
Society Quotes

There are 20665 quotes

"We have a lot of work to do. I'm talking as society."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We started with a millennia of ancestors in which fear was needed for survival, but we're now in a society in which fear as often causes harm as it does good."
"We're not here to promote robots or specific technologies, but rather to provoke a discussion on the ethical implications of technology in society."
"Creative people are some of the most mocked and disdained people in society, but also some of the most respected and celebrated, all at the same time."
"The real questions are things like will the unregulated use of AI prevent good art from being made, and does a society that devalues artists financially and legally prevent good art from being made?"
"Society in which we live, if it's more supportive to women going through menopause, can dramatically reduce the effect on our lives."
"Menopause is inevitable, suffering is not, but you're going to have to advocate for yourself because society has failed us."
"Intelligence is really strange because, as a society, our understanding of intelligence is all wrong."
"Can't we just be nice to each other and be good people?"
"Everything that you know, society is so delicately balanced where we don't ask anything of the individual; it's always blaming someone else and expecting someone else to change."
"The sleeping giant of America is not just conservatives; it's really just everyday people like you and me."
"They are at minimum a bastion of the free speech that is becoming increasingly difficult to come by in our society."
"We live in a society of undisciplined minds, and there's a science to disciplining it."
"We've seen massive increases in depression, anxiety, suicide in rich nations more than in poor nations."
"I don't consider myself a super moral person or a religious person... but it's kind of a moral test for our society: Are you willing to put your selfishness aside enough to protect your selfish interests?"
"Our society has a somewhat paradoxical relationship with creative works."
"The most illustrious artists, musicians, and movie stars are often among the most revered people in the world."
"The best measure of any society is how we treat our most vulnerable citizens."
"You want a society in which people are given lots and lots of opportunities and incentives to learn how to do something well that they love doing."
"Self-driving cars can take these techniques and integrate them in a meaningful, profound way into our daily lives in a way that transforms society."
"Why self-driving cars? This is the first wide-reaching, and profound integration of personal robots, in society."
"A society that is not built on men trying to help each other will be built on men trying to destroy each other."
"Success is one of the most fluid, non-rigid classifications we've arguably ever had as a species."
"We could just build a whole society based on competition and profit-driven growth where there is no culture, no God, no ethical boundary which will not bow down before money."
"The fundamental unit of society is actually not the individual... the fundamental unit of society is the family."
"Rules are really just suggestions to maintain social cohesion at the mass level, but every rule has an exception."
"We have the potential for greater freedom than ever before, including especially freedom from disease, freedom from hunger, freedom from oppression."
"If we make wise decisions, we will end with a better and more free society than ever before."
"When one group holds more power, there's a possibility for the abuse of that power."
"If we had taken all of that intelligence, all of that drive, all of that passion, trained it, and let it loose on real-world problems, imagine how much better our society would be."
"Goodwill discourse is at the heart of any free society and has led to the development of the greatest ideas."
"We urgently need empathy to create the social glue to hold our societies together and to erode the toxic 'Us vs Them' mentality, that is the cause of so much conflict."
"Being pretty in society is a leg up on the competition."
"When you help women, you actually help families and you help change that society."
"Relationships are the backbone of society. When we allow that to be as dysfunctional as it is right now, that's the reason why we have all these problems. If we fix that, man, this world becomes a hundred times better place, too, easily."
"There's a lot of people doing good stuff out there."
"Marriage is not only a private and subjectively defined state... it's also the bedrock of society as such."
"A visceral depiction of what happens when a society is consumed by fear and superstition."
"Humor is the most important thing that makes the world go around."
"This hypersexualized society we live in today has completely commodified the female body."
"The family is the foundation of our society, of our culture."
"We are joining and steering the collective intelligence of this big ant colony we think of as our human civilization."
"Art helps us map the terrain for our social mores and our social possibility."
"There's obviously a clear power dynamic between men and women in society."
"We try to have the good times, but that can be applied to a society as well. You need structure, you need rules, you need love and compassion."
"I think what's going on in society right now is that there's a disconnect between parents and their children."
"It's actually very useful to sometimes take a step back and look at the world around us with fresh eyes - to see what factors are invisibly shaping our lives."
"Entire societies and civilizations have lived and died by their ability to communicate."
"This is all about education, promoting understanding not only among law enforcement and government employees but among we the people as a whole."
