
Environmental Impact Quotes

There are 3157 quotes

"Regenerative agriculture means it's climate positive and carbon negative, which translates to good for us and good for the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"A diet really is only as healthy as it is good for the planet, our population, and for other creatures and biodiversity."
"There are countless studies that prove that our surroundings have a significant impact on our physical and mental health."
"This specific one picks up three pounds of trash from the ocean."
"The planet is absorbing more than twice as much heat as it was 20 years ago."
"This city should not exist; it is a monument to man's arrogance."
"We want that person to decide to make a better purchase... The most sustainable option is not consuming, but if you have to buy, buy and buy from these things that are trying to make a difference."
"This is a company that has brought us the worst environmental disaster in US history. That's not an accident."
"You are the epicenter of your environment, and when you change, your environment changes."
"In the history of our species, the blink of an eye that is the last half-century has brought us to a point where we will likely determine the fate of our planet for all time to come."
"Perhaps it is God's way of reminding you of your own life's journey, to reprioritize the impact of the world that we will all inevitably leave behind."
"Humans pose a massive threat to the survival of many shark species with commercial fishing and the global shark fin trade."
"This train derailment was an environmental disaster, not an environmental disaster like climate change is, but an actual environmental disaster."
"Knowing that your environment could affect your mental health and who you become as a person."
"How come we are taking over--and largely destroying--the planet, and other species are not?"
"Their solution is really one to transform our impact on the environment... we're over consuming and because of our consumption patterns, if we can bring down our consumption patterns then we will be able to reduce the impact on the environment."
"Environmental factors are not disconnected from company fundamentals, from the business."
"The impact that fashion has on our planet is undeniable."
"Sustainability is an opportunity. All we have to do is see it differently, think differently, and seek to understand how we can all make choices that have a positive consequence on the planet."
"The distrust stems from the destruction of the planet that we are dependent on for our existence."
"If this monetization idea is actually true, it completely contradicts the idea that Bitcoin is a waste of the world's resources."
"The act of shaping our environment touches something really, really deep that gets to the essence of who we are."
"Capital can survive its own contradictions but it can do so at a cost to human beings and the environment, and that cost is increasing."
"We need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate."
"Our consumer society is messy, complex; it can both sustain us creatively and can destroy the planet."
"Humanity's need to satisfy its own desires will be its ultimate undoing."
"Elon Musk is probably doing more for the environment than most people."
"The people who suffer the most at the hands of climate change are those who've done the least to cause it."
"The single biggest thing you can do to cut down your carbon emissions is... simply choose not to eat animal products."
"Each year we fail to act on climate, catastrophes stack up."
"I looked at my garbage and thought, maybe I can't fix all the world's problems, but I can take responsibility for my garbage."
"If we extrapolate on that example to reflect back upon our own relationship to the planet and our behaviors and our consumer choices, it can be highly instructive."
"Humanity to date has extracted so much carbon from the ground and put it in the atmosphere that our climate is changing."
"The same system that is punishing the farmer is as punishing the earth and is punishing the consumers through disease."
"Most of human history was marked by privation and danger thanks to the environment, and it's only technology that has allowed us to surpass that."
"Learning to reuse and give new life to clothing that you already have not only helps you save money, it can also have a large-scale impact on the environment."
"The environmental damage inflicted on Ukraine by the Russian invasion will likely prove irreparable."
"Humanity has become a virus destroying its host, and that has to change."
"One of the contributory factors is undoubtedly climate."
"Humanity has shaped and affected our environment more than any of our fellow species, even to the point of our peril."
"We are limited not by trade relations but rather by our ability to grow without destroying the planet."
"The main focus was making a positive impact on the earth."
"It's a world of difference like an actual tangible, palpable difference in environment, in ambiance, in overall stress levels."
"Factory farming is an abomination. It's bad for the cows, the environment, and the health of the meat it produces."
"These low-carb diets make you sick; they make the planet sick."
"Every year, Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Year's."
"For the love of God, stop flushing your antibiotics down the drains and just finish your course of them to make sure the bacteria for your infection is destroyed unless you want to create a stronger version of that bacteria."
"The U.N. estimates, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish."
"Why are we not part of the cycle? Then we can actually enable people to feed the earth instead of polluted."
"What's not awesome is when you stop and think about just how much a single rocket pollutes."
"You're much better off reusing a rocket so you can amortize that pollution and carbon output of the manufacturing process over several flights."
"Oil: We can't live with it, or without it. Oil is the awful lifeblood of modern society. We must have it; we don't want to see it, touch it, taste it, or smell it, but we must have it."
"This vehicle miles traveled statistic is used to stop projects, block projects. It's all nonsense when you think about what's actually causing the emissions or pollution or traffic that we should be concerned about."
