
Errors Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The principle of errors queuing attention and opening the opportunity for plasticity, that's never going to change."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm worried about the government getting it wrong, and they do all the time."
"Logical fallacies are common errors in reasoning based on bad logic."
"When mistakes are made, people get hurt, right? Sometimes life-changing, right? Sometimes devastating, right?"
"You don't get to assume design because when you assume design you could be wrong."
"Aaron was doomed after the first half mile of the trip. There were so many mistakes and poor decisions made by everyone involved."
"We've screwed up energy, and when you screw up energy, you've screwed up everything."
"Finally, all basically all of the bank expectations were wrong."
"You have to learn to recognize the signature of people trying to solve a mistaken problem."
"First killer effect: forcing opponents into forced mistakes."
"The little mistakes end up being big mistakes."
"Overreacting to small mistakes... common in the early 2000s."
"What Republicans did with this hearing was a huge mistake."
"The utterly broken script was bleeding errors with every second of screen time that passed, and stating the conclusion at the end of the analysis is only natural."
"Compiling a piece of software and doing it the wrong way can trash your system."
"That error definitely makes this a one-of-a-kind Lego set."
"Errors materialize in mainstream polling all the time."
"The walls of the universe are Universal all right so there have been errors in human history where these Technologies did exist."
"Every generation of people has made great innovations and mistakes."
"Grab yourself a sheet of paper, super cheap pencil, rubber if you make mistakes."
"Bad interpretation will always lead to bad application."
"We cannot allow workers to doze off or become complacent, those mistakes may sneak into the workflow pipeline."
"You'll need to decide on one way to proceed further, you can make no more than three mistakes."
"Aguada the ACMA comentary loss under a massacre on Andreas idea as a bill gate culturally so many top witnesses I know Salma tactical few."
"It honestly felt like I made a mistake or like sliders were messed around or something."
"The comedy of errors that ensues from it all is fairly entertaining."
"So while making this video, that actually happened to me. So if you do get errors where your product isn't showing, try switching the permalinks to default."
"The toughest thing to do is to get a question wrong that you know."
"The best players have their brainfart moments."
"The premise of squeezing Clove today appears to be a data error."
"Ironic that his mistake actually helped him."
"There's no such thing as a mistake, just only happy little accidents."
"Mistakes are the first step towards mastering your arts."
"Should I omit the mistakes from this series...or should we include them?"
"The game is made to make mistakes and learn from them."
"Scrooge stupidly sets off the cannon." - Costly mistakes.
"Even the absolute tip top players in 100% of their games they will make flubs all over the place."
"There have been a lot of misinputs today that for some reason just completely work in my favor."
"Nobody's a hundred percent right; everybody makes mistakes."
"They're making all these stupid mistakes... making it easier for the everyday citizen to recognize something is really up."
"On trying to use the map for his journey he wrote, 'in good faith we traced what we afterwards ascertained to be a Labyrinth of errors, carefully following the outlines of the imaginary lakes which the map contains.'"
"It's mostly an exercise in range remapping and for loops and off by one errors."
"Nursing shortages have contributed to one of every four unexpected hospital deaths or injuries caused by errors."
"all right we hit the power button see we're getting a blue screen now as opposed to the purple screen"
"Error cards are prevalent throughout the history of collecting baseball cards."
"Errors usually indicate a serious problem that you should never try to catch and deal with."
"When you focus on the money, you just mess up."
"The final mistake is bringing the wrong bag and packing the wrong stuff."
"...these errors can come in all shapes and sizes."
"Addressing errors on your credit report with something like ScoreMaster or other similar tools."
"The pressurization mode selector had not been set back to auto."
"They panicked and just kept making one mistake after the other."
"Curiosity by itself, if it is not wisely regulated, suffices to explain all the errors."
"People are wrong about things all the time."
"There is nothing worse than realizing you've set some switches wrong."
"Quality management helps decrease overhead by reducing the amount of errors that would cost the organization money to fix."
"But when you start writing scripts... any error along the way causes the entire script to fail."
"A person who refuses to acknowledge their own errors is not just problematic; they pose a real danger to those around them."
"If you don't set it up, then your code is just going to bomb, you know?"
"Always remember not to end up in an infinite loop, that's probably one of the biggest mistakes any beginner programmer does."
"We expose a lot of constructs for handling errors."
"There is in fact a wrong way to do it, lots of wrong ways."
"Nagumo's errors of judgment brought about the emasculation of his Striking Force before Admiral Yamamoto could do anything about it."
"Sometimes people in positions of great power make mistakes."
"They make a huge amount of what's called perseverative errors."
"We did have bugs and errors in the system."
"Every book has these mistakes and weird decisions."
"I got a bunch of return mail from like whatnot orders where people had the wrong address and stuff. So great job guys you did it."
"Here are four times simple arrests turn into a complete mess."
