
Personal Fulfillment Quotes

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"I feel like what I'm doing is actually having a positive impact in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"My work is a manifestation of my greatest good."
"What is in us must out; we all have to follow our creative urges in the way that nature prepared for us, otherwise we can be hopelessly hemmed in by frustration."
"What do you want? Is your behavior getting you what you want?"
"The deepest happiness in the world... is happy for no reason."
"What sets your soul on fire? Follow that, be that."
"To find love, love yourself and do what you love."
"Many of them, I would say over 80 percent of the men, go, 'Hey, I am successful,' and then they go, 'But I'm depressed. I'm successful but I'm anxious. I'm successful but I'm alone. I'm successful but I'm not happy.' And I realize that, 'Oh, wait a minute, bro, you're not successful after all.'"
"Find out what makes you happy and live your life every single day doing it."
"Follow your bliss does not mean get addicted to pleasure. It is to pursue excellence and ignore success."
"Vitality is what people are looking for in life. What is vitality? It's a sense of aliveness."
"Did you ever think you would make it? I taste sweet victory. I know this life's for me."
"Your job is what they pay you to do; your work is what you were born to do."
"You only live life once, you enjoy it as much as you can really."
"Learning self-love is the point of human life. If you love yourself completely, you would have no more problems left in your life."
"You can't make people happy from the outside; you can only make them happy from the inside."
"Nothing makes you happy other than being useful to others."
"Isn't that incredible? To hear those things and realize, 'This is why I do it.' It's your motivation to keep going."
"Making what makes me happy is seeing my people happy, and knowing I did it."
"Think about what is going to make you the happiest."
"I love teaching. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction."
"It's not okay not to pursue greatness in your life and whatever makes you happy."
"Success is the fulfillment of God's plan for your life."
"Making more people like me, enjoy my stories, laugh at my jokes is not going to improve my subjective experience of life at all."
"The way the human mind is wired, for you to really get something out of what you're doing, it's got to serve not only yourself but other people."
"It's not about success and views, it's about enjoying what you love. Whatever makes you happy."
"We all have this set time on this planet, and we should use that time to do the things that actually make us happy, things that make it all worth it."
"Intrinsic motivation is you're doing things because it brings you personal happiness, joy, fulfillment."
"Success is there for you, just make sure that it fulfills you personally, otherwise it's an empty victory."
"It's the only thing I've ever wanted to do, and it's just a thrill to know that I am getting to actually do that."
"Follow your heart, follow your gut, and do something you love."
"One of your purposes is to be very prosperous, is to enjoy the fruits of life... to enjoy freedom of money, wealth, to enjoy a very prosperous life, to attain things that you very much deeply desire."
"In an industry that often sees actors chasing roles, fame, or longevity, Day-Lewis pursued perfection, authenticity, and, perhaps most importantly, personal fulfillment."
"It's not about making others happy; it's about making you happy."
"Find out what you would do for free. That might just be your passion."
"You might as well hopefully enjoy a little bit part of it, working on projects that I feel like I'm making a difference at."
"Money is freedom, money is the power to build the life you want for yourself."
"We all have a desire within us to contribute to others."
"Focus our energy on things that are fulfilling to us."
"There's no greater feeling of accomplishment like there is not, there's I have accomplished a lot in my life in terms of my career and I can tell you there is nothing that satisfies me more than just my baby smiling at me."
"It's an amazing feeling not worrying about where I'm gonna be and... knowing that I can kind of pivot and do things that I want to do and find a way to make it successful."
"One of my life goals personally is just to do more of what makes me happy."
"It is not wrong to get your needs met by other people."
"I hope you really enjoyed that analysis; that was really, really fun for me."
"Your happiness can't be tied to getting married, your happiness can't be tied to having children. Your happiness has to come from being happy right where you are."
"Your career is such a huge chunk of time until you retire... if I don't love it every single day, why would I want to spend such a huge chunk of my life doing it?"
"You should do something because it's what you want to do essentially, it's fulfilling to you."
"Happiness is the hardest thing to achieve and without it, everything is so difficult."
"My real fulfillment is going to come from being able to change the world in a significant and meaningful way that makes it better for other people."
