
Disease Management Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"To be able to cure, prevent, or manage all disease by the end of the century."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If all we do as a sort in our medical world is invent new things to throw at old diseases, then we're chasing the tail of a beast that we'll never catch."
"The ability to constantly gather new information to understand the way disease acts in real-world conditions is crucial."
"In my 40 years of experience in medicine, I eventually came to this unbelievable conclusion: We live in a world where doctors, insurance companies, and drug makers don't provide healthcare; they provide disease care."
"When you identify something as a disease, you're saying here's a problem and here are pathways that you can go down to fix it."
"Time is everything in this disease. Days make a difference."
"The problem with pain, with chronic pain, is a chronic pain is a disease. It's a disease much like any other disease in our society. It's like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, asthma. When you think about those chronic conditions, we haven't cured a single one."
"The more our team researches the situation, the more we learn from experience, the more we really understand this horrible disease through actually dealing with it here at the front line, the more we see how much the people matter."
"He gave them to people because he felt that made the diet more palatable, not because it slows the disease."
"We are beating this disease and we will beat it together if everybody works on it together."
"The amount of nutrients you need simply cannot be consumed in an efficient manner for your disease to be reversed."
"When only a small fraction of society has optimal levels of the disease, that's the actual crisis."
"At some point, this was going to become an endemic disease, and we were going to have to figure out how to get on with it."
"Diseases are always going to spread among humans but they don't have to become pandemics."
"A well formulated diet is not only safe but it can be very effective in reversing disease."
"We are seeking to take a more local approach to tackling outbreaks."
"Everybody knew it already that this was a disease that could go into reverse."
"It can save lives because now we know a lot about this disease if we intervene at the right time we can prevent a cytokine storm from coming where the patients will crash and then we cannot do much."
"We're probably gonna have to deal with it spreading through our communities and our countries."
"We're not just managing these diseases we're getting rid of them and we're not treating them we're treating the factors that are causing them and the diseases go away as a side effect."
"Zero cases means they will be taken outside of the neighborhood."
"Acceptance is the key when you are going through a dreadful disease."
"Give him another year. 100%. It's too scary not to."
"Tetralogy of Fallot: VORP - Ventricular septal deviation, Overriding aorta, Right ventricular hypertrophy, Pulmonary outflow tract obstruction."
"With strong social connections, you recover from disease faster."
"From now on, I will fight this disease together with you. You won't be alone anymore."
"It is a game-changer and the reason it's a game-changer is that it allows you to understand the proportion of the asymptomatic population who's had this disease but hasn't had symptoms that are in any way significant."
"Asymptomatic spreading is something that's really not good and makes this very hard to detect."
"Treating acne scarring is a big deal, focus on controlling the disease first."
"By starting treatment for the most likely diagnosis right away, while running tests to identify the specific problem, doctors have a better chance at stopping the disease before it gets really bad."
"For treatments, there's different treatments for all the different things, diseases, all of that."
"Let's not blow it now folks, we've done a fantastic job so far in bearing down on this disease collectively."
"The key is to get things under control before you have disease."
"Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak."
"Even if you don't exactly understand the disease, treating the root causes can often dramatically improve or reverse it."
"It's a disease that we need to manage for immunocompromised people and older people that still face some threat."
"We're spending a trillion dollars in America on healthcare, which is not healthcare, it's disease management."
"It's just a tool in a fight against a super inflammatory disease."
"The goal is to cure any diseases that might be underlying these leaves."
"Moisturizers are actually at the Crux of management of a wide array of skin diseases and skin conditions."
"By applying these principles of creating health, we can really modify these diseases in real ways."
"This is a recurrent situation with these various pathogens... and the brain's response to these pathogens."
"Understanding diabetes and what causes it and how to reverse it is critical to becoming healthy humans."
"We are on the cusp of being able to fundamentally change the nature of this disease because of the way in which we're able to get vaccines in people's arms" - President Biden
"Stopping the immune system destroying the thyroid gland is possible in 90% of cases."
"When tyranny grips us like this, it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, man."
"When we address it with lifestyle changes, the disease outcome gets better."
"We're going to have to generate herd immunity so that the majority of the population are immune to the infection."
"We can drop the death rate massively in a very short period of time."
"If we can just keep working with patients, love in our hearts, and the message that recovery works, I believe that we can beat this disease."
"Muscle is critical for delaying onset of diseases like Alzheimer's."
"What we're referring to here is that let's say that someone has cancer and the cancer gets treated, and then they don't have any more cancer in the body to our knowledge, but then down the road, a cancer appears again."
"If we were well accustomed to the exercise of the presence of God, all bodily diseases would be much alleviated."
"What’s key to tackling those challenges is understanding the nature of an infectious disease and how people respond to them."
