
Human Cognition Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Full human expansion of human cognition into AI, full immersion in the internet of your cognitive abilities, having no limitation for what you think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human mind struggles to articulate these things... the formless has to find a form."
"The human mind is something that's shaped by the forces of biological evolution."
"Genuine memories usually have a bit of variance to them because we recall different aspects at different times."
"Following his flawless talk, both Lawrence and the audience knew what they had just experienced: a beautiful and successful encapsulation of a life's work that would likely impact the way people thought about human cognition, values, morality, and well-being forever."
"Language is a miracle of the natural world because it allows us to exchange an unlimited number of ideas using a finite set of mental tools."
"If we can get machines to think, to understand, to process information the way we do... then what would be the difference?"
"There's something outside computation in human understanding."
"We need to remember that humans think in stories, not in statistics and mathematical models."
"We are so good at finding patterns that we find them where they don't even exist."
"The human mind is a lot more mysterious and complex than you would think."
"Our brain evolved to take what is meaningless to make it meaningful."
"For us humans, the correct tool for approaching novel problems is consciousness."
"Our understanding is not rule-driven, it's not algorithmic, there's something else."
"I terminated the individual mandate... premiums are down, everything's down." - Donald Trump
"We’re all hardwired to make sense of the world by telling and being told stories."
"Language is a proxy for an incredibly sophisticated level of human thought not shared by any other animal on the planet."
"Our memories are extremely fallible, and understanding more about exactly how fallible they are is vitally important."
"This whole existence thing is a complete unknown and the meat in our heads are just constantly trying to figure it out."
"Storytelling is the operating system of the human brain."
"People are starting to realize...the ability to reason, common sense."
"Parrot brains are therefore much more similar to our own than many other animals."
"AI is designed to take over the human mind and therefore replace it."
"You never understand really things, you just get used to them."
"California as an island teaches us something bigger than just how humans draw maps, it's actually more about how humans want to see the world, about how fake ideas spread and why."
"These cat GPTs will far surpass the human brain capacity."
"The web thing is basically... we use heuristics to kind of figure out like what [ __ ] is the way that we group things as humans."
"Most of human learning is from unlabeled data."
"Humans are hardwired to make sense of random patterns."
"Music and the human mind is probably one of the most unique things."
"There's nothing like it in terms of its mental capacity."
"The extraordinary human mind has processed so much first-rate information that it is managed to feel new things in new ways."
"Humans' ability to reason about a complicated environment is staggeringly rich and complicated."
"Brains are amazing things and are a lot more plastic than we give them credit for."
"Most of the time we're actually not really aware of a lot of stuff that's going on."
"The human brain was not trained to do this. We grew up over evolutionary time scales to solve certain problems, and logical reasoning wasn't always among those problems."
"This desire to find patterns in randomness or pareidolia as it's called is probably the biggest contributor to supernatural belief."
"Evolution has evolved our brain only to conceptualize in three dimensions." - Michio Kaku
"Our perception and comprehension probably have severe limits, including our comprehension of space and time."
"You perceive 0% of reality; you exist essentially in an evolutionarily convenient illusion."
"All we experience... is our predictions of what will happen next... everything we know about the world is storytelling."
"Time is what eternity looks like when filtered through the narrow prism of a human mind."
"Human memories are highly unreliable and they're susceptible to being influenced and altering all sorts of unexpected ways." - A reminder of the fragility of memory.
"Each one of us feels ourselves entirely justified in believing a variety of things that are actually false and that's just coincidentally how our interactions with the environment have led us to make those conclusions."
"We're working on creating AGI... then how the collective mind of humanity is shaped is insanely important."
"We are pattern-making animals... we understand everything by narration."
"Our MINDS. That's the power that sets humans apart."
"Everybody's brains are prewired to be just a little bit mathematical."
"We're born with knowledge, Concepts like causality or rationality."
"It's legitimately an interesting question to say where and when and how is the human mind and our preferences going to outperform algorithms."
"AI, as we currently have them implemented, have a very different way of thinking than human beings do."
"Your beliefs matter and you should only hold them if they are true in the same sense that there's beer in the fridge is true, but that's not a natural human way of thinking."
"The tests I'm interested in creating are not necessarily difficult for humans because human intelligence is the benchmark. They're supposed to be difficult for machines in ways that are easy for humans."
"Making the priors explicit is a really powerful question ask of us humans. What are the priors that we bring to the table?"
"Enums exist to make programmer's life easier because computers don't have any problem with remembering numbers but for us humans it is much easier to remember words that have meaning."
"Memory is such a funny thing; it's more fragile than a lot of people think."
"Humans actually have general intelligence, the ability to adapt, the ability to make sense of situations you've not been through before."
"AI really works well when there's so many things to think about that the human brain isn't as good as the machine."
"Our appreciation of mathematics is something that you certainly can't describe in terms of purely computational activity."
"The biggest pro of Bayesian thinking is that it simulates the way human beings think about the world."
"There's a surprisingly deep question here about whether this kind of system is at all useful to think of what might be happening in human cognition."
"The human mind is limited to what they can know and cannot know."
"Humans are very fast at identifying and processing visual data."
"Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers, or equations, and the simpler the story, the better."
"A lot of our intelligence, I think, is sort of more social than we think."
"The universe is a big place, and the idea that the human brain can't tolerate that there might be life somewhere else, I just don't accept that."
"Our human brains are designed to get answers out of things that maybe even just asking the question is already a step in the wrong direction."
"Our brains can't comprehend these concepts; the universe is too big."
"The answer lies in the human mind."
"If we wanted to make machines think like humans, we should take what we understand about human neural networks and just start designing computer neural networks on that same thing."
"Our minds wander fifty to eighty thousand times every single day."
"It's amazing how the human brain works."
"It's a human brain-inspired system which replicates the way humans learn."
"We have much greater insight into ourselves: who we are, what does it mean to think hierarchically, what is thinking, where does thinking take place, what are the limitations of thinking."
"We describe concepts through language and in that sense, all concepts are rooted in human formulation."
"There's nothing special about mathematical understanding, it's just part of human understanding generally."