
Personality Quotes

There are 20482 quotes

"What testosterone does is make you more of whatever you already are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sometimes reckless, sometimes brilliant, sometimes just stupid, but always willing to live life to the fullest."
"Money won't save you. Money amplifies. If you're a nerd and you get rich, you become a mega nerd."
"I've met a lot of gooses in my day, and you're by far the silliest."
"Success in business and in life is primarily the result, not of smarts, not even of super hard work, but of personality."
"The most amazing looking people don't have like good personalities 'cause they haven't had to...they never had to build a personality."
"The biggest principle: Be interested, not interesting."
"Beyond Jordan's greatness as an overall basketball player is the mystique of his character."
"The origin of charisma... is a person who has a kind of inner light inside of them."
"I've met Dr. Sian Proctor before, just a bundle of joy, just such a wonderful driven human."
"Charlie may indeed be a big weirdo, but he also became my best friend."
"This person is naturally a very giving person, very generous, kind-hearted."
"Human beings vary substantially from individual to individual in terms of personality on the five cardinal dimensions of personality."
"If you add to that variation in creativity, which gives you a kind of fluidity of identity, it's sort of a hallmark of creativity."
"Vlad the Impaler couldn't be chill; you don't impale from chillness."
"You're a deep person, you go deeper than the ocean; you are a deep, deep person."
"You have a very interesting wired soul and personality in this lifetime."
"I'm not a bitch. I'm actually a very kind, empathetic, charismatic person with a sick sense of humor, often misunderstood, and godlike at Tekken."
"Individuality is just like, in layman's terms, having your own freaking opinion."
"Oh no, I'm so fussy, but at least we're having fun."
"Hello, my name is Samantha Smith. I am a very diligent and honest person. I also have a very outgoing and friendly personality."
"A kind person is a person who stands out in a crowd. They may not be the one who talks the most, but there's something about a kind person."
"If it's one thing we can take away from today, it's that you're weird, Mark, but we love you."
"Well, I would say I show up early or late, nothing in the middle."
"I'm not okay, I'm sorry, I already told you I laugh at everything."
"What you have failed to consider is that I'm [expletive] annoying."
"You've got to have personality as well. You can't just knock in century breaks; the general public don't really care about that."
"Personality, morals, and a sense of vulnerability... these are what make you successful."
"Megan was the type of person who had it all, yet was always humble."
"Everybody goes on and on about how good-looking you are, but the truly unusual thing about you is your personality."
"Your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, which is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"Personality is relatively stable across time but relatively stable doesn't mean completely stable."
"When it's mimicking a personality, it's not having a personality."
"Our personalities are to a significant degree a product of our genes."
"Their niche is awesome in the reef; they're very personable, they're extremely intelligent."
"So much of what we consider to be a personality is actually an overlay upon our true selves."
"The ideology of years past has cracked and fallen away; now at the center is a personality who perseveres even through defeat, even through chaos, even through two impeachments: Donald John Trump."
"The presidency usually changes people who sit in that office; it hasn't changed Trump."
"People can become so much more attractive when we see what's underneath, when we see their personality shine."
"I'm a quality time lady. If we don't hang out, I get really grumpy."
"You can't buy swag; you can't buy being cool."
"The core of fighting games is that each player has their own unique personality."
"Do you like forested areas full of streams and ponds, overheat easily, and enjoy cold temperatures? Well, then you're probably a moose."
"Please stop putting down men in this way. There are plenty of men out there who do have great personalities, who you can have interesting conversations with."
"If your personality creates your personal reality, then to change your personal reality, you've got to change your personality."
"With her infectious personality and desire for genuine connection, Violetta is sure to be a memorable and lovable contestant on this show."
"With his easy-going and agreeable nature, Moro is known for being one of the friendliest people you could encounter."
"Don't let his easy-going nature fool you because Daniel is also a savvy media mogul in the making."
"I hate the cliché 'she was a light to be around,' but really, she was."
"Her friends say that color fit her perfectly as well, because like Lauren, pink was very sweet but it was bold, it was eye-catching."
"I don't think looks are completely irrelevant... there's an intersection there where if people are not especially handsome and they have some personality issues... that's going to make forming a relationship really, really difficult."