"If you think that a planet that has too many people on it is bad for the planet, wait until you see what a planet that has too few people on it is like."
"As a physician, my focus is to do no harm, and now the biggest harm that's happening is what's happening to the environment."
"Unlike metal and glass, plastic degrades every time you recycle it."
"To offset climate change impact relative to a single-use plastic bag, a cotton bag needs to be reused at least 149 times."
"Since the end of World War II, we've produced more than eight billion metric tons of plastic."
"Tesla has done more to help the environment than all other companies combined."
"Everything at some point comes from nature, and it's how you use the material that dictates the environmental impact."
"Buy things second-hand has no footprint on the environment because those items are already in the waste stream."
"A super eruption can easily bury the northern Rockies in three feet of Ash, devastating large swathes of Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Utah."
"Unfortunately, during the same period of time, man's consumption of Earth's natural resources has tripled."
"By reinventing cleaning essentials to be better for you and the planet, this holiday season, Blueland is having their best sale of the year."
"Clothing is one of the top contributors to waste in our country."
"But those benefits come at a cost, and the price isn’t just the dollars we’ve spent on the infrastructure but also the impacts dams have on the environment."
"Better humans make a better planet; it's about practicing calm, confidence, love, and joy consistently."
"Diablo Canyon sits on three football fields, a tiny patch of land that provides power for 3 million Californians."
"Medicinal plants and especially medicinal animals are widely documented to be destroyed when they are integrated into a popular medical practice."
"Climate engineering is destroying the ozone layer, which is bombarding forests with incredibly intense UV radiation, killing them from the top down."
"The good news is that pollution levels have fallen dramatically in China from satellite imagery."
"Switching to vegetarianism will reduce your carbon footprint by at least one and a half tons of carbon a year."
"Since I've been on this planet, we've lost 70 percent of the populations of animals, insects, birds, and fish."
"It's the issue of how do we adapt to lower energy and material throughput while the ecological environmental situation is getting worse."
"We're an indoor species. 90 percent of our time indoors. The indoor environment is just having this massive, massive impact on our health."
"Air travel produces 915 million tons of CO2 every year, accounting for two and a half percent of global emissions."
"To add to the perplexity, the vegetation in the vicinity withered and perished, soil analysis revealed an unusual abundance of calcium at the landing site."
"Products whose production causes damage to the environment... should be more expensive, not less expensive."
"Capitalism does what it does very well... capitalism has gotten some of the worst pollution in history and capitalism delivered a groundbreaking vaccine in like nine months."
"The storms of the chain's human history have always mirrored the unrelenting power of the real Aleutian storms."
"Regenerative agriculture... promises to revolutionize food production and maybe save the world, if it works."
"Agriculture is the single most powerful force unleashed on this planet since the end of the Ice Age, no question."
"You end up swimming in garbage. This is a huge issue."
"Every single action that we do today influences the atmosphere of our planet quite dramatically."
"Blockchain could help to track Scope 3 emissions which are the greenhouse gases produced along the supply chain."
"Increase migration due to sea level rise, threats to food and water safety, this is the reality we're facing right now because of climate change."
"We're witnessing the effects of climate change daily, whether it's storms, forest fires, floods, and other disasters occurring with increasing intensity and frequency."
"There is no diet that any one individual human being can consume that will reduce our carbon footprint more... than a plant-based."
"Americans use 500 million plastic straws per day which sounds awful cuz that's stupid they're only 300 million Americans."
"The notion that means that for all three of us using zero in order for us to get to 500 million there has to be some person out there who's using 10 plus 10 plastic straws in a day."
"All things are connected like the blood which unites us all... People are escaping... to get away... That made a bad situation worse."
"The disproportion between that little bit of extra pleasure you might get from eating meat and the phenomenal amount of destruction required to produce it should surely commend it to anyone as a stupid thing to do."
"Being mostly vegan really is doing the vast majority of the good."
"Your food choices have an impact on the environment around you, on people around you, on the animals."
"Poor dumb animals. The humans did this to themselves, but what did the animals do to deserve this? Nothing."
"There is no such thing as disposable plastic. It doesn't just go away."
"It starts with you making a decision to not contribute to an industry that is causing so much harm."
"Get your own reusable bottle. Plastic bottles can take up to 450 years to break down."
"Thrift shop or charity shop second-hand clothes. It's the best thing you can do because the fast fashion and the fashion industry in general is one of the most destructive things on this planet."
"I think this is just the beginning... we're going to see more of these as we disrupt the animal community."
"Bioavailable aluminum is toxic to root systems... it not only kills soil microbiome but root systems for example in trees and forests sense the toxin, they shut down nutrient uptake, they start to die a slow, protracted death."
