
Bravery Quotes

There are 12658 quotes

"He stayed in the capital. Everybody, all the American military, the intelligence agencies, NATO, his own staff, advisors all told him to flee, and he stayed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Griffin did what of course any perfectly normal ten-year-old kid would do: he grabbed control of the car and safely executed a maneuver where he put the car through oncoming traffic into the side of the road, saving the lives of his great-grandmother, his four-year-old brother, and all the other drivers on the road."
Gabe Zimmerman
"This is really about stepping outside of your comfort zone."
"Facing your fears is crucial for personal growth."
"She's also gone back to skydiving which I think is great. I just think that's such a huge thing."
"True strength lies in a character's resilience, bravery, and determination, not their physical prowess."
"You're ready for this new stage and the bravery message here is really just letting you know that you're ready, you can handle it."
"I was terrified to set foot on the battlefield, but today I realize that I am even more terrified of losing my friends. So while I can't fight and won't kill, I will save everyone that I can."
"You've got what it takes, you're braver than you think."
"What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? I can tell you this: It is not for the faint of heart. It is only for the brave, the courageous, the calculated. Entrepreneurship is reserved for the resilient."
"Courage is the ability to do something even though it might be scary or dangerous or difficult at times."
"Her swift action and disregard for her own safety spoke volumes of her character and dedication."
"I'm staying here no matter what. I'm going to defend this entrance and that meant to give up my life, which I almost did."
"That doesn't mean you're doing healing wrong. That means you were brave enough in the first place to embark on this journey."
"You even risked your life to protect the little girl."
"By fighting so bravely, Nicole may have saved a lot of other lives that night."
"You're incredibly brave and I'm proud of you as a single mother."
"Speaking the truth, even when it's against yourself or your kin, is the essence of bravery and integrity."
"It's said that the true measure of courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."
"Bravery is the audacity to be unhindered by failures, and to walk with freedom, strength, and hope, in the face of things unknown."
"Shamu steps in and knocks the man down to protect the student."
"Mamadou's faith led him to this act of super altruism."
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
"Kirito dons his Black Swordsman attire and faces off against the Pontifex alone."
"Anyone in charge of clearing landmines is way braver than I am. I can barely clear my driveway."
"If you exposed people to say three things they were afraid of, they would go out voluntarily and expose themselves to all sorts of other things that they were afraid of. So, you didn't make them less afraid; you made them braver, which is very different."
"While there is censorship, both self and active, we can also see the development of some truly excellent journalism coming out of Pakistan and some very brave journalists who defy these censors."
"It's important to point out how frequently our law enforcement officers are the ones running towards the threat."
"Whenever you do anything, there's a risk of you dying, and you have to do these things anyway; it's just life."
"Every interaction is an experiment. When you think about it that way, you become so much braver."
"Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up."
"It's important for you to be brave, be open to adventure."
"These are the bravest kids. They have to fight every day to be themselves."
"Bravery is only good insofar as it overcomes some form of suffering or evil."
"The Princess of Wales has shown tremendous bravery with her statement today."
"Her bravery in sharing in this way and her continued commitment to supporting others speaks to her compassion and her sense of service."
"We've got this. Listen up. I know some of you are scared, and that's okay. It's normal to feel scared, but it's what we do in these moments that matter."
"A brave person listens to their heart, their own mind, their own thinking, pays attention to their gut first and foremost, and of course, will listen to outside sources and cut them off when they deserve to be cut off."
"It's a really brave act, I think, to do it, especially when there's a crowd and a bunch of people looking and knowing that your face is going to be on this leaderboard for as long as this object exists."
"Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."
"If you get people to voluntarily confront what they're afraid of, they get bravery."
"I always talk about wanting the ball when you've got 70 80,000 when you're losing at home. That's bravery."
"Clarice Starling's bravery is not only in facing an opponent to whom, on paper at least, she's outmatched; she's facing down an entire system that looks down on her."
"You're going to be a big brave boy; you've got this."
"Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian and general, once said, 'The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out and meet it.'"
"Jack Cornwall was only 16 when he lost his life at the Battle of Jutland... He did not panic or flee, nor lie in despair. Instead, he remained at his post, a 16-year-old boy, calm and ready to take more orders."
"We have to start talking about this stuff. I'll take one for the team. I'll say it how it is."
