
Immunity Quotes

There are 1221 quotes

"We're going to talk about how to increase your energy, and improve and increase your immunity by leveraging the biology of cortisol and adrenaline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our last line of defense is our immunity, and there's a huge amount that you can do to boost your immune system."
"We can all collectively do wellness and allow our lives to go back to normal quickly and powerfully because of our collective decision to do wellness, to boost our immune system."
"Just because you come into contact with a cold or flu does not necessarily mean that you will come down with that is be infected by a cold or flu."
"People who've been vaccinated after already being infected with COVID-19 have even more protection than vaccinated individuals who have not had it."
"Antibodies are not the end-all-be-all of vaccinations. Their whole downstream effect, for instance, T cells, again help against some of the worst outcomes of COVID-19 like hospitalization."
"Natural immunity is beneficial, but vaccination will definitely enhance your chance of reducing symptomatic infection as well as significantly reducing the chance of hospitalization and death."
"This does not mean that we should go out and start getting naturally acquired immunity because the infection itself can be deadly."
"Previously infected... then they were also vaccinated, they didn't have cases before, they didn't have cases after."
"It is certainly handy that he is undead because thanks to that, he's immune to the poison."
"We don't currently know if you have antibodies does that show you cannot get this infection again."
"Natural immunity is a very basic fundamental of evolutionary biology. Literally, no animal species would exist if there was no such thing as natural immunity."
"Healthy anger is a boundary defense. Suppressing healthy anger suppresses the immune system."
"The hygiene hypothesis basically says that our immune system needs exposure to germs, to bacteria, for training so that it can recognize and distinguish between friend and foe."
"Taking care of your immune system is for life, it's not just for Covid...Immunity is really entwined with how we age."
"The real herd immunity that we have here is innate immunity."
"The primary part is not even part of the immune system; it's the barrier that prevents 99.99% of infective agents from coming in."
"Infants gain protective immune function from their mothers."
"Barefoot walking can actually have many positive effects on your immune system. It can help reduce white blood cells and help fight off sicknesses while building a stronger immunity."
"As people are infected with these new variants, they will generate immunity to coronaviruses in general as well as the specific, so people may be getting symptomatic infection but I'm hopeful that the amount of severe illness and hospitalizations is going to remain on the descending trajectory as it is now."
"You talk about qualified immunity for police officers, judges, prosecutors have it seems to be absolute immunity. Untouchable."
"Vitamin D supplementation is exquisitely effective in boosting immunity and reducing the incidence of various health conditions."
"Do not ever have another pseudo vaccine... and get your natural immunity up."
"The vaccination, the immunity status now, will be better obviously than a month ago."
"Antibodies in your body fight the virus and protect you so you won't get sick."
"We of course often forget that when a virus becomes less harmful, it is because the immunity of the population is growing, is keeping the virus better and better under control."
"This is such a new virus; no one in the world had any immunity against it."
"Natural infection safeguards against both reinfection and severe disease."
"People who survived a previous infection had lower case rates than those who were vaccinated alone."
"Vitamin C, a vitamin that nearly everyone has heard about for its potent immunity-boosting qualities."
"So many diseases are caused by inflammation and disorder of immunity."
"Just training your immune system against this one hyper-specific protein is actually going to be more beneficial."
"Immunity to SARS Coronavirus 2 is now expected to be a longer-term immunity and a good quality immunity."
"It's gonna be impossible for us to get a variant that evades our entire T cell immunity because it's so complex, in breadth, and robust across the spike protein."
"Qualified Immunity is a judicially created doctrine that gives government officials a shield from personal liability for violating a person's federal constitutional rights."
"Another issue with Qualified Immunity and the Section 1983 is that reasonable mistakes can be made."
"Vaccinated versus unvaccinated is the wrong metric here; it should be immunologically protected versus not immunologically protected."
"You could convert someone into having, if you like, a symptomatic infection, getting the immunity without the disease, and that was the basis of the very early vaccines that developed."
"If a bunch of 20-year olds are getting it and they get like they can't taste something for three days and then they're okay, that's just one more person who now cannot pass the disease on to somebody who is older once they're done with the disease."
"Recovered individuals will have antibodies, conferring immunity and allowing them to return to normal duties."
