
Limitations Quotes

There are 4315 quotes

"But what is clear, is that it's dose-limited in how high and strongly we can stimulate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Killing ants (automatic negative thoughts): How well are you controlling your self-talk? If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them."
"I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted level of their potential being."
"I've been trying to be a better version of myself and I've been limited by various things."
"One of the other big things that derails people is trying to be too perfectionistic and trying to do too much."
"Money fixes a whole lot, but it doesn't fix everything."
"The only limitations that truly exist are the ones that we put on ourselves."
"You can't possibly know your limitations if you never pushed yourself to your limitations."
"You need to exercise a ton more, you need to stop smoking, you need to go on a diet, but you can't write that prescription as a doctor."
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
"You ever feel like you're in a box and all you can see are your four walls, no matter what you do?"
"Your dream life sounds pretty awesome, and there's nothing limiting you from being able to have the dream life, nothing. It's just up to you if you want to pursue it."
"It's your mind that stops your potential, not your genetics."
"This idea that having no limitations and complete freedom... doesn't promote happiness."
"You have the power to make a difference; you don't have the power to fix everything."
"You can be great at anything, but you can't be great at everything."
"None of these [pathways to knowledge] is infallible... there are proper limits to science; otherwise, you're peddling untenable naive scientism."
"The boundaries that were imposed upon us were self-imposed."
"If God made twelve universes, we're only going to be able to explore the one that we're in."
"Life is not a Disney movie. You cannot do anything you set your mind to."
"It's not what you want to be great at, unfortunately, it's what you are great at."
"Manifesting from a place of exhaustion is manifesting from a place that's too small for you."
"It's more productive to rest and sometimes it's more productive to do what we can and not force us beyond our physical limits."
"Wisdom is recognizing the limitations of our brain and what we think we know and what we can know."
"You only have like a certain level of mental energy that you can use."
"You can accomplish anything, but you can't do everything."
"You can't have freedom without limitations. You can't have freedom without restrictions and boundaries."
"We think they empower us when in fact they limit us. We believe that we will be nothing without our beliefs when in fact the opposite is true."
"The limit does not exist. This person's perception of boundaries isn't real."
"There are no real limits on what you can accomplish except for the limits that you place on yourself."
"Weather is a great equalizer and can make even the most technologically advanced adversary completely useless if the right conditions are met."
"You're gonna stop thinking with doubts, gonna stop thinking with limitations."
"The only limitations our mind ever has are the ones we put on ourselves."
"Depression research is pretty clear that you cannot will your way out of it."
"In an ideal world, we want our algorithms to be super fast and scalable and take a minimum amount of memory, but unfortunately, that hardly, if ever, happens."
"You can't stunt someone's growth like that forever, it's not natural, celebrity or not, people need to grow up and explore."
"Interior design is very good for dealing with limitations because they've always got limitations of budgets and materials."
"Sometimes it's okay to just give up, to say to yourself, 'You know what, I can't do this.'"
"We're not tracking all of [the asteroids]. We can't track all of them yet."
"Artificial intelligence has become immensely successful and better than humans in fact... what we do not have, however, is an AI that can do any of these things at the same time."
"It's important to know that it's not perfect and may sometimes give bias or outright incorrect information."
"You cannot determine both the position and the momentum at the same time."
"There are many beliefs that imprison us, and stop us experiencing the fullness of life."
"To divide anything by zero is to create a situation that is undefined in mathematics – a testament to the limits of human knowledge." – Unknown
"The principle of computational equivalence... makes church's thesis definite by saying that there really is a hard upper limit on the computations that can be done in our universe."
"It's not EU4, this isn't Civilization VI or something. They do what they can do, and there are incredibly complicated variables which determine what they're able to do."
"Even with all the supplements in the world, of course, you can take, you're not going to be a professional bike rider."
"Your limitations are just perceptions and that discomfort will always be your compass towards growth."
