorough physical examination on that infected man, finding that the internal structure of his body had completely changed in composition."
"The infection is caused directly by contact exposure to any of the substances."
"These individuals run the risk of not only getting infected themselves through constant interaction with the general public, but also risk unknowingly passing it to their loved ones."
"If we're not getting reinfected we can't get seriously ill so this this is actually quite good news."
"Previous natural infection of SARS-CoV-2 gives you some immunity against being re-infected."
"I don't wish it on anyone, it's horrible to get an infection like that."
"People with or without symptoms can be highly infectious."
"Now the good news is every successive infection which you can get it over and over again now has progressively gotten more mild."
"When we get a physical infection, the first thing that happens is we have a breakdown of a particular barrier."
"Is it finally time for speaker head to be uninfected?"
"Outside the neighborhood wandering citizens were demanding the authorities to deal with the infected inside."
"Infections strike an estimated 8 million Americans every year."
"Being infected with something, loss of control, having a hive mind take over, that's scarier than the zombie apocalypse."
"You've been infected with the previously unknown waterborne bacterium... it's imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."
"Omicron causes attenuated infection, milder infection, and disease."
"Tonsillitis: infection of tonsils causing uncomfortable swelling, sometimes requiring tonsillectomy."
"For every single person identified as having the virus actively, there are 50 people out there who had it and never showed up with a positive test."
"Once vibrio vulnificus enters the body, it thrives."
"Anti infection tablets, for treating infection, definitely an essential."
"Much of the havoc that is wreaked by different infections isn't from the bacterium itself but actually from the endotoxins that are created by it."
"That wound is breaking down, and on top of that, we're getting that pus."
"The risk of reinfection may be lower in the first three months after initial infection."
"This can lead to bacterial infection of the biliary tree."
"This bile is rich in bacteria but it's also rich in bilirubin."
"If you have an infection with a virus like a cold flu or covid infection these could all cause brain fog."
"The elevator is no longer a prison cell, well, okay, it definitely still is, but it’s also a sort of shark cage against the infected."
"Deep within the backwoods of Oklahoma, a creature likely originating from outside of Earth's biosphere touched on and immediately began infecting animals within the woods."
"Pancreatic pseudocysts can become infected due to hypovolemia, leading to systemic features like increased white blood cell count and fever."
"...Humanity never stood a chance, the infection swept across the planet like a tidal wave..."
"That's harsh, people infection I can come up and lick like I'm licking an ice cream."
"The 'happening' is a film by M. Night Shyamalan in which Humanity gets infected by a deadly plague, but this plague doesn't just kill you, it invades your mind and convinces you to do it on your own."
"Bacteria can themselves get sick; they are sometimes infected by bacteriophages or simply phages, a type of virus."
"Yeast infections are fungal infections that thrive in dark, warm, moist places like the vagina. Classic signs include itching and clumpy discharge."
"Despite her ordeal in the operating theater, Elizabeth didn't make it. She never left the ward within a week she died of infection."
"Our most up to date estimates suggest that before we ever detected a single case in New York City that this virus had already infected tens of thousands of people."
"The virus grows to very high titers very early in infection. RNA loads will get to--sometimes to a trillion viral RNA copies per milliliter."
"It has to be true that people have eaten infected deer and have not gotten CWD that we know about."
"Permanently fixed on one unifying goal: to spread the infection to every last human alive."
"The known infection vectors for SCP 610 spread seem to be focused on physical contact."
"The inflammatory response provides protection from infections, conceptualized as part of a spectrum from harmony to immunity."
"Both Hops and Marco’s wounds were infected; the stench in their cabin was enough to gag a ghost, and the noises they made were inhuman."
"The concept of a wear car infecting others as a relic of a Time long since past plays into many of the same fears of the ancient and esoteric."
"I'd go with the vaccine risk rather than the infection risk, that is for sure."
"Active is the one that we actually have to produce antibodies against... naturally acquired is being infected with a pathogen."
"Why would B27 want more people to be infected with serum?"