"This is America, it's capitalism, that's how it works."
"We have medieval institutions, a primitive psychology, and godlike technology."
"Society emerges from the individual and from our relationships. Our society is a reflection of these relationships."
"In a society based on speed and productivity, moving slowly is a radical act."
"For an animal so complex as man, there's no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction."
"For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and unholy."
"People underestimate how much of an impact the collective effect of people doing small things, but the small right things can have on us as a society."
"A society believes in an equitable distribution of resources, making little to no distinction between the needs of the ruler and the ruled."
"Comedians regularly remind us their job is to push boundaries and offend our sensibilities."
"One of the worst things that we do in society is a person makes one bad statement... and now that entire person is written off."
"What's going on in the world at the moment has a lot to do with rejecting reason, rejecting evidence, and sliding into the Dionysian pit of emotional reaction."
"The epidemic of trauma is touching us in so many ways, but we're not identifying it."
"We need to collectively have that conversation."
"When you control the information that an entire population is getting, you're controlling their choices."
"This movie explored queerness in three different ways, right? So the first way was self discovery. The second way is the relationship with queer people and their families, and the third way is the relationship between queer people and society."
"It's a sad reflection of our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product."
"It's essential for a society that believes in hope that we have to offer these potentials."
"Identity politics is not about deciding who is a villain... it's much more about making sure that our society is more welcoming."
"Society has to have rules of law to continue and to prosper and protect its citizens."
"Why should we organize a society around the sensibilities of the most easily upset people?"
"The Simpsons acts as a mirror reflecting the concerns, curiosities, and absurdities of society."
"AI is going to be the most impactful trend in society and technology over the next 10-20 years."
"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles."
"Individualism doesn't mean living on a desert island. It's in your self-interest to live in a society, to have relationships, friendships, love."
"We're just frying ourselves, even with our phones. We're so constantly amused, we can't even tap into what's actually fun anymore."
"There's a lot of people that need a second chance in their lives."
"We live in an awesome society. At the push of a button, we have entertainment, delicious and affordable food, stuff delivered to our door."
"It represents like a massive exodus of people, like an unbelievable percentage of people."
"People have been developing coping mechanisms to exist in a profoundly unhealthy and distressing society, rather than actually changing society to be conducive to human health and well-being for far too long."
"Anti-establishment, the streets, and pop culture."
"Don't we as Americans have an oral torah, an idea of what one shouldn't be doing that goes along with the written rule?"
"Comedy is more than just jokes; it's a reflection of our society, our pains, and our joys."
"The horror that we consume is reflective of our fears as a society."
"A society that votes and has the people agree on who should represent us and lead us is something that's a better system."
"Protecting free speech is protecting the mechanism by which societies stay stabilized and dynamic."
"We have all sorts of judgments as a society about people who fall into certain categories of experience...and yet what is actually happening there is that these are very, very courageous souls."
"Thankful for women, 'cause where would we be? The world would be barbaric. We need women."
"There's a way to combine vulnerability and masculinity, and there's not much of a road map for that in our society, but it's probably, in my mind at least, one of the most foundational missing links that guys are experiencing."
"Britain is a patriotic, liberal, democratic society with a proud past and a bright future."
"Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness."
"Love serves as the foundation for societies and communities, without which we cannot thrive."
"A successful, intelligent society will necessarily have a certain amount of immigration. The question, of course, is how much."
"The problem is not migrants. Any successful society has migration. Yes, including Japan. According to government data released last August, the number of foreign nationals in Japan rose 11% from 2022. The number of overseas workers in that country has doubled in the last decade; it's more than 3 million people now."
"Every moral change that's happened in society is inconvenient for those who are benefiting from the status quo."
"Cybernetic implant truly is a marvel for modern society."
"I don't believe in personal morality. Morality is the rules that we all follow together."
"Building a society that promotes our well-being is in our best interest."
"We went from pretending to know things we don't know, to pretending not to know things that everybody knows."
"We went through a worldwide health crisis and a worldwide recession, and yet, you have some people, the rich people, who became now significantly more rich, while you have the majority of the world, average people, who are now poorer than they were before."
"Accountability exists in a dynamic sense, constantly negotiating the contradictory and conflicting elements of our communal and political life."
"We're also reproducing the classism that we ourselves are subject to."