"I make them because it's interesting to see how much of the Skyrim experience one can gain while region-locked to a specific location."
"You can't innovate yourself out of being stupid."
"Unless you're a very basic user, I just cannot recommend an iPad Pro yet."
"I unlock your limitations right now in the name of Jesus."
"Flaws are more interesting than the powers themselves. The story is generally going to revolve around what your characters have trouble doing, around what the magic can't do, rather than what it can."
"You need a new roof. You keep banging up on the things… Here's what happens through life. You learn lies and become loyal to them, and then those lies become limits."
"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations."
"Your past doesn't limit you. God is so much bigger than that."
"Realistic is one of the worst words because realistic shouldn't even exist."
"A belief that's not rooted in self-examination is ultimately very limiting."
"Ultimately, it's absolutely interesting. I don't deny that, but I don't think there's a whole lot I can do with it."
"Limitations and restrictions are an important part of D&D and are an important part of having fun in D&D."
"Seeking, as long as it's in the service of truth, is great. If it's in assertive certainty, it can be a limitation."
"If you're unable to do what you want to, chances are it's not the rational that's holding you back."
"Mandy, mommy loves you very much, but she can't pick you up. You'll need to get up on the couch and crawl in mommy's lap, and then she can hold you."
"You can't use it; it's been built with wood inside of it."
"Just because Rudius could see one second into the future didn't mean that it was a future he could always react to."
"You cannot take nearly six strikes a minute at the championship level in The Ultimate Fighting Championship and then expect to win consistently."
"I'll accept compliments from anyone, but I ain't accepting limitations from nobody."
"The fail point is what it's always been, which is human discipline."
"Nurture can only take you so far until nature catches up."
"Algorithms... they're also a little bit stupid sometimes."
"You haven't dreamed big enough. You've been told that you can't do something that actually you can do."
"I believe you can say whatever you want to, to a point. So, there is a 'to a point'."
"It doesn't matter how much money you pay; you can't fix a broken arm overnight."
"We're only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination."
"Information can't travel faster than light. This is the part that you're not going to like because, as a Star Trek and Star Wars fan, I absorb what I'm about to say right now: since objects contain information, they cannot travel faster than light based on the laws of physics as we understand them today."
"I'm not like a licensed therapist, and I do appreciate that you find comfort in me, but if I were to respond, it would just be like any other person."
"The limitation was their inability, and not everyone has access to an instrument."
"Caffeine actually increases cognitive function, but caffeine doesn't last forever."
"You are able to kiss yourself in a mirror just only on the lips."
"As guardians don't know anything about treating human diseases."
"Even if you manage to overcome each and every single barrier to the art form, neither you nor I will ever fully understand it."
"We don't rise to what we believe is possible; we fall to what we believe we're worthy of."
"Limitation breeds creativity. If you are forced to exist and create within a confine, you will find every possible thing you can do within that confine."
"Whilst I'm a professional aerodynamicist, I'm not a magician. Flows on a Formula 1 car are very complicated and you can't perfectly predict what's going to happen."
"You can be anything you want, but not everything."
"There's no power that we can reach above yours; you're as high as we can go."
"Reconciliation between two people is not always possible in this life because it requires two willing parties."
"To preemptively capitulate that better things are not possible limits the scope of our ambitions."
"Money talks, but it don't sing and dance and it can't walk."
"The human body is an amazing machine, but it's simply not built for a life in outer space."
"The Wall of Wishes used images rather than words to facilitate bargains, and in this way limit Riven, the raid's final boss’s ability to manipulate wishes."
"When you're restricted in your tools, it forces you to be more creative."
"The healing power of friendship only goes so far."
"You have to make the choice to either live with your limitations and excuses or to change your life."
"If you find yourself limited, you reinvent yourself."
"The nostalgic charm can only take a person so far."
"I didn't use any palm trees because I'd never seen Bob Ross paint a palm tree."