"Your happiness is going to come from your own personal fulfillment from your own accomplishments because no one can give it to you and no one can take it away from you."
"It's just like everything I wanted it to be and I just never want it to end."
"It's about the journey, not about the destination. I really enjoyed and got a lot of value and fulfillment and skills and joy from the journey of going through med school."
"There are real costs to being you. But what's more important to you? Is it more important for you to be self-expressive, to really be yourself, to be fulfilled inside, or to continue seeking shallow external validation?"
"The dream that your personal fulfillment is achieved through career is tangential to a bigger idea: you should be free to be whoever you want to be."
"Successful to me these days means that I am happy and at peace and enjoying the thing I'm doing."
"True riches include abundance and prosperity in all areas of life, including health, relationships, and personal fulfillment."
"The pursuit of financial abundance and personal fulfillment is a universal human desire, and the principles of success are truly timeless."
"I spend all my time doing what I love. What could you ask for?"
"Thank you all so much for everything. It's still blowing my mind every single day that I get to do this for a living."
"It's learning how to meet your own needs and make yourself feel good on your own."
"One of the best ways to not be needy is to have a life that doesn't need anybody else in to make it fulfilled."
"If you're going to spend 40 hours or more of your time every single week doing something, at the very least you would hope that it would be satisfying."
"You thrive most fully, abundantly, and deliciously when you are just you."
"You do not have to work as a photographer to be legitimate. If you already take photographs and you enjoy it, you are already legit."
"What's missing if you're not fulfilled in life is a deeper connection to yourself."
"Annie was deeply fulfilled by her work and studies; she was happy with her life, happy with herself, and happy with her dreams."
"True happiness does not come from material success or your financial endeavors."
"I think it's possible to be happy when single."
"Find what you're passionate about because if you're passionate about it, you will do good work in that area... and you'll find a way to get people to pay you for it."
"That close to the chest happiness... that's the one that matters."
"Getting more of what we do want out of our lives and relationships, and less of what we don't."
"If you could have as much money as you want, if you could have the time that you want, and if you could have the meaning that you want in your life, that's what we call being rich beyond money."
"How much better to create a life that you love, that you enjoy."
"It is very important that you only do what you love."
"Seizing the things that you want out of life and living the best life that you want to live."
"The measure of success would be the fulfillment of one's personal interests rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power."
"We're brought up in a world where the system dominates and our hearts are left to be squashed and ignored in order to climb some sort of an imaginary ladder in the corporate world."
"If you were to view your own personal happiness and fulfillment as a recipe of ingredients...what do you think is missing from that recipe for you to be completely happy?"
"Live your life how you want to live it; follow your bliss."
"So my life improved dramatically once I accepted that I have no singular all-consuming calling and instead just want to do a variety of stuff I kind of like until I eventually die."
"What are we gonna leave when we leave? To me, it's a legacy of like spreading hope, spreading that idea that like you can have whatever you want in life."
"What genuinely fills your cup makes you feel energized; that's your taste, end of story."
"In the end of the day, happiness needs to come from love, cringy as that sounds."
"How to be single and satisfied at the same time."
"Success isn't the end of the story either. You might get a lot of followers for doing one thing but what happens if you stop enjoying that?"
"Expectation will produce what you need, not just what you want."
"Abundance is about overflow. It's about having so much that you can feed others from your saucer because your cup is already full."
"Find your own niche and do what makes you happy."
"There's more joy in giving than receiving; we seem to have lost that idea of being other person centered and finding ourselves and being generous spirited."
"I firmly believe that following what is going to make you happy will make this decision a lot easier."
"It's time to open up the door to setting your heart back on fire again for what you desire because it's so meant for you."
"Happiness is very often that thing between where you are and where you expect to be."
"Many of you listening to this shun the path of your greatest creativity, joy, and aliveness, thinking you'll not be able to make enough money from it."
"Work is a service to others that helps complete you."
"We can have enough perspective to gain clarity on what a vibrant life can look and feel like for each of us."
"Somebody having something doesn't take away from what I could have, what I have."