"Life is our future, liberty is our present, property is our past."
"Inclusion means all of us get along and we necessarily put everyone inside the big bubble we call a Melting Pot, and we don't try to exclude anybody."
"Diversity is what makes this great to live in American countries; that's what this country was made for."
"You are contributing to society... It's very fulfilling when you're contributing."
"Society and culture will pull you towards falsehood, therefore a life based on truth is going to be rare and difficult."
"It's like people only do things because they get paid, and that's just really sad."
"Patience is a dying breed in football and society."
"Stakeholder capitalism means that a company shouldn't answer to the shareholders but instead to society at large."
"Diversity is more than just racial differences; it reflects a population's mix of not just races but also cultures, religion, economic status, and other characteristics."
"We are all products of our past, meaning our past experiences as children, as students, society around us have in many ways shaped us."
"I care about the truth. So, basic truth matters. I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"Our foundation of society is cracking; there are moral screws that are loose in this society."
"We are losing the ability to engage with opinions, with people who think differently from us."
"We got regular folks who are literally making it paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by."
"We seem to live in a post-truth era where facts are so much less persuasive than tribalism."
"But even if the technology worked 100 percent of the time, it would be extremely dangerous because at its logical conclusion, what it really does is eliminate privacy and anonymity in public space, which is something no free society should ever tolerate."
"A society cannot organize itself in a productive and sustainable and peaceful manner without the idea of the soul as the core idea."
"Longevity research challenges us to think how science and engineering will change society."
"American energy has done more for human flourishing than any other sector. If you take away a country's ability to produce coal, natural gas, oil, you can look at the country of Sri Lanka... they didn't even have gas to cook on little stoves in their homes."
"Trust, therefore, becomes a critical component in the entire picture of how we interact with each other, how communities are built, how society is built, how nations are built."
"The self-driving car is going to change society completely."
"Trust is a vital and critical component in every aspect of life. Without trust, almost everything would be compromised, if not outright destroyed."
"It's classic ageism. It's one of the few stereotypes and isms you can get away with in America."
"If you respond with indignance about the work that you're doing, that is appropriate. But if you respond with the vanity of someone who's being called old, then you just look like an old person who's not accepting their aging."
"The purpose of marriage is to build a family and cultivate the next generation of society."
"This is really exposing how fragile our civilization really is."
"Studies have shown that gender parity is fundamental to whether and how societies and economies thrive."
"There's nothing that's better for you and for society than being articulated and educated in the highest possible manner."
"Identity is what grows out of the interaction between yourself and a society that surrounds you."
"The idea that you're made in the image of God, and so is everybody else, if we build on that, I think we can build something."
"All of these things, like marriage, community, relationships, family, all of these things can and have existed in liberal societies."
"Happiness economics can help us get to these questions."
"The problem isn't necessarily one that you or I will experience... it's something that will affect everyone."
"The same things that are making us fatter and sicker as a society are also driving mental disorders."
"The tool is controlling us... Technology has grown into such a pervasive force that it surrounds us completely."
"When you have a passionate subject and people that are truly engulfed in an idea, you're going to have some degree of polarization."
"Society is about continuity, and continuity is about babies."
"Most people agree that a more fair society is better and something worth trying to generate."
"A society never benefits from suppression or sweeping something under the rug pretending it doesn't exist."
"I think that if you live in a society, you kind of owe that society something since it gives you stuff as well."
"The personal is political, which means everything is political, and politics really is just the management of power in society."
"Our society has become much less accepting of average, so the only way most of these companies or any prominent voice on the internet can stand out and beat the competition is to be as polarizing, flashy, and controversial as possible."
"Policing in America contributes to a Culture of Fear."
"I want to live in a society where people care about each other and put self-sacrifice in their value system."
"I think in my wrapping up thoughts of this, I think from the beginning I can agree that we live in a broken society."
"Our country and our society are weaker because we do not have a tradition of critical thinking."
"Liberalism is a system of conflict management that allows advanced society to exist. It works by guaranteeing freedoms... to disagree or not, to think for oneself as one will."
"Nothing can long survive a persistent enough cynical critique. Not an individual, not a movement, not a piece of art, not a society... not anything. And critical theory can be applied to literally anything."
"We're still working towards sexual liberation."
"What are these children going to be like because they are the next generation that matters in society?"