"Prosecutors today saying this case was quote riddled with f actual errors, coerced confessions, and manufactured evidence."
"Errors as values. You must maintain that as your mantra."
"As impressive as the large language models are, they are prone to hallucinate, mash things up, and give a plausible-sounding thing which doesn't actually exist in the world."
"The police made so many little mistakes in this case."
"Calmness lays great errors to rest."
"We're making these predictions in order to give rise to our experiences and updating those predictions when we make errors."
"Making errors and treading new uncertain paths is pretty much the exact same thing as being willing to experiment and being resilient in the face of setbacks."
"This breaks the rules. Rust won't compile this code."
"This is a game of errors, not winners."
"Now, this is something where I just pray, you know, that it works out because this is a step where you get most of the errors."
"Root cause analysis focuses on systematic errors, not individual mistakes."
"Effect on the other hand treats errors as first-class citizens allowing them to be fully type-safe values that could be the result of an effect."
"...it's a bit sad because now we can pass in something that doesn't have a render method which will throw an error at runtime but the type checker won't catch it."
"Coin dealers who have brick and mortars, who are selling bullion, who are doing all this, they're just most of them are not specialist in mint errors."
"Debugging errors is a really important process to get to grips with when you're working with your code."
"It's relatively rare that you see a picture in which absolutely everything is wrong."
"Replication failure is another reason that a GPO might fail to apply as expected."
"Static typing can help catch errors early in the development process."
"A null reference exception often occurs when you try to access properties or call a method on what you believe is an instantiated object."
"Pull sometimes just a comedy of errors, ain't it?"
"The SEC admitted to serious errors in its case against crypto firm DeFi Box. The SEC expressed deep regret that inferences were represented as facts when it sought emergency measures such as asset freezes but argued that it didn't act in bad faith."
"Be very careful when making updates because sometimes changing parts can lead to errors."
"Some of them were pretty blatant, some of them were continuity errors and some of them were just kind of weird."
"Errors are what we spend a lot of our time studying because it's how we learn and do better next time."
"It's also a great warning for ourselves that the data set is full of errors and should be avoided in the future."
"If we can't admit the errors of our past, what hope for reconciliation can there be?"
"If I'm reading that recipe and I find errors and misspellings and contradictions and bad translations Etc from a cookbook that claims to be perfect if it's said to eggs it meant two eggs but on the next page for the same exact dish it used six eggs we have an issue."
"It was evident that he had recently reduced his work and he had made a lot of errors in his driving route."
"Employees will make mistakes. People will answer the phone incorrectly. People will make mistakes on credit card invoicing and billing or scheduling."
"Logic, runtime, and syntax errors each have their own causes, but with the right tools and techniques, you can effectively troubleshoot them."
"It's been a comedy of errors for the Denver Broncos in the first half."
"When you're feeling the stress, that's when you're going to make errors, no matter how good you are at that job."
"...there are distinct prediction error and prediction units."
"The common errors that we typically see are people flaring high."
"Flaring too low, the airplane is still descending."
"So, if you forget the constexpr, you get punished by a runtime error."
"The downside of habits is that you get used to doing things a certain way and stop paying attention to little errors."
"200-level errors are the ones that say our application is working successfully."
"The load balancer emits these 500s when it has connectivity problems to the back end."
"You can be wrong on certain issues just like we're all wrong on some issues."
"The footage was a complete mess, full of mistakes."
"High frame rates also introduce errors, even though there's less decoration between pictures, we are doing more estimates and that increases the cumulative error so it creates more noise on our strain curves."
"Mistakes were made, guys. Many mistakes were made."
"We want errors to involve civilians, not just military kids, corrupt politicians, and profiteers."
"Type errors are rare, but in high payoff environments, static typing is valuable."
"Remember how I said simply at 10 and 100 fold errors, decimal errors, 10 milligrams was given instead of one milligram. That's a tenfold error of a very dangerous drug."
"We've had some incorrect, absolutely AB."
"Most common error is thinking. Thinking too much of yourself, thinking that you know, thinking that you thinking is your worst enemy in trading."
"...it's made you filming you did..."
"Worse than an error is to not assess your situation and make adjustments."
"He definitely messed up some of the victims' names."
"You're up against opponents who will capitalize on any and all errors."
"This is a good example of the accumulation of human errors."
"Errors in healthcare are not just individual mistakes. They often stem from systemic failures that involve multiple healthcare professionals."
"Learn to read the error messages..."
"When you fix these errors, make sure you actually understand what you're doing to fix them."
"Your mistakes become a portal of possibility."
"Objectivity leads to wrongful convictions, it leads to misunderstood evidence."
"Humans are prone to error and they create a computer, so maybe sometimes the computer can be wrong."
"There will be obstacles, there will be those who doubt, there will be mistakes."
"Multitasking reduces productivity and increases errors."
"Not commenting your code is a general programming mistake that is especially common amongst beginning programmers."
