
Olfaction Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Sniffing itself is a powerful modulator of our cognition and our ability to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This experiment has been done many times, if you offer, you take a collection of women who are in stable relationships with somebody, you offer them the smell of a hundred different shirts and they can very readily pick out their significant others scent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The bizarre new quantum theory of smell is all about vibrating bonds; chemical molecules are playing music for our noses."
"The scent molecule has a particular shape that allows it to fit into the receptor molecules in our nose, like a hand in a glove or a key in a lock."
"Our noses aren't smelling chemical molecules; they're listening to them."
"It's like a little bit of a peppery smell. It's just crazy."
"Evolutionarily speaking, smell is one of our oldest senses and the one most tied to memory and basic emotions such as fear, disgust, joy, and sadness."
"Terpenes in essential oils activate sensors in our nose and pituitary gland, triggering the release of neurotransmitters."
"I love fragrances that smell good."
"This smells like eat my [__] off the bone in Rome."
"Most of our sense of taste is really our nose."
"One of the most unique fragrances I have ever smelled."
"Literally everything human beings do is dictated by the whims of their nose."
"This is a fragrance that a lot of people go anosmic to, meaning they go nose blind after a while."
"I'm on the hunt to try every single fragrance that's compared to Baccarat Rouge 540. That's not a dupe. Okay, I don't want a dupe to Baccarat, but I want every fragrance that has that amazing, addicting, sweet saffron note in there. I'm on the hunt to try them all."
"From oriental woody to oriental vanilla, each category offers a unique olfactory journey."
"I find the smell absolutely atrocious, but the horses love it so I love it."
"What I'm constructing here is a highly artificial exercise in scent."
"The real difference with dogs compared to other olfactory creatures is that they're tractable. They care about interacting with us and they respond to us."
"It smells better than every car over here, of course."
"Smell is connected really closely with our memories."
"You remember almost everything you smell."
"The sense of smell is so powerful and so profound."
"We don't even realize how important a role smell plays."
"The dog's nose is so sensitive that the dog can smell on the breath of the child the sugar levels."
"It stinks, it's probably some form of cat, maybe a mountain lion."
"You remember 65% of smells after a year."
"The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents."
"Smell is linked to memory and pleasure."
"How your terrarium smells is a good indication of its health."
"But we know famously in the salmonella's group, these anadromous trout that go out to the ocean and come back, return to the natal stream. A big part of that, the majority of that, is done through the sense of smell."
"80% of the heavy lifting of flavor perception is done by your nose."
"A dog's wet nose works to dissolve scent molecules which help them detect and recognize smells that you and I can't even perceive."
"Women can smell certain aromas at 1/1,000th of their original concentration."
"With just a few gene receptors for vision, we can see millions of colors, so with 400 gene receptors for olfaction in the olfactory bulb, imagine how many aromas and smells you can retain as memory."
"Scientists think it's something like a trillion different smells."
"The nose is our most important organ in assessing flavor."
"I want this in like a candle, this is like the best smell of my life."
"Dogs have a sense of smell 40 times stronger than us."
"Dogs that are allowed to sniff and encouraged to sniff end up being basically happier, like less anxious, more optimistic."
"Smell has a profoundly powerful effect on our emotions, even to the point of having a somewhat physical control over us."
"We could distinguish more than a trillion smells."
"Dogs have a second olfactory system that's optimized to detect pheromones."
"Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells."
"In the middle, what we're looking for is a transition where you go from that flowery smell at first to something I call a ripe smell."
"Can dogs save lives with their astonishing sense of smell?"
"A dog's sense of smell is thought to be 1,000 times better than a person's."
"Cats have about 200 million scent receptors in their nose."
"Scent, or your sense of smell, is a very strong element and can even trigger certain memories or emotions."
"You also need your nose if you really want to savor a flavor."
"The olfactory receptors... they break down, release energy, and an electrical signal sends the brain."
"The sense of smell both in water and air work very similarly, you can detect molecules in these mediums."
"To a dog, these odors convey a suite of rich, layered, and complex information."
"Dogs don't experience a sidewalk as simply a sidewalk; to them, it's the smell of concrete, of all the foliage nearby, of decaying acorns, and the dead frog up ahead."
"Olfactory cells are neurons... on average we can distinguish between 2,000 and 4,000 odors."
"Dogs can smell everything. People can mostly just smell big smells like stink and flowers and dinner."
"100 million sensory receptor sites nasal cavity compared to 6 million in people."
"There's something about the shape of the molecule that binds really well to a fish's receptors, olfactory receptors."
"Ice cream is all about scent actually."
"Fragrance is so personal; our sense of smell is different, it's different for everybody, and what we like is different."
"Smell is an important way for wolves to communicate."
"Their sense of smell is very good; these kind of animals can be able to smell five kilometers away and follow the wind until they get to the sighting."
"We've been researching smell for about eight years now, so well before COVID, but certainly with COVID, the urgency of the research findings, the volume has really taken off."
"The power of scent is just so interesting to me."
"Esters make up the vast majority of what you can taste and smell in fruits and things like that."
"It can smell and taste the slightest human secretion of blood and sweat one part in a billion from a mile away."
"The bloodhounds have been bred for centuries for their sense of smell."
"Your nose is responsible for 75 to 95% of your taste perception."
"The primary olfactory cortex is located in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex of the forebrain where this information is processed."
"Hyenas have exceptionally powerful noses."
"Elephants' sense of smell is so incredible, and they'll be able to find one another from quite a distance away."
"Inside the olfactory are 300 million sensor cells."
"If the olfactory cells in Nano's nose find a nut odor in the air, they send a message to Nano's brain."
"That is one clever dog with a very clever nose."
"Birds do have nostrils, they are on the beak, and most birds do have an incredible sense of smell."