
Daily Choices Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It's the choices that you make every single day that are going to set you up to be your healthiest self or not."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"
"What can you do for me or how can I serve you, and I choose the one, deliberately, every single morning, how can I serve you."
"Every single day you're either feeding your future self or you're starving your future self."
"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real, the choice to be honest, the choice to let our true selves be seen."
"You can vote every single day with the power of your wallet."
"Treat yourself with love, don't worry so much about 'well I have to do this because it's healthy'... do what feels right every day."
"Life is literally calculated decisions day by day. The problem is most people outsource their decision making to a boss."
"We all have to daily daily... this is an every day... moment by moment decision."
"If contentment is something you struggle with, it's a daily decision that we have to make to be content."
"You make the decision of who you're going to be every morning you wake up."
"When you want to make a big change, it really is the summation of small decisions that you make on a day-to-day basis."
"Every single individual makes an impact on the planet every single day, and you can choose what sort of impact you make."
"I take it as a compliment... knowing I'm always outnumbered."
"The reasons why I'm successful in certain parts of my life are because I have unknowingly cultivated atomic habits."
"Walking by the Spirit means making a daily choice."
"We only receive abundant life every day when we choose to walk in the Spirit."
"I encourage you today to go try whatever drink that you normally get, go mix it up."
"Glean what you need to out of that moment in time and say what am I going to do today."
"Creating that white space allows you to say, 'Oh, I'm really interested in doing that today.'"
"Life is precious and just making yourself happy and choosing to be happy every day is key."
"You can wake up and decide who you're going to be. You can do that every single day."
"It's about the choices that we're making every day."
"I am powerful and in control of my own choices every day."
"All of those details of choosing something that is hate-driven rather than love-driven stayed with you daily, constantly."
"Every day you awaken, you could choose whether you're going to be blessed or cursed."
"Never have to choose between doing good and feeling good every day."
"Quickly it is already kind of eclipsing my defender is like the car that I always want to get into every morning when I'm going somewhere which is a really big deal because it's been the defender for three years."
"My daily choices align me with my life's purpose."
"It's amazing how quickly our daily choices and little habits can create a good day, a good week, and even a good life."
"We're either forced to change or we choose to change every day you have a choice life is a reflection of the daily choices that we make in our lives."
"You make your purpose, you decide every day."
"Trusting God is a daily choice to believe in His promises and guidance."
"Every day we as Americans have the opportunity to choose to be like a little bit more kind."
"With each new morning, we have the chance to decide what truly matters, to focus on our relationship with God, and to align our actions with our values."
"Because we believe in love, we decide to see each other, hear each other, respect each other, and choose together, every day, differences and all."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"Choose happiness and love each and every day."
"Every person can take a decision three times a day to enhance their health."
"How do you stay alive? Sometimes you choose every day more."
"One of the simplest things was the shift to 'what do I want to experience today?'"
"The world has this openness this kind of magic to it where every morning you can do anything you want that day."
"If everyone made one vegan meal a day it would make much better of an impact on the planet."
"Each and every single day you have the choice to be the person you desire to be. But in order to be that person, you have to embody the beliefs that person would have."
"Remember, it's the accumulated total of the allocation of each day that makes all the difference in the world."
"You have choices every single day you can make."
"Your attitude is your own choice; you can wake up every single day with a positive attitude."
"Everyday actions are either helping or hurting your brain."
"Every one of us has the power to choose life every day."
"He feels like a gladiator win or lose because of the choices he makes every day."
"Our eternal destiny is being settled by the choices we make every single day."
"Ending with gratitude and expectations and and the po it goes down positive mindset we have a choice every day we can be we can it's that simple we can be positive or negative I'm choosing to be positive today."
"The choices that we make every single day around our food has the capacity to bring us true health."
"The choices that we make every single day... has the capacity to bring us true health and optimal wellness."
"You wake up every morning with an opportunity to decide how you're gonna live your life."
"Every day you go outside, you know your life, you choose peace or you choose war, you make the choice."
"That's powerful, deciding who you're going to be that day."
"It's about making yourself happy, doing what you want, getting up in the morning and saying, 'What do I want to do today?'"
"You have a choice every day: talk yourself into believing you're amazing and out of believing you're not."
"Love is the choice you make about somebody every day."
"The most important choice they make in their lives every day about their health is actually what to eat."
"Every day we have the opportunity to make the most important spiritual decisions."
"Every morning, every day of our lives, we have choices to make. So make the right decision."
"Science has shown us that making multiple decisions every single day actually wears down our ability to think critically and to make good decisions."
"There's a thousand reasons to feel all those things right now, but there's six choices you can make every day to combat that."
"Every day that you wake up, you got two options: you can either pick faith or fear."
"Healthy choice every day that you can."
"Every day comes down to a choice of how you will do your time."
"Even making one small decision like what you're gonna eat that day already takes a toll on all of the mental energy that you could spend making decisions that actually matter."
"It's just what looks good on the day, isn't it? There's no right and wrong way."
"The simple things that we choose to do and become on a daily basis... that's what's going to make the difference."
"If you have the information, it's just a matter of making all these little micro choices throughout the day."
"Ultimately you vote every day what you want with your money."
"Two things God give us every day when we wake up: a chance and a choice."
"Every day you wake up and every throughout your day you can choose to do some real [__] or be fraud."
"There's six daily choices that you can engage in which will address the real problems, the real fire that's causing the smoke alarm to go off."
"Your future you is being built every single day by the choice that you make."
"It's so easy to take our health for granted, but it's the daily decisions that we make now that will determine our future."
"The money we spend is actually us voting every single day."
"Choose this day whom you will serve... It is a decision that we make every day, many times a day."
"Life is all about perspective. Every morning when you wake up you can choose to have a great day or to have a terrible day no matter what happens."
"Every single one of us makes an impact on the planet every day, and we have a choice what sort of impact we make."
"Every day you're voting for who you want to become."
"What would I eat every day if I could? Well, like sandwiches."
"A daily choice is a healthy choice."
"Every day when we walk out of the house, we have to truly ask ourselves which version of ourselves are we prepared to show to the world."
"You get to decide how you look every single day and you don't have to look the same every day."
"Success is the accumulation of small private daily choices when nobody's watching."
"You get to decide every day who you want to be."
"The daily choices I make now align me with my life purpose."
"Every day, peace and chaos are going to show up at the door of your life in the form of choices."