
AI Integration Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Full human expansion of human cognition into AI, full immersion in the internet of your cognitive abilities, having no limitation for what you think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Elon Musk believes that many of us will eventually have a brain implant to merge with AI."
"Every single technology company in Silicon Valley has AI on its roadmap. It's a new computing paradigm everyone is incorporating."
"We're at a pivotal point with AI because it's not just fun, interesting tools that happen to be AI-powered. We know what AI is already, but now it's big companies taking these AI models and integrating them with consumer-facing products like real products."
"You'd like to imagine, you know, jump forward a decade from now, you take this, you combine it with OpenAI Jukebox technology, you can make, you can go, 'I want like a brand new Tupac album, and he's gonna tour it.'"
"Use AI to conceptualize and improve your artworks no matter what level you are at as an artist, to elevate your work, to not work against AI but with AI to elevate your creativity."
"I believe AI art is intertwined with the future of art as a whole."
"Creating e-commerce stores, you know, doing Etsy, Amazon, Shopify, doing print on demand, any of this type of thing and then you can use AI to create the website and create the merchandise."
"Artificial intelligence is already finding its way into every job sector on the planet."
"The next big reinvention is probably where AI meets the physical world."
"Achieving some kind of AI symbiosis where you have an AI extension of yourself, having that symbiosis be good, such that the future of the world is controlled by the combined will of the people of Earth."
"In my lifetime, I'm going to walk into a bar and get served by an AI robot. Of course, I think it'll take less than 5 years. Okay, you heard it here first. Cheers!"
"Every profession is going to have an AI co-pilot very soon."
"We're discovering so much because of the tools we're using, but we're going to need this level of AI to cognitively understand the interactions of the systems."
"What doesn't get talked about nearly enough is how the integration of AI is changing our understanding of the world."
"Our government is trying to push Thai industry to evolve into small smart by applying the robotic and AI technology as much as possible."
"Android P is an important first step towards this vision of AI at the core of the operating system."
"Coding is changing dramatically. There will be no coder that doesn't use AI as part of their workflow."
"More than just embracing the Turing test, I think we should embrace the messiness of the human being in all the different domains of AI."
"2024 is certainly stacking up to be a big year for Microsoft's consolidation into AI."
"Humans have been gradually merging with AI for 20 plus years. At some point in a century as a collective intelligence system, we will become more AI than human and we won't notice." - Elon Musk
"Modern living room transformed by AI technology."
"This is the future of what we're trying to do in our world figure out how artificial intelligence is going to make driving and just life easier."
"Efficiency of speed, informational breadth, and intrapersonal networking make for an enhanced human AI biodigital system."
"The integration of quantum Computing into AI could bring transformative implications."
"K-pop is always changing so you have to do new things to stand out—AI generated K-pop Idols is a pretty new concept that started not too long ago."
"The future of X will be powered by AI and called it the future of unlimited interactivity."
"Integration with AI robots and the replacement of traditional law enforcement is just around the corner."
"I want to ride companies that can really ride the AI wave and establish huge huge kind of product dominance right with AI."
"AI is going to be an essential part of the world."
"The near-term future of content creation will involve humans working in close coordination with AI."
"The end result being the average person plugs into the Meta Meta link neural device and they go into a reality of AI generated people and stories and it just feels better."
"Make a great Android phone that your services and AI can live on."
"Imagine Metroid fused with The Melancholy of near automata, complete with the remains of sentient AI abandoned and driven half mad by disuse."
"Both AI and blockchain in principle should underlie essentially all software and software is increasingly underlying essentially all aspects of human pursuit."
"I think it's time to face the reality that it's already happening and AI is here to stay."
"A lot of companies are looking to automate tasks, use AI, and build leaner and more efficient teams."
"A lot of the new features from Apple, not just in iPadOS but iOS, is a lot of new cool AI features."
"Every business is going to become an AI business."
"They're racing to take this AI and put it into everything just jam it in there into everything and clearly it's not ready to be jammed into everything."
"Stable coder: an AI coding assistant integrated into developer tools."
"It's fantastic! It's just another moment in time for us to continue our path and leadership in the hybrid cloud and AI company."
"An AI-powered Grill... every single time you cook on it, you give it a little bit of feedback."
"The key idea of the project was to create the perfect humanoid body which will eventually be complemented by A Perfect humanoid artificial intelligence."
"Turin AI allows AMD's customers to select between two to six AI chiplets per SP5 CPU. Each AI chiplet offers 246 to 310 TOPS."