"Why aren't they testing for antibodies? Like, I mean, the majority of the population should already have immunity now, whether through taking the shots or through having it and recovering."
"There's this strange protection against pretty well all-cause mortality."
"But people have had the infection and then had the vaccine would probably be immune for... a decade or two or three."
"Exposure to natural bacteria found in farm dust during childhood can strengthen the immune system and reduce allergies."
"Did you even consider presidential immunity?"
"If someone said to me, 'Do you want to feel a bit poorly for a bit rough for 24 hours and have immunity?' I would feel a bit rough for 24 hours and have immunity."
"Natural immunity must be better than vaccine-induced"
"Vaccinated and natural immune people can revamp their immune response to new viral strains."
"Exposure to the virus in that way will create durable immunity and it will help you to move forward with some degree of hope."
"Immunity and infections affect mental health."
"The mRNA in the vaccine acts as a template for our cells to build the viral spike protein that behaves as an antigen, which our immune cells can then interact with to build the antibodies."
"Donald Trump's behavior on January 6th was campaign activity... it falls outside even the outer perimeters that could be subject to immunity in civil cases." - DC Circuit Court of Appeals
"The fact that natural immunity is the best immunity is not misinformation, it's fact."
"Your front line of defense is microbiome even before things hit human cells."
"Natural immunity has been key to a lot of people's personal health and getting through a lot of this nonsense and bullcrap."
"As immunity drops, cases are expected to rise."
"Immunity to coronavirus could last for a year, maybe even decades."
"But of course now he's immune, it's a price worth paying."
"We also need serological testing for healthcare workers because we need to know if they're immune."
"It's actually quite common with vaccination that you give one dose and you get a level of immunity."
"It does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"Omicron in a lot of ways has been fortuitous and it has generated an awful lot of immunity while it hasn't made people as sick as the previous waves."
"Omicron natural infection had the largest protective effect."
"Immunity is the best thing for you, especially if it's a dead person involved."
"One thing with me, the nice part, I went through it. Now they say I'm immune, I can feel, I feel so powerful."
"There's genetic immunity and probably of a couple of different kinds."
"Naturally acquired immunity, which has proven to be superior."
"Natural immunity has always been considered superior to vaccine-induced immunity."
"We've always known that our immunity is broad, robust, and enduring."
"Passive immunity is where you're given the antibodies ready made. It's a well-known principle in immunity."
"Deficiency in zinc does cause inhibited immunity for viral infections."
"Surviving coven-19 provides excellent natural immunity not only for repeat infection but also to hospitalization and death for the delta variant of covet 19."
"The question is this... is there anybody left over who had a healthy immune system and had had two cases of covet prior to omicron?"
"These acts just like President Trump's were presidential."
"Or imagine programmable immunity, designing and harnessing molecular devices that guide your immune system to detect, eradicate or even prevent disease."
"Keeping fit, keeping healthy is good. It boosts your immunity, eating well, plenty of flavonoids, fruit, and vegetables, and enough protein boosts the immunity."
"Once you're infected and you recover, if you get exposed to this exact virus, you will not get reinfected."
"Natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity."
"I think it's fairly obvious when you look at the data that natural immunity plus vaccination would provide you with the best protection."
"Ultimately, we ask the court to affirm on qualified immunity and on lack of municipal liability."
"In North America there's not been acknowledgement of natural immunity you're either vaccinated or you're not."
"Natural immunity should be considered when you're talking about mandates."
"If you have a strong immune system you won't fall prey to this stuff."
"If you're immune for life, you should be able to function in the world."
"Nearly 75 percent of Americans may now have immunity from Omicron."
"Everyone that's getting infected now is developing natural immunity, and to me, that is a very promising development."
"It's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity."
"Immunity from natural infection is robust and long-lasting."
"What happens if you give someone the shot that already has antibodies?"
"Discover the power of each mask, from immunity to disease to faster magicka regeneration."
"By knowing this, we become immune to it. We become protected from it. We have a way of avoiding being captured by it."
"The stronger your immune system, the greater your possibility of surviving a pandemic."
"Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune."
"Prior immunity should not just be wholesale discounted like it seems to be right now in the general conversation."
"Immunity to SARS coronavirus 2 is going to be long lasting immunity."
