
Social Quotes

There are 2603 quotes

"I think it brings out the best in people's abilities because it's a shared social experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can brag to your friends and coworkers that you have your own cryptocurrency."
"It's important that as individuals we just relate to each other, as a friend, a colleague, a co-worker."
"If you all are ever in Vegas, make sure you come say hi to me. I want to meet all of you."
"Humans are social; we do want to connect with other people."
"A relaxing dance and dancing with new friends, these are both just so charming."
"Wine is...very communal. You crack open a bottle, it's like the perfect amount, you get the four glasses, you float it up, you go to bed."
"She loved surrounding herself with friends and family and loved to laugh."
"The friendliness and happiness of this community."
"She's a friend of mine in real life and she's just incredibly genuine."
"Buffet lunch: chaotic or calm, MSC nailed it!"
"What makes a game day to remember? Probably a little bit of all of them with friendship gluing it all together."
"I'm always the person that needs to make people laugh in the room. I'm always the attention."
"If somebody don't like you for no reason, it's probably because you're good."
"The world needs a lot more love, not more hate."
"It is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis."
"Everybody's friends when they're on the cruise ship together."
"Thank you very much for coming out everyone, see you guys on Saturday."
"Let's pay Nas a visit while we talk about this."
"This is very much a group experience. It's a social thing for our sims."
"I really hope you enjoyed... have a good day."
"You go for the atmosphere, to hang out with friends, for the concessions, and so much more."
"It looks great. People are saying this is their yoga spot."
"It's not a visit to the tower without a dance party."
"Social rejection can activate the same pathways in the brain as physical pain."
"Chatting with my friends before the session feels almost like stretching before a run."
"I just love shisha. I love it. I like, I'm just smoking, I love vibes."
"So, with some friends we came down to the park to do a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt to end off the night."
"A party with your friends is probably the best kind of party."
"Black Ops 4 is the game that lets you play with your friends in more ways than ever before."
"It's a vibe with five, but you already know."
"We all have influence within our personal spheres of influence."
"You go to the movie first, you watch the movie together, you laugh together, you have some jump scares together."
"Two of my mods are coming to my wedding I mean you guys have been there since the channel start productions always supported the livestream so how could I not get you guys over for it right."
"A climbing wall is a little bit like a bar, the more you go in there the more you talk to people the more people are willing to talk to you back."
"Man, damn man, we made some new little friends this year."
"Look how comfortable we are, look how awesome this is."
"This is a great time for you to reconnect with friends, networks, group associations, people that you've known from the past."
"Entertaining is all about bringing people together. The prettiness and fluff are fun but they're not what what's most important."
"Unexpected connections with people, unexpected dates as well can happen."
"Sometimes I go picking with my boyfriend, sometimes it's my best friend Sue, and sometimes it's my kids."
"Thank you for coming on the Jason Michelle foreign."
"We'd love to see you guys, it's a new beginning."
"I can't believe I get to do this, and I get to hang out with all of you guys."
"Thank you all for joining us. Have a great night!"
"I enjoyed going with you guys... I felt very comfortable there."
"It's time to reconnect with people in your life."
"If someone makes a statement that you strongly disagree with at a social gathering, what is your natural tendency? If it's a factually incorrect statement, I would correct them."
"Friendship as an adult requires conscious effort and I think we're all just looking for ways to trust each other more quickly."
"Cheers you guys, I hope you have a great weekend!"
"Make me remember good times. I love being with people. It's the most incredible thing in the world."
"Welcome my dear friends, thank you so much for joining me today."
"Longer those fold up chairs, welcome back man, good to be here."
"They want to watch you because you're genuine, you're just a real dude."
"Looking forward to seeing you in Nashville. It's gonna be a fun time."
"There's moments where you're going to be laser focused and talking strategy and other times when you're just gonna be able to relax and talk [__] with the homies Destiny 2 can be played with friends of all skill levels."
"Just imagine all of your guests are mingling right over here in this room."
"Appreciate you coming hanging out with me. It's been fun."
"That was super super fun, really really fun with friends."
"I would say spending time with friends and family is a hobby."
"Drink coffee, but it was great. Had a really good time."
"Hater: Bringing people together through mutual dislikes."
"That's just too good not to celebrate with a drink later tonight."
"She's such a chatterbox, but I love it even more when we're filming mukbangs because I can literally go, and you just wanted to get through the entire McDonald's and Carlitos hasn't talked for the last half. Now, it's great."
"People are attracted to what you're doing; they want to be around you."