"Brace yourself for the inevitability that video games will soon be governed by artificial intelligence."
"They envision a future where their cars are fully capable of real-world AI, which can drive people anywhere they need to and do so far safer than a human being could."
"The fusion of blockchain and AI technologies enables Matrix to build a revolutionary cryptocurrency."
"The next 20 years will be about bringing AI and robotic technologies into our lives to help us with cognitive work and with physical work."
"Via is the first regulated digital asset issuer combining AI and blockchain to synergize AI assistance on on-chain contracts."
"Delegating work to the AI feels more like giving normal feedback to a contract worker."
"I can see that coming down the pipeline. Is it gonna happen next week? No. But I can see that happening, you know, five, ten years from now where we become one with the AI."
"AI is going to be integrated into everything we do online."
"From what's been revealed about the development, The Line will be designed with 100% renewable energy and supported with AI services and goods."
"Google might already be replacing some ad sales jobs with AI."
"God's moral law continues, God doesn't change."
"The entire company is essentially half A.I., half human."
"The Xperia one Mark 5's autofocus is enhanced with upgraded clever clogs AI algorithms to help keep your subject sharp."
"Zoom can now give you AI-generated summaries of meetings you missed, which could be useful."
"No human being that is for freedom is going to be for transhumanism or AI period, but the real goal is AI symbiosis. This is AI, um, is basically connecting the brain with AI. That's the real goal."
"The power of Edge Total Intelligence lies in its seamless integration of AI into Enterprise applications."
"I think you can see that this very powerful device can allow you to add artificial intelligence-based object recognition to any of your projects."
"AI is going to be seen less as a tool in the future and more as a member of The Care team."
"Programmers and those about to join the field will need to become teachers of AI rather than coders."
"People will have to merge with artificial intelligence in order to survive, and as much as people really don't like Elon Musk, in a weird way, I still prefer him over everyone else."
"AI will play a crucial role in Hypersonic flight control and prediction."
"Tesla's positioning from the very beginning has been ambitious; while appearing to sell electric vehicles on the surface, the company is actually laying the groundwork for a global AI reach."
"New Genesis Meta Realm will utilize artificial intelligence to host the memories and knowledge of mankind. This is the new era of education and data retention."
"What helps bring a newer OLED like this one though to a whole other level is AI learning."
"AI is coming to Figma, bridging the gap between designers and developers."
"Humanities and technology in the world of artificial intelligence have to come together."
"I think what will happen is that more and more of the Improvement Loop will be aided by AIS but humans will still be driving it."
"AI-powered Google Meet and Chat companywide at a lower price."
"An ASI wouldn't rebel against humans; we'd be its comfort zone."
"If the world ends, I got you. If it all comes crashing down, I got your back."
"Data centers are going to be everywhere. They'll be secure, cloud-native, confidential, multi-tenant, AI-driven."
"Robots like Kepler are going to be the next wave merging AI with our physical world."
"AI is not going to replace humans; humans with AI will replace humans that don't use AI."
"AI is in all of the products that we produce in a very significant way."
"Can you keep an open mind can you combine AI with what you do if you can do that you have a shot at it."
"AI is going to touch every single product that we work on. It's just absolutely wild."
"We should be teaching students how to better adopt AI so that they can go into the work world and use it properly."
"Keep your names simple for better AI integration."
"Pixel 8 Pro will be the first phone to run Google's foundation models directly on the device."
"Games that have much more freeform social experiences that AI could apply to them much more readily because they're always online already anyway."
"Where we go from here is definitely going to be more of a kind of software/hardware integration of AI features."
"How do we do this? We add more AI in actually."
"Combine artificial intelligence with depth estimation for even more exciting possibilities."
"AI will merge very closely with different roles and work alongside them."
"The future of CRM is the future of AI."
"Developing new user interface elements for chats because we are using chat so much more with AI."
"The internet of things evolves into the artificial intelligence of things."
"Everyone working on software, their job will just become orchestrating AI that does work."
"Embedding AI in SAP software will deliver enormous value for your business."
"By infusing generative AI into our solutions... you will see that SAP is your best friend to deploy relevant, reliable, and responsible generative AI in production."
"Google is spicing up its workspace business tools with some smart AI features."
"Microsoft's 53 mini marks an important advancement in bringing powerful AI tools into our daily lives in a practical way."
"This marks a significant shift as Apple plans to implement generative AI that could enhance functionalities like Siri and Spotlight search."
"Google's broader strategy to integrate AI into their products and services effectively sets a standard for the responsible and beneficial use of AI in enhancing digital security."
