
Travel Quotes

There are 70098 quotes

"Traveling westward on the globe is always easier than traveling eastward."
"When you're in Minerva, let's say you're in the Berlin team, you actually have the opportunity to travel there and see like the Renaissance art."
"Since we opened our borders, travelers from all around are joining our city. Doesn't it just warm your heart?"
"He said he believes his kids can learn more from the bazaars of Egypt than they can from the regular schooling system."
"Traveling...makes you more tolerant of people's viewpoints, more open-minded."
"In the developed world, it's easy for us to have an identity, travel, prove our creditworthiness, and get credentials."
"The happiest place, and it's my favorite place on the planet, is Iceland. I [expletive] love Iceland."
"When you travel and realize that people live differently than you were brought up, it makes you more tolerant to all different kinds of life."
"We don't have a Target in Canada...I feel like this is more fun if we drive all the way to the USA and make a little day out of it."
"There's no place like LA. I've been to so many places, there's not a place like it."
"The vision of traveling to Mars has always fascinated people."
"Madira is a lovely island, beautiful views of the sea. I've never been here before, and it's amazing the society and the culture they built here in the middle of the Atlantic."
"Traveling the world quite often... I've been to 67 countries. It's really exciting. It helps you have a lot more open mind towards different things and areas of life."
"I've always just wanted that of course I want to travel and everything but people make it seem like you can't travel with kids."
"With these, you can travel to any country around the world and communicate with anyone."
"Prague, Prague, beautiful Prague. I could probably spend as long praising this location as I did complaining about the racism allegory."
"Literally, there are thousands upon thousands of amazing locations out there."
"I've spent an awful lot of my time traveling, particularly on the continent of Europe, and I've noticed that they live a lot better than we do."
"I can't wait to just get back out there and start traveling and exploring parts of the world."
"For those who would journey across the vast reaches of interplanetary space, the solar system offers many breathtaking sights."
"We've changed our lives around and are now very into traveling with the kids, hiking, and eating clean food."
"Fine, leave. I'll take the money and go to the Maldives."
"I think traveling is one of the best ways to connect with your sibling."
"This trip had two purposes: one, to see this new Russia in wintertime, and two, to explore the cultural significance of New Year's and Orthodox Christmas in Russia."
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints."
"We've managed to get flights to the Maldives for two with a morning's work."
"I stayed in five-star hotels off of that loop."
"I've had the privilege to travel to the most amazing places."
"Nothing motivates me more to be a freaking millionaire than traveling."
"It's okay to have a layover; it gives you time to think."
"How does it feel to be able to do something you love, like dancing, and being able to travel and make money with this? It honestly feels so good."
"The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot."
"I get to travel around the world. I get to truly create my ideal life and live my purpose."
"Travel is likely to happen for fun; you will be popular."
"Is premium economy worth it? Well, for $35 on American Airlines, yes."
"One of the hot spots for the ultra-rich to see out the year was St. Barts, a former French colony in the Caribbean."
"We're going to give you our brutally honest opinion because we always pay for our cruises, so we will tell you like it is with no fluff around the edges."
"We're going to review everything as well and give you our brutally honest review."
"So, let's review the actual ship now... overall, guys, I have to say, I am very, very impressed."
"This train journey is currently rivaling the Glacier Express for the best views that I have ever seen out of a train window."
"I think this might have been the best day on a train ever, and we still have two and a half more days left."
"Pyramids are fun, you know. Challenging going up, coming down."
"Airplanes that make it to their destination, like sign me up for that one."
"Love to send pictures of this place, and most of the time, people just get shocked."
"Step back in time with me on this iconic 28-hour journey with dinner in Paris, waking up in the Swiss Alps, and writing postcards whilst gliding through the Italian lakes."
"The grand suite bathroom is unlike any onboard a train; in fact, this makes my bathroom at home look pedestrian."
"Watching the world go by from the comfort of your luxury suite is an experience like no other."
"You can't, yeah. You gotta come here for it."
"The world is a beautiful place, and I want to explore every bit of it."
"Traveling is fun on occasion, planning is a pain."
"Starting December 1st, I'm going to be traveling around the entire globe, uploading 30 videos in 30 days to make the most of every second that we have left."
"Traveling around the world in 30 days, ending in New York City on New Year's Eve - you guys are invited."
