
Psychological Effects Quotes

There are 351 quotes

"I think complete darkness induces anxiety in humans, to be honest."
"The paradox of choice is when you get so frustrated because you have so many options."
"Trauma is a psychic wound that leaves an imprint in your nervous system, in your body, in your psyche, and then shows up in multiple ways that are not helpful to you later on."
"Everything we've talked about up until now supports the statement I just made: easy tasks, desirable tasks don't do it. It's the thing you don't want to do."
"If you're in a cave-in and you pray, you are more likely to be rescued not because there's some God listening to answer that prayer, but because prayer has a calming effect on you, which extends the amount of time that you can be trapped, which extends the likelihood that you can be rescued."
"You could really kind of get over the effects of that trauma or reduce those effects of trauma by interacting with and being exposed to others and being social, but not others who had had trauma themselves."
"We are just now, en masse, in the scientific community, starting to research these psychological side effects of hormonal birth control."
"The more successive traumas that you have, the greater likelihood that somebody's going to have psychological consequences and symptomatology as a result."
"The biggest danger of space elevators isn’t the risk of them falling down, it is the risk of homicidal insanity from sharing the trip with others for hours while listening to elevator music."
"Why belief is a miracle worker is something that cannot be satisfactorily explained, but have no doubt about it, there's genuine magic in believing."
"Childhood trauma can really damage a person's ability to connect with people and to communicate authentically."
"Trauma always has a way to bite us in the ass in our adulthood."
"The more you hide it, the more prevalent it becomes."
"For men of abusive, neglectful, or even absent mothers, ‘mommy issues’ can present itself as insecurity, emotional unavailability, fear or discomfort of intimacy, a need for maternal guidance in decision-making, and a lack of commitment to other relationships."
"However, when the difference is too great, those emotions disappear completely and are eventually replaced by a sense of distance, admiration, or numbness."
"This perspective is often referred to as the overview effect."
"Repeated consummation of desire without moderating constraints only serves to habituate people and diminish the future satisfaction potential of what is consumed."
"It's not rocket science as to what the necessary inevitable consequences are going to be from two and a half years of abusing psychologically devastating children, economies, families, health-wise."
"After several days [without sleep], things really start to get weird: general paranoia can give way to increasingly vivid hallucinations."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can actually hurt me."
"Every time you victimized someone you were victimizing yourself."
"Trauma experiences can stay in your body even when your mind is not thinking about it."
"Children treated as objects become either narcissists or suffer from borderline personality disorder."
"I'm always worried about what's coming at me."
"Every subsequent subject claimed to see vivid hallucinations of Evelyn herself and even hear her voice at times."
"The belief effect isn't just changing what one subjectively experiences; it actually is changing the way that the brain responds to the belief."
"People who want to take gear should know that the psychological effects are real as [__]."
"Colors can have a profound effect on us psychologically."
"I think addicting is it's like the highest form of dependent where it's like, you kind of get withdrawals if you don't have it."
"The more mental health you lose, the more hallucinations you see."
"Narcissists experience dissociation, including amnesia and derealization."
"Laughter increases things like dopamine and can even help soothe physical pain."
"Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts."
"That's the uncanny valley, not human figures looking as close as they can to real life but not quite, and that gives you the heebie-jeebies."
"Everyone knows living alone does things to your mind."
"Words are like a virus, they get inside and eat you up."
"The level can also resurface memories that you literally had forgotten about or had pushed out of your mind like a childhood pet or something like that."
"The bigger the dopamine increase, the bigger the crash, and the less likely it is that you'll ever continue to achieve pleasure from that thing."
"What depression, discouragement, despair often brings is distorted information."
"I like that because, and I'm sure you've seen this in yourself and your studies, if you give the bacteria what they need to eat, they text message the brain saying, 'Hey, all good down here. We got our needs met. You don't have to go look.'"
"We have the problems that come from the psychological trauma that we suffered in slavery."
"The MCU is slowly starting to incorporate Nexus beings as it begins its multiversal war, which means it should probably bring in the Nexus of All Realities, right?"
"Robbin’ Season explores the lingering after-effects of trauma."
"The halo effect: the more beautiful somebody is, the more positive attributes you equate to them."
"I feel like for people that have anxiety, it really ramps it up."
