
Urgency Quotes

There are 18862 quotes

"Our own children give it a sense of urgency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need more shotgun shells because it's our main way to defend ourselves when we're not on our tames. It's life or death out here, bro."
"Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now."
"Life is short. That's urgent. So you better get it right because you don't have that many opportunities."
"We are going to have to change faster than the climate."
"Life goes by very fast. Start now. Stop waiting. There's nothing to wait for."
"We are in an escalating series of crises... the canary is not even chirping anymore."
"You got to understand that we get one chance, one chance."
"The urgency for a resolution must be balanced; the lives of countless individuals are at stake as they risk their safety and well-being in pursuit of a better life."
"We have time, and it's not a lot of time, but we have time."
"What we do in a few short years matters enormously, if anything in this universe matters."
"I think there's a concern here; your son might die."
"We want to see a massive humanitarian assistance immediately to Gaza from all sides."
"This is not a time for cooling off... not a time for the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."
"There's a feeling of urgency now as time is ticking and there's so much left to do."
"I forgot about the money thing. I really got to get on making money."
"We're going to have to work like our democracy is on the line, because it damn well is."
"We need facts, we need information, and we need it quickly."
"If we don't do very serious mitigation now, what's going to happen is that we're going to be weeks behind, and the horse is going to be out of the barn."
"A couple of cases today are going to be many, many cases tomorrow."
"We ought to be on fire; we ought to be deeply concerned."
"If we're to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade, we must urgently halt and reverse nature's loss."
"The time is now, the time to deliver is today."
"The risk of major conflict is real and needs to be prevented at all costs."
"It is therefore important to overcome this current political impasse as soon as possible."
"If we don't prepare and act now... we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a few short months."
"I cannot believe that just happened. We have 58 minutes to go."
"Life is short, you can't be messing around with your goals. You've got to make progress every single day."
"For those of us in midlife... the days in front of us are actually shorter than the days behind us, so we don't have time to mess around trying to figure out if this person is truly commitment-ready."
"Move with a sense of urgency if you want to improve your outcomes."
"Time is all we have. And we may find one day you have less than you think."
"Depression is not waiting for you to get it together. Poverty's not waiting for the perfect moment. Poverty will just roll up on you and disrupt your entire life."
"You only get one chance to go hard and go fast. If you wait, if you hesitate, if you doubt, then you will always be looking back wishing you had done more earlier."
"If you don't get out in two minutes, then you'll be trapped inside their head forever."
"This is going to be, and I really believe this, this is the most important election in the history of our country. Don't let them take it away from you."
"Let's get cooking, y'all. We have no time to waste."
"The refugee crisis is just that, it's a crisis."
"We want to reopen the schools. Everybody wanted—the moms wanted, the dads wanted, the kids wanted. It's time to do it."
"When an engine quits in an airplane and you've got one engine, that is the loudest quiet you will ever hear in your life."
"Life is kind of short, and if you don't take action towards the things that you want, you may never get them."
"The pandemic has made the need to accelerate healthcare discoveries a paramount social and economic imperative."
"We have to do something that's going to really affect some change here, guys. We have to."
"We will press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and significant possibilities."
"This idea of like waiting to heal before you do the thing, that's like the opposite of living the urgent life."
"A movement to change the structure of our society to improve our well-being before it's too late."
"We don't have the luxury of seeing if time will tell or leaving the decisions up to our leaders. We have to insist on democracy, we have to stand against autocracy, and we have to do it now."
"The urgency of the situation dictates that it's worth investing the money to save a lot of time."
"Warren Buffett comparing AI to the creation of the atom bomb and Jeffrey Hinton saying that the threat of AI is more urgent to humanity than climate change."
"We need eco-socialism today, or we will face the barbarism of ecological collapse unarmed."
"We do not have time to be polite. This is a revolution."
"I don't want you to be hopeful; I want you to panic. We have been polluting the Earth for years, and we might actually die in a few years."
"I want you to act as if your house is on fire, because it is."
"One human lifetime that we've created this crisis and so it can and it has to be in one human lifetime or less than that we tackle these issues."
"Check out the plushy bundle before it's sold out, visit sunny and melon.com now to get goed."
"Each year we fail to act on climate, catastrophes stack up."
"The stakes couldn't be higher...we're facing...sociological and ecological collapse."
"Once I understood that my life needs to expand beyond what I'm doing now and leave something for them, I was moving like I didn't have no tomorrow."
"Live your life with an urgency because now is the time to live with obedience."
"We have to figure out how to get along, and we better figure it out fast."
"Everything within these walls are doomed to destruction unless you act."
"I'm much more worried about falling short of a complete recovery and losing people's careers and lives that they built because they don't get back to work in time. I'm more concerned about the damage that will do not just to their lives but to the United States economy, the productive capacity of the economy, and our nation's finances will be in a stronger position as well."
"This is the season to deliver. It is now or never. There are no excuses."
"The extraordinary impact of this pandemic demands that we move with unprecedented urgency."
"Urgency does not always mean fear; a lot of times, it's just the prompting that says, 'Hey, it's time to move. It's time to do this thing.'"