"If people aren't allowed to say what they think is true, you can't have a free society."
"Without Law and Order, you have chaos. You have anarchy."
"We live in a society that actually generates addiction in many of its members."
"It's a human game. You know, from a cultural standpoint, from a process standpoint, it's just judging the judgers at my level."
"It's the circulation of these gifts that leads to the vitality of society, not hoarding, not accumulation."
"The core values of the society, which are fundamentally materialistic, individualistic, aggressive, and competitive, go against what it really means to be a human being."
"What if we just recognize this? It's not a mystery; it's a dramatic example of the biopsychosocial nature of human beings."
"People are hungry for truth and they're sick of being lied to."
"We have to share certain norms and standards, and if we don't, then society fragments."
"The most important salient factor in what we're talking about here is the values, the political values, the personal values, the morals, the virtues, the family structure, all these things that we hold dear."
"You have to build the government like a coat to suit the individual. It has to be specific to the people."
"Recognizing that we are on average different is the critical first step to building a society in which all opportunities are truly open to everyone."
"A public school in the United States is a microcosm of the United States because it encapsulates in miniature the characteristics and qualities of the nation."
"The world is filled with pimps and simps... what the world is missing is the third category of kings."
"One of the supreme problems of modern society is loneliness."
"New York City is the loneliest place in the world for millions."
"How can a civilization function where there's one group of sentient people who live in constant fear that they might be eaten in cold blood by the other?"
"Human connection is... how important human interaction is, and how being lonely is detrimental to men and our society in general."
"The internet is going to reduce society, both good and bad, to something unimaginable."
"Most people are wanting to live in a free, prosperous, peaceful society, and the argument is how we achieve that."
"I prefer to live in a society where people are allowed to say things I don't like than a society in which they're not."
"Alliance building is an important component of success in human societies."
"The way we judge success in society at least in the western world today is really toxic."
"Society can turn at any moment, and the neat narratives of progress are just stories they tell us in school to make history easier to digest."
"Financial and personal privacy is a key component of life in a free society."
"You got a lot of technological advances being imposed upon mankind that is literally going to make one robotic, easily manipulated, and controlled."
"The veneer we call civilization is only skin deep."
"I think they're kind of like people. You know, you have thugs, you have crooks, you have athletes, you have movie stars."
"We're witnessing extraordinary acts of compassion, benevolence, and unity."
"Empathy is the cornerstone to creating a better society... because we can empathize with them and because we know what they're going through, we know what is that experience comes negatively to them, I think from a moral perspective that's how society becomes better."
"There's a global push towards a cashless society where digital currencies and online transactions are rapidly becoming the norm."
"The problem is parenting is not easy. Like, parenting is so hard, and it's so easy to become a parent."
"The addiction phenomenon is a result of people medicating themselves in a society that doesn't know how to treat them."
"We live in a political age where the interesting things are about kindness, love, compassion, and oneness."
"Freedom has a way that you can put up all the gates you want; freedom is going to find a way to get to people."
"What is the responsible way to serve society when you're at the forefront of a development with a huge impact on society?"
"Privacy is that thing that says you belong to you rather than to society."
"Privacy is about something to protect, and the thing that you're protecting is a free and open society."
"Gender identity is very much tied to cultural norms. At one point in time, having long hair meant you were a woman... these are social things."
"As society becomes less traditional, as family ties break down, as marriage becomes less and less common, more and more people are not able to find committed relationships, then that is correlated, that is directly correlated with depression."
"Muslims are marrying much more than non-Muslims. Muslims in Muslim societies have far higher rates of marriage than current liberal societies."
"You can tell who's in power by who you're not allowed to criticize."
"The Enlightenment, which was based around using rationality to improve society as opposed to tradition and religion, is very clearly modern."
"The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible."
"I'm enormously optimistic because we're going to be heading into a time of enormous social stress, and that creates the potentiality to create a new society."
"Society is efficient; here's the dividend of how good we've become in our efficiency and production economically on the technical level."
"A hundred percent completely obedient society is actually not desirable if you want to keep pushing society forward and keep progressing."
"Making these tools pervasive in society is a great step forward because it means that we're protecting the people who are putting their life on the line to protect us and to fight for our rights."
"We live in the most emotionalized society that the world has ever known. Everything is feels besides all the time."
"Epidemics can have very profound medical and social impacts."