
Natural Remedies Quotes

There are 645 quotes

"There are many natural treatments for headaches that, compared to over-the-counter drugs and even some prescription drugs, appear to be easily as effective and in many cases more effective."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As you blend, brew, and sip these potent potions, remember that each one carries a promise of health, a testament to nature's incredible power."
"Unlock the true potential of these natural healers and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine."
"Neem oil is amazing for hair and scalp health, every time I've used it, I am just amazed at the shine it adds to my hair and how fast it allows my hair to grow."
"The Sun does an infinite number of things to help heal us."
"We should be finding ways to naturally increase opiates, and that's exercise."
"Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's helpful."
"Aloe vera is one of the best suntan lotions you can find."
"The more people who learn that there are natural, healthy ways to address their problems, the less they'll rely on Big Pharma."
"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."
"Aloe vera is amazing for your hair, your skin, your body... it really fights those free radicals."
"Raw organic honey has so many anti-inflammatory properties on top of all the antibacterial properties."
"Studies have actually shown that black elderberries can help to reduce the severity and length of influenza."
"Every fruit herb yielding seed is actually the healing for our bodies."
"Mangrove tree extract could help tackle baldness, study finds."
"It's just a pity we don't have more safe, effective, low-cost remedies based on natural compounds or optimization of lifestyle factors."
"Mother Nature's pharmacy, with an 'F', provides hundreds of thousands of natural chemicals that are good for you."
"Good health doesn't come out of a medicine bottle in general."
"It's been shown to actually support those alpha waves in your brain that can get you into that relaxation state without having to rely upon psychoactive substances that can compromise your sleep."
"Most supplements or herbal remedies do not have heavy side effects or withdrawal symptoms. This is a massive advantage compared to modern medications."
"Natural supplements will help, but they will not work on their own."
"There's something about including natural herbs in your diet and playing around with essential oils that makes you feel really wholesome and fresh and connected to the earth."
"Raw garlic will actually kill off bad yeast and candida and bad types of funguses and molds that get within your body."
"Oregano is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic. It is one of the most powerful, natural bug killers out there today."
"Natural remedies don't have side effects, they have side benefits."
"Aloe vera... has a ton of evidence in different situations wound healing and also works as a humectant."
"The whole natural-things-can't-harm-you mindset is dangerous and it needs to die already."
"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."
"I'm a big proponent for vitamin D, and I have so many patients who have psoriasis who tell me that they get better in the summer when they go to the beach."
"I think it's good to make people understand that there are more things in life that you can do to get to a higher state. Meditation, breathing exercises, teach you a higher state than other drugs as well, and it's more natural."
"If before a meal you have a tall glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar in it, you curb the glucose spike of that meal by up to 30 percent."
"Physical-based practices are more helpful. So shaking, dancing, putting my feet and my hands on the wet grass and just letting my electrons go into the earth, like for me, those work better."
"Cryofreeze CBD: a hundred percent natural CBD-powered remedy."
"If you want to regrow joints, if you want to get your health back, the only way to do it is by getting living food."
"My dad literally, his medicine is honey and cinnamon. He takes honey and cinnamon, mixes it up, and he takes a spoonful every day, and my dad has never been sick."
"We're talking about how to naturally boost testosterone."
"Beneficial for healthy skin, pine pollen contains the amino acid arginine as well as sulfur based MSM, both of which are beneficial in the treatment of various skin conditions."
"I love root extracts for their antioxidant power and soothing abilities."
"Cannabis is really a plant that was really made for us physically more than any other thing in the world."
"Essential oils are nature's true plant-based medicine."
"Sandalwood doesn't cause it to go up or down, it brings it back into balance."
"Rosemary oil has been shown in clinical studies to improve memory and focus."
"Keloids are hypertrophic scars... tea tree oil, sea salt paste, and hot compresses."
"Mad honey poisoning can cause weakness, dizziness, and nausea."
"This is a war on consciousness, and these plants are our bio weapons."
"When it comes to fighting uric acid, celery might just be the unsung hero we've all been overlooking."
"Blueberries offer a natural Avenue to mitigate Ed symptoms."