"Extreme thirst at first nearly uncontrollable, urinating, a simple scuffed knee that had never really healed over now raging with infection, red streaks up nearly to her groin, her fever soaring to 103."
"The body is raising the core temperature in response to the infection to help kill it."
"Viruses are an integral part of our lives. Every living thing on the planet is infected with viruses all the time."
"So if you have some pre-existing level of immunity and have those clones that can respond faster and better, you may become infected but you may resolve the infection much more quickly."
"Biden's pelosa is a wonderful herb, especially for staff infections like bumblefoot."
"...plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"...it just is going to save you so much headach and yeah plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"It's only shot I feel like any abnormal infected or super rare."
"Pretty much how if you have to get bit to be infected, first person. Good question."
"Even if they saved her, Kurumi probably wouldn't live long as she was also infected."
"We are targeting the cell, the infected cell, and not the virus directly. And we would expect from our data so far that it should be working for all mutants."
"The I love you virus managed to infect a thousand two hundred people in just the first three hours and millions of people after a day."
"He wanted to control those infected by the virus."
"But you're still seeing lots of people getting infected, particularly with the variants, even if they're doing all of those things."
"The immune system is never going to stop if there's an ongoing infection, its job is to protect."
"Sepsis is an overreaction of the body to infection and it can cause death or disabilities."
"Chronic conditions can alter a patient's ability to fight infection."
"Indwelling catheters... are a perfect way for bacteria to get in."
"If we're making an infra-inguinal incision or we're in the gi tract then we have to start thinking about gram-negative species like klebsiella or and of course if we're in the genital tract or the colon or the pharynx then we have to think about anaerobes."
"I think what the mTOR inhibitors are doing is not stopping people from getting infected, but if you get infected, there's a better immune response and your symptoms will be milder."
"She wasn't so much infected as she was basically melting herself in the sauna."
"It's different than droplet because droplet these diseases will enter in through your eyes your nose your mouth your mucous membranes for you to get infected with it."
"Antibiotics should only be prescribed to treat bacterial infections that could infect others unless treated, are unlikely to resolve without treatment, or carry a high risk of complications."
"Antibiotics may also be used prophylactically for people who are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of infection."
"The chain or cycle of infection includes the germ or microorganism, the reservoir, the exit portal, the mode of transmission, the entry port, and the susceptible host."
"...if only one of these links in the Chain of Infection is removed or broken then the spread of an infectious disease potentially cannot occur."
"Only bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics."
"This parasite may have already infected 30% of the human population."
"And what if they're already infected?"
"Pilots were ready to deploy infection devices were live and teams were set up to meet with any incoming Landing parties."
"There's a difference between exposure and infection, and if your upper respiratory system is working properly because it is hydrated properly, it mitigates it."
"The fever is actually a good response and it helps fight off the infection."
"So, here's a good example of inflammation. It's now an abscess, which is a walled-off area of pus."
"Most people are infected at an early age and are asymptomatic but it can cause disease like mononucleosis."
"So it's clearly the host response that has a major contributor to pathogenicity."
"You need very few receptors to actually get into a cell."
"Human can have either C or Y at this position, and if you have Y, you're predisposed to more severe infections."
"She seems to have cured herself of infection by getting rid of intact virus, and that is very exciting because very few people are able to do this around the world."
"So viruses are professional introducers of genetic material into cells, they are extremely good at that, they are evolved for that."
"Destroying what we now know were infected civilians was played off as cracking down on dissidents."
"It'll get you infected, oh Hecks no."
"It was like three, four people walking down the park, and then just one of them spread the infection within like 20 seconds."
"Platelets have receptors for a range of bacterial and viral molecules."
"We had to stop the infection from spreading."
"I'm very hopeful that we have a drug that we have a therapy that will remove the specter of death, remove the specter of horrible morbidities, and makes this just another infection."
"The lymphatic system is key for fighting infection, like in the case of COVID. It transports the infection to lymph glands where immunity develops."
"The big thing about T cells and B cells is they make memory, so when you come in contact with something you remember those infections."
