
Strategies Quotes

There are 526 quotes

"But I also know that when you're trying to solve really complicated problems, the more you can simplify the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're going to get real strategies that actually worked for people."
"By the end of this video, you will have two strategies that you can immediately put into practice."
"I was investing around where I was thinking, okay, I'm going to try every possible combination of things because I was experimenting."
"I see all spiritual teachings as they're really strategies for awakening."
"The game is easy enough, and things like enchanting, custom spell, and alchemy can go a long way."
"Make eye contact with people in the crowd as you're presenting. It's one of the most effective strategies for good public speaking."
"A bad habit is better replaced than avoided."
"Every single one of the Dems that's gone after Trump, every one of these liberal radical crazy Democrats, it's not 'Here's how I'm going to clean up crime in the street,' it's 'I'm going to get Trump.'"
"There are multiple ways to reduce your fear, like performing finishing moves on enemies or even lighting campfires, which your group can huddle around."
"Identifying a trend followed by a pattern formation and then a pattern break in the main trend direction, this is a trend trading strategy."
"Keep doubling down on the protocols that are succeeding."
"The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer."
"if the market is telling me it's going higher I'm going to put a portion of my portfolio to take advantage of that"
"Prevention is the action or steps we follow that can prohibit avoidable injuries and unnecessary delays."
"So, every time you sort the inventory, it resets the spoil timer of any food that you have sorted. So, a pretty crazy little bug but useful if you've got something you want to keep resetting manually."
"This video is very loaded because there's so many loaded things that you can do."
"Implementation intentions are a surprisingly effective tool for beating procrastination."
"Streamers like Loutlot proposed innovative strategies."
"I'm able to have a stupid amount of fun with some absolutely crazy strategies."
"Admiration for the 1998 Saturday Night Live sketch that inspired it."
"I'm sure there was a way to translate the memes into getting people into seats, but it probably would have taken some kind of incentive."
"I think Trump's team has really run out of options at this point."
"There's a million ways to financial heaven, and a billion ways to financial hell."
"Cheesing in the world of gaming is the name for an underhanded tactic or doing something easier not intended by the developers."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"Make them live up to their own rules... ask for the manager."
"Good deals are the common denominator amongst almost every real estate exit strategy."
"They're a way of identifying a trend that you can follow."
"If they were doing it why would they do it this badly... even if you're cheating right... why would you do the whole card change so blatantly obvious?"
"Psychic spam can just win games so quickly." - Aaron Cybertron's Zeng
"Sleep is a condition that's just so good in this format." - Aaron Cybertron's Zeng
"Starvation is a long-term strategy, not a long-term solution."
"You will never find the simple yet powerful trading technique than just trading with support and resistance levels."
"Remember to take the meat of the move and run."
"Sometimes doing nothing is best, which is path three."
"No one really knows... that's why the only strategy that is known to work time and time again is the dollar cost average."
"This can make your active learning strategies very very effective."
"Most places and most problems have more than one way to deal with them."
"It's that overcomplication for me and for the kiss, keep it simple stupid, that works much better and more effectively than most of the most complicated strategies out there."
"Shrinkflation is happening as a Trojan horse way for companies to pass along more expensive things to you."
"Inside you will find a full course that teaches everything from the complete basics of forex to profitable and advanced strategies you can use to pull profits out of the market."
"I'm all about finding better solutions for big problems."
"Combos are reward bonuses for executing certain moves in a certain order."
"If this works, we have actually unlocked a secret way to teleport around the map."
"But do not fret, for staying in one place is the man's only peeve. Keep him at bay for another five minutes, and he'll leave."
"This looks just like a Lou Taylor playbook move."
"I don't like being the token black guy, so he hatches a plan to help other people of color infiltrate America's tech startup sales teams, redefining what it means to be a minority in the workplace."
"Sometimes with a bully, you have to speak the language the bully understands."
"Democrats were able to come into a political space and do something that was effective."
"Mutate can blow up artifacts or enchantments."
"You can capture a man's attention if you want to have a relationship."
"You gotta fight fire with water... even if they're irrational."
"Fight until you have a weapon with lightning powers, and then bail out. Isn't that the way life goes?"
"There are multiple ways to do things, lots of options."
"Strategies for maintaining audience engagement and managing content."
"It's one of my own trading rules, but I think today's another good example of why it's beneficial to wait those first 15 minutes."
"The important thing is there's something you do to a problem is better than solving it and that's dissolved it."
"Guys can friend their way into a relationship with a girl."
"Optimizing the speedrun truly does come down to optimizing your walking."
"Subzero Cameo seems to be one of the easier ways to actually go into it for whatever mixups you want to apply next"
"God's promises don't mean there aren't problems but God's promises that also have problems are to be addressed by the strategy used to grab a hold of what he has said."
"The fastest way to level up and unlock more legends is to last longer in the battle royale."
"The only chance the Democrats have in the midterms is a hail mary of executive orders."