"Apple cider vinegar is very popular among the health conscious people."
"Combat allergies naturally with anti-inflammatory foods, vitamin C, probiotics, and Omega-3s."
"Real change had to be made... no more pills, powders, potions."
"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food."
"Sickness is about congestion in the body. When you get sick, it's your body asking you to cleanse itself."
"It's a great detoxifier. You can't get your coffee? Start digging your roots, roasting them up with some honey on them makes a really amazing beverage."
"The significant threat Dr. Sebi posed to the multi-billion dollar medical industry that relies on continued sickness and treatments by chemical and unnatural ways was over."
"I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution."
"Turmeric oil massage provides relief from joint pains, muscle pains, cramps, and arthritis."
"Turmeric prevents liver damage, fights cirrhosis, and hepatitis."
"Get rid of sunburn with a turmeric-yogurt mixture."
"Turmeric may inhibit certain forms of cancer, like melanoma and breast cancer."
"We have the tools and the best drug is food."
"The lotus was not only a general panacea, it was also a natural form of viagra."
"Neem oil is so effective on just about every creepy crawly. It also works on fungus and bacteria like powdery mildew and rust."
"Watermelon flesh with seeds is the way to go for any heart issues or blocked arteries."
"Food as medicine or healing myself of hypertension, sleep apnea, and obesity."
"Helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness."
"Ginger, one of the best supplements you could do on a regular basis for fighting inflammation."
"Let's fight cancer the old-fashioned way with food."
"Turmeric helps calm inflammation and keeps our hearts healthier."
"Ginger tea boasts a myriad of benefits for heart health."
"I just I'm in so much pain because natural doesn't mean better."
"Oil such as olive oil will dissolve things like the oil that's in the skin that acne bacteria eats and feeds off of."
"Herbs do work, the chemicals constituents are there, they do what they say they're going to do, you just need to know which herb is going to work best for you."
"Turmeric: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and medicinal properties."
"Lemon water is very detoxifying and brightening."
"The cure of all cures: chamomile. It not only has a calming effect but it'll shrink swelling, shrink tissue."
"Why do third world countries have lower COVID-19 rates? Perhaps it's their natural vitamin intake."
"You can at least maximize the effects of your other more natural focusing on love by using things like oils and sounds in the frequencies."
"Lion's mane is considered the mushroom for your brain."
"I would dance too if I found maitake because it is amazing."
"Essential oils have helped my skin like no other."
"Ginger tea is a powerhouse of health-boosting antioxidants."
"If you're going to consume an herb versus a drug, you're much better off."
"Herbal medicine is becoming popular again as people become more interested in their health."
"It's so inspiring and amazing that a lot of the cures to the ailments are just like going back to being a human being."
"The answers to health are almost always natural ones; they're just overlooked."
"Mother Nature has packaged vitamins in food in combinations that are just right."
"Nothing excites me more than knowing that with the knowledge I give people, they're going to be able to improve their own health without Pharmaceuticals."
"Pure air, sunlight, exercise, and proper diet are true remedies for health."
"Literally how to cure tinnitus: antioxidants, healthy nutrients, and nerve supply."
"Fasting... it's actually the first step in your body's attack on the virus."
"Eating dates every day can really help make your uterine muscles respond better to oxytocin."
"What I do is real, these herbs actually work."
"Thank god for healthy kombucha, it seriously helped me suppress these disgusting acid reflux symptoms."
"Garlic is a natural antibiotic, it kills viruses directly."
"Manuka Honey has potent inhibitory activity against the influenza virus."
"Aloe vera: a hydrating and super nourishing food for the body."
"Throughout history, aloe was regarded as a virtual panacea for many health conditions."
"Aloe vera: a potent immune booster and adaptogen for dealing with stress."
"Aloe vera: an antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic agent."
"Pure aloe vera gel: cleansing, moisturizing, and healing for the skin."
"Aloe vera gel: beneficial for healthy joints and reducing inflammation."
"Spider webs are believed to have natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties."
"We can prescribe parks to people instead of medicine. So you're supposed to go outside to treat hypertension, diabetes, obesity, we know, but also anxiety, depression, things like that."