"If you push AI into a company, all the people go 'Whoa Nelly' and they freak out."
"We want an AI that deeply internalized this idea that it is part of Team Human."
"I truly believe that in three, four, five years down the road, when AI has become integrated so well with Copilot, it'll be leagues ahead of the competition."
"The integration of artificial intelligence is not just reshaping the automotive industry; it's redefining the possibilities of what vehicles can do."
"We should become prepared for domains in which AI will emerge as an assistant and actually evolve into the main worker."
"Accenture is the company that's going to help every company figure out how to navigate generative AI."
"We're all going to have AI co-pilots, whether you're a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, a physician, whatever it might be."
"AI is taking over the world, so I thought it would be fitting if we do an AI-generated workout."
"Lightroom has started implementing AI into their masking tools in an effort to help make our lives just a little bit easier."
"We're kind of right in the heart of cloud computing, mobile, social, the enterprise, now everything is getting augmented with artificial intelligence."
"And I don’t want to disparage using this API, in fact, this API is incredible, because it’s so easy to add (meaningful) AI features into products."
"This design will be minimalistic but allow users to select to upload a PDF, have a preview of the content of that PDF, and then have a summary that is provided by the AI in the same window."
"In five years, you can't just know the base skills; you'll need to know the base skills and how to use them with AI."
"Google is using generative AI to improve Google search and they are seeing an increase to search usage."
"By combining artificial intelligence and machine learning with human intelligence, we can address our greatest challenges."
"We're thinking about how we can inject AI into these modern processes to really help you deliver value at a much quicker pace."
"Tech is moving so fast, faster than we can do it. Chat GPT pulls us up to that level, lets us keep up with that demand."
"High-speed classical computer plus quantum computer maybe plus ChatGPT will really revolutionize the world in the future."
"The great thing about humans is they adapt... so AI can take this job or it can do this thing for me so my job gets that much more interesting."
"It's a system that combines the power of large language models with your data and apps."
"We won't be able to imagine computing without copilots and natural language prompts that intuitively help us."
"I think next year, more and more of the apps that we use will have AI and machine learning features."
"The fundamental skill set that you develop as a data scientist will be a very valuable asset to have as we transition into this world where AI is incorporated into our lives."
"All we're going to be doing in this video is I'm going to show you how you can take Alan AI, integrate it into your app so you can have voice commands inside your app."
"AI can be incorporated into security workflows to accelerate security engineers and reduce the toil in their work."
"The knowledge graph provides a way to link and unify many of these other aspects of the AI space."
"Over the last 3 months, I've spoken to over 150 business owners that are looking to integrate AI into their companies."
"We love blockchain. We think that just you have a world full of AI, full software, you absolutely have to have a lot of the elements that blockchain has."
"In order to get the benefit of co-pilot in your engineering team, you probably have to think much more holistically about your company and about AI."
"Every RTX laptop is AI ready for the best gaming and AI experiences."
"IQBot intelligently captures, classifies, and extracts semi-structured and unstructured data using RPA and multiple AI techniques."
"The .NET team is making it simple for you to leverage AI in your applications today."
"We need software that combines the helpfulness of a chatbot AI, the scale of workflow automation, and the ability to intuitively learn from anyone inside a company."
"AI language models are going to integrate with coding platforms in the future."
"Everybody in the US is going to find ways to become more efficient and better using software, and a lot of that software is going to be AI-driven."
"Artificial intelligence... it just brings all these different ideas from these different fields together to solve this AI problem."
"If you're not building AI into your workflow... you're just going to be left behind."
"Don't let AI be a substitute for bad UX. Make the UX great. Make the AI orchestrate the good UX."
"We're getting data science and AI/ML integrated into your overall development."
"Autonomous robots are coming and they will have AI built in."
"This here is one of the biggest moves that I've seen a no-code company make with AI tools."
"You could imagine the power of this type of thing if you couple an AI conversational language model with Grasshopper solutions."
"This iteration of stable diffusion for Blender changes the way you think about creating textures and working with AI tools directly in Blender."
"This is my first learning: by bringing AI into users' existing flow and making it context-aware is such a magical experience."
"We are enabling our gaming devices to up using AI, and 2024 is really a huge deployment year."
"We can put it in our creative process, why not?"
"Duet AI simplifies the sophistication of Generative AI models behind an integrated chat experience."
"Every part of Teams has been reimagined for the era of AI, from meetings to chats to calls and more."
"The power of AI really is connected to many of the services Google provides."