"You are coming through as the Empress...you are a very loving person."
"I genuinely believe this: I rarely see her with makeup on, and it's fun when you fall in love with someone based on who they are. Their personality and their energy make all that beauty shine through."
"It's so important to have more going for you than just your looks because looks might attract someone initially but they're not going to keep someone around."
"Tyler the Creator might be very entertaining."
"This person's quite noticeable; there's something that really just sticks out about them."
"What more would you love other than a good personality, a good spirit, and good intentions?"
"It's a fight, and I don't know, a lot of people are lovers, not fighters. I'm both."
"She's very famous, but she doesn't let it get to her head."
"We tend to view personality as static... but there's actually overwhelming evidence that personality changes over time."
"You didn't need to manufacture a warm aesthetic because Lily was the naturally warm person."
"I love to make people feel good about themselves and I love to make people smile, that's who I am."
"Your resume might get you to the first interview, but who you are comes out in the interview."
"To be the more attractive person, you want to be the grounding energy in that dynamic."
"Power has a tendency to re-form negatively elements of your personality. You can lose your grounding wire."
"I'm kind of a slinky cat. I don't do like people in my life don't always know how to comfort me."
"Money just makes you more of who you already were."
"It's useful to decipher people's personalities."
"Have more fun with who you are, bringing out that loving personality rather than the serious personality."
"People with similar personalities do tend to have happier and more stable relationships long term."
"Saturn makes you known as the person of the people."
"If you want women to like you, be a likeable person."
"She could talk to anybody and everybody... and that was Nancy."
"She was someone who could make you feel like you were the most important person in the world when you were in her company."
"The strongest force in human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we see ourselves."
"Tonight Larry David saying, 'Richard Lewis had that rare combination of being the funniest person and also the sweetest.'"
"From the outside, I'm just a very cringy character in these videos, but on the inside, if you get to know me, I'm actually very lovable."
"Looking through his jolly and oversized personality, there is a sinister side, one that we get hints of within the Thousand-Year Blood War Arc."
"Money doesn't judge if it's good people or bad people; the money energy gets attracted to magnetic people."
"You've got to figure out how your personality fits in with your investing style."
"If you have charisma, people trust you, they like you, they count on you."
"If you are picking a brain and one listens to everything you try to do, works according to plans, sticks to schedules, is obedient and calm, and the second is a hellscape of chaos and obsession, lacks all sense of structure, organization, just loves staying up until 3 AM overthinking every night, I mean, you'd pick the first one, right?"
"We've known for a long time that there is a genetic component to personality."
"The Ascendant is the first self-impression. It is the determining factor of the birth chart."
"I feel like I'm a very chill and like, you are the chillest person I've ever met."
"Extroverted people might think I live a boring life, but I was happy with the lifestyle I had."
"Having a good personality doesn't mean they're a good person."
"Charisma worthy of the Gods meaning that it is like fantastic love listening to this character, excellent personality."
"He's got a good personality. I think Gangplank's charming."
"Viego personality-wise, I think Viego is actually quite charming."
"Your personality is as refreshing as walking through a Springfield early in the morning."
"I've always been like a really positive guy, focusing on being hopeful."
"The person I would actually liken Kate to is the Queen Mother, who was known as the steel marshmallow—very fluffy on the outside but with a core of steel underneath."
"Rosco is an incredibly interesting guy... from a V8 drag bike with no clutch to a 250 mph rocket-powered go-kart to his land speed record attempts and his bid to break 1,000 mph."
"Angie was a force to be reckoned with from the very beginning, and those who knew her couldn't help but be struck by her intelligence, stubbornness, and no-nonsense attitude."
"Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person's behavior."
"I assume that about a third of people are gonna really like me, a third are gonna be kind of neutral towards me, and a third are not gonna like me. You have to be okay with not everybody liking you."
"You don't have to run around saying you're alpha. If you think you embody the qualities of what it means to be an alpha male, people will know."
"The biggest misconception about me is that, by my demeanor, I think you'd just think I'd be a dick... but I'm not; I'm a big teddy bear."
"She wears light and shadow with equal grace."
"She genuinely appears to be a good person in her videos."
"Personality, even to this day, is still the greatest trait."