"You're always going to be limited by resources, but you're not limited by ideas."
"The big question in this class is: what are the capabilities and limitations of a computer?"
"Fundamentally our ability to crack this whole thing would be very limited and there might be other considerations that we are oblivious to."
"Saturn's like, 'Pull it up. I have a limit. I have limits here, guys.'"
"The Second Amendment is not absolute. When it was passed, you couldn't own a cannon. There's always been limitations."
"Without us knowing, a vision can actually limit the limitless potential that life has to offer."
"You have to be willing to come face to face with your intellectual limitations and keep going."
"The sky is the limit is a limitation. As you keep going, this never ends, and what this thing is trying to do through you right now is a grillion times bigger than the greatest action you can take."
"You can't just will yourself into neurochemical stasis when you literally have a physiological deficit that makes that impossible."
"To say we will never go faster than sound, they're making a technologically limiting statement, not a statement about the limits of nature."
"The very endowment that confers richness and complexity also sets bounds on what can be attained."
"It's hard to think outside the box when you don't know where the edges of the box are."
"The imagination is infinite, but our lives are finite."
"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty."
"The greatest force holding you back today, right now, are the words that you allow to come out of your own mouth."
"Natural supplements will help, but they will not work on their own."
"Autopilot for a long time treated lane lines as god, they were like concrete boundaries."
"There's a ceiling to what you can achieve with a young squad and a young manager."
"All of us, whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not, are little frogs underneath a coconut shell of fear, doubt, and insecurity."
"You can't clone a quantum. It means you can't take an unknown state, and you can move it, teleport it from here to there, but you can't teleport two copies to one place and to another."
"Some of my best experiences and playthroughs have been through characters with limitations."
"I don't even know what we could fit in this little room."
"I wanted to wheel in the TV cart, throw on some Bill Nye, and tune the hell out too, but it's just not meant to be."
"No matter how cool your substitute teacher is as a person, they really only can be as cool as the lesson plan left behind for them by the teacher."
"Moon was a good map, but it was limited by its hardware and limited by its time."
"Dishonesty is the one thing not covered by the First Amendment."
"God, we are limited by the sacraments; God is not."
"Reason is very feeble indeed if it can't see that there are many things beyond reason."
"I think as you get older, you recognize that the adults in your life had their own limitations just like you have your own limitations."
"Limitations do not only breed creativity; they are essential for creativity to exist."
"I hit my 1 limit I'm afraid that's it for this year."
"Willpower is finite. Willpower will eventually burn out. You need something more than that."
"Remember, I am a pre-recorded message and cannot hear you."
"Personally, I find considering what your limitations would be as interesting as any glorious wonders you could witness."
"You can never recreate Earth in its entirety. It's impossible. There's just too many complex things."
"If the original Biosphere 2 mission's taught us anything, it's that there's a huge blind spot in our understanding of Earth."
"It’s becoming increasingly apparent that creativity is our limit, not science."
"You can't lift heavy when training like this."
"We weren't even close to existing yet, so can you blame anyone for not having all of the answers?"
"Just do once what others say you can't do, and you'll never pay attention to their limitations again."
"Jesus is your Savior, but he can only go so far on your own. He wants to be your pole vaulter as your Messiah."
"No one can efficiently do it all, not even the United States."
"Handling limitations: adapting strategies on the fly."
"Neither objective nor projective measures are flawless or fully supported by psychologists."
"Does it have wings? Can it fly? No, it can't fly."
"If we argue hard for our limitations, we'll get to keep them." - Bonnie Sudick
"An element like gold for example doesn’t have the ability to react with other elements to create the complex chemistry needed to sustain an analogue of biology."
"Side missions are the same [ __ ] as ever, but most of them also come with rules that massively constrain viable play styles."
"I'm effectively cut out for less than 10 things, none of which requires any real skills."
"I actually love limitations... Embracing limitation... I think limitation can be a good thing." - Speaker
"Freya fierce randomizes events but limits tech to medieval."