"He's always outmatched, but his bravery leads him to do great things."
"Being a man is when you run into battle to fight for what you believe in and save everything you love and hold dear, knowing you may never come home."
"When we sent our boys to Normandy, they didn't leave one person down on the battlefield. They ran back, they put themselves in danger. That's what we do. That's who we are as Americans."
"We're only the land of the free if we are in fact the home of the brave."
"The reality of bravery lies in the choice to protect, despite fear."
"The most profound acts of bravery often come from the most unexpected places."
"Step aggressively towards your fear... that step towards your fear is the step into bravery."
"We could argue that the poem praises the bravery and the honor of the soldiers but questions and criticizes the blunder of leadership."
"The whole event could be spun into a positive one if the focus was on the bravery and courage of the soldiers, glorious in defeat."
"The biblical imagery... highlights the almost awe-inspiring nature of the soldiers' bravery, that it's almost biblical in its kind of the way we should respect it."
"The US Army recognized Doss's extreme bravery and he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic and selfless actions at Okinawa."
"Dumbledore is one of the bravest characters during the seven books."
"Facing so many massive and dangerous creatures on the regular like Hagrid does takes a lot of bravery."
"Lily Evans... not only joined the Order of the Phoenix but faced Voldemort on three different occasions."
"Barely able to breathe, but he was determined to bring the wounded crew home safely."
"His bravery was suicidal and utterly selfless."
"We have a rather warped sense of what constitutes bravery these days."
"If you want a real-world manifestation of bravery in politics, this is it."
"Bravery does not happen in safe places. Bravery happens in the presence of real danger."
"I am brave. Anything that I put my mind and heart into, I can overcome."
"Bravery is a practice that we can utilize every single day."
"Practice bravery every single day, dare to dream, and experiment."
"You're actually welcoming change and adventure, and you're feeling brave about it."
"The protests in Iran are capturing our attention because we're seeing in real life how women are putting their lives on the line."
"Saying unpopular things at personal risk certainly takes a level of courage."
"When you read the Iliad, it makes you feel braver, it makes you feel stronger... Homer realized that when he saw soldiers marching into war, they sang songs and those songs made them feel braver."
"Look at the crew, everyone's together, and an amazing amount of bravery was determined, was calculated."
"He earned the Medal of Honor after saving several wounded men despite being seriously injured."
"The story of Black America should be a story of unbelievably brave people triumphing over systems that sucked."
"Courage isn't about not being afraid, it's about being afraid but doing it anyway."
"Allowing your bravery to appear, and know that you will shift the energy when it does."
"Sometimes there is a thin line between bravery and stupidity, and I don't know where you land."
"Bravery is the shield that will protect you from the thoughts of 'What if it doesn't go well?'"
"The caterpillar isn't afraid of going into the cocoon."
"The most courageous thing you can do above all bravery is to be honest with yourself."
"The safest place in the kingdom is the front lines of battle."
"It's gonna take a lot of confidence, a lot of guts to make the shifts."
"It takes them a long time to get their bravery up for the waves, but then once they do, they're like running towards them, and you have to rescue them a bunch because they'll just get knocked down with any wave. They're so short. They're so shrimpy."
"Acting brave even though she's afraid, and that's real bravery, acting in spite of fear."
"It's amazing to see how brave they are, and a photo like this is really such an important message for us to remember today."
"It's not the first time I did it... but I think as I've got older, I've got more brave in being honest about my fears and my insecurities."
"So many beautiful lives lost and just the bravery and the courage of those children and the teachers."
"The cape buffalo...unafraid of any form of confrontation."
"She doesn't care about whether he's going to stab her, she knows that she's putting her life in danger, but all that matters to her is protecting her injured colleague."
"The universe has treats or surprises headed your way."
"The appetite for risk has to be there. Being brave and feeling comfortable leaning in is essential."
"It's important to provide support and empathy to the people who are being brave enough to come forward and encourage that behavior."
"These brave men and women stayed doing their jobs knowing there is a very strong likelihood of a terror attack."
"True courage means facing those fears with conviction."
"I went to the basement at 3 in the morning of this haunted ass house and yelled, 'Come and get me, Big Boy!'"
"You got to be brave. Do nothing, be nothing, say nothing if you don't want criticism."