"Melbourne will charm you with its many laneways, beautiful suburbs, and cozy architecture."
"Coffee is probably top of the gear list when you're going to do a road trip."
"The goal of this expedition is to visit all the amazing spots in the world where people live much longer than usual."
"Travelling is nothing more exciting than discovering new places and finding new friends."
"You guys are going to do a lot of traveling in this life."
"Driving through the Midwest states was a hypnotic and sobering experience."
"It's so important to travel because our world is becoming so same. It's very important to get out and see things in person."
"I hope she has so much fun. I hope it's the trip of her dreams."
"This ride was actually inspired by Walt Disney's personal travels down to South America."
"To come to Bosnia, the other one Palestine, I wait for its liberation to be able to visit that home as well, Insha'Allah."
"If you've never been here before, I strongly encourage you to put it on your bucket list."
"It's a blessing to be able to do what we do for a living, to be able to travel, to be able to connect with so many great people, to educate people, to help people."
"It's places like this that make Pacific Coast Highway the amazing road trip that it is."
"Definitely don't miss this stop on your PCH road trip."
"You have been amazing, California coast, thank you so much, bye-bye."
"I'm so freaking excited for him to see where we're going."
"My job is to help you... I want to push you to have your own business while you're traveling the world with me."
"My seat is incredibly comfortable. Actually, really, really nice. Loads of legroom."
"The main thing I love about this seat, or should I say Suite, is just how private it is. It feels like my own little room."
"Invest in traveling... Spending money on travel makes you richer."
"Hi everyone, my name is Trent and as most of you already know I live, travel, game, and work out of my van."
"I always love going to local places whenever I'm in unique cities like this because one, it gives me a taste of the culture a little bit and two, it gives me some social interaction, which is very much needed for me because I travel alone."
"The hardest part about traveling is every now and then you'll meet some stranger that will become your best friend or feel like family for 2 or 3 days."
"Come and join me in Paris and let's have fun in May and June with the Paris in spring."
"Travel is usually a positive experience and it creates many happy memories. This creates an emotional bond between a person and a place."
"I've gotten to go to the Caribbean. I've gotten to travel all across the nation. I just got some brand new boobs. Life's great."
"The great thing about travel is you realize, it's the same, people want to find love, they want to feel safe, they want to love their kids."
"Hungry fish, delicious food, and intriguing individuals are just a few of the things that I experienced on this adventure."
"As recently as 10 years ago, the words Japan and affordable trip didn't quite compute."
"This Quest is going to take us for a little trip around the world."
"Big shifts and fated changes in regards to higher education and travels."
"Tomorrow we're going to Hawaii. It's an early birthday present."
"This is going to be the best trip of your life."
"I always have the best time in London... London is my city."
"First time I went to Melbourne, Australia, I didn't realize that this is one of the great coffee culture cities of the world."
"Here's the thing about adventure: It's not just about the places we visit, but the people we meet and the stories we share."
"Wherever I've traveled, the world out here, human to human, and the world online have always been drastically different."
"I would rather go and do an experience than see a site."
"The weather is cool there at this time... most of all the sea there is very clear."
"I'm thinking of taking a trip to Yunnan, which is a city I have always wanted to see."
"Traveling to Greenland with the WWF... it just blew my mind. We spent this night camping on a glacier... and it just brought the realities of climate change right in front of me."
"One day I realized I had the funds, and I just got up and took a flight to Africa."
"Get out of your hometown... there's so much to see."
"I love traveling alone because it forces you to meet people, and I think that's fun."
"You should always go out and see the world, but the goal is always to come back home."
"I'm like Southwest Airlines: you are free to move about the country."
"I just think travel opens up your mind to so many new things."
"That's what travel does, or not travel but just learning other people's cultures."
"On the origins breath on the east line from Bangkok to Singapore, you travel through Malaysia, stop in Kuala Lumpur, and a few other places on the way down."
"You should probably keep an extra jerrycan in your trunk."
"I'm so glad I got to travel at a young age because I got to realize... We've got a toilet and we've got toilet paper, so I should be thankful."
"The value of points varies, but knowledge lets you travel cheaply or even for free."
"In the summer before I went off to university, my mom and I decided to go on a trip together, just the two of us."
"That trip was just incredible. It felt like the camera was just coming along with us."
