
Physical Training Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Visualization can work. It doesn't work as well as real physical training and practice, but these effects of 35% or 13.5% increases are pretty considerable. They're just not as great as the 53% increases that come from actual physical training."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can cool the body back to its resting temperature... the sooner that the muscle will recover, that the tendons will recover, and that the person can get back into more endurance training, more weight training, etc."
"You're training your body, you're training your mind at the same time."
"You have to progressively overload, you have to learn something new or challenge your muscle to do something new."
"We're building not just on your physical capability but on your mental resilience as well."
"Batman didn't just learn all these things; he did it all while building the perfect body - ultimate strength, speed, stamina, reaction time."
"Super squats takes a single exercise not for causing an immense amount of growth over your entire body with just simple practice which is the squat."
"Basic level of fitness forms the foundation for the entire program."
"No matter how you train, you're only able to improve and build upon the physique blueprint that you were given at birth."
"You gotta let it burn, you gotta let it work, just like any other muscle group."
"Start off with very basic movements and then progressed... nice slow and steady wins the race."
"It's resistance training, it's weight training for your breathing muscles."
"When you get to those reps and sets and it gets to be kind of painful, often times I remind myself, 'This is exactly where I need to be.'"
"Six years of building my arm, and it was awesome."
"We squat, we press, we deadlift, we bench press."
"Shaolin masters develop extreme physical strength through impossible training methods."
"Civilized the Mind makes Savage the body." - Mike Rasheed King
"Batman training is something that everyone should concern themselves with."
"To reduce tibiofemoral and patellofemoral moments, the lifter should sit back into the squat during descent and resist pushing the knees forward."
"Building muscle is harder than losing fat. Absolutely. I've stated in previous videos, it takes at least 10 times longer to build muscle as it takes to lose fat sometimes."
"As I teach them how to lift weights, as they gain that confidence, that translates so easily into everything else."
"To prepare for her role as Captain Marvel, Larson was put on an intensive training regimen."
"Build the mental strength and endurance through physical strength and endurance so that you can make yourself a Survivor."
"Building a stronger grip will make you stronger in nearly everything you do."
"I never wanted to fight... I loved what the training did for my mental health."
"Training, eating, even resting with more focus and effort."
"Your muscles are not going to be used to this, so please give it time and keep practicing."
"Incorporate a range of different movements into your training to keep your fascia limber and adaptable."
"It's all about the mind. Your training is not about muscles, it's about your mind."
"Download the Everlast fitness app and find your greatness within."
"The SAID principle is actually really easy. The body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it."
"Your calves can adapt, your calves can take a beating."
"It feels really good to finally be in a spot where I feel like I can train effectively again."
"Carbs literally give you a ton of energy to train, lots of ability to recover, they actually even promote deep sleep."
"Adding just nine weekly sets of direct neck extension work led to a 13% increase in total neck cross sectional area."
"I think most naturals can get yoked and look really good if they actually train their neck and traps."
"The skill acquisition of a squat or a hinge is a huge component."
"Because loaded stretch seems to grow muscle the most, and the internal load can be maximized at the stretch."
"Zone 2 corresponds to two major events: far oxidation and increased glucose utilization, marking the highest stimulation at the mitochondrial level."
"Choose the higher SFR ones... what you get a pump from, what you get muscle disruption from..."
"Who says exercise doesn't have any benefit in war?"
"Strength endurance is probably more important than max strength when it comes to general performance in life and sports."
"Dr. Mike is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to lifting he literally has a PhD when it comes to physiology exercise physiology sport physiology god man."
"Lower loads can yield similar adaptations with sustained isometric contraction."
"Nice, squeeze still have a soft bend in that standing leg right."
"Train hard, eat a lot, sleep a lot, you're probably going to grow."
"But why it's because of years and years of hard work and dedication that over time continue to bring more nuclei into the muscles that were trained the most."
"Antagonist training is completely underrated."
"I think most people who are actively and not as much training are probably pretty aware of it on uh developing sort of strength and muscle in advantageous ways."
"People who carry load for long periods of time get strength, people who do not do not have."
"There's really not a ton you can do here to make it easy, just again don't put those hands underneath your butt, you're just cheating."
"Wings then worked very hard during the so-called FPS boot camp, he completed various workouts that mostly involved pulling himself or other people on a rope."
"Oh, okay. Pull-ups done, dips done, so now all we have left is six sets of 25 squats and six sets of 25 push-ups."
"There were also moments the muscle soreness was so bad, it felt like I couldn't walk or crouch to pick something up off the floor."
"Doms suck, but it's the name of the game when you're ripping your muscles apart."
"The greatest benefit honestly was that I was able to maintain an incredibly high output."
"Put your head down, keep hitting that weight."
"Go straight up and down with full extension."
"We wanted to help you create the mind and muscle connection so you can fuck shit up."
