
Association Quotes

There are 1244 quotes

"Memory is all a network of associations. That's how we remember things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you keep company with wise people, you'll become wise."
"Logos are not about what you like or dislike... it's human nature to... immediately tries to associate it with something we know."
"When I read the MIT newspaper and so forth, the number of interesting projects, it's nice to be associated with."
"One thing that happens in attraction in general is association. If you're confined or associated with someone for a long enough time, attraction develops naturally."
"You learn words by people speaking words and by you associating those with things in your environment. That's how you learn language."
"Associate with winners, with positive people, with people who are happy and optimistic and who are going somewhere with their lives."
"Knowledge comes to be intimately associated with power."
"It's not just about the media... it's about association, peer-to-peer representation as well."
"He's like generally cool dude... by association basically."
"Associate with the happy and the fortunate instead."
"We're winning free speech, free own inquiry, free association; it's all winning."
"The name of Einstein became synonymous with genius."
"When you attach yourself to weakness, you become weak, and when you attach yourself to the ultimate strength, you become strong."
"Guilt by association rather than the actual crimes of the individual."
"Meeting with someone body that has views that are deplorable doesn't make you that person that doesn't mean that you agree with that person."
"They can't separate you from Trump and more importantly they can't separate you from the ideas."
"You're gonna have to associate the sound of scripture with pain."
"The curse of our times is guilt by association."
"The JLo glow will forever be the thing that I associate with JLo and beauty."
"The power behind a leitmotif comes from its associative properties."
"Narcissism is clearly associated with aggression."
"We should not have guilt by association and we should not be willing to be friends with people who hold diametrically opposed views to our souls."
"I wonder if they've come to associate my scent and close proximity with feeding time!"
"When did guilt by deed turn into guilt by association turn into guilt by conversation?"
"December is almost becoming synonymous with Sony now."
"It's always thrilling, and I think McCartney was smart to associate himself with it because he set the bar for the theme that would follow."
"The prelude... almost conditions you to associate the melody with starting an adventure."
"You can create a bigger association with even the smallest piece of proof or evidence."
"The presence of a fly is quite fitting as we often associate flies with disease."
"I don't want to associate with it anymore, it's disgusting."
"Agents believed a woman from Reno who had befriended him brought him wire cutters."
"You could not spend time around Epstein and not know what was going on."
"They feel extremely lucky to have met you. They want to stay associated with you because they just see you as someone very successful, talented, interesting, funny."
"If you're unhappy, it's because you're spending too much time with unhappy people."
"Change your association, change how you feel, be more aligned, get on the phone. That's number one."
"I think Ben Chilwell was the first name that comes to mind."
"Of the various rights afforded under the constitution, the rights of free speech and association are certainly the dearest."
"Human beings and the cannabis plant have been closely associated through all of known history."
"Wherever Graham young went trouble illness and death just seemed to follow him."
"Unconditional love is generally a good thing, but we associate it with other things."
"Griffin: Very Harry Potter-esque, part of Gryffindor."
"I always remember that—mgh, Massachusetts General Hospital."
"Fighters deserve an association to have a seat at the table."
"This Russian collusion is real. The players connected to Russians, notably Deripaska, are all players that targeted Trump, not the Trump team."
"The bat family is the term used to describe Batman and his close associates such as Catwoman, the Robins, Batgirl, Batwoman, and so on—just the core group."
"Guilty by association, so there's nobody there innocent."
"Independence Day is now associated with alien invasion thanks to the Hollywood Blockbuster by the same name."
"It's just about the power, whoever's associated in the group."
"Being on the right side of an issue does not make you unworthy of scrutiny."
"Just like any watch from Dan, it still offers tremendous fun with its sexy yet masculine feel, that touch of associated movie magic, and the romance of motor racing."
"So the association happens and people have a hard time shaking a first impression."
"Chris Jericho... probably the Intercontinental strap which he became most closely identified with."
"There's a certain amount of chaos that goes along with creativity."
"You can't be guilty by association, can you? I don't know, maybe you can."
"We're really trained to associate intimacy with romance and feelings."
"Live in harmony with one another; do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position."
"Elizabeth had learned a valuable lesson about being careful with who she spent her time with and how dangerous rumors could be."
"It's so strange, every time I hear 'Wick', I just think of John Wick."
"I believe there's something associated with what's there, but it's not just it wasn't done just for that."
"Birds of a feather flock together."
"I am good at gifts... I think fragrance is a good gift, like a sexy fragrance that therefore it's just always going to have that association because you got it for them."
"When you hear the name Jeffrey Dahmer, you automatically think of Milwaukee, Wisconsin."
"We human beings love strongly by association and with good reason."
"New York and pizza go together like the birds and the bees, and bagels and cream cheese."
"Superheroes are very closely associated with gods."
"And now with the rest in mind, I want you to think of the first group that comes to your mind."
"His grandfather is associated with the Zensei."
"I love that, you know, it's become like, you know, this thing that people recognize from this particular restaurant."