"He's had enough time, and there's two angles I'm going to come up with this: the first one is Ollie out."
"A big business is a small business that did the right things."
"PRG: Alive play, wait for that $3 recapture."
"Sometimes the simplest method is the most effective one."
"They're planning some form of communication."
"The secret to getting an apartment here is getting it before it gets posted to all the sites."
"She's literally showing y'all how to get this money, you just gotta read between the lines."
"I stumbled upon how to get girls... game is always the same."
"The gov never understands the private sector always has a counter move."
"The trend is your friend. Let your winners ride, cut your losers quickly."
"So that worked out obviously very well in the 90s."
"I want people to be armed with the right arguments so that when these... people... have a disproportionate amount of influence, I want people to understand there are tactics you can use to fight it."
"You gotta have a gimmick if you want to make some money in this game."
"I'm actually really surprised they went for that."
"Mitigating that risk is one of the best things you could do for self-preservation."
"Natural infection I contend is our long-term way out of this pandemic."
"The important takeaway is that there's lots of different ways to play this game."
"Fortnite Battle Royale is a super complex game with a lot of different strategies, play styles, and a ton of different ways to improve."
"A focus on mitigation efforts, and lots of them, in concert with adaptation strategies is required to combat climate change."
"The movement in your fictional world should be something like a quilt of different groups."
"Your revolutionaries should embrace the fact that the struggle would benefit from a plurality of strategies to attack the Big Bad from different angles."
"At the last minute you're going to see a lot of deals done."
"They'll give you the semblance of a piece of cheese for every time that you do a little trick... until you find a way around the cheese game."
"Craven now knows the weakness of the Symbiote. Craven now knows oh I just need loud sound and I got you my boy you're not a threat to me anymore"
"But if what I need to make the girls chase me is to turn them on instantly then so it be."
"Sometimes the simplest methods are the best."
"I Love Actually being able to be more in control of when I'm getting a rift dropped."
"There's more than one way to solve a problem."
"You're probably wondering why 58, so at 99 you're gonna be able to get gold brick wall so don't worry about that."
"Nice strats, you're the true Pro of the day."
"One of the absolute best methods for leveling in the entire game."
"Sometimes in order to do that you have to be belligerent and fight people."
"25 to 26 minute consistently is very realistic to do if you just learn the techniques in the run we're about to show you."
"It takes a little more time maybe, but it actually is effective."
"An easy way into the format is by a pre-con and upgrade it."
"To solve these problems one of the options we can use is diplomacy."
"Stay focused on time management, especially in reading and listening sections."
"I'm always looking to learn new stuff, approaches, strategies, etc."
"Republicans have a major problem on their hands when it comes to abortion which they can see clearly and which is why they are throwing a ton of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks."
"Wisdom hands you three things: avoidance, navigation, and acceleration."
"His uppercut is one of the best in the game... even in revision 5.0 his uppercut can be useful for escaping jab pressure."
"We do not need to do trial and error all the time."
"They have serpentine political tactics, and it's right out of the Olinsky playbook."
"There's no denying the abundance of these insects due to their incredibly powerful strategies."
"We're all in the same game, I think it's the best idea we stick together."
"Sometimes the best way to hide a secret is in plain sight."
"AKA the Cuatro: Liliana's Contract and Biovisionary."
"The tough road to reliably create wealth doesn't quite grab the attention like an open mouth and flashlights."
"Something that's been very powerful for us in our growth is communication and language hacks."
"Our game of opponents have had hundreds of millions of years to perfect their tactics on how to defeat us."
"There are so many different ways to play and enjoy and love this game."
"As a community, we need to agree on healthy survival strategies."
"What strategies might you have, even if they don't pan out every time?"
"The human lifestyle, human strategy towards this is somewhat heritable, it's actually largely heritable."
"Basically, you can outrun a blue shell on 200cc."
"It's a really really good special for edge guarding."
"Back air is you're actually your main kill move all the time."
"How do you make something successful? It's with the marketing."
"I think it's totally fine. It's what traders do. Just use stop losses if you're an active trader."
"The truth is, no, there's a huge way to do this and maintain your integrity."
"Hikaru is ready for a fight; he plays the most combative opening."
"Let's focus yeah let's get Focus any suggestions could have played wolf peak"
"And I agree. This one was easy, but other problems won't be easy. And if you don't have some sort of problem solving framework to fall back on, you'll be shooting blind and that's a lonely, lonely place to be."
"Remember what I told y'all, if there's a way in, there's a way out."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures to an extent."
"Perpetual improvement loop: the key to distinguishing the best methods of tomorrow."
"Instead of looking for an exit strategy, start looking for the things that you have to do."
"If I've learned one thing, as a history nerd, is that it's usually a good idea to listen to strategies that have been employed for thousands of years because if they stayed around that long, there's probably something to them."
"Last year you could just make free money by placing last every time."
"What a crazy card man! 16 seconds into the card we had a counter to the calf kick straight away."
"Understanding the strategies on how your business needs to look like on paper."