"Growing vegetables is good for the environment, whereas farming animals impacts the environment."
"Brenmiller claims that by making this switch, Fortlev lowers the fuel costs of heating air by over 75% and lowers its greenhouse gas emissions by about 800 metric tons a year."
"If cement were a country (a really drab, gray country), it would be the world’s third-largest CO2 emitter behind China and the U.S."
"In California, we strive to have green energy; in some cases, we may even pay more to get electricity that is branded as green. But are we really getting green energy?"
"Wildfires are burning the suburbs in the West; floods are wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the Midwest."
"Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels, and we believe it has a promising future, but this cannot come at a great cost to the environment."
"What rich people do at home or in their car or on their private jet pales in comparison to the exploitation of labor and the wrecking of the earth that generates the money they enjoy."
"Wildfires don't skip towns that voted a certain way. The impacts of climate change don't pick and choose."
"Driving an EV produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than cars powered only by gasoline, regardless of the local power mix."
"Every footstep that you take on the planet leaves an imprint within Gaia."
"If you eliminated 100% of your emissions for the rest of your life, you would save one second's worth of emissions from the global energy sector."
"The emissions leaking out of landfills are as significant as the emissions of all the jets in the air."
"I don't know how you can deny that we are not having an effect on the planet because it's very obvious."
"Give it enough time, you really can turn one tree into an entire forest."
"Don't feel like you absolutely have to completely go vegan; it's just about reducing the damage, learning more about what's going on."
"Lighting accounts for 5% of all carbon emissions. A full switch to LEDs could save an estimated 1.4 billion tons of CO2, equivalent to taking almost half the cars in the world off the road."
"Male fish swimming in some of that water are becoming intersex... a new study shows that it is happening in numbers far greater than ever suspected."
"It's been estimated that if all countries consumed resources in the same way as the United States, we'd need four Earths."
"The future is very clear, the emissions keep climbing, every summer gets more apocalyptic."
"Eating less animal products...just need to reduce our impact."
"In pursuit of human well-being, we've ripped the planet apart and still, well-being is not happening."
"Eating animals is bad for the environment, bad for the animals."
"The environmental impact of rocket launches could eventually lead to a shift towards space elevators or other non-rocket launch methods to mitigate the effects on Earth's stratosphere."
"The carbon from the car...it's new carbon that we are putting in the atmosphere."
"Traditional farming of cattle is carbon positive, but regenerative agriculture is clearly carbon negative."
"There is now more man-made material on Earth than there is biological material."
"Lately, authorities have noticed a major decline in local wildlife."
"What's a few dead monkeys or 1,500 other dead animals or massive worker layoffs or even a climate catastrophe when the goal is to have space colonies and immortalize the human race."
"Switching to a plant-based food system in the US would not only reduce emissions by somewhere between 6.4 to 7.7 percent but also creates the opportunity to sequester a further 15 percent of the emissions."
"I love red meat, but it's proving to be not so great for the atmosphere, and that gives me pause."
"The moment we start interacting with the outside environment – our genes, our nature, begins to alter and adapt – building up unique individuals who transform the world, while the world, in a very literal and philosophical sense – transforms them."
"Our job now is to make sure that we impact this planet as little as possible as we grow and develop as a species."
"If you think that putting 34 billion tons of gases a year on an 8,000-mile diameter planet has no effect, then you need to go back to school."
"According to the Global Footprint Network, if everyone in the world lived like Americans, we’d need five Earths."
"Capitalism is an untenable system due to boom and bust cycles, environmental impact, the senseless pursuit of never-ending profit."
"In reality, the arrival of the bronze axe sounded the death knell for much of Britain's ancient woodland."
"We are the ones who are paying for this decimation of our oceans, and ultimately we are the ones who can make it stop."
"As Americans, we make a ton of trash, the most in the world. We actually have made more trash by three times since 1960. We keep buying more and throwing it away."
"Electric vehicles are sought after because of their reduced environmental impact."
"With the Industrial Revolution, we doomed ourselves."
"A single plastic tea bag...releases around eleven point six billion microplastics and 3.1 billion nano plastics into a single cup."
"Overconsumption of new material is the number one most harmful practice in trying to fight fast fashion to begin with."
"This is the great challenge of our time: dealing with the human impact on the environment."
"If you make your environment better, you can make your life better, and everybody around you, their life will get better."
"Why do you want to leave a legacy behind us of crippled children and destroyed world?"
"Our activities are changing the climate, and if we don't act forcefully, we'll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts, and floods."
"Markets don't take into account what are called externalities."
"How do you break it? I've been trying my best to be more conscious about my impact on the environment."