"Chaga has more antioxidants than almost any other natural substance."
"Sauerkraut juice is so rich in probiotics better than any probiotic you could ever buy over the counter in a pill."
"Soursop look it up, it has strong cancer-killing properties in them soursop."
"Stop googling it's just there's too much information out there and well sure yeah you can for sure try to figure out your health issues by yourself but at the same time it's very good to see naturopath and try to get your issues done naturally."
"This one helps you for your cleansing your intestine."
"Now you have an all natural substance that people have been using for thousands of years that increases your metabolic rate and lowers your hunger."
"Turmeric is just as effective as NSAIDs without the side effects."
"Vinegar has several Health advantages including reducing blood sugar levels and enhancing digestion."
"Coconut oil treatments made a dramatic difference in my hair's texture."
"Oh my God, you're knocking it out of the park. This is with herbal medicine!"
"Rice water is like the holy grail for hair growth."
"Fulvic acid... most strong antiviral anti-cancer agents."
"Charcoal actually really helps to absorb all the toxins that cause staining and bad breath and helps to make your teeth really clean."
"Cinnamon effectively supports blood sugar control and has a natural fat loss aiding effect."
"Once you start helping your body battle Epstein-Barr and start cleaning it up, that condition starts to go back to normal."
"I've seen it eradicate depression I've seen it reverse PCOS I've seen people walk straight into fertility after Decades of infertility issues from PCOS or just Decades of PCOS."
"I love things that nature Made not not not that or God made not that man-made because they tend to be more problematic."
"Big laughter and a good sleep are the best medicine."
"Nature has the answer, the prescription for you."
"It's all about doing all the things that we can do with exercise and eating right to be our best selves. Essential oils have played a significant role in my life."
"Health is wealth. I'm really about to start taking more care of my body and my health and just doing all these remedies from stuff that you have at home."
"A neti pot with sea salt can help release sinus congestion."
"Spirulina rocks, organic blue algae, eliminates impurities."
"CBD can address ailments like pain, inflammation, stress, and much more."
"Adaptogens are great natural healers to help your body to deal with stress and to balance your hormones."
"And it's not just like that a holistic doctor is saying this to you, no, no, no, actually real doctors will tell you, 'Oh, you should go to this spring source to treat yourself on the healing powers of these waters.'"
"All of the pharmaceutical stuff stems from plant-based medicine."
"Neem oil is a true miracle oil in the garden."
"Our own herbal medicine... that might be very useful indeed."
"High fruit diet and you'll start seeing all the stuff will fix itself up."
"Start consuming foods like ginger, garlic, onions, mushroom, pears."
"50,000 subscribers! I just... I can't believe it."
"Real food that are high in enzymes and nutrients, that's going to be the best thing to fight allergies."
"I swear it was truly effective like I would eat eat a huge kale salad and then the next morning I would wake up and the pimple would be gone and this has happened without fail I would say beyond a hundred times and each time the kale."
"Healthy clear skin starts from within and it shows from the inside out."
"Less drugs and more dirt and plants are key to a healthier microbiome."
"And the herbs probably heal your body and just give you some trouble, rejuvenate you."
"The only fat burner that I would somewhat recommend is carnitine."
"Eat a steak, cook up some spinach, eat some meat, get some iron the natural way."
"CBD just gets right into the muscles and relaxes all the inflammation, and the best part about it is it's 100% natural and no side effects."
"These natural tools offer us the ability to seek greater knowledge, tools that could positively affect life on our planet."
"Onion juice helped me breathe again within two days. It's a lifesaver!"
"Onion juice: potent, yes. But it beats pneumonia any day."
"Raw honey is awesome, very good for digestive enzymes."
"Tea tree oil, Melaleuca, dries it out really, really nice."
"Western medicine has largely ignored, put down, even buried information about safe natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs."
"There's a lot we can learn from the ancients, including how to battle depression, reduce pain, and heal our symptoms at the root."
"Ginger tea... anti-inflammatory... helps your digestive health... aids digestion."
"The new paradigm to heal dental cavities is to change your lifestyle that means your turn teeth will last longer you can remineralize decay teeth and make them hard and you can stop and prevent cavities for the rest of your life."
