
Pregnancy Quotes

There are 2850 quotes

"For a woman who becomes pregnant, the total number of drinks that you should allow yourself per week while pregnant and breastfeeding is indeed zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"According to the Center for Disease Control, American Indian, Alaska native and Black women are two to three times more likely to die during pregnancy than a white woman."
"You have to mentally prepare for a season, and I think that you know, especially during pregnancy, you prepare for all these other things but you forget to prepare yourself."
"A more successful pregnancy requires vitamin D."
"If we're talking about having sex and we're not on birth control, then we're consenting to the risk of getting pregnant."
"Pregnancy is a natural state of being for a woman. It's natural."
"Despite all of the nuanced information... Black women in America are far more likely to die as it relates to pregnancy than any other race in this country."
"Queen Charlotte wanted to spare her daughters the agony of constant pregnancy, allow them a good education, and keep them by her side."
"Pregnant people have real tangible needs... those needs are important because it affects the health of both you and the baby."
"It wasn't until I was about five months pregnant, when there was the first sign that something might be wrong, that whatever instinct was supposed to kick in, kicked in."
"If a woman is pregnant and the doctor says don't fast, or she feels it is harmful for her fetus, she doesn't have to fast."
"I trust that my body knows exactly what it's doing."
"Think about your baby and don't mess things up for them before they have even had a chance to live."
"Every day black women are subjected to harsh and racist treatment during pregnancy and childbirth."
"I'm five months pregnant, and I could not be more excited about my first baby."
"I stopped reading the comments because I'm pregnant and crazy, and I started just messaging people 'fuck you.'"
"Spoiler's pregnancy storyline is famous. It occurred in 1998 and was praised for realism and the audacity to tackle such a topic in comics."
"I could have gotten pregnant, and I think that would have killed me."
"Mother Nature has designed us like this because for us women who are able to carry a baby and get pregnant, these muscles separate like this to allow space for the baby and the uterus to grow."
"Carrying a child to term is actually far more dangerous in the United States than a medical abortion, especially for BIPOC people who are often targeted by CPCs."
"We announced our pregnancy...it's really special to me because I've been trying to conceive for the past almost eight years after my second child."
"So the whole time you were pregnant, what's going on? You're doing this huge job of ripping out the walls and the plumbing in your olfactory bulb and, like, putting in new stuff. And it's a total mess."
"I've always been a very big dreamer, but definitely in pregnancy, it has gotten worse, way more vivid."
"Every day brings us a bit closer to meeting our little nugget, and we can't wait."
"Pregnancy has been a roller coaster of feelings, from the thrill of finding out to those sweet moments when you can feel your baby start kicking your stomach."
"Pregnancy is going... that was just a little cherry on the cake for how I've been feeling."
"Yes, we knew we wanted to have a baby, but we weren't sure if it was going to be possible considering I'd just gone through a year of breast cancer treatment."
"Prenatal vitamins...contain everything you need during pregnancy."
"Stretch marks are mainly genetic, and therefore you can't really control whether or not you get them, but we're all going to try our way."
"The other pregnancy book that I've really been liking is the day-to-day pregnancy book... I really like the sciencey side of what is going on inside my body."
"That's the baby's heart rate actually. It is kind of a song."
"What you eat doesn't just affect your own health; if you're a woman who is still going to give birth in the future, what you eat is going to affect the birth of your unborn child, even if you're not pregnant right now."
"I stay active when I'm pregnant, and it's, you know, I'm not trying to stay thin, I'm just trying to keep my circulation going and stretch."
"Amy Schumer confirmed that she was pregnant and she tweeted out, 'Chris and I are thrilled, almost positive he's the father.'"
"Accelerations: a reassuring sign of fetal movement."
"Decelerations: the critical markers of fetal distress."
"Being pregnant during a pandemic is, I try to remain extremely positive but it sucks so much."
"From everything we've seen so far, [the vaccine] looks to be safe in pregnancy."
"Hopeful that Colin Dudley was getting comfortable with her pregnancy."
"If it's not your pregnancy or your body it's kind of none of your business unless you're the doctor."
"If someone who worked for me was pregnant... I'd be like, don't stress about it."
"I filmed a special pregnant, but it's two parts. Smart move."
"I'm very excited to be turning 30 when I'm seven months pregnant, hopefully with a bigger bump and singing along to Bo Burnham."