"If nothing else is done to curb the rise in CO2 emissions, the scientific prediction is for continuing sea-level rise into the future."
"An overwhelming amount of plastic waste is littering the world's oceans every year, while gradually turning them into giant landfills."
"Everything the climate engineers do is pounding the nails into our collective coffins."
"Choosing to have a smaller family is the best thing you can do to take the heat off the planet."
"And while humans are completely capable of filling space with space junk without ever engaging in a war... it didn't take us too long after discovering a pristine orbital environment to begin trashing the place to a completely unnecessary and dangerous degree."
"How can you trust somebody who is telling you it's only going out a mile when you live 3.3 miles away, and I walk outside the morning of, and my lungs burnt. They felt like they were on fire."
"Hopefully, they can deliver and scale up what looks to be a relatively competitive product here that should take away some sales from internal combustion engine vehicles."
"Weather-related climate and water disasters had increased by 500 percent over the last 50 years."
"The resulting ash clouds can ascend to high altitudes, initiating a volcanic winter that blocks sunlight and affects global temperatures."
"An ocean without sharks, that is a scary thing."
"Eating without causing harm to others is better for the animals and it's better for the environment too."
"Recycling is a literal lie concocted by the plastics industry to sell you more plastic."
"Globally, over 350 million metric tons of plastic are produced annually, but only 14 to 18 percent of that is recycled."
"Fukushima... the second largest nuclear disaster ever."
"Maybe we can revert to more traditional agricultural practices where local farmers are grazing animals in an integrated fashion, and that actually can improve the soil quality."
"Change the world. Every decision you make influences the state of the world, from smoky skies to crystal clear water."
"Each extinction was a visceral, violent, or at least a very, very rough occurrence and each one irrevocably changed the Earth forever."
"It was Buy n Large - corporate greed that caused this to happen."
"Take a piece of the world with you while also helping to support the world."
"I love that when he gets passionate about stuff, it makes me really happy."
"Make no mistake, the days of the internal combustion engine are definitely numbered."
"It really feels almost like a sci-fi movie, some of the things that we're actually doing on this planet."
"Hello Fresh's unique supply chain has actually been proven to reduce greenhouse emissions compared to grocery shopping."
"A new man-made blanket of carbon is now in the air and it's been trapping more heat on our globe and warming it."
"The quiet night air is rife with the lingering aroma of broken dreams and leaded gasoline."
"Fisker announced... its lifecycle analysis of the Ocean Sport EU revealed that it has the lowest carbon footprint of any vehicle in the segment."
"The adverse effects of climate change have continued to ravage our planet... This is obviously not normal."
"Less cars on the road means less air pollution."
"People who are 100% zero waste sustainable livers, that is amazing, but everyone making small steps is gonna make a greater impact."
"The question that concerns a lot of people and me is whether the impacts that seven billion people or more in the future will have on the earth will endanger, will threaten our own well-being and the well-being of other species on the earth."
"4 million kids a year with behavioral problems, they're being slowly poisoned."
"Plastic content could become the norm in all the world's water supplies and we don't yet know what impact that will have on the health of animals, plants, and ourselves."
"By 2030, if we continue to litter the way we do and use as many single-use plastic items as we do, we will have more plastic in the oceans than fish."
"I think it's important that we accelerate the advent of a sustainable transport future."
"And more than anything, I am so excited for the impact that each of you will be creating by purchasing this cleanser to fight climate change and protect forests from deforestation all around the world."
"We cannot go on just pouring crap into the rivers and the sea."
"It's a photo that I wish didn't exist, but now that it does, I want everyone to see it." - Justin Hoffman
"Sea birds are particularly hard hit by this problem." - Research findings
"Food waste in our country would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"Can I continue to grow our infrastructure without destroying the environment? That's what we'll find out in this hundred days."
"Tidal power is a renewable, zero carbon emissions, predictable energy source."
"The impacts are much darker and more striking in marginalized communities... It is the marginalized communities who suffer most." - David Wallace-Wells
"The science was growing more certain and Exxon's own scientists were working with scientists in academia to discern the human fingerprint on a changing climate."
"This enormous amount of gas could cloud the light of many stars, making our night sky much less impressive."
"Humanity is now depleting 34 times as many resources as the Earth can naturally replenish."
"Our production of carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on earth systems."
"We are definitely polluting everywhere we go."
"The power and intensity of these particular bushfires are causing their own weather phenomenon called pyro cumulonimbus thunderstorms."
"It's estimated that up to half a billion plants and animals are believed to have perished in the fires."
"It’s not often that we get an emerging piece of tech that actually makes serious strides toward decarbonization, saves you a significant amount of money, has very few drawbacks … and is already on the market."