"Ginseng is a great anti-aging ingredient because of the antioxidants."
"Propolis, also known as bee glue, contains antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties."
"Mugwort, an incredible ingredient for calming inflamed skin."
"Exfoliate your skin naturally with aloe vera and brown sugar."
"Berries, berries, berries... if you want to heal any neurological diseases, go on a berry diet. Berries will change your life."
"One of my absolute favorites is a mixture of coconut oil and tea tree oil."
"With a few tips and new habits, you can learn to sleep better naturally."
"Natural supplements should be used for occasional sleeplessness and not necessarily as a nightly crutch."
"One of the best foods on Earth to stimulate melatonin is pineapple."
"Onion juice literally in two days had my edges growing back."
"Pumpkin seeds are shown to help with sleep and improve heart prostate and bladder health."
"Detoxify with Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, or bentonite clay baths."
"CBD has been proven to be a good thing to take if you want to reduce anxiety."
"Snail mucin is rich in antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, proteins, and minerals, great for skin repair and collagen production."
"The term 'Triphala' literally means three fruits, comprising Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, each possessing unique properties."
"Triphala's antioxidant-rich compounds benefit eye health, improve skin disorders, and provide dental hygiene."
"Triphala mouthwash is effective for reducing plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation, promoting dental health."
"Diet is number one... you've got to get back to foods that are coming straight out of the earth."
"You're cleaner kitchen that it doesn't build up, and that's what you are doing with your body when you are drinking these natural stuff. It's to help you to prevent certain things from damaging your immune system."
"Incorporating medicinal leaves into your daily routine is a simple yet powerful way to promote health and well-being."
"Exploring the world of natural remedies opens up a vast array of possibilities."
"One teaspoon of aloe vera on an empty stomach works really well you can put it into juice you can do a lot of stuff with it all right yes guys."
"Use the brain and use common sense. We all do natural remedy at home and natural stuff, but there are times when you have to take medication. Natural remedy not gonna help you no matter what you do."
"He had studied and personally observed herbs in North America, Central and South America, Africa, and the Caribbean."
"Aloe vera has properties that actually help strengthen, thicken, and grow your hair."
"Rosemary oil is like the holy grail for hair growth."
"You can get better by yourself completely naturally, 100% naturally, for free."
"Bees don't care for honey as food, it's their strategic survival reserve."
"Local honey contains local pollen, valuable for health."
"It's all based on nature, common sense, nutrition, detoxification, and metabolic therapy."
"I took Suot tripon and I heard that Ginger can help and so she took two capsules of Ginger and it got rid of my migraine."
"Be mindful and educate yourself. Mother Earth is constantly sending dandelion to the earth."
"The best natural treatment you can do for depression and ADHD is getting people to exercise on a regular basis."
"Fresh garlic... antimicrobial... antifungal... anti disinfectant."
"Citrus oils can increase your sensitivity to sunlight."
"Just walking 1 to 2 miles a day lowers risk of blood pressure and decreases risk of stroke 40%—there's not a drug out there that does this."
"Regulating your blood sugar levels and adjusting your lifestyle with diet, exercise, and certain herbs like the hydro berberine, the sale, and cinnamon, etc., will boost your energy and lessen the tiredness and lethargy."
"And honey just acts as this really great antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory."
"The best cures, the best solutions for every illness, is go back to nature."
"By dismissing these powerful and natural remedies one risks missing out on the opportunity to combat inflammation at its roote and promote a healthier more resilient body."
"Gingerol, the bioactive compound in ginger, has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory effects, contributing to increased blood flow."
"Natural sea salt confers protection against hypertension."
"Replenishing the body with an all-natural product is always the best form of recovery."
"Lemon juice: a powerful aid for people with a history of kidney stones."
"Black seed oil: natural, non-toxic, and effective against fungal infections."
"Lemon balm has the ability to block viruses from entering your cells."
"If you ever get a cold of any kind, get yourself out in the Sun."
"That's the miracle of saltwater. If you could cut yourself or do anything like get grazes or something like that, go in the sea, trust me."