"It's worth every penny absolutely fantastic short-term enjoyment but packed with lots of hilarious laughing type of moments play with a couple buddies if you have them and you will get your money's worth easily."
"It was such a good event because I had the opportunity to make new friends."
"Absolutely incredible, we're going to go golfing, any more senior citizens want to go golfing with me right now?"
"We're describing it as we want to make it safe to be social and more rewarding online for everyone."
"Hi, my name is Daryl, and this change allowed me to interact with 30 more stops, 40 more gyms."
"It really gives them that social inclusion that I think we all just want to have."
"Hope you had fun debunking the videos with me, really just thinking of a plausible explanation and cracking some jokes."
"Let constructive criticism get to me anymore."
"I got some awesome people here, we've made up for it and you guys are entertained, it's a lot of fun."
"Good luck for your store and I'll see all of you party people in my next video guys, take care."
"Having a good set of friends is great. Everybody loves a good set of Minecraft friends."
"I brought everyone some marshmallows for the roast."
"Hope y'all have a nice day! Thank you for watching!"
"You feel the absinthe? No? Come on, what are you, an amateur lightweight?"
"It's 7 p.m on a Wednesday. Welcome to the hang up. How's everybody doing?"
"Bringing this with you is always fun, especially when you're showing it to friends and family who never experienced VR."
"Well, guys, this has been awesome and I loved talking to you guys."
"Good for the soul shenanigans are happening here at the lamplight lounge."
"Thanks for kicking with me tonight, y'all. I have fun doing this."
"I look forward to seeing you all in the next one."
"Great food, great people, and that's what I love about traveling for food."
"It's so important to make time for your friends."
"Just give me a moment's attacker, you know what? Screw it, whoever we're getting, we'll use in the club."
"Gemini Venus is flirtatious, spontaneous, and loves social interaction."
"Let's try different forms of physical activity that are fun and do it with other people so that you enjoy doing it and it's something that you look forward to rather than something that you resent."
"You guys might be kind of like the life of the party type of vibe."
"Every community has drama. There is no community above this simple fact."
"Organizing or even classes like these just engaging with other um like-minded people phenomenal way to make friends and be social with others."
"It's not serious, we're just having a good time here."
"Everybody in the comment section, tell Tim and Leilani happy birthday."
"This looks like a fun time for everybody involved."
"It's not just what you learn... It's the people you're around."
"It's wild, but just bring over fries and we just... We're not gonna talk about that part."
"We had some good games tonight, didn't we? It's a good laugh."
"Discovering amazing escapes photos in GT Sport's social space is a treat."
"We're heading out, I'll see you guys later. Fortnite later. Don't know what we're doing other than winning, so I'll let you guys know. I love you guys, think of the kids. Bye."
"I hope that you guys are having a great Saturday."
"One thing I thought about last night was how cool it would be to fish with a viewer, someone that is from one of these cities that we're fishing, and just link up and pick their brain."
"I think we should have more conversations like this."
"Let your friends and family know this is the place to be."
"We're pretty loud, we're joking, we're yelling, we're having a good old time."
"Putting yourself out there is so anxiety producing but if you just do things that you're interested in you're going to meet other people with similar interests."
"I just wanted to tell everybody... I remember starting to tell my friends about it."
"Who wouldn't want to come here and hang out?"
"It was so awesome to meet everyone there and get all the hugs."
"I'm doing something called the jar, it's a very like a social experiment type thing."
"Get your popcorns ready, get your blankets, get your friends, let's go, let's get each other here, make you feel really weird, weird, weird!"
"I feel completely different in my car, I don't feel embarrassed to have people ride in my car with me."
"What do you guys want to talk about? I'm just vibing."
"You guessed right yeah you guessed it going to the gym see you there all right here we are let's do this happy Saturday."
"I have got some gifts for you guys I meant it I have got some gifts for you guys."
"I hope everybody's doing well today. I hope that everybody's having a good weekend so far."
"Enjoying a good cigar is enjoying it in good company."
"Links with friends. Sharing with your friends."
"Expand on your social circle and be the driving force that brings people together."
"People like you, I feel like you're generally a very positive person, very fun to be around."
"Thank you so much to all of our friends and family."
"Happiness with others, joy, celebration, ecstasy."
"I love connecting with people; it's just my thing."
"Attachments work is that we are wired for attachment, we're wired for social connection."
"Why don't we take a rain check... make it up to you by getting the first round in?"
"When we're with the people, that's when it's like mainly about the community."
"Holy moly, friends! I hope you're having a good time!"