"It's necessary that you align yourself with people who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who refuse to leave life just as it is and who want more."
"It's annoying when you change your number because then you realize how much is associated with your phone number."
"The defendant doesn't have to be the one that physically ended anyone's life for her to be guilty of conspiracy."
"When you make someone feel a certain way, they associate things with you."
"Scents and smells in general can be powerful memory triggers."
"When you say Cinematic Universe, the mind goes to the MCU."
"It's an unconscious need for us as humans to find meaningful connections between things that are sometimes unrelated."
"She knows Eugenia Cooney for one thing."
"Be careful of the company you keep... if you actually start practicing spiritual disciplines, such people will move away from you."
"You become who you hang around with and what you read."
"Green is for Christmas. Green is for holly."
"This guy's name is synonymous with comic books."
"If you're friends with Mark then you're friends with me because Mark and I are like joined-at-the-hip."
"Be careful and tie in with the right people"
"It's possible for you to live your dream, it's necessary that you associate with winners, that you work your system, that you are relentless, that you never give up."
"This screams Vegas, this is as Las Vegas as it gets."
"Let me just put Aisha. Immediately when I put Aisha, it was like, 'Oh, okay.'"
"One of the big ones is that it is one of the guns James Bond used."
"George associated the Cornwallis-Wests with one of the most esteemed families in modern British history."
"Thinness was associated with starvation, disease, poverty."
"You are who you hang out with and if you hang out with Jesus you're going to be more like him, you're going to get his power to change."
"I was always able to be around Crips."
"People knew who I was and people knew that I was his bodyguard."
"If you're trying to distance yourself from somebody that gets in trouble, it's not good that they've permanently inked it on their body. Nah, that's maybe a sign that you're in a gang."
"He will always be known as Oprah boyfriend you know when you have somebody confident obviously no like Mr Oprah yes like Mr Wendy uh Whitney Houston Bobby Brown didn't like that."
"When I hear detective, I think mystery."
"First off, let's not forget that Sharon, much like all of the other moms, has blood on her hands."
"Sharon, much like all of the other moms, has blood on her hands."
"...freedom of association needs to be the default way of resolving differences in values."
"This notion that somebody owes you their services... That's to me, it's not even a freedom of religion case, to me that one's a freedom of association case."
"The only reason they call it an associate's degree is because you're associated with the college, not because it counts, right?"
"That symbol is inextricably linked to white supremacy and it can't be separated."
"When Charles Xavier founded the mutant nation Krakoa, Mystique joined as a member of the Quiet Council."
"The association's communication was pretty poor we would get infrequent newsletters but they had an underlying tone of we will get to your issues when we can no sooner than we feel like."
"Every time people go all Russia, Russia, Russia, every time people go Russia bad, Russian people who have nothing to do with the government feel implicated by that."
"I became a better, smarter criminal because I was around educated, you know, the best of the best."
"I kind of feel like someone like... Catwoman would wear something like this."
"Surround yourself with greatness, you're forced to be great. Surround yourself with [__] long enough, you're going to get some on you, buddy."
"I just have part of me that sees Vincent company celebrating on the touchline."
"Great people hang with great people."
"I'm proud to be associated with her, grateful for what God gave me."
"When I think of this watch, I always think of 40mm."
"Hagrid, a half giant working the grounds of Hogwarts without a proper magical education due to his expulsion from the same school, had many suspiciously high ranking Associates and Friends"
"That was supposed to be in Toy Machine, right?"
"The Big 12 will remain the Big 12 no matter how many teams there are."
"In whose association brings joy and peace inside you."
"It's screaming summer, it's screaming farm girl."
"Robins are just sort of become synonymous with Christmas."
"People are going to start to really want to be close to you because of whatever this is it's going to bring them a lot of clout."
"It gives very Little House on the Prairie Vibes."
"Wearing a signature fragrance creates a unique association with you."
"Memory erupts in an unpredictable way when you come across a bit of physical reality that the memory is associated with."
"If you want to make money surround yourself with people that are making money."
"It makes you feel like James Bond. How does that feel? Yeah, perfect."
"Friendship is Magic the first thing that may come to mind are likely the characters."
"You don't have to catch loads of fish to learn. It's about associating with the right people."
"I got a simple Big Mac because when you think about McDonald's, you just think about Big Mac."
"Gucci reminds me so much of him. So, it's like everything that Gucci has done in the past, I forgive him. I'm cool with it."
"I'm over it. Gucci reminds me so much of him. So, it's like everything that Gucci has done in the past, I forgive him. I'm cool with it."
"You are who you hang out with. If you hang out with people who are doing mathematics in the back of the receipt, guess what? You're gonna end up doing mathematics as well."
"He was Ernest D Silva's chauffeur, his chauffeur."
"I can't help but see that 'F' is like the Facebook symbol. You was really, really something!"
"This one makes me think of Christmas, this one gets me excited."
"This is like the smell of holiday skin."
"So it's so important when you start to associate with better more successful people you start to become like them and think like them and feel like them and walk and talk and dress and act like they do."