"Kenya is a beautiful country. I would want Kenyans to travel as much as possible in your own country."
"If I knew in one year that I would die suddenly, what would I change about the way I'm living now? [...] I would just travel the world."
"Ohio is going to be a lot of fun; we're doing a meet-up there."
"Leaving Ohio now, everybody in Ohio was really nice to us."
"I fell in love with Germany. I adored the country, the people, that language, and the culture."
"Maine is beautiful. If you have not been to Maine, you need to take a trip."
"I feel like the more you travel, the more people you meet, it's so hard to be narrow-minded."
"Since 2017, Slap Fight Championship has been traveling across the country, building and developing the sport of slapping, discovering new talent."
"That trip was super important to me, and I was there for like the whole summer. It was like the craziest trip ever."
"Hundreds of thousands of lives have been positively changed because of this form of partnership between travelers and community members."
"Visiting 150 countries is cool and all, but it doesn't say anything about you as a person. It just means you had rich parents who could afford to travel internationally several times a year."
"If you want to see China's past, go to Beijing. If you want to see the present, go to Shanghai. But if you want to see the future, go to Shenzhen."
"You have to get your passport, travel, meet people outside."
"This is by far the most cold I've ever walked into one of these. I don't know anything about the Coptic church. It's in Egypt and it's Orthodox. It's not Catholic. But I learned a ton from the tour."
"If you thought Qatar Airways was good, you're going to be speechless."
"I feel that life is much too short and the world is much too large for us to miss the chance to connect when we can."
"Yes, they were all racing for the Aster Cup, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, wine country Sonoma. What a beautiful spot it is, and a champion will be crowned."
"In conclusion, to sum up the gorgeous Kimmy Jimenez and her superior beautiful life. In one final comment, come to Brazil."
"Growing up on a cattle ranch, I was always like I want to be constantly traveling and flying, going on trips. And then once I actually did do like a month and a half long straight of just traveling, I have never wanted to be back home so badly."
"You guys might be going on some sort of trip."
"The world has changed. What used to strike us most about visiting Japan first was the abundance of Chinese tourists practically everywhere you'd go."
"The CCP's emotional manipulation has indeed influenced the interest of Chinese people traveling to Japan."
"There's so many vistas, so many things to see."
"Sometimes the wrong train will take you to the right destination."
"Kilimanjaro Safaris is definitely one of my favorite attractions in the park."
"The location may change, but the wine never changes."
"This isn't just about getting there; this is about enjoying the journey."
"Do your research ahead of time so you know how to get from point A to point B from where you're staying, and be patient."
"I love going back to places that I really enjoy, but you can't beat that first-time walking in somewhere and not knowing what to expect."
"If you travel far enough, often enough, eventually you're gonna find yourself in a pickle... something eventually will happen."
"We barely made it to a gas station with literally like a mile left of range. I was cutting it close."
"The only way to really understand a country is to visit it and, in particular, to spend time there—not just a few days, not even just a few weeks, but to spend a few years living in that country."
"Well, well, well, I will be choosing Sicily. I've chosen Sicily."
"Finding a place to anchor because I'm amazed by how just busy Greece is."
"Kind of the place I really enjoy cruising the most, I mean beaches are great, but I love coming to a little place like this."
"There's a Tale of Two Cities... and it's interesting because you see Resort markets, Drive-In destinations, they have been doing quite well."
"And when you travel and live in countries that are not the States, you feel a sense of community."
"You travel to the clouds above Mexico to visit the Hot Wheels park, which is comprised of over 200 kilometers of the fastest, most extreme tracks yet."
"I always find it so exciting when you get on board a new ship for the first time."
"We'll cover an epic 4,000 miles, and I can't wait to take you along."
"Welcome to Singapore, welcome. We've just checked in to the lovely Mandarin Oriental after perhaps one of our favorite cruises."
"He who travels fastest travels alone, but he who travels furthest travels with others."
"I think for me personally, that's one of my favorite things about cruising. You can have a little taster of any place and you can decide where you want to go back to."
"I'm ready to start traveling again. I'm ready to go on a road trip."
"Welcome to another adventure. Today we are going to be doing the intentions app in a brand new place, a place that I have never been before. It's my first time, it's her first time. We're in the beautiful state of Montana."