"If a leader succumbs to the wounds, they will randomly infect 20% of the clan and then die, dying resets their condition and they will be fine again just down one life but with 20% more of the clan infected."
"It's actually most likely an oral-oral route."
"As the infection continues, another hit comes in the form of nutrient denial."
"HPV is common among both men and women... about 80% of people will get an HPV infection in their lives."
"Once the parasite starts to interact with the red cell stage it begins to release things into the bloodstream during its division cycles which the immune system picks up on."
"The brain is affected by very many infections."
"Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites; they need a host in order to grow, multiply, and infect."
"It's the body's overwhelming and life-threatening response to an infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death."
"If it is positive, that means that the patient is infected."
"But the very important structure for infection is the microcanidia."
"It's found in the environment, primarily a pulmonary pathogen."
"Alex can infect anyone he touches with this virus, altering their biology at the molecular level in seconds and giving him complete control over their actions."
"So the real clue here should be the streaks of redness from the wound site, and that's a sign that there's the infection of the lymph channels..."
"Every recurrent, unusual, or severe infection has to occur in a susceptible patient because the majority of patients do not have those."
"Memory cells will remember that pathogen so that if you come in contact with it again, it's gonna respond much faster."
"Root canals are a way to eliminate your body from infection."
"Viruses like a gamma herpes viruses are able to dramatically reshape the gene expression environment of a host cell during infection."
"Infection would look and feel just like if you were to scrape your knee and it got infected. The area could be red, swollen, painful, you could have purulent drainage around the area, and there could be warmth."
"The interesting part is that generally speaking, the bacteria which have a disease suppressive effect and suppress pathogens from causing an infection are all of these facultative anaerobes."
"Sin seems to be our patient zero our first of the infected."
"The canine hematophagic virus is an insidious and ultra-efficient agent of infection, spreading to nearly every system and tissue within the canine body within mere hours."
"The infected in Left 4 Dead aren't actually dead but rabies-like feral humans."
"80% of people do know that they're infected."
"Just because she has a grand plan for her, because she knew that she was infected and survived."
"Patients on droplet precautions until lesions are scabbed over."
"Pneumonia, infection in the lungs. Prevention is incentive spirometer, breathing exercise. Antibiotic is a priority."
"That's how the viruses get the cells to enter mitosis."
"The one question is, will a vaccine protect from infection or just protect from disease? Ideally, we'd like to have a vaccine that completely protects from infection."
"If a virus has a furin cleavage site, it can be more ready to infect cells."
"This infection kills young, vigorous, robust adults."
"...if infection sets in, that mortality can be as high as 30 percent."
"The idea here is that antibodies can be generated in somebody who's infected that can target the original virus."
"This parasitic fungus attaches to the insect host by infecting the foraging creature through spores, and then it works to penetrate the insect's exoskeleton until it slowly controls its entire body."
"Eyeworms are exactly what they sound like: worms that are found in your eyes."
"There's no protection from infection anyway now some people argue that maybe disease severity is somewhat related to your history but as brienne said everybody's been infected."
"Always consider whether this could have been caused mechanically or whether an infection is responsible."
"What happened to them? Maybe they didn't follow the rules and they all got infected, even the kids."
"Inapparent or asymptomatic infections are a problem because you can't stop an epidemic."
"80% of transmissions are caused by just 10% of infectious individuals."
"Viruses have a free ride in, of course."
"Many virus infections are seasonal."
"The performances, I really like the production design, the creature design for the infected and for the clickers look awesome."
"The transformation of cells probably occurs after the saliva of the infected person enters the human bloodstream."
"I don't want to compare it to 'The Walking Dead' because I know it's a very different story, different kind of - I know they're not zombies in this, they're infected."
"Interferon is a natural chemical produced in response to infection."
"White blood cells... are responsible for fighting infection."
"Fever is a normal response to when you have an infection."
"People were only infectious when they had symptoms, but they remained infectious after death."
"These superbugs are trying to take our fortress by stealth, creeping into our hospitals and homes, invisible and potentially deadly."