"Handling errors gracefully ensures a smoother user experience."
"It's absolutely fine, don't worry if you make a mistake."
"Let's start fixing those typing errors and send back responses that actually make a little bit more sense than the strings that we have been sending."
"Have you ever seen a typo in a comic? I promise you the creator already knows."
"Haste makes mistakes; impatience can lead to disaster."
"Life is an extraordinary process of propagating errors."
"When Clash Royale was launched, it came with mistakes that would never quite be able to be fixed even to this day."
"Markets make mistakes, God do they make some huge mistakes, but they have two things going for them: one is it's continuous."
"Warfare is a succession of errors on both sides, and that Victory goes to the side which makes the fewer."
"Many errors are not so visible during the night, so even this flashing of the thunder even that helped because it kind of masks when you have this flash and then after this flash, it gets even darker."
"Always be on the lookout for errors."
"Learning from errors... go back, review your notes, see where you departed from the system that you were trying to use."
"It's okay to get words wrong; it's okay, we all do it."
"Anyone who's successful has made a boatload of mistakes."
"The reason it's the best hockey of the year is because there's tons of mistakes."
"We're better off viewing it as something where you expect the error to occur and figure out how we can prevent that from resulting in harm."
"I'm human, I'll be making mistakes."
"To do work means that you're going to be encountering errors and making mistakes."
"I think we've all had our run-ins with wrong numbers."
"What makes this coin so valuable? Minting errors, distinctive die variations, and exceptional condition play pivotal roles."
"What determines the outcome of a professional pool match is the volume of unforced errors."
"We are still searching for that mysterious integrity which alone can bind up the errors of society."
"Applications crash because of an unhandled exception."
"Errors can be pretty helpful in finding out what's going on."
"We actually find a lot of errors if the data is not clean."
"We're playing fast, we're making some errors, but in reality, we're playing pretty well."
"If you could somehow get rid of all or at least most of this configuration State concerning resolving references and permissions, you would be eliminating the primary cause of stupid errors."
"Tottenham are the victims of their own mistakes, Arsenal just capitalized."
"Whether we forgive 70 * 70 or 70,000 * 70,000, I am prepared to believe that most of us have made that many errors."
"I want to see the error first and then make it work."
"I love finding the error coins that have those errors on them."
"A very common mistake is jumping into conclusions and assuming things."
"Rebuilding a model is often the by far the best way of finding errors itself."
"Victory goes to the side that makes the fewer errors."
"Their mistakes in grammar, word choice, and pronunciation rarely make it hard for people to understand their meaning."
"Among the great benefits of the fact that God permits horrendous errors to circulate is that these press us to discover ever anew the true glories of Jesus Christ."
"They pressurized the All Blacks into mistakes that the All Blacks tend not to make."
"Be watchful for flagrant mistakes."
"Don't be scared of making errors... the most important thing is that the message you want to get across is conveyed."
"It's a true wow moment despite those two errors."
"Media makes mistakes all the time."
"At some point early in the morning, you will get a message saying your software crashed."
"Science is very difficult, and even under the very best intentions we will keep making lots of errors and lots of suboptimal choices."
"A simple mistake like that changes a lot of things."
"Errors are part of life, it's part of code development."
"Instead of punishing errors, it's more effective to learn from errors and change systems."
"The business of regarding the future is littered with mistakes."
"We'll see today all the ways our programs could go wrong and how to handle these things called errors."
"Little mistakes are going to make a big difference."
"When you go fast, you make mistakes."
"...very useful to check the output, it often times contains very meaningful error messages."
"You never want server errors to be shown to a user; that's like blasphemy."
"Any program is going to have errors, but the key point is you want to anticipate the error beforehand."
"Small errors in mathematics add up to big things over time."
"Mistakes are the only thing that we ever learned from really, usually."
"Always make mistakes, so let's just learn from our mistakes and keep it moving."
"If you assume that as you're writing code you're constantly introducing errors into it, then you're less likely to make mistakes."
"The biggest mistakes in his artfully inked skeletal reconstruction are of course the upright posture and dragging tail."
"Small mistakes, big consequences."
"When you have such a huge amount of data to process, it's actually quite reasonable to expect that errors will be made."
"I was there. I was right there, and I can tell you now they made mistakes."
"Real math feels like just going through paper, real math also feels like making a bunch of mistakes."
"Errors left unchecked can make the results of an analysis worthless."
"The road to perfection is paved with trials and errors."
"Errors are absolutely ubiquitous... one in ten medications are either the wrong medication given in hospital or at the wrong dosage."
"Often a particular chip is a victim of a manufacturer design mistake."
"I would also say like 90% of phishing efforts that I see have some serious spelling or grammatical errors in them."
"I'm glad the demonstration included a few errors because it's difficult to get through a model without having some problems pop up along the way."
"The best way to tackle errors is to read the message."