
Group Activity Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"Cold water swims are something that you really need to do in groups, not alone, and you really have to know what you're doing."
"When you are ready and when you feel confident, select your group and join me in your reading."
"I'm just gonna stop and just say really fast, this is one of the coolest things I feel like we've ever done, genuinely."
"In my family, reading was the primary group activity."
"It's happening guys, we're doing it right here right now."
"Alright, so now I want to get the enhanced smell. Then we can smell out better treasure. Pack participation, let's go do that."
"I think it's the tail of the one on the far right. Yep, guys, the second row, the farthest right one, it's missing a stripe on the tail!"
"Wow is this your ice castle yes this is our spot wow and everyone hop in a boat oh yeah I'm swerving oh my God Los the control oh my gosh Luke this is lit."
"Occasionally you strike gold and you're like boys we snapped let's go get drunk tonight."
"Please leave your suggestions down below any books that you guys would like to read or have read and you think it'd be really nice for us to read them together."
"Tabletop role-playing game is not supposed to be a solitary endeavor. It is not solely up to the game master or keeper to create a fun experience; players should meet the GM halfway."
"A group of 20 Boston moms met in a field to scream it out."
"Open the door. Get on the floor. Everybody feed the dinosaur."
"When everything coalesces and it becomes a true group storytelling session, it's a beautiful thing."
"What is it that we are trying to release and let go of? All right, I've got mine. Are you ready? We are going to actually fold these sheets of paper and we are going to tear them up."
"So we're going to tear these up, everyone, and we're going to toss these up into the air and just let them go."
"We clap on three or after three? One, two, three, clap!"
"So, what better group activity to have than to go explore the new tunnel system?"
"It's so much fun, it's like a team thing, I'm doing it."
"Everybody sit down, buckle the [__] up 'cause here we go!"
"It was after hearing the noises that Hank suggested everybody take their rifles with them to the woods."
"I just want to take everybody on a field trip and record it."
"We did it Billy, we bullied the boys into doing it. They're watching SpongeBob for the first time."
"Dungeons are group instances where you and three other players can go in and fight a whole bunch of enemies."
"Wow, we escaped the amazing kitchen. That was so much fun!"
"There are some minor bumps to take up, so maybe even a little frostbite, but the group finally made it up the craft Eiffel and to the peak."
"Let's we'll do this right now let's all do a deep breath okay here we go three two one and again do with me and I'll go like this everything's fine there we go."
"Is this the mannequin challenge? This is awesome!"
"Let's hop right into this, let's do this guys."
"No one can leave the pool, last elite gets a hundred dollars."
"We beat the whole game, let's get those rare morphs."
"You're opening the [ __ ] door, getting on the floor, and everybody walk the dinosaur."
"Let's do this, big dudes! Oh, and Reagan time, let's zip the set, okay nice!"
"Let's get started, let's make our way around."
"Let's get started today is a very