"At the site of the flea bite, there's what's called a carbuncle or gangrenous black blister, surrounded by red pot marks."
"My doctor prescribed an antibiotic to fight my infection."
"Well, now that we know for a fact we can be infected, we need to do everything we can to limit our exposure to the contagion."
"The good news is for most of us, Pseudomonas is largely an opportunistic infection."
"Vector transmission is when you spread an infection from one person to another using a vector."
"Lemierre syndrome is an oral pharyngeal infection which leads to thrombosis in the jugular vein, septicemia, and carries a very high fatality rate."
"Actinomyces israelii is associated with oral, thoracic, and abdominal infections, and is susceptible to penicillin."
"The zombie ants turn into a zombie once infected by a certain kind of fungus."
"On average, one child will spread it to 18 additional children."
"When we think of cardiac infections, we should think of the layers of the heart."
"What makes a urinary tract infection complicated versus uncomplicated? So complicated urinary tract infections include UTIs in males, patients with poorly controlled diabetes, pregnant women, children, elderly, those patients that are immunocompromised."
"If you're Hep B surface antigen is positive, you have infection."
"An increase in white blood cell count means acute infection, inflammation, allergies, even pregnancy."
"Sepsis is a life-threatening complication that occurs when the body's response to infection causes damage to its own organs and tissues."
"The goal of treatment is to cure infection, prevent recurrence, and achieve a pain-free, functional joint."
"One person with measles on average will infect 14 other people if they haven't been vaccinated."
"The coronavirus does not have a political affiliation—it will infect Republicans, independents, and Democrats alike."
"Endometritis is an ascending polymicrobial infection of the uterine lining."
"Mastitis is a regional infection of the breast usually caused by skin flora or oral flora of the breastfeeding infant."
"Keep using it because getting rid of that milk actually helps get rid of the infection and it's not going to hurt the baby at all."
"If you have a really severe allergy... if you get a parasitic infection, your allergy pretty much goes away."
"Viruses actually infect every living thing on earth, including bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi, and plants."
"The nervous system can be infected by a parasite called Naegleria fowleri, often referred to as the brain-eating amoeba."
"Fungal keratitis is another sight-threatening infection of the cornea caused by any of a number of species of fungi."
"Data suggests that the level of protection afforded by previous infection is at least as high, if not higher, than that provided by two doses of vaccine."
"Oxidative stress is something that our immune cells do when they're fighting an infection."
"So we need to figure out from a public health perspective how to prevent infection."
"Vaccines not only reduce your chance of getting infected, but they may squeeze down the window during which you're actually infectious."
"The most common organism producing pyogenic osteomyelitis is Staphylococcus aureus."
"The purpose of the virus is to basically make copies of its genome and package these genomes into virions so that they can go on and infect new hosts."
"The virus just wants to infect and spread and work fast."
"Communicable diseases are diseases that can be passed from one person to another."
"Sepsis is systemic infection, so infection throughout the entire body."
"Biofilm is this really kind of unique substance... responsible for 80% of microbial invasions in the body."
"A pathogen must gain access to the host."
"The microbe must be able to adhere or stick to those specific host tissues."
"The pathogen must have the ability to either penetrate into specific host tissues or evade or trick our host defenses."
"The pathogen must be able to directly damage the host."
"Sepsis is a condition of pro-inflammatory imbalance; it's a disordered response to a severe infection."
"Monocytes are circulating macrophages that can leave the bloodstream to enter an infected tissue."
"Onychomycosis refers to a fungal infection of a nail, which is an extremely common problem."
"One of the most feared of all fungal infections is rhinocerebral mucormycosis."
"Iatrogenic infections, these are actually have been caused by some medical process or through doctors."
"The proto-molecule acts as an infectious agent and we start to see how that affects life."
"Vaccinated people still get infected, they are just less likely to die or have severe disease."
"Vaccine protection against infection had a durability of about three months, but protection against severe disease was more durable."
"Gum disease and cavities are bacterial infections; they're transmissible infections."