"We're on the verge of developing variants that may completely escape vaccine and previous infection-induced immunity."
"People who have had COVID already and they have natural immunity, they have at least as good and probably better immunity than somebody who's vaccinated." - Harvard Professor of Medicine
"Vaccination offers the prospect of quickly reaching population immunity."
"The safest people are the unvaccinated who have natural immunity."
"Natural immunity is more effective than vax immunity."
"Widespread natural immunity generated by the Omicron variant."
"Number one immune boosting thing is social friendships."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"My bet is we're going to be pretty good for years. My other bet is if you have the vaccine and any of the variants, you are what some people are calling super immunity."
"The change reflects that the overall risk of severe disease from COVID is lower because of widespread immunity."
"The debate that we were having scientists were having about boosters before was really about waning immunity."
"It's so amazing to me how similar humans and dogs immune response is."
"Olive oil, the polyphenols in olive oil actually really boost the immune system."
"The humble button mushroom will actually boost your immune system."
"No one, including you, is immune to propaganda." - From the video.
"Prepare everyone's terrain so that when they get the jab or exposed to the natural virus, they have a strong and robust immune response."
"Natural immunity still works even amid new variants."
"Natural immunity, several studies saying natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity."
"Natural immunity provided strong protection perhaps even more so than those who had been vaccinated."
"15 years later people would begin to be born who are actually immune to the virus."
"Two doses of vaccine equals a natural infection in terms of the amount of immunity you get."
"Exposure to ongoing virus builds up good immune defense."
"They want to pass a law to provide complete immunity to former presidents who are criminally prosecuted."
"Previous natural infection of SARS-CoV-2 gives you some immunity against being re-infected."
"Omicron is poorly immunogenic... catching offers little extra protection against catching it again."
"Not only are they great at boosting your immunity, they can also promote brain and bone health."
"Reclaim your health and arm your immune system."
"The very things that we're always telling people to do to promote their long-term health actually do fortify your immunity against this virus."
"The real effect was during a showdown with a BBEG. The wizard was immune to fireballs but her makeup and hair were on point."
"There are several reasons why there may be a small percentage of individuals immune to the AI's control."
"Civil immunity without criminal immunity is like a lock without a key, a bat without a ball, a computer without a keyboard. In other words, it's not especially sensible."
"Magic, don't you see? Everyone else has fallen under our spell, but not these girls. These girls are special."
"This flips the script again back to okay hopefully if you've had it and you've got antibodies you will now have some level immunity."
"I've read and every expert I've read does not believe that there is actually this ability to recatch this virus."
"Its cells target distinct pathogens and continually adapt to be stronger the next time."
"The less liability they have, the more they have immunity to just do whatever they want."
"Each immune is making me stronger than I was before."
"High infection rates in the population always lead to an erosion of the natural immunity in people."
"We need to boost up our immune system, keep it strong."
"Adaptive immunity... one of the most marvelous evolutionary stories."
"Mark Meadows... enjoys legal immunity pursuant to the supremacy clause."
"Your stomach is made up of a fourth. One-fourth of your stomach is used for your immune system, which kills the bad cells, which detox the whole body."
"The challenge for today is to find Ethan. The first team to find him will win immunity."
"The only real protection against a novel virus is herd immunity."
"Natural immunity was effective, very effective, comparable to the vaccines at preventing severe illness."
"We certainly hope so. We certainly have a lot of immunity in the population."
"I know the importance of having lung health and boosting your immune system."
"It's not about the absence of the bad guys, it's about the strong immunity of the hive that keeps it going."
"Prior COVID infection more protective than vaccination during delta surge."
"The only way to beat the virus long-term is immunity."
"Good sleep really boosts immunity, doesn't it?"
"The waiver of this immunity may not be inferred but must be expressed and unequivocal."
"I believe anybody could have a developmental experience that would cause you to be immune to this madness."
"If you can lower the risk of severe disease from covid now, I would really hope you either had some kind of immunity."
"You cannot protect children from all pathogens forever, it's not actually good for them."
"The widow said, 'Biden saved the murderer by granting immunity and her case is being thrown out. He saved the criminal and got involved in the crime himself.'"
"Mushrooms could help the immune system as a systematic approach for bolstering immunity."