"When many people think about John Lennon they remember his song 'Imagine'."
"If you have an older email address that you don't use anymore and you want to associate it to a brand new email address, this is the process to do that."
"I wanted it to kind of be spooky kind of and I associate green with scary things."
"This reminds me of that girl who made the video of herself singing."
"That made me think of Colin Farrell's Penguin, I could see it."
"When people think of the Flash, they think of Grant Gustin."
"The word 'magic' is associated with 'image'... because images are associated with magic."
"London immediately comes to mind when they think of England and the UK."
"Your brain's gonna attach a few things, even subconsciously."
"That's the only link that I've got there."
"If is a person who will affect your creed, then it's haram to associate with him. If will influence you in his bid'ah, then it's impermissible to associate with him."
"You cannot associate with people of innovation."
"The December air was chilly and he pulled up the window, then he sniffed vaguely and frowned. What a smell there was, reminded him of that time in hospital and the operation on his leg. Yes, chloroform, that was it."
"In our modern world, the words Final Fantasy anime most immediately bring to mind moody, broody stories punctuated by intense battles."
"You're one of the good guys Jesse and it's an honor to be here and to be associated with you."
"I thought of the Selena Gomez song where it's like killing with kindness."
"We would not wish to be associated with any wrongful conviction."
"... it wanted to associate itself with the luxury that Formula One portrayed."
"You need to deliberately get around people who are moving the direction that you want to move up in life."
"Every time I say that I think of the giz of my pants song where he's like I'm going to butcher the lyrics but he's like another thing from the grocery anyway we're going to go to the grocery."
"It reminded me of a marching band."
"When I think of Crocs, the first thing that springs into my mind is my brother gardening in 2006, but there has to be more to it."
"When you say Mickey Mantle, you say baseball."
"That haunting score, unofficially I think like Katniss's theme, just starts playing in the background."
"Your puppy should also have a really good, positive association with their name."
"The point is, we want to make associations and apply the law of substitution as well."
"I feel like this lip reminds me of like strawberries and cream or something, which I love. Like the pink drink at Starbucks, now I'm gonna crave that."
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise."
"You become the average of the five people you spend most of your time with."
"When you hear 'Still D.R.E.,' you're like, 'That's Dre.'"
"Liverpool, oh no definitely Liverpool, you're Liverpool."
"Who you run with is who you will be known as."
"You become the company you keep for the most part."
"For Sharon, living was synonymous with committing crimes."
"If you surround yourself with people that are of like minds, dude, they're good."
"If my homeboy goes in somebody's cell and steals something and me and him are walking the yard together and people find out, they're going to deal with both of us because they're expecting me to defend my homeboy because I rock with him."
"And this is a time where a lot of people are getting very awakened spiritually, mentally, as well as abundantly in their pockets as well. And if you're missing out on that, it's because you're hanging around the wrong people and exchanging information with the wrong people."
"The character is associated with immense power."
"...but the minute somebody try to give me to be something I'm not I'm gone I'm not with it so you know I did one dabble but I never join anything mm-hmm."
"Let's make the connection to this."
"Associate with the happy and fortunate instead."
"When you're going to think about gold what's the first person that pops into your head? I would hope it would be me."
"I'm Harley Quinn and I used to work here. I also used to be partners with Mr. J, so that legit makes me an authority on him."
"Hang around people you want to be like. Do not hang around with low life dumb people."
"You are who you hang out with, it shows your true colors."
"Lies beget lies, birds of a feather flock together."
"Autism is strongly associated with talent, and striking talents are seen at a much higher rate in individuals with autism than in any other group."
"The world string Players Association wants to select outstanding strong players."
"Careers can sometimes languish because somebody's involved with a group with Tom Cruz"
"I think part of the appeal in Russia is that it's associated with the United States and that things that are American have a kind of appeal of their own."
"all I can think of is Jesse Eisenberg."
"Your income is the average of your five best friends."
"It smells like luxury. That smells like the Hamptons. That smells like the Upper East Side."
"If you're trying to level up, if you're trying to start your business, if you're trying to change your life, you can't hang around those other people whose thoughts are not aligned with yours because they're going to slow your process."
"If you live in such an association and want to install gutters or replace your front door, you will have to schedule a day off from work to get it done."
"It felt like home," the doctor repeated.
"I almost feel like I'm cool by association with you. That's how I feel."
"...you will see him on my channel, of course, he's a friend of mine."
"Girl, they better call them Dancing Dolls."
"It was horrific...but it didn't explain why people like Bill Clinton and massive philanthropists like Leslie Wexner wanted to be around this man."
"I'm not talking about you at this point, it's with ch boy. If I'm broke, I can't associate myself with broke."
"It sort of reminded me of bellosi in his cape you know from that movie."
"What kind of company do they keep?"
"If you judge a person's character by the company they keep, then he is the wealthiest man I know."
"Fincher will almost always be associated with Seven and Fight Club."
"He also associates with all the biggest pieces of [ __ ] in the manosphere including a known rapist who will show in a separate slide this guy Charleston White."