"Dr. Martin Luther King said in the 1963 March on Washington, 'We have come to remind America of the fierce urgency of now.'"
"There is a fierce urgency of now because so many people are suffering... the pain that comes when you look across that kitchen table and people... say 'I just don't want to be a burden.' You're not a burden; you're an inspiration."
"I act out every day now with a sense of urgency."
"Don't hesitate. In a self-defense situation, hesitation can be the difference between life and death."
"King inspired with words not of anger, but of an urgency, a fierce urgency that still speaks to us today."
"Develop a sense of urgency. Get the reputation as the person who does things fast."
"This election is existential, is about an existential threat to the country and the world."
"I think you'd better step up your education because I think we're in serious financial trouble right now."
"Everyone hide, hide, hide! Oh my gosh, the ghost is coming."
"Oh my gosh, the ghost is coming, the ghost is coming!"
"Life is shorter than you think. No one knows how short it is, so take action today."
"Climate change is kind of the most pressing issue of our time."
"You're casting it to save your life because your airship has blown up and you're falling out of the sky; you don't have time to precisely word out the wish."
"Your planet is overpopulated. Warning, it is almost to the point of being too late."
"Every moment counts here because our world is changing so incredibly fast."
"In cases involving missing children, time is of the essence."
"Statistically, within the first three or four hours, if the child is not found, it becomes highly problematic."
"Call them right now. You just don't...don't think you're going to have a chance to call them tomorrow or next week."
"The famous Doomsday Clock that atomic scientists use to measure the threat of nuclear annihilation has never been closer to midnight."
"If you're having those big flashes of light, blind spots in your vision... stop the video and call your eye doctor right now."
"The most important step we can take to fix the economy in the long term is to get the pandemic under control. But American families are hurting now, and there are urgent steps the administration must take to prevent our nation's economic crisis from becoming a catastrophe."
"Millions of American families are suffering and are counting on us to help."
"We cannot overemphasize the urgent call: Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected."
"Be vigilant. The second it pops off, you've got to get over there because a lot of people are going to rush. It's going to be like Noah's Ark."
"What we're witnessing right before us should be a wake-up call to every person."
"This is not a drill, it is time to battle. Let's go."
"This is no game for me. The clock is ticking; this is a young man's sport." - Deontay Wilder
"We need every option on the table to deal with climate change."
"Be fast, have no regrets. The virus will always get you if you are not prepared. If you need to be right before you move, you will never win. Speed trumps perfection."
"Imagine your house is on fire... My attitude is kind of like, why don't we get everybody to put the greater fire out and then we go to the source of the fire and disable it."
"Just because something is urgent doesn't mean it's worthwhile. In fact, misguided urgency is often the enemy of progress."
"The consequences of not moving fast enough are becoming more apparent all the time."
"The time is on, the pressure is on, the clock is ticking."
"It's imperative constantly to say it's a matter of urgency that we build black families and build black wealth, health, everything black."
"During this series, we have been taking a journey through three messages in the book of Revelation that are urgent and vital for this generation."
"The time of waiting has ended. The time for action is now."
"I say the debate is over. We know the science, we see the threat, and we know the time for action is now."
"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."
"Urgent means urgent. It means this is going to be the focus of the president, the vice president, and his senior team."
"Now is not the time to count pennies. Now is the time to address these monumental crises."
"Nevertheless, it was important that we get an asset underway immediately to possibly pull people out of the water."
"We have got to act now. That is what the American people want."
"Time is everything in this disease. Days make a difference."
"We have to be ready as if this hits us tomorrow."
"The Lord kept pressing it in my spirit to do this now and to share this word now because of the time frame that we're in and because of what's going on."
"We're in the grip of the worst heart care crisis in living memory."
"This is not a political issue. This virus does not care. It doesn't care the color of your skin. It doesn't care about the god to whom you pray. It infects, it spreads like wildfire, and it can kill you. Game over."
"We need people vaccinated in the communities now."
"Now is a moment not to undershoot or to wait and see. Now is the moment to act."
"This wall is going to crush us, make the jumps, it's still coming, Sunny, we got to move!"
"The American people are hurting, and they can't afford to wait. They need help right now."
"Listen to Dr. Martin Luther King; give him what he's asking for and give it to him fast before some other factions come along and try to do it another way."
"Death creates urgency, it defines what danger is, it makes us cherish the present moment."
"Your collective strong action is needed immediately. Time is of the essence for us."
"Let's get out of here, move, move, move, go, go, go!"
"The crew is out of options and running out of time."
"This is one of those topics where science is actually basically telling us only one thing: it's happening, it's really happening."
"If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to; this is the last stand on earth."
"The only limit is our willingness to act, and the time to act is now."
"You have to learn how to use these tools immediately."
"The time is now for us to make a change. We can't wait forever."
"Our planet is in a kind of collapse. The natural world is collapsing around us, and that's actually happening right now."
"This is blasphemy. Lunar, find that E; I want to leave."
"It's so urgent and a matter of life and death that we tear down that wall of mistrust."
"This might just be your last chance to dance."