"I think just want to diversify your happiness portfolio so that your happiness is not entirely based on your accomplishments at work."
"I love it. It's not my job; it's my passion."
"What makes you happy? That's what you should be asking yourself."
"Don't wait around to make the changes that you need in order to truly live your fulfilling life because you're going to wake up one day and that hourglass is going to be emptying very, very rapidly."
"Engage in activities that really make you feel happy and fulfilled."
"I want people to be living what makes them happiest."
"I think my kids are everything I've ever wanted or needed in life."
"Passion is so important. Do what you love, believe in it with everything you are, and make it happen."
"Finding a goal, this is you finding a passion, this is you finding what it is that's gonna make you feel so good."
"If you look to someone to make yourself whole, you're on the wrong track."
"When what you’re deeply passionate about, what you can be best in the world at, and what drives your economic engine come together, not only does your work move toward greatness, but so does your life."
"Whenever we have the Nine of Cups here, though, it could be that you guys are having a really good month where you guys are feeling really great."
"What makes me happy the most is helping people."
"Get yourself addicted to success and fulfillment."
"95% of the people live their entire life and never live the way they want to live."
"The truth don't always win. You got rich people who break the rules, they're rich, successful, and they're dying inside."
"What kind of wealth could you give me that could feed my soul?"
"Once you start living your life like that, whether it be like music or content you're making, that's when you'll really be successful in it."
"Service to others [has become] a priority of mine and a blessing... It's so fulfilling and makes me so happy to help."
"If you're doing something successful with your life, whether it's working, whether it's a celebrity, whether it's...a library, I don't care, as long as you're doing something successful with your life, then I think that's good."
"In reality, positive freedom is what defines happiness more so than anything else."
"I'm almost at a loss for words because that's, to me, that's what this is all about."
"We should get on to lives of meaning and to doing meaningful things with our time."
"The most successful people in the world are also some of the most miserable people in the world because they lack challenge."
"This is going to be a massive opportunity for individuals to find work inside this online world and I think this is also going to provide a lot of happiness for individuals who are struggling to find jobs in the real world."
"Having the capacity to not be alienated from your soul is going to be just as necessary as food, shelter, leisure, pleasure, rest, and water."
"Enjoy life, make decisions that you want to make based on your and how what you want to do with yourself."
"I love this Great Resignation. I think it's great that people are finally starting to realize that hey, I can do something that I love."
"Intrinsic goals tend to subsume extrinsic goals... the more time I spend focusing on getting those carrots, the less I really care about what I came for in the first place."
"Start listening to that and follow what makes you feel good rather than what makes you feel drained."
"Sometimes you feel like it's not enough, like what you're doing or what you have. The feeling of like you're not doing enough."
"Build a life that is worth living. Build a life that you don't want to forget."
"It's not somebody else that gives us the experiences that we want; it's not the other person that gives us our forever. It is us who gives us our forever."
"Success is being surrounded by a lot of love and joy."
"I think one of the big depressions is, it's like, you grow up and you have these dreams and these goals, and you kind of achieve it, then you sit back and think to yourself, 'Oh, is this it?'"
"Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord, the less entertainment you need."
"You're always going to have that love from within."
"Monetizing your passions can actually be really fun."
"A person might be prime minister or president, but it does not give that much effect unless the family life is great."
"You can live the life that you want to live 100%, you just have to be willing to put in the work."
"Happiness is famously elusive and famously people find happiness often by sinking their own aims, their own needs in those of others."
"Having a family and a connection and like really bringing something real into the world is...at the very least equal [to hustling and becoming the best version of oneself]."
"Success has way more importance... if you're having fun with what you're doing, then you're already successful."
"I specialize in social media now and I am just living my best life."
"Success is doing what you want with your life."
"I've always loved writing. Most of my short stories nobody reads, but I write for myself."
"What really matters is the relationships with the people in your life... if you don't have people close to you to share them with, pretty much anything will eventually feel empty."
"Fulfillment is achieved by going through intense struggle to accomplish something meaningful that makes your life a net positive on society. To most people, that's having kids."
"At the end of the day, we want people to be happy, and if decisions about being happy don't align with where we're going, and you won't be happy, then you'll have to do what will make you happy."