"I just want a healthy baby. I want a healthy pregnancy."
"No woman is required to disclose their pregnancy."
"Dr. Neil shares with Dr. Kalu and Dr. Claire the case of a woman who is 26 weeks pregnant after three miscarriages."
"Pregnancy is a private and personal decision... it involves another person."
"If you make it through a full-term pregnancy, that's gone through Nature's Quality Control process."
"I think I'm just a little nauseous from the pregnancy."
"Women are more likely to experience pregnancy if their fathers not home."
"She came out there, she's six months pregnant, and I don't know if anybody had children before, but when you're in that last trimester, it's rough."
"There's nobody who wants an up to full term of pregnancy it just doesn't exist."
"She clearly likes Owen I mean she's pregnant with their kid after all."
"A positive pregnancy test completely changes your whole future."
"Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term is violent."
"Personalizes the baby for the mama and it makes the baby not just a baby, it makes it her baby."
"The fetus is practically a parasite. My body is the one suffering, therefore it's my choice."
"After all of this, Dina can barely stand on her feet and needs Ellie to drag her into the theater. Was she infected by those spores from earlier? Nope, she is dealing with very early signs of pregnancy."
"That's right y'all we have baby on the way and it is going to be the first born son."
"I love being pregnant. It's the one time that I feel like I can just eat when I'm hungry."
"It is thrilling to discover life growing inside you."
"I don't buy that, she's pregnant all right and this pregnancy is the key to the picture's meaning."
"A baby in the womb is in fact a baby in the womb."
"Advocate for yourself, especially during pregnancy."
"I promise I promise, I remember one time on my video when I was pregnant but I hadn't announced that I was pregnant, somebody commented..."
"If a woman who is Rh negative produces Rh antibodies they can attack her own baby."
"If your partner's pregnant, it's a beautiful thing."
"Not only is she pregnant, but she's also dealing with a breakup."
"Visenya announced confidently she was pregnant with a son."
"Instead, I'm going to go to an OB appointment tomorrow to hear the baby's heartbeat. Thank you, Lord."
"Wow, come on, professional has been showing signs of pregnancy."
"The decision to carry a fetus to term has enormous cost to the person holding it."
"She was carrying around the weight of seven babies in her stomach."
"At 16 to 20 weeks, a woman should feel quickening, which is just a fancy term for the fetus kicking."
"Calling it a baby minimizes the options that the pregnant person feels like they have."
"Woohoo wellness and pregnancy overhaul for realistic gameplay."
"I told him, 'I'm pregnant.' He says, 'Terminate.' I say, 'No.'"
"I was delighted to be pregnant. Nothing else mattered."
"Ending at nine months, I don't agree. To deliver the baby, yeah, right on time."
"Support all of the pregnant women around us."
"They tell you all the bad bits, but they don't tell you at the end of it you could have a perfectly good healthy baby."
"My daughter kicks, and it's crazy to experience."
"Did I just pee? That's something that happens towards the end of pregnancy."
"The joys of having a pregnancy in the winter months are that you can just wear leggings and oversized jumpers."
"She's expecting a baby she hadn't seen, but she's acting as though it's already here."
"Jane's baby's quickening was proof that it was alive and growing well within her."
"Eating dates every day can really help make your uterine muscles respond better to oxytocin."
"I must tell people before I actually start looking or acting pregnant."
"It's comforting to read that week by week and know what you're going through, what other women went through."
"Do what works for you; listen to your OB-GYN, listen to your midwife, listen to your birth partners."
"We're getting ready to have this baby in October, his due date is October 13th."
"Most women who keep the baby after seeking an abortion are glad that it happened in the end."
"You have to think that the approach that we have here is that both lives matter in this situation."
"It's not the baby's fault... what happened happened."
"I just feel like she's changed my life for the better already and she's not even here. She's a little healer, she's a little sweet one, yeah, I just absolutely, she's amazing."
"Take care of your body... having an active pregnancy is generally considered to be something that's good for you."
"Women have a time limit where I think it's after the age of 35 you were considered a geriatric pregnancy."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm up the Duff and so are you."
"Thomas Beatie, the first man in the entire world to get pregnant."
"Beulah still holds the official record for the world's longest pregnancy."