"We should just allow society to go on; some disease will spread but as we've seen the lockdown didn't stop the disease from spreading anyways."
"It's not the viruses that harm or kill us, it's the overreaction."
"We can alter the expression of any and every disease."
"Early detection is key for this disease. The earlier it can be diagnosed, the longer your loved one will be able to maintain their independence and enjoy a fulfilling life."
"The only other time you may want to consider pruning your tomato plants is if they come down with a lot of diseased leaves."
"There is no cure for RA, but the drugs discussed in this program can slow down the disease and help you feel better."
"By detailed analysis and by careful lifestyle changes and by working with an experienced physician you can actually help to slow and reverse the disease and obviously prevent it."
"Type 2 diabetes does not have to be chronic or progressive."
"Education as we said before, knowledge is power and so you can become a more powerful lupus warrior when you have more education about your disease and how to manage your lifestyle."
"The importance of managing the disease doesn't go away it doesn't become less important in fact I would submit it becomes more important as we age."
"It actually could alter the course of disease for patients."
"If that's not worth it, then no disease is worth addressing."
"The people who change the course of these diseases aren't neurologists the people who change the course of diseases are ordinary Americans and ordinary people from all different parts of the world."
"Sleep is definitely part of living well with this disease."
"Self-care is super important in managing their disease."
"Risk factors do not predict risk risk factors are targets for management so once you have the disease then we personalize and tailor according to we are all learning."
"Let's normalize the thought process: if this is a disease and this person is suffering, we need to address it as such."
"Yes, you can get rid of the disease, stop the progression, and there's a good chance you can actually get back some of what you've lost."
"The Act of resuscitation itself cannot be expected to cure the inciting disease the Hopkins researchers wrote in 1961."
"What we really want to do is modify or slow the course of the disease."
"Patients deserve to have the opportunity to make an informed choice about the use of carvi early in the course of a disease that has no cure."
"We must strive to stop disease progression and preserve functional capacity and quality of life. To settle for less means that we accept continued irreversible decline."
"I believe pulmonary rehabilitation isn't as any essential ingredient for these patients as the disease advances."
"We're doing a much better job both recognizing the disease and treating the disease."
"How we deal with them may be an important factor in whether and how we survive as a species."
"Giving more potent treatment to less established disease is of course very likely to result in better outcomes."
"If you can manage the disease or the disorder and improve overall survival and quality of life, I think that's important."
"Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have completed additional training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease."
"Nutrition is medicine, and evidence is emerging that nutrition plays a pivotal role in the prevention and management of numerous diseases."
"Controlling and managing this is very, very important when it comes to blindness and other morbidities."
"The biggest breakthrough was with Epoprostenol, that was really a watershed moment when we had the prostacyclin derivative because that really changed our ability to manage this disease."
"You gotta know what disease your fish has because every disease has a different life cycle, it has different ways to treat it."
"Every one of these lethal degenerative diseases... can be made much much better if not completely reversed with a healthy diet and lifestyle."
"I've decided to take life by the horns and not live a sedentary lifestyle and let my disease get the best of me."
"The more you exercise, the slower your disease will progress."
"Secondary prevention... is about trying to diagnose and treat existing disease in the early stages before it causes significant morbidity."
"Tertiary prevention... is to try and help the person obtain their best possible health outcome given this disease."
"Diabetes mellitus accelerates the development of atherosclerosis depending on the level of control."
"We really need to think about liver disease today because we have therapies for most common causes of liver disease."
"We do not have any drug which can reverse the deficits or we do not have any drug which can dramatically arrest the progression of the disease."
"To restore their courage, Bonaparte... tries to demonstrate that the disease is not to be feared."
"Exercise is not just about controlling symptoms, it's about impacting the trajectory of disease itself."
"Health is understood to be the absence, minimization, or control of disease process."
"It's better to prevent disease than treat a disease."
"Anti-VEGF's therapeutic benefit is due to overcoming leakage in diseases like DR and wet AMD."
"By keeping the body active, we can slow down and minimize the progression of the disease."
"Not all lawn diseases need to be treated with fungicide."
"Catching this disease early is really critical."
"Tertiary prevention is to reduce the complications or the damage due to the disease process."
"If the treatment works for this kind of patients, that means we can apply it to other patients and help them treat the disease."
"We need to change the ratio of repair to injury and then we will never see a disease manifested by a single bacteria, virus, or cancer because we change the terrain for that disease."
"We need to do better at getting facts and tips and how to live with the disease out to patients."
"Host modulation therapy aims to down-regulate the destructive aspects of the host response."
"You need three elements for a disease or pest to be present in a crop: the host, the pests, and the vector."
"What we are working very hard to do is to keep the rate of increase of the spread of the disease to a level that we can manage it in our hospital system."