"Don't take it for granted, this stuff is proving even in modern times to be very powerful to have specific neural effects and to literally aid in actual mind control."
"The fear that has been generated by this is the biggest problem of all."
"I don't think all parasocial relationships are a bad thing."
"Just seems like straight torture. Absolutely. And still to this day solitary confinement is one of the worst punishments."
"Buying into false beliefs... can actually be a good thing sometimes."
"When the pressure's on, we often try and control what we're doing in a way that leads to worse performance."
"Funhouses are almost always designed to at least shock or surprise you, if not outright scare and confuse you."
"Possibly caused by his memories of serving in the military."
"A single line lowers stress levels...increases the perceived sense of fairness."
"Instagram is just an amazing jealousy machine."
"You're paranoid, you're tired, you're hungry."
"Not many drugs reliably promote acceptance and compassion for the self and others... even MDMA doesn't always lead to this effect but it's relatively common."
"Full Metal Jacket is without a doubt a sad tale, it's the ultimate exploration into a process that molds the innocence into killing machines, ones whom were sent out into battle in a horrific war."
"It's much more helpful to just laugh in the morning than write a huge gratitude journal because studies show that just laughing and physically doing things as though you are happy will make you a lot happier in the long run."
"Nostalgia has a way of warping our memories."
"Being distracted by options is like the worst torture you can ever subject yourself to."
"The cognitive dissonance that you experience as a result of being with this person this explains what happens within you when someone's actions and words are not aligned."
"Trend makes me incredibly confident. I stopped being squeezed and without overthinking, I just did what I wanted with incredible attitude, pressure, and energy."
"Hey, let's get it straight. I want to cruise trend balloon forever. Why? Due to its mental effects, trend makes me incredibly confident."
"Everyone's being affected by the increase in loneliness."
"When you look good, you feel good, and that is so impactful."
"Solitary can irreparably damage people's minds."
"If it's too big for someone, it can cause you to shrink and retreat."
"Solar eclipse gives a feeling of fear, uncertainty, even paranoia sometimes."
"She had this kind of talismanic, magnetic ability to make people feel better about themselves."
"I think anxiety might be manifesting this symptom now because even though your test was negative, the doctor did happen to mention that it's possible to have a false negative."
"Slender Man stalks prey, triggering 'Slender sickness' and inducing paranoia."
"Military capability is not the only problem; war is social, it's psychological, and that is poisonous and extremely lethal."
"Male genital mutilation can have a huge influence on the development of the human psyche."
"Evolutionarily, why there's an endorphin rush from understanding this is fascinating."
"The brain is only as interesting as the mind and of course it is like psychedelics are only worth studying in terms of their brain effects because their psychological effects are so damn stunning."
"There's a real human cost to all this, not to mention everything that kids have had to go through, and just all the hysteria, the psychological damage."
"Living out in the wilderness, it starts to mess with your head. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, you don't understand, you don't understand."
"The scariest thing is what happens to people psychologically."
"You can start to just exist in this online echo chamber or bubble where all the news is bad news and everyone is constantly Doom and Gloom."
"You're just locked in a kind of like hallucinatory psychosis where you melded into the consciousness of YouTube."
"When you grow up without the simplest form of human affection, it creates a ravenous cavity inside of your heart."
"When it comes to struggling with the very notion of committing, social media has exacerbated and magnified the ego, the needs we have, the need for attention, the need for connection."
"What dating apps do and what the choice problem does is it interrupts the normal kind of attraction circuitry."
"Words may not be a physical weapon, but it has physical effects."
"I do think there's a spiritual component... fear is profoundly powerful." - Dr. Joseph Latapo
"They're giving you the silent treatment, but they're thinking about you heavily."
"Exposure to porn can have a distorting effect on their sexuality that's unhealthy."
"A lack of safety means that people don't quite feel in their skin."
"Emotional withdrawal is a form of abandonment."
"There's kids six years old on social media and get and it's like a scientific fact that getting text messages or likes on a photo or whatever all that induces dopamine."
"This video will mess with your head and it'll raise more questions than it'll answer."
"It hijacks your brain's reward circuitry. It makes you depressed."
"If you can scare somebody, that's difficult."
"The idea of a generational trauma is basically the idea that some generations are so messed up by experiences distinct to their age group that they in turn pass on unique dysfunctions to the generation below."