"I still want to make them because I really enjoy making them."
"Find something that makes you tick; if it is a pure expression of who you are as a person in a job, then you're probably gonna be successful at it."
"I was blessed to play this game to make the money I made, the accomplishments I made in eight years is like, I'm complete."
"What you want is not more, what you want is all."
"Music and this instrument is such a source of joy for me that every choice I make I want to reaffirm that feeling."
"Life is calling to you, you need to deliver something to life."
"You gotta find what gives you juice because the more fulfilled I am, the more I can give."
"The luxury is to pursue what makes you happy. It's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"Do something that you love, because why? If you're doing something you love, that's of joy."
"This is the honor of my life, and it means everything to us."
"The greatest blessing has been having this financial freedom to be able to travel the world, do what I want."
"Make today count, do something that you love."
"Finding what lights you up what excites you and sharing that in a way that allows you to maintain you know maintain that light."
"There is always satisfaction in something that you've made yourself."
"Orphan Paul finally found the love he had been searching for a long time, the love of a family."
"God calling us to live in the way he has created us is really just his love and his wisdom."
"It's time to be a scavenger and start asking ourselves what would light up my life."
"No human life is fulfilled unless there is at least some access to the dimension within them that transcends the self."
"You're more likely to create your own life if you tap into what you find fulfilling."
"We never feel truly satisfied, we never feel truly fulfilled, and that's a sad place to be because that's not the way we should be living."
"I still like to be in the gym and sometimes training other people is a way of me kind of doing it myself, the things that I can't do, and I can give them the energy and give them the knowledge."
"It's the feeling that other people are having more fun, more experiences, and living better lives than you."
"Happiness, that's the only thing worth knowing."
"Mastering one's craft is the key to any person being successful and happy, I believe."
"You're just so glad that you didn't settle for second best."
"The sustaining meaning in your life will not be found in hedonistic self-gratification."
"Isn't there an interesting part of it though too that as you get some of that success you realize it's not the Fulfillment that you think it'll be?"
"Their joy makes me happy, you know, as a father."
"When you die, your legacy is not going to be in who you slept with or who you are married to. Your legacy is going to be in how much fulfillment you found in fulfilling your 'why'."
"Suitable for my soul, necessary for my assignment."
"The aim of life is self-development, to realize one's nature perfectly."
"When you have this free time let's just do something that's productive something that makes you feel good about yourself."
"The goal of this game called life is not money, it's fulfillment."
"Let's seize the day, let's love who we love, let's set a goal, achieve the dream, let's fashion the world we want."
"Our best work comes from that place of enough."
"Your life is about the joyous Journey not about the product."
"What is so wrong with working an okay, normal job with some cool people that you like and then pursuing your passion in your free time on the side?"
"Fall in love with yourself, be willing to be alone."
"Healing is what's coming through: the ability to take your heart and bring it into a place where you're happy, fulfilled, no longer holding on to the past."
"Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world."
"Success without happiness is basically stagnation."
"I actually did make a lot of money... but it wasn't about making money. It's about... doing what you love, furthering the human species."
"I think when he's free soloing, he feels the most alive, almost everything. How can you even think about taking it away from somebody?"
"It's worth it if it puts you on the path to living the life you wanted to live."
"Making it is subjective, just living and enjoying [__]."
"Do what you love if you have the luxury of being able to take the time and pay the tuition and then figure out your career later, you know? Yeah, you'll figure it out, yeah, don't worry about it." - Starship Vega
"I'm seeing you live a life more in accordance with your wants and your needs. I'm seeing you live unapologetically."
"The goal of life is not to make money but to make your dreams come true."
"It's a full circle. I'm enjoying a lot what I do right now because I can creatively challenge myself."
"I love my job. This is the best job in the world."
"The goal here isn't satisfying external expectation... it goes back to how do we feel."
"Ultimately, living a life that you love is the most important thing at the end of the day."
"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do whatever makes you happy, do whatever makes you feel fulfilled."
"Don't settle for imitation life in real life."
"Your purpose in life is just to do whatever you are inspired to do."