"We're fighting for our lives. And right now, that fight is real."
"Life can be taken away from you... so, living life to the fullest is a no-brainer."
"We have no choice -- we will protect civilization."
"I knew he could sense the urgency in getting out of this place."
"The Cabal has run out of time and they know it."
"The goal should be to get people to a yes or a no as quickly as you can. Where you die is if you have a thousand maybes."
"The discussion about race is a very difficult discussion but it's one that's necessary. People are dying and people are dying needlessly so because of, just because of the color of their skin and that's unacceptable."
"If we don't right this ship come November, America as we know it, and as I have known it and I served it, is gone."
"This is the clear and urgent choice that we face here at the dawning of what must be a decisive decade for our world, a decade that will quite literally determine our futures."
"We need to do much more, and I think we need to do it much faster, as the world reaches 8 billion and counting."
"The sooner we can get to a fully sustainable energy economy, which is where we want to get to as quickly as possible, the better."
"Don't waste time... it's a truly non-renewable resource."
"Time is short, you know? No day on earth is guaranteed."
"We have never ever had this rise in temperature so fast."
"We need to do everything we possibly can to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"The option to use them should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now."
"The best day to get right with God is today because today is the day of salvation."
"Holiness can change everything. We need to become holy before it's too late."
"Master Bruce, militia tanks all over the city. Gotham is overrun."
"Every minute counts with what we are dealing with right now."
"Make this the day because we don't know what else is coming."
"You only live once. Life's short, so let's get straight to it."
"This is an actual call for action; it's an alarm."
"If we don't now take this as a really serious, urgent national priority, we are all of us individually and as a nation gonna pay a really serious price."
"The scientists are telling us that if we don't act incredibly boldly within the next six, seven years, there will be irreparable damage done not just to Nevada, not just to Vermont or Massachusetts, but to the entire world."
"The faster we get to peace, the better off we are."
"It's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is. In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup."
"Democracy, our freedoms, are what's on the line... We cannot let go of our democracy."
"You only get one type of call at 3:30 in the morning. The bad ones."
"So if you only have one takeaway from this entire video, it's that you should go and check this one out right now."
"It's like it's Armageddon but the asteroid is coming and no one cares."
"The alarm bells are sounding. It's time to fully awaken."
"We can't wait until society catches up to the science because it's a matter of life and death."
"Our democracy is on the line. This is all about whether or not we want to be a constitutional democracy or not."
"Right now, everyone in this world's focus should be about these souls and those families who are wondering if these people are going to walk back in the door after they walked out to work last night."
"This sense of urgency transcends boundaries, uniting believers from diverse faiths in a shared sense of apprehension and anticipation."
"It was a roller coaster ride. Every day it didn't matter if I had 50 agents and officers or hundreds, everybody showed up with their game face on. We worked with a sense of urgency."
"We are witnessing what looks like the end of the world. This is not a movie. I repeat, this is not a movie."
"Let's take care of the medical side of this immediately."
"If you have a hole in your boat, you've got to plug the hole first."
"Lives are at stake. This is not a time for political opponents."
"The danger of climate change is not a future concern; it is our deadly present."
"If we don't change... then black people will suffer for the next 200 years."
"Sooner or later we give the Ukrainians what they need, so let's give it to them sooner rather than later."
"We need every single one of you to mobilize, we need every single one of you to rise up in these last days."
"We're at a point of inflection in which things can go wrong very quickly."
"Time is up, the essence. We have to move now because these babies are depending on us. Got it? Let's move quick."
"This is our two-year window. Gotta win the Super Bowl this year, and then we're out of here anyway."
"Hey, let me in! Let me in! Let me in the mood!"
"I have had this burning feeling like I'm running out of time."
"We are facing the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced."
"If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed."
"Your mouth gets you in trouble, and the country has really serious problems we need to address right now."
"America has guns. Anybody can access guns. Anybody can access assault weapons, and that's a thing that needs to change and it's urgent, it's an emergency."
"An entire society that had to keep moving, outrunning the sun itself."
"A crisis is happening, and it's occurring very quickly on multiple levels... The first duty here is to get educated and to really understand what's going on."
"Water scarcity will become an increasingly urgent problem impacting all levels of the population."
"We're in a national emergency; we need to act like we're in a national emergency."
"This is not a drill. This is it. This is what we've been waiting for."
"This economic crisis is like a cancer. If you just wait and wait thinking this is going to go away, just like a cancer, it's going to grow and it's going to be too late."
"The cost of inaction is high and growing. The time for decisive action is now."
"The time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action."
"If we do not unite now, we are gonna be in serious trouble for this is the quickening where the forces against us aligned so plainly and clearly."
"Climate change is the most significant public health challenge of our time."
"Stop making excuses, you're running out of time."
"Something has to be done about it. Something."
"We don't have a moment to waste in combating the climate crisis."
"Now is not the time for partisan ideological bickering."
"Failure to curb this crisis is definitely not an option."
"It made sense that we have to do something quickly because people are unsheltered and vulnerable on the streets."
"I know what you're busy doing there, just come out to the car. Let's go get peach and then back home, please."