"When you're talking about talent, it's their personalities and temperament that make the difference."
"His self-deprecating humor, his insecurities, his jokes, it's relatable."
"How you think and how you act and how you feel is your personality, and your personality is intimately connected to your personal reality."
"Your personality is infectious at the moment, and you are helping people who are feeling down without even realizing it."
"She's funny, she's witty, she's got talent beyond recognition."
"It's very difficult to pin down this Aquarian woman. You cannot pin down an Aquarian woman."
"She is like the air, you cannot catch the air."
"You can tell by looking at him and watching him, he is just a ball of sunshine."
"Of course, Vinyl could be more than just ridiculous; she could be sweet as well as rather bit amazing and passionate."
"The setting and factions are well done. The Deadfire Archipelago has much more personality than the more generic setting of the first game."
"You have this charm to you where people really appreciate your energy because it's so calm."
"What draws people is the magnetic personality of Jesus that continues thousands of years on to have such a draw for men and women."
"INFJs are good at seeing both sides of things. They're able to handle it."
"My first impression of me is that [I am] really [explicit] dumbass. But then they get to know me, and then they realize that I'm a really [explicit] dumbass."
"It's not polished. It's pizzazz. And pizzazz is what you show to people."
"What came across was Katherine's desire to help others."
"There's a lot of culture overlap here, but at the end of the day, a good personality and a good attitude can get people really far."
"Fallon never met a stranger and loved talking to people. Her family described her as an absolute angel on Earth."
"Being funny is really hard. You're class clown? I was. It's just who I was, you know. I was very lucky in that sense."
"It's a good learning lesson to start pouring more into your community, start showcasing your personality more."
"You do realize that people can have standout personalities even in a saturated market."
"I've always been a helper, a giver, a caretaker."
"People saying I'm down to earth is one of my favorite compliments."
"The girl is sassy, she is feisty, she is eye-catching, she is a fighter, and you guys know that I love to see it."
"Sometimes a laugh will betray you. Your sense of humor tells you something about yourself."
"Ray would always greet every room he went into with a smile that went ear to ear."
"Thanks for watching, guys. This is Mumbo, and I'm out. I'll see ya later."
"If you have a good message or you have a really good personality for YouTube, that it factor, that's going to translate no matter what equipment you use."
"This person noticed right away that you were very bright, very bubbly."
"This poor man, what is... I am rooting for Ding because he's a nice guy. He gives calm, respectful interviews. He's a gentleman; he's a scholar; he's a big reader."
"It takes a certain kind of person to be a nurse."
"He's like generally cool dude... by association basically."
"He's robust, he's a skilled charioteer, he's a forwarder, he's patient, brave, and humble."
"Anybody who has enough personality to turn a simple 'yeah' into a catchy ad-lib is a good sign."
"And Peter isn't just a weird nerd, he's a sweet, supportive person who is willing to take those dreams and passions seriously."
"Signature that says 'kindly and assertively' because it used to just say 'kindly'. I don't like that, so I changed it to 'kindly and assertively' because if it just said 'assertively', people would be like, 'Wow, this girl's a [__].' So, is this 'kindly' as well? Also, yes."
"You are being deliberately obscure as a substitute for having a personality."
"If cool, calm, collected was a person, it has to be him."
"As far as his personality goes, he is the cuddliest, most energetic, funnest, giggly little guy ever. He is strong-willed, he knows exactly what he wants, and I love that about him."
"Hot guys with bad personalities get away with everything."
"When the personality comes to serve the energy of your soul, that is authentic empowerment."
"People just want to see a nice friendly person who makes them feel good."
"Despite his crusty exterior, cutting remarks, and stubbornness, there's actual evidence that he was a loving, giving, and caring person."
"It's all about choices...I've met many attractive women and that's not the only thing that I'm looking for. It's also about personality."
"Be nice, no matter what, that's what I'm saying, bro, nice is cool."
"I think we are who we are. Some people are impulsive and it works for them; me, I'm cautious, I take calculated risks."
"Beneath this goofy and flashy outfit is a pretty serious guy."
"You have a great sense of humor. It means the other person thinks you are funny, you are good at telling jokes, or you make them laugh."