"These early sniffles, coughs, and colds, etc., they are an essential part of the immune training of your immune system." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"Some people can be repeatedly exposed to the HIV virus and never become infected." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"As long as you're not getting sick, it's actually probably good news because it means you're generating immunity."
"Lenore is in fact not like other girls as she proves shockingly immune to the prince's cursed charm."
"The half-life of the antibodies is greater than 200 days, suggesting a longer-lasting immunity."
"I've been pepper spraying myself a little bit every day for weeks to build up an immunity."
"The immunological response to SARS coronavirus 2 is more similar to SARS coronavirus 1 and beta coronaviruses, suggesting longer-lasting immunity."
"The best way of keeping the disease from spreading and ultimately wiping it out is to reach herd immunity."
"Certainly we can say it's going to become much less serious as immunity reasons we can say that for sure."
"70 to 80% of our immune cells live inside our gut isn't that crazy now do you understand why it is so important to have a probiotic."
"Having had and recovered from covid-19 is tremendous protection against getting covid-19 again and getting very sick from it."
"Zinc supplementation was able to reconstitute immune function in elderly zinc deficient individuals."
"Vitamin D creates what are called cathelicidins, antimicrobial proteins."
"Omicron has generated large amounts of herd immunity."
"I can't even transform anymore, that's perfect! If you go into your info menu, it says 'immune'. Nice!"
"There's been no evidence of people being naturally immune to covet 19 like matt damon's character was in the movie contagion although i like to think i'm pretty special."
"Your memory B cells create antibodies when they identify another threat similar to COVID or even a variant."
"I don't think she can get an immunity deal off of it because she's already been charged."
"Why would they go through all of this if they know that Donald Trump is immune?" - Robert
"Breakthrough produces super immunity... breakthrough infection actually caused a more robust response by the immune system and created more antibodies 322 percent more or 3.2 times more than the second dose."
"You know, we paid a ridiculously high price for that, but they're immune."
"He's naturally immune to attacks that involve fire or heat."
"Hopefully you guys have a good day. Make sure guys, you drink lots of water and get some sunlight because with the coronavirus around, you want to build up your immunity."
"These antibodies make viruses clump together and then they're ingested."
"Increase immunity, increase antioxidants in as natural and whole food based as possible."
"You don't get sick and die because there's a virus in your body. You get sick and die because there's a virus in your body and your immune system is really weak."
"Increasing infection or seropositivity rates can be due to vaccination... and will promote immune escape."
"Even after the decay, there are more cells that would start making antibodies that would give protection."
"The risk of reinfection may be lower in the first three months after initial infection."
"It's a race between the virus and your immune system and speed matters."
"The antibody response and the immune response is much more robust and better after vaccination if you've had a good night's sleep."
"The innate immune system response is a critical factor for disease outcome."
"Despite popular beliefs that cold exposure can precipitate a viral infection, the innate component of the immune system is not adversely affected by a brief period of cold exposure."
"So 70% of the immune system on one side, 38 trillion microbes on the other side, constant communication across this little barrier that's there and they're talking to one another."
"Previously yeast overgrowth was primarily seen in immunocompromised patients... but nowadays we see yeast overgrowth in people with normal immune systems."
"The gut is where most of the action is and because the gut controls most of the immune system."
"He already has the thing he always wanted, and no critic, lawyer, or competitor can take that away from him: he has his family."
"Mitochondria are especially important in restoring immune function back to baseline, to homeostatic conditions."
"Scientists say... our immune systems communicate with each other through smell."
"I'm very much against the idea that the President should be somehow automatically immune from everything just because he was the president."
"When I have an idol or when I win immunity, I feel more empowered."
"The ketogenic diet enhances the anti-cancer immunity of people that are following it."
"Inflammation is not a bad thing; it's just basically sending immune soldiers to where they're going to likely be most needed."
"The immune system is recruiting cells and immune factors to that region to protect it and to start triggering the rebuilding process."
"President shouldn't enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution."
"The people that were getting sick and dying from covid were the people couldn't make nitric oxide wow."
"But my immune system is robust I make a lot of nitric oxide and if I'm exposed we shut it down at the source of infection we prevent it from replicating and propagating and making people sick wow."
"If antibodies can block this interaction, then, of course, the virus never gets in, it gets cleared, and you have immunity."