"If you're in Yafo, Tel Aviv, or in any Arab city or village, I would recommend having the hummus immediately. It is some of the best hummus you have ever tried in your life."
"Israel is an amazing, beautiful country. I have many personal and religious connections to this country. It is very near and dear to my heart."
"Expect to make room for a passenger in your car, it could be romantic."
"Ever wondered what it's like to wake up in a new country every day?"
"The solution to moving around in the map is not adding fast travel, it's to make traveling fun."
"Imagine if you go to EU and succeed, how much your career will progress."
"Travel can add a little bit of depth and perspective... travel is understanding the history because you see it with your own eyes."
"I took the classes, got serious, worked my way up from that hundred dollars a day to two hundred dollars a day, three hundred dollars a day, and made it at three hundred dollars a day, I quit my job and started traveling all over the world."
"Keep studying, reading books, paying attention to architecture, traveling the world."
"Europe cities remain unmatched to the rest of the world, from the canals of Venice to the ancient city of Athens."
"Everything from the double decker buses to the energy of Piccadilly Circus makes the city feel so alive."
"Budapest is one of Europe's most photogenic destinations."
"Istanbul is a transcontinental city, part of both Europe and Asia."
"This coach is made for the road warrior inside of you."
"That's why we RV, right? That's the reasons you can have; it's your little house behind you."
"Racing along at this speed, the train traveler was able to see the English landscape in a way they'd never seen it before."
"Maybe it's a nice way to enter into this area."
"I'm currently driving through one of the longest undersea tunnels in the world. I've traveled all over the world, seen some amazing construction projects, but this is a feat of infrastructure like nothing else."
"Good morning, everyone, good day, g'day. It is a wonderful day in Osaka, and today we're eating at convenience stores. So, 24 hours, that's breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
"A paid vacation may come to you, or if you're self-employed, taking yourself on a vacation."
"That's like going to Venice and not seeing the canals."
"I really feel like a lot of you are meant to be teachers or meant to travel as a job or a life purpose."
"You don't travel to a destination; you travel to learn, to see things differently."
"For some brave souls, the thrill of adventure lies in traversing treacherous and spine-chilling roads that wind through perilous terrain."
"North Yungas Road, Bolivia, also known as the infamous Death Road, stands as a chilling testament to human bravery and the unforgiving forces of nature."
"Skippers Canyon Road in New Zealand is a heart-stopping testament to the awe-inspiring beauty and sheer terror that nature can bestow upon a road."
"It's going to be so much fun, let's go pack!"
"We've never taken our dog on vacation before."
"Despite its terrifying reputation, the Karakoram Highway offers an unparalleled adventure through breathtaking landscapes."
"Traverse City, Michigan, the state's most exclusive and popular resort town."
"If you like to vacation with a little romance, these novels here are only one dollar each."
"Maybe it's time to increase your quality of life...maybe it's time to upgrade to the exit row or business class."
"If you want to experience the old school luxury, if you're ever in Belfast, the Titanic Museum is an incredible museum."
"I'm just so glad that you're here. It must be difficult traveling when you don't know anyone."
"And what a wonderful trip it turned out to be. I'll be a very scary one."
"Indian hospitality is something that the culture prides itself on, and you do experience that when you fly Air India."
"I come here and I see things that are missing in my own country."
"We got a party bus for our trip 'cause it's going to be a couple of hours on the road."
"After a couple of hours of driving, we finally made it to the snow, and now it was time for a house tour."
"I have been traveling for 10 years and just like we have an insanely beautiful country in a beautiful world, why not see it?"
"We have arrived, after a fairly short flight. The flight from Utah to San Diego not too bad, pretty fast."
"We are off on an adventure. We've loaded up in the Expedition, going on an expedition."
"If you've never been to Saint Thomas, please go and visit. Virgin Islands is amazing."
"It's a beautiful place, I've been there before."
"Traveling to places like the Philippines and Africa really gives you a lot of different perspectives."
"Singapore, a city known for its spectacular skyline, bustling streets, and vibrant culture, also holds a secret treasure trove of culinary delights."
"Remember, life is a series of moments, and I will have my moment in Mykonos."
"The Boeing 747 represents travel, seeing new places, and meeting new people."
"You're going to love this place, this buffet place I always go to whenever I'm in Singapore."