"There's certain things only the government can do."
"No you can't get blood out of a turnip, which is a problem."
"God does what I can't do, not what I won't do."
"Steve loses a couple matchups because you can camp him because he's slow but diamond is f*cked up."
"No matter the outside talent you bring in to change your broken movie down the line, there are some things a simple superficial band-aid just won't fix."
"Consider this a practice run for when you don't have so much room to maneuver."
"The only thing I can say is, like, I'll tell you how I try my best. Alright? My own ideology is that I try within the limitations that I have in my mind. I try to be evidence-based."
"Of course, this video will never do it justice."
"This is not a cure... it's not like a parachute for somebody falling out of a plane."
"It's just limitation and here's the cool part: you can't hack anything anymore."
"It's not just nighttime; we're talking about complete darkness here. No single light source around you."
"Men can make money but money cannot make men."
"You are not limited by what's going on right now. This is one moment in time."
"The plague of any neural net is that it gets stuck in some kind of local maximum."
"I love empiricism, but I love it because I know how small it actually is."
"Organics created synthetics to improve their own existence, but those improvements have limits."
"If you're big and strong and you don't know any technique, you get this."
"The limitations of our knowledge: a metaphor."
"Einstein's theory breaks down before the Planck time."
"Just because you have the freedom of speech, it doesn't give you the freedom to say whatever you want."
"The only limits imposed on him were the physical limits of his body."
"We're getting to a time where you gotta be careful what you tell kids they can't do."
"I thought that brain-human brain interface was limited by the fact that each human mind, while following similar patterns of construction, are too different, unique like a snowflake."
"Live in the Pokémon world, but never own one? I'll take it, just like having a friend with a pet."
"Creativity knows no bounds, even when the blocks are limited."
"Grammar is important, but it's limited. It can be useful, but it's not the whole thing." - Stephen Krashen
"It was a small change, but it was the best they could do."
"Can you customize the look of your character? Sort of."
"There's so many things I can't do just because, realistically, this is how my hand kind of constantly always is."
"Both of these Buffs, whether it's damage reduction or the damage increase, are super good but because you don't really get to pick or have much control over it, it ends up being pretty lackluster."
"Expand yourself out of certain limitations that you've been stuck in."
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Just because you're thirsty."
"It's not about raw power, it's about understanding your own limitations and your skill within those limitations."
"It's hard to explain but, sometimes the limitations within the gameplay is what makes the game fun."
"Nature only allows you to play the cards you're dealt."
"Don't kill yourself trying to make this perfect living world with unlimited possibilities. All roads lead to Ravenloft."
"I wasn't able to observe that and get close enough to see that."
"Ladies, we gotta think big but I think it's too small."
"You can't self correct if all three strikes happen in a single day."
"Sweet balances sour, which is your acid; balances bitter; balances salt; and also it balances piquancy."
"There's very little reason to run around on foot on the ground or on your mount to explore the map."
"The whole rest of the game is designed around you running around on foot or on your mount and that's it."
"No expandable memory, that's kind of a big deal."
"The best spectacle in movies is when the person executing it knows exactly where the limitations are."
"The internet is like a buffet bar and you and your country searching the internet like you would normally is like having access to only the condiments section of the buffet bar."
"Your main limits in video editing are your imagination and your software."
"Fear limits our ability to think freely and to think rationally."
"The lack of an actual post-game or even a third path really holds the game back from its potential."
"Even if there are plenty of things they can never do I certainly don’t think even this brand of AI models are in their final form."
"Your ability to mass produce it or the inability to mass-produce it is part of its overall specs."
"Invisibility doesn't automatically mean you're hidden. Creatures can still locate your position with hearing or if you leave footprints or something of that sort behind."
"I mean I've had to abandon my shopping cart at grocery stores because of this, I've had to bail on DoorDash orders, I've ruined dates by not being able to eat inside restaurants."