"Connect with people, connect with opportunities."
"This is a place for people to escape what's going on out there, this is a place where we're just hanging out."
"Expect social elements of the game to constantly improve, basically forever."
"It's gonna be a fun day when Jeff was like I'm hosting a games comp thing."
"Nothing to see here, we're just having a jolly good time."
"Approach somebody with a genuine compliment."
"People talk to you more when you have a dog."
"You're at a college that has so many people. So odds are there's somebody else like you out there."
"I'm feeling pretty good about myself, I hope you guys are having a good day."
"Hope you all are out there doing something you love with some people you can tolerate."
"I definitely think that I made the best contact with the girl that was on the swing."
"Last night was one of those nights, it was a great time."
"I think people are longing for that connection, I think so."
"So, just prop me up at the table, Uno cards in my hand, and you can pay your respects."
"Dig into the business dinner, okay? It goes num nom nom as well."
"How are y'all doing with the quarantine madness, by the way?"
"Honestly, I feel like I have thousands of friends that I can chat with about makeup, about personal life."
"Find an activity that you find fun...do it with other people..."
"There are no strangers once you get a couple shots."
"There's multiple people, you're in a popular situation coming up this week."
"It's so atypical because for the most part, we live deep in these silos of people who are like us and who think like us politically."
"Let's meet up and just set it off, fart meet up."
"I remember always tossing these in my bags whenever I'm going out on a night out of town with some friends."
"Sarah played a truly incredible game both socially and strategically."
"It's quite a sociable thing doing what I do."
"If you actually have a strong community, you live longer."
"It would be fun to have a lot of friends."
"Hi everyone, I'm sorry for being late."
"The secret of being cool is never demanding that people look at you; you just have to hang out."
"A lot of people want to hang out with you."
"Friends and allies, they're quite different."
"Let's meet halfway and have lunch in the park."
"You're also going to be making new friends, new connections."
"This is going to be also boosting you up socially and financially as we go through the rest of this year and on into 2025."
"Fall is so fun, I love fall, it's hitting this, this is my favorite season, cuffing season."
"I suddenly hear a girl's voice ask, 'Where'd you get your glasses?'"
"It's a great one to watch with friends if you are having friends over this Halloween."
"I'm excited for y'all to come, it's going to be really cute, it's a friend's giving brunch."
"Hey, what do you maybe, um, want to go out and grab a cup with me sometime? Of tea or coffee, breakfast or not?"
"Libras are naturally charming and very talkative; they connect with people."
"Libras are social, harmonious people that love to bring balance to everywhere they go."
"This Thanksgiving Day Extravaganza has become part of the Dallas Social Circle over the years."
"The best part of the whole week has just been meeting all these great folks."
"I love when we get to meet interesting people for these videos."
"You have the windows down, people be tripping out, bro."
"I just like to talk to people and connect with people."
"Human beings are a social species."
"Community is a really big thing to me."
"Everybody has these feelings of like, you want to fit in."
"People don't have time for each other... capitalism robs us of our time."
"The number one killer in America is loneliness."
"There's always stuff you can do, you know. There's so many great social things you can do as a queer person."
"Is this seat taken? Mind if I sit here?"
"I'm only 23 and I'm a very social person, so I've seen a lot of things and I've encountered many strange people."
"We had so much fun at this company's Halloween party"
"You guys are like the life of the party."
"You guys are really popping, a lot of people want to be around you."
"Highly intelligent social individuals are going to have these different codes that they can speak with."
"Everybody likes to feel wanted, loved, adored, admired from time to time. We're human beings and we're social. Part of what we do is that we do it for the approval of other people."
"A Leo man will never be sitting in a corner in social gatherings unless he's upset about something."
"It's so relevant. It's very social in many ways, but it's also weird."
"This cockpit can comfortably fit 10 people or more."
"ENFPs are very good at surveillance. Their rolodex is so large and so powerful that they basically command gigantic social networks where everyone knows everyone."
"Social distancing is basically the opposite of being social, you understand?"
"I feel like the way they handle themselves socially and morally actually dictate more of people's willingness to get involved."
"Your college experience is not just going to be defined by the classes you take and the things you learn but also by the people that you meet and the circumstances that you meet them in."
"Laughter is contagious. It's a very social noise."
"You guys, we have something fun tonight, we're going to a Gala."
"To make friends, that's like the nicest thing."
"What is the point of playing poker if it can't be social? It's a social game, it's a lot of fun."
"We're hardwired to connect as human beings."
"...they're going to get some dinner that George is going to pay for."