"Rebecca Roberts recently went through superfetation, birthing two twins who were conceived three weeks apart."
"An amniotic fluid embolism is very rare, occurring anywhere between one in every 40,000 deliveries in North America."
"Until that baby is born, it's a women's health issue."
"Let's take a pregnancy test, baby's first pregnancy test."
"Jennifer felt a baby movement inside her belly and was so excited to share it with her partner for the first time."
"I think it's amazing that you're here and you're pregnant. I think women are incredible."
"It is thrilling to discover a life growing inside you."
"It was known that she had had a heroin issue when she became pregnant but once she knew she was and got a doctor involved followed his instructions and ended up indeed giving birth to a healthy baby."
"When Alexandra found out that she was expecting another child, she felt joy deep within her heart."
"This is the start of my hot pregnant girl summer."
"Forcing someone to remain pregnant violates bodily autonomy."
"There's nothing more beautiful than the radiant glow of a woman conceiving a life."
"I started taking a supplement when I became pregnant with my first child because my gynecologist had said you need folic acid you need iron you need this you need that."
"When your body, you know, all the hormones that you have when you're pregnant, and then when you have your baby it kind of like all those hormones just drop."
"The baby is not a parasite, the baby is a human life."
"She does know I'm pregnant because look how gentle she is."
"Can men get pregnant? Yes, it's possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own."
"There's lots of women they saw their baby on a doppler radar and they're like you know what I don't believe in termination of pregnancy anymore."
"I think something that goes untalked about and unexplained with pregnancy is pregnancy is very beautiful."
"And there are so many people out there that love, love, love being pregnant."
"She's definitely pregnant. Oh no, she thought of a baby bottle."
"Congratulations, you're just pregnant. All of those symptoms are symptoms of pregnancy."
"Remember to love your body for this process."
"If you want loads more evidence-based information on pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, make sure to check out the Built to Birth course."
"The TDAP vaccine between 28 and 32 weeks is given to reduce the chances of getting whooping cough, pertussis."
"I highly highly, highly recommend both of those vaccines in pregnancy."
"Did you know that when you are in your mom's womb, your grandmother basically carried you too?"
"God don't make mistakes, if that baby is in a mother's womb, it's there for a reason."
"Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and consent to becoming pregnant is not consent to remaining pregnant."
"Most doctors, I hope, are giving patients a list of safe over-the-counter medicines when they get pregnant."
"I know we had one that was pregnant. I don't think that's the same one though."
"I really want to try and be more intentional about appreciating moments like these in this last stage of the pregnancy."
"I've been having really vivid long dreams for most of my pregnancy and i've had quite a few dreams about childbirth and and her being here but for whatever reason oh my gosh it was so vivid last night."
"Oh my gosh, we're pregnant with the 100th baby!"
"Long story short...our first surrogate was pregnant."
"Kristen, go ahead and get pregnant. Ready or not, here I come, I'm pregnant."
"There's no aspect of my pregnancy or my birth or postpartum that was enjoyable for me."
"Your body looks perfect the way it is at all points of your pregnancy after birth all day's postpartum."
"Start planning for that anytime you will get pregnant by watching your diet in terms of eating healthy."
"Don't just eat anything, don't just take anything just because, just don't just take it just for the sake of you might risk not only you but also your child."
"If anything I've learned from pregnancy is just like how to listen to my body really well and if you need a nap, I just nap and you recharge."
"If guys had to go through what us girls go through being pregnant, I don't think they would make it."
"Fish may also adversely affect the outcome of pregnancy."
"Systemic enzyme therapy - 79% of those women carried out their pregnancies to term and had healthy babies. That's amazing."
"At the end of my pregnancy... that's when you started liking the good stuff."
"It just took me back to good memories... I kind of miss you being pregnant."
"A new mom in England is breathing a sigh of relief after a harrowing pregnancy allowed her to give birth to two siblings who were conceived weeks apart."
"The vaccine does not increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, nor does it increase the risk of a small for gestational age baby."
"Research from across six studies in four countries involving more than forty thousand pregnant women showed that having the vaccine does not increase the risk of miscarriage."
"He doesn't confront Nadia with this. But yet it's odd that neither one of them tell anyone at the party about their pregnancy, it's almost as if it's an embarrassing secret rather than something they're proud of."