"I think the kids at home really learned a few new strategies watching that turn."
"Combo decks get better, but so do the decks trying to fight them."
"Convince your brain the girl of interest is a non-threat."
"It's something that allows for a ton of depth and a ton of optimization and a ton of varied strategies"
"It was nice that this strategy that probably shouldn't have worked just finally worked at the end."
"The echoes of history are everywhere now, in the Trump investigations and in the echoes of impeachment. Donald Trump is reverting to a strategy that Richard Nixon tried and failed to make work."
"Ships can be purchased for real money as standalone ships or with game packages."
"There's a way to win, there are ways to succeed, there are ways that we can get after it."
"It needs to be collaboration and cooperation, not domination and coercion."
"Dollar-cost averaging: a winning strategy for investors."
"It's counter to what we were trying to accomplish."
"There are very clear means to approach the situations from the point of view of pursuing diplomatic options."
"No more of that. It's also helping to break you of any old strategies, routines, plans for your life that are not supportive of your next steps."
"You have to have a framework for what you want and make sure you know all the scenarios."
"You have to fight an ideology with a better idea."
"You could grow your business 30% in the next 6 to 12 months."
"You'll literally pay rogues like thousands of gold to give you tricks."
"Just implementing this could completely turn your trading around."
"Coins to help them accelerate more, oh, and this is Rush."
"Money builds movements, it always has, and secondary to money is public exposure."
"Once you've lost someone's trust, how do you win it back? By building a record of admission against interest."
"Air dribbles are the least risky mechanic to go for."
"Combining forces to create a winning formula."
"Always try to use the least confrontational method when possible."
"I'm sure the gender Advocates have a few cards up their sleeve to pull yet."
"Think of what you could do running on popular issues Republicans we needed his campaign to show that and you are welcome."
"Imagine playing this mode on shipment with all these different abilities."
"The strongest tier one orb in the game... except when it manages to find the exact route to fall down the pit."
"Research on emotion regulation says there are two strategies that tend to be effective: one is distraction, the other is reframing."
"Some of the best strategies, some of the best affiliate programs, and some other tips and tricks that you can use to make money on Pinterest."
"There are systems and strategies that have been set up that regular Americans are supposed to be using that allows you to put aside some of your income totally tax-free."
"I'm going to teach you most of my strategies I've learned in the past 30 years that have proven to be successful for me."
"You can't solve all your problems at once with one strategy; you need small solutions to take care of the problem at the same time."
"I've really tried to coalesce all the tactics, all the techniques, and all the strategies that have been proven to work with GoFundMe and put them into one place."
"There's nothing in this world that'll trigger a fish more than a struggling shad or golden shiner right there at the surface."
"Having a mixture of different defenses is critical."
"The most evidence-based antidote to belief in conspiracy theories are inoculation or pre-bunking strategies."
"Exposure is critical. People need exposure to different strategies."
"Little small strategies that people don't really think about."
"Packing in a personal item only, it's a big challenge but I think with the right strategies it can be done."
"But now I'd like to ask, what are your habits as a language learner that you swear by?"
"You either own the stock at a discount, meaning a price that you're comfortable with owning the stock at with a discount factor, or you simply keep the income from the short put. Those are your two possible scenarios."
"Options with a high theta are good for credit spreads."
"You're really taking on a true understanding of how to take individual strategies and combine them into something that makes sense for you."
"Three incredible tales of survival suggest three different strategies for surviving."
"Find what is the most common excuse for you and work on strategies to improve or avoid it."
"This is just scratching the surface in terms of showing you how creative you can get with your option strategies."
"It isn't that there's something wrong with you, it's just that you're applying the wrong strategies to the type of neurodiverse brain that you have."
"So when you're selling a straddle here, what you're doing with a butterfly, and a condor with a butterfly, what you're doing here is that you're basically saying that I don't want to take on that unlimited risk."
"All of that combined is how movies really make money at the box office."
"...use these three strategies right here to your advantage to grow a small portfolio fast..."
"The objective is basically just to teach people as much as possible through these different strategies."
"In terms of practically working with ADHD, there were three things that we emphasized during the conversation."
"Add these questions to Your Arsenal."
"Which methods help your motivation?"
"Do you know what the strongest position is to be in if you're having a challenging conversation?"
"There's no right or wrong answer here there just lots of strategies and considerations."
"I've met with thousands of millionaires. I've never met one that said, 'You know, Dave, I made my money with my airline miles.'"
"All of these strategies work and none of these strategies work."
"We focus exclusively on delivering option-based strategies."
"Now, let's start by going through the different types of Google Ads bidding strategies that you can use on your campaigns..."
"The last way to get leads inside high level is actually to manually upload them."
"...Sid Gilman, the coach of the Chargers committed the number one cardinal sin of football."
"Put positivity, optimism, tools, strategies, things that keep you laughing, things that keep giving you things that you can use right now."
"So the upshot is you can't do live collaboration in Zoom but you can use other strategies."