"When people get inundated with the same thing over and over again, they go insane."
"Congratulations, weed has given you the opportunity to do something that you otherwise couldn't do: cope and avoid."
"Laughter is healing. It actually does something in your body and changes how you're feeling chemically in your brain."
"Parenting is mostly gaslighting if we're being honest."
"The trauma that comes from that... their lives have changed forever."
"Parasocial relationships themselves were correlated with greater social anxiety, anxious and avoiding attachment, and loneliness."
"If you convince yourself that something bad's gonna happen, you increase the likelihood that something bad will happen."
"Too much choice leads to less satisfaction - the choice paradox."
"Television affects our subconscious minds... one of the most powerful drugs ever created was television."
"People with more need for cognition and more closed mindedness... were able to differentiate various social identities."
"Toxic positivity is mentally damaging and detrimental as any mental illness."
"Isolation is just very, very bad on a person."
"Trauma changes genes, and these epigenetic alterations are then passed on to the next generation. This is also called intergenerational trauma, which allows the next generation to be programmed more easily."
"Your brain is getting so over stimulated that your body doesn't know what to do, so it just starts moving in rhythmic patterns."
"Twitter will mess up someone's self-esteem so fast."
"Think about your punishment choices very carefully... over time they can affect how somebody sees themselves."
"There are so many levels of just emotional manipulation going on here and mental gymnastics."
"Each of us is going to emotionally react in a different way to this."
"The act of seeking reassurance or over-rehearsing something actually serves to undermine confidence."
"Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, that's a powerful one."
"Psychologically I feel better if I see a full moon, my mood goes up about 35%."
"Lust makes you blind, lust divides the will and it darkens the intellect, it makes you blind."
"What a terrible thing war does to a young man." - Cooper
"The power of the comparison effect: you never feel good about how well you're doing in life in some kind of objective sense instead it's always a comparison."
"There's such a weird concept, you think, yeah, that makes sense, and done that before. And you know this is true because the inverse happens as well, and when something's suspiciously cheap, you don't trust it."
"Rewatching bad movies gives us a sense of control."
"The effects of trauma can ripple throughout time and through many people."
"It's amazing what the unknown does to minds."
"The sense is... they acutely feel the hazard that it puts them to psychologically comfortable lies perform."
"There's a very clear connection between abuse of childhood equaling then becoming an abuser later in life."
"Fear disables our capacity for critical thinking."
"Movies don't create psychos, they may make psychos more creative."
"The mind becomes a labyrinth when we wall off traumatic events and make decisions as a reaction to that trauma without working through it."
"If you're watching porn, you're not happy after."
"People felt that somehow reading about them was inadvertently inviting them into their space as well."
"Being scared for someone's life, even someone who doesn't exist, oddly makes you feel more alive."
"Social media is psychological warfare, affecting beliefs, values, emotions, motives, reasoning, and behavior."
"This is the worst type of abuse because the same person who causes your pain is the same person you then turn to to comfort you from the pain that they caused." - Ruby
"Anytime I'm getting a free character, that's some dopamine right there."
"The Mandela effect: a fantastic example of memory inconsistencies."
"What I like about psychedelics is that they make you look inward into yourself rather than it being an escape."
"Nostalgia makes us feel warm and fuzzy, remembering the good past memories."
"It is so crazy how mean things that people say can really just scar in your brain and on your heart for the rest of your life."
"It's hard to say exactly when we cross that threshold but we are clearly well over it now and it is deranging us. It is making us sick physically, psychologically, and it's putting us in great danger."
"Under periods of chronic stress, we crave sugar."
"People are acting like they're going to war, but that's really what quarantine has done to us."
"Sitting up straight boosted study participants' assuredness in their ideas."
"In the minds of traumatized people, if you were abused or neglected as a kid, it can be hard in adulthood to resist the lure of a relationship."
"Guilt is a very common thing in people who survive battles."
"Honestly I'm waiting for that serotonin bump when I see the number go up."
"There is no closure." - A haunting reminder of the lingering pain caused by unanswered questions and unresolved mysteries.
"Every time that she tries to talk to Rudy, he would say a couple of words, freeze up, and then crawl up into a fetal position." - A heartbreaking portrayal of trauma's lasting grip on the human soul.