"I think all pregnancies should be celebrated and announced right away because all pregnancies are a blessing."
"My dessert is about to be like Tums right now." - A candid admission about pregnancy cravings and realities.
"Massage for labor, super helpful for a lot of Mama's."
"RhoGAM is an anti-Rh antibody that prevents damage to the baby's red blood cells."
"Oh, my stomach hurts... I think I'm in labor."
"Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of me during this pregnancy."
"I don't think things are that random in life."
"Carolina is pregnant you guys we are going to be having a baby this is very exciting."
"Pregnancy turns you into a superhero in a lot of ways. Congratulations women, good for you!"
"You're my favorite and such goals of this pregnancy."
"Anyone who tells a pregnant woman to take this injection before we get to the bottom of that is being dangerously irresponsible in my view."
"You're either pregnant or you're not pregnant, it's a binary thing."
"Sarah and Andy were completely shocked to see three heartbeats on the ultrasound monitor."
"Pregnancy is a very crucial state, a beautiful state, you know. Despite the circumstances, please enjoy that phase."
"Eating for two, you know - it's gonna be really weird when we go to travel, there's gonna be so many less options."
"Is it possible for a pregnant woman to go swimming without unintentionally drowning the baby? How can the baby breathe if the vagina's underwater?"
"So did Alexi even know that she was pregnant or did she purposefully keep it a secret from everyone so that she could get rid of the baby later?"
"No rest for the pregnant, they still need to be doing our job."
"I just really think the baby's gonna come when they're ready so I don't get too attached to a due date."
"If someone drinks alcohol in large quantities while she is pregnant, we know the child is going to develop fetal alcoholic syndrome."
"Your amazing body has been through a lot. It's grown a human and it's about to go through even more."
"I'm pregnant... You know, this is a new journey for me, so I want y'all to be a part of this journey."
"Honestly, I haven't been depressed, but it's just like my emotions are all over the place."
"Your body will tell you what modifications that you need. Your center of gravity is going to be altered and so you have a little bit different balance."
"Even patients who weren't doing an exercise program before pregnancy can talk with their doctor about what is a safe way to implement exercise and to carry that on throughout pregnancy and after."
"You have to listen to your body. Of course there are things we shouldn't do while pregnant."
"Anything you were doing prior to pregnancy that doesn't cause you pain now, is probably safe to continue."
"It can even be useful for people who are pregnant and can no longer safely scoop the litter box."
"Every stage of pregnancy and motherhood comes with its own line of difficulties and challenges."
"The further we get, the further risks there are for her."
"I am so freaking excited and so relieved because I've been while saying now I've known for the past five weeks that I'm pregnant."
"Unexpected pregnancies are life-changing and difficult to get through, and you're going to need all the support you can get. But there are right ways and wrong ways to do it."
"The biggest thing about this whole situation is that you're pregnant. You cannot stress."
"The final trimester, the home stretch, is really exciting."
"When you see somebody who is obviously pregnant a lot of times they're further along they're planning for a baby."
"I don't need to grow anything. I'm already growing a human."
"98 degrees in the middle of the day here, and when you're pregnant, you're already hotter than normal."
"Everyone understands how hard it is for her, so they put up with everything she does. She is pregnant after all."
"I'm really proud of how I did pregnancy as a pregnant woman, but as Shan Budram, Shan Brady, yeah, I don't know if I'm necessarily that proud of the way that I coped with pregnancy."
"Your body right now is creating a life and you are still putting pressure on yourself to keep the area hair free."
"Either way they still took her to the hospital because hello we’re not tryna have a stroke or heart attack when youre that pregnant."
"Pregnancy is one of nature's most celebrated miracles."
"So funny like the amount of times I have filmed myself taking pregnancy tests and seeing that I was not pregnant and being like so happy and not happy right now."
"The doctor delivered some incredible news: they were expecting a girl."
"I'm feeling really good, my bump is kinda popping out."
"I was very lucky. I had a beautiful pregnancy. Everyone is healthy and happy."
"I'm assuming the baby will be out by next week because it's [ __ ] overdue."
"If you want a faithful guy, it's pretty easy to find when one in three men are either virgins or haven't had sex in the past year."
"Congratulations on the pregnancy and good on you for setting healthy boundaries."
"An empty uterus...this is either a baby that's outside the uterus or she has another uterus..."