"That's what I say... I'm still your big brother and I'm not done yet."
"Each muscle group is built best off of different lifts... can't ignore lifts that build a complete physique."
"Training their lightness of foot, agility, and balance."
"Placing a little bit of pressure on the knee joint isn't going to instantly blow out your knees."
"Because I'm using my body weight, right? Whatever we learn right here I'm gonna apply back into the ring and prove that his workouts actually really, really work."
"Whatever you do first in a workout is going to typically receive better stimulation as you're fresher and you're able to tolerate more volume and intensity earlier on in the workout."
"I want you to emphasize the breathing, I want you to breathe and expand, let's go big deep breath in, come down, that's it, fire, good, perfect."
"Consistency with strength. It's not something you get good at overnight. It's going to take time, reps, a lot of hours under the bar."
"I'm a big fan of that principle of always leaving something in the tank not spending your weeks just going balls out as heavy as you can and not just trying to live and die in that 90 percent range."
"The process of building a fighter is as much about them developing into a fighter physically as it is developing the technical and strategic abilities in them."
"You can unleash 15 to 20% more power in your muscles."
"Once you're in peak physical performance, you will not be able to remember all this negative [expletive] you're thinking about. You will alter that state of consciousness by getting into flow state during the physical training."
"People cry when I train, I know that's crazy."
"What we do for ourselves spiritually is the most important. But do you think Paul did pull-ups? I don't know. I could. What do you think? He obviously trained himself well. He physically walked hundreds of miles."
"People should be able to make crazy adaptations in that six-month period because you're putting your body through stimulus that it's not used to."
"Treat it like a skill and you're going to get the best of all worlds. You're going to get a ton of volume with a lot of weight. You're going to improve your neurological approach to it, your timing, your rate of force development is going to go up."
"What happens with push-ups after Hell Week, especially, I tell them... The only time you really need neck exercise is when you get to Hell Week."
"I'm a fitness trainer so I could build that ass up."
"Tom Cruise learned to hold his breath for a staggering 6 minutes."
"I did years of martial arts and so I'm constantly like all right move that move this muscle here all right here we go."
"Train your body to be comfortable in that rotational space."
"The elements in that program cover endurance, rotation, Turkish getups, and even explosiveness."
"I view that time more as worshipping. Yes, I'm training my body physically, but I'm also like, how can I get stronger spiritually while I'm in here doing this?"
"Your solution as a commander is a physical fitness program that will provide for progressive and continuous physical conditioning of your men."
"That is transformative. You have to take yourself to a different place to train like that mentally and physically."
"This is where you reach your VO2 max, the intensity where you max your aerobic capacity."
"To apply force, you have to learn to absorb force."
"The muscle memory, that's like a legit real thing."
"The T stand very effectively trains the muscles that are responsible for both ankle stability and hip stability."
"You're going to need to make sure that you're training endurance."
"You know what we're doing when we're strength testing? We're strengthening."
"What really makes a muscle grow? You activate, load, and exhaust muscle fibers. That's really what builds muscle when you break it down to its most simple form."
"We need to be accelerating into that contact point, and then we need to be accelerating even faster coming out of that into that third pull."
"They were training boys and young men as soldiers for the cult, focusing primarily on physical fitness, unquestioning obedience to authority, and biblical indoctrination."
"A relaxed muscle is a quicker muscle."
"Retraining muscle memory takes a lot of energy and it can take a significant amount of time."
"Willpower is more important than physical condition, reflecting the central aim of Kung Fu to train both one's mental and physical power."
"By the time we get done, we'll have hit the upper body, the lower body, and also some core work involved in there as well."
"It's a principle called rate of force production."
"The belt is aiding the brace; it's going to allow you to create pressure into the belt and create pressure more through your trunk."
"The intention of it was to teach correct form, proper form, as well as to develop the strength and the durability of your hands, your wrists, and your forearms."
"The whole physical training aspect is important but is absolutely worthless without you having a trained and disciplined mind."
"It's easier to gain and get in shape than it is to lose and get in shape."
"During the up phase, we emphasize short foot, we essentially squeeze the toe which then will cause your glute to fire at that particular time."
"We're going to move very slowly and methodically and build shaping and strength."
"Train yourself in godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way."
"Physical training is of some value, but godliness is value for all things."
"The more force production that we're creating within our body and the more the bigger the capacity the body has to resist force, obviously the more resilient your body is going to be."
"We are training our body to what it originally knew before chairs were invented, before driver seats were invented, before shoes were invented, when our body had to function on its own."
"He developed an approach that was as much mental as it is physical."
"I like to end my practice with fun versus just running 40s and everybody throwing up."
"Being in an uncomfortable place, you know, that's what you want to be... if you're uncomfortable, you're sore, that's what being in the gym is all about."
"What does it mean when we say that you need to use your hips more? We're talking about driving through that back leg and the hip starts to rotate forward."