"The past colors the present based on old traumatic programming."
"If I'm using a substance to numb my emotional state, my brain's ability to control and regulate my emotional state becomes less necessary."
"If you have certain forbidden emotions, anger being probably the most popular one... a lot of misnaming."
"Anticipation is one of the greatest vessels of fear."
"Making your bed in the morning sends a subconscious signal to your brain."
"Studies show that our mental health even changes based on how many or how few wrinkles we have."
"Feeling good makes you treat people a little better."
"It's a dangerous road you travel to deny humanity a thing will only make them crave it all the more."
"High dose or a mystical experience level dose has a number of additional effects that will not be found at lower doses."
"Trauma traumatizes, it creates unparalleled effects that follow us on a daily basis."
"The narcissist had internalized the negative input and attributed it to an internal object."
"He hides in the oven at the fazbear frights kitchen and his hallucinations are starting to go wild again back into the past."
"We'll probably see stragglers, dedicated people cut off from what's going on, unable to face the reality of surrender, clinging on like Japanese soldiers in Pacific islands long after the war has ended."
"Two main things: the abuse of their power and discard wounds."
"Perfectionism is self-mutilation... setting yourself up for shame, failure."
"Igaro's childhood abuse led to a severe case of gynophobia, or the fear of women, as he was the only son in a family of all females that constantly abused him."
"Pink prisons can calm down even the most hot-headed criminals. The color, known as 'cool down pink,' is based on psychological research."
"It's like I've lived my whole life at 60 amps and I have been upgraded to 100,000 amps."
"The ultimately mass formation always destroys the core of the human being, it destroys the humanity in the human being."
"Maybe we believed so much in a family curse, we made it real."
"Reinforces these pathways in the brain that allow for luxury to have like a broader definition."
"The fear of the unknown outweighs any logical fear."
"White fear, making white folks lose their minds, and you see it, we see evidence every day, all the time."
"At its core, toxic positivity is essentially the enforcement of blind optimism."
"It's important that we not just dismiss those kind of mantras but also truly investigate how pernicious they are for the culture, and work to stop them."
"Rumination sucks literally. It sucks you in because it pulls you out of your life."
"Toxic people seek to tear you down, demoralize you, and make you question yourself in your dreams."
"Lies destroy trust, create doubts, and can undermine our life-saving determination."
"If your brain learns to be aroused by watching other people have it is not necessarily going to carry over to the ability to get aroused when you're one-on-one with somebody else."
"It's all just fear of the unknown. It's all just fear of being somewhere you're not comfortable."
"People really hate inflation; it is psychologically destabilizing beyond the obvious direct financial and economic impacts."
"They will do whatever it takes to get those likes on social media so that they can feel validated."
"Catharsis purges those natural human instincts."
"I think also it looks at the effect of constantly being so self-aware."
"It's definitely one of the traumas of being successful."
"it's incredible how a sign, a simple sign, can cause so much mental trauma for so many people. Imagine what a massive change would create in people. It's a pretty scary thought."
"Comparing oneself to others highlights another person's highlights can foster feelings of falling short."
"Laughter changes us when it's really deeply felt. Laughter, laughter changes us even at the level of our central nervous system. It feels so good, so we want more."
"They don't actually own their home but it worked, plebs got that feeling of ownership and it made all the difference."
"But confusion is one of those side effects of early trauma that feeds on itself and ends up winding its way into your whole way of thinking and being."
"The mental impact an emotional impact... that stuff stays with you."
"If you sit on your hand for 15 minutes before you take a test, it feels like someone else is destroying your future."
"Unaddressed grief often leads to resentment."
"Interaction with them can decrease the chance of heart attacks, lower our blood pressure, and help in releasing dopamine and serotonin."
"Men who grow up without fathers end up with an elevated sense of risk and danger."
"Russian Sleep Experiment: a horrifying tale of sleep deprivation, madness, and unleashed evil."
"Some things you just never forget even if you want to."
"Everyone always talks about the physical pain, but it's the emotional pain that sticks with you."
"When there's something you feel like you should do, you feel kind of incompetent."
"An experience that is genuinely and persistently frightening."
"When you suppress what you are, it comes back with a vengeance."
"Once he gets in that mode, it's like a Snowball Effect."
"Real life bullying can do some pretty bad things to kids."