"The Coast Guard, they're a special breed. They put themselves in danger to help people like me."
"In the air and on the sea, brave men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard risk their own safety so that others may live."
"He wanted to live life to the fullest. He never let fear stop him from living his dreams."
"It's a very brave thing, people don't talk about that enough. How brave you have to be to put your stuff on the front line."
"We're incredibly grateful for the brave rescuers who immediately rushed to the scene."
"Thank you to the health care workers and the first responders. These are very brave people."
"It’s a very brave thing to show love and affection for others, and to do it wholeheartedly like Steven does."
"Acknowledging and being sensitive to your own fears is a true demonstration of bravery."
"Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble."
"Bravery takes you through the most unimaginable hardships to finally reward you with victory."
"When Guan Yu fought, no other would stand; the victory was his, the spoils were for his province."
"Courage is not being fearless; it's confronting your fears bravely."
"They are the defenders of humanity. They are my Space Marines, and they shall know no fear."
"This person is attracted to someone who isn't afraid of confrontation."
"Vegeta dies a warrior with no fear, no regrets, and no more pain. Goodbye, Saiyan Prince."
"Journalists, especially in countries like Rwanda, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia... are the bravest people on earth."
"They showed insane bravery while being tortured so badly that they slipped into a vegetative state of madness."
"The men that died on the beach that day, they were all facing Germany. You could look at them up and down that afternoon, they were facing forward, and not backwards."
"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquering of our fears."
"Asking for help is extremely brave; it's not weakness."
"He was willing to die to stop Voldemort from conquering the Wizarding world."
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."
"These officers ran into the fire without any fear... if it wasn't for their brave and courageous actions, there is no doubt that more children would be dead right now."
"She got herself out to the war by her own efforts... and at her own expense, risked her life to bring comfort to the wounded and dying soldiers."
"I will take the ring, though I do not know the way."
"Contrary to popular opinion, there is an immense bravery in innocence."
"Completely disregarding his own safety, Garcia stayed with officer Verbeck and radioed for help while the violence died down."
"Jenna fights a bear and almost beats it on her own; the girl's got courage."
"He confronted a scammer at their home which requires massive balls of steel."
"A true hero is someone who voluntarily steps up to the challenge, someone who has the bravery to leave their comfort zone and discover who they truly are."
"Don't bottle stuff up, don't put on a facade, face the unknown, go into the forest, slay the dragon."
"You can choose to puff out your chest a little bit and do something that’s brave and maybe a little bit scary but is the right thing to do."
"Despite her recklessness, the adults thank her for her deed after Anya is awarded her first Stella Star."
"She taught me so much in her death. She was so brave."
"She never once complained, she never once got frightened, she never cried."
"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear."
"Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave."
"These brave women stepped forward to speak truth to power and in doing so, they expressed faith in the belief that although the governor may be powerful, the truth is even more so."
"Cher Ami, sits up and with a bullet wound bleeding from his chest, he still manages to get up and fly away with that message tied around his leg."
"We should all be focused on the courageous bravery of the women who came forward and all of us should be focused on keeping women safe, believing women, and allowing women to speak their truth."
"I'm trying to be more brave. New year, new me."
"None of this would have been illuminated if not for the heroic women who came forward, and I am inspired by all the brave women who came forward. But more importantly, I believe them and I thank them for their bravery."
"Courage was everything: courage in the face of the enemy, courage to risk yourself and your safety, courage to speak the truth, courage to stand alone."
"They went down in history due to the bravery of their crews. They are the ships that deserve to be called naval legends."
"I hope I'm smart enough and brave enough to do something."
"Understand that it's all right to not be good, it's okay to not be okay, and needing something and admitting to it is a sign of bravery, not weakness."
"We are the land of the free and the home of the brave."
"But luckily for them, there are kind and brave people out there who are willing to help."
"Their bravery is a high moment in the sordid story of what led to January 6."
"Every now and again, you got to sack up and do the thing that scares you the most."
"The key's importance persisted as they were handed down through the generations, each new owner connected with their tale of bravery and tenacity."
"That doesn't read right... That's a disgruntled employee like, 'ha haa, this will be funny.'"
"This one would be awesome... In hindsight, I was like, 'That was really, really, really brave of me.'"