"We get a powerful sense of personality: this guy is fearless, he is disciplined, he has a crazy amount of self-control."
"Charisma is about gravitas, about having sort of a gravity to your personality that when you start talking people shut up and start listening."
"Your looks get him in the door. To keep him there, your personality is the thing."
"They're gonna be a direct reflection of you and your personality."
"All of your life, everything you experience, is being recorded on a hundred billion neurons or nerve cells in your brain, trillions of connections creating a neural network, like a tapestry. The tapestry of who you are. How your loved ones know you. Your personality. Alzheimer's comes in and slowly rips apart that tapestry, thread by thread, never resting until the tapestry is gone."
"Are rich people okay? It almost makes you wonder if being rich gives you a sucky personality."
"Smile. Hey, I'm on the quieter side. Thanks for inviting me though, I really had a great time."
"The type of humor that you laugh at is indicative to some extent of the type of person you are."
"They all say he is like a child. And what they mean by that is, he has a need for immediate gratification. It's all about him."
"I think your home tells you so much about a person."
"The word 'personality' comes from the Latin 'persona', which means mask."
"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities."
"I'm much more of a dog person because across the board I love when people or animals show their affection."
"He's maybe the funniest person in the world."
"I'm jealous of his vibe... Jeff Goldblum, in his advanced age, achieving iconic status where you can kind of say anything that you want."
"I think that Jeff Goldblum... most people can't give themselves over to their eccentricities and still be broadly appealing to pretty much everybody."
"That's what I do: I drink and I know things."
"Our hormones do so much physiologically that we don't think about how much they're influencing just how we feel. They really make up a lot of our personality even."
"She was full of life, she was full of personality, with a huge curiosity for everything around her."
"You don't learn how to be fascinating, you unlearn how to be boring."
"Being a Chad is so much more than just how you look."
"The sweetest person, the most genuine, caring soul."
"Nicole loved to make people laugh; she was the type of person that would give you the shirt off of her own back."
"When you have that type of strength, a personality, then no matter what happens to you, even a betrayal by your brothers does not take away who you are."
"There is a Hermes inside me; there is a trickster, a liar, a joker, a cute, funny side."
"Ray is very funny. You're going to be dying. You cannot even get mad at him."
"I think all of us have two sides to our personality, we got the light and we got the dark."
"Depending on how they respond to excitement and how much self-control they have, some people are more prone to taking risks than others."
"Anger is a personality... possessed by the spirit of anger, it changes your perceptions."
"Her Majesty's sense of humor really shines through here."
"My friends would describe you as the charismatic life of the party."
"I always encourage people to just be a good hang. Who would I rather work with, the best guitarist I've ever met who's kind of a pain in the ass, or the really nice dude who I like hanging out with?"
"He's just a people guy. You just can't help but like him."
"In addition to that last fact, Horikoshi was actually very surprised with Bakugo's popularity, mainly because he intentionally made Bakugo a jerk and thought that most people would naturally hate him because of that."
"We met in the neighborhood, and as time progressed, I realized that he had a great personality. It was never a dull moment; he always made me laugh and smile. We always had fun together."
"Though he cannot be called a tyrant, his actions in later years were far removed from the man he had been."
"He just tore into games with his personality, with his strength, just a winner."
"Sweet Business: You're a giant goofball and all your friends know it but love you for it."
"Vigilance Wing: You're that one guy who only ever goes to the same restaurant, orders the same meal each and every time."
"Lumina: If you main Lumina, there's a good chance that you are a straight-up G."
"These players are like your Instagram playboys; they need a lot of mollycoddling."
"Her vibe was just cool and chill, and I like chill and cool."
"It wasn't until I read the book 'Quiet' by Susan Cain that I found the right word, and that is 'introvert.'"
"He's charming, he's endearing, he's clever, he's well-spoken and intelligent, but he also appears to also be very down to earth."
"All of us get some personality traits from our parents, whether we like to admit it or not: the good, the bad, the ugly, everything."
"I always knew you guys were squares, but in a good way."
"Anything can work if it's congruent with your personality."
"This just feels, you know what's funny, is he's so authentic it doesn't feel over the top."
"He was described as a really delightful child. He was considered very polite, very cheerful."