"Love takes bravery, no matter what kind of love it is—romantic, platonic, sexual, physical, spiritual—it takes courage."
"This person wants to take a leap of faith on you. They want to have the bravery to have this ten of cups with you."
"Brave was the one with the most potential to do something genuinely interesting."
"We get a powerful sense of personality: this guy is fearless, he is disciplined, he has a crazy amount of self-control."
"For once you've stood to defend the Cadian Gate, there's little else you wouldn't be willing to face."
"Your whole life can change right now, you just need to love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more, and be disciplined enough to actually work for more."
"What Chelsea Manning did was brave and in the public interest, and I'm grateful for it."
"You got zero guts. Ah, I got guts because I'm brave."
"Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice."
"The Bravery of that little guy...to bust out of that house, whatever he had to do to get out, and he knew he needed help."
"The Ukrainians, to their credit, their bravery, they've been holding."
"Cristiano's bravery: Picture of him was brave to take risks, he was brave to remain the person that he was and didn't change."
"This is a joyous day, this is an amazing operation very brave, very bold."
"Dark Waters is a factual account of a crewman on board America's most secret submarine project NR1. Dark Waters details the bravery in the face of a catastrophic reactor failure far at sea."
"Bravery takes you through suitable hardships to finally reward you with victory."
"The highest form of bravery is the vulnerability to both give and receive those most vulnerable aspects of your being."
"The media doesn't even want to cover it. You're actually very brave because you're doing something the media doesn't want to talk about."
"My grandfather was a Light Horseman... They were fearless. My grandfather went to war with a total disregard for his safety to fight for my freedoms."
"But you know, you've got to respect the efforts of these lads, using whatever's to hand to take down this knife-wielding maniac."
"The phenomenal bravery of these people cannot be overstated."
"More than anything, she overcomes her fears for the sake of others."
"Be brave with your choices, think big with your ideas, and explore every possibility, and you never know, your dreams might just come true too."
"Kindness doesn't make us weak but is instead the strongest form of bravery a person can know."
"This mongoose takes on a black mamba, and it's not long before the mongoose delivers a deadly blow to one of the most venomous snakes in the world."
"A dude who just fought a bear off with his bare hands."
"Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself."
"You don't get less afraid, you get braver and that's better than less afraid."
"It's patriotic. It's brave. It's not popular, but you're doing it."
"You have this one life. How do you want to spend it? Apologizing, regretting, questioning, hating yourself, dieting? Running after people who don't see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud."
"Zack's bravery in the face of impossible odds is incredibly moving."
"Brother, if I were to remain here, people would say that I did it through cowardice. No, sir. I'm an officer, and I will never disgrace the uniform I wear."
"There were never harder fighters than the 20th Maine men and their gallant Colonel."
"The scale and persistency and the great bravery of his men saved Little Round Top and the Army of the Potomac from defeat."
"Bravery is all a matter of perspective, you see. Let's just say I found creative ways to deal with those troubling creatures."
"We've seen how Ukrainians with their bare hands try to stop Russian tanks. How brave and fearless our people are."
"When I see people with tattoos, I feel a twinge of admiration. I think, 'You know, I'm not brave enough to have a tattoo because I couldn't live with the permanence of it. I'm such a shape-shifting sort of person.'"
"Piper is brave, putting herself personally in harm's way not because she's greedy but to help other people."
"I hope that I encourage at least some of you to be brave and speak up and be confident in your values, whatever they are, and to not be afraid to dissent from a narrative."
"They did not just defend a building or the people sheltering in it; they put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people."
"Some of the Capitol police officers who bravely defended the Capitol building on January 6th were in attendance at the arraignment."
"Despite the creepy feel of the place from the very start, the men brave it out and continue exploring."
"It's actually like a realistic thing for some people. So incredibly brave."
"He would only put himself in the most perilous situations; he wouldn't ask any of us to do it."
"The heroic young boy who rescued his sister from a dog attack and paid the price for it physically... It's an incredible story."
"Her legacy would be one of compassion, bravery, and love for all those in her order."
"Being brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you fight back even when you are scared."
"You have to be brave enough to have the conversation in the first place."
"A dog that will exhibit steadfast bravery and willing to protect his human companion."
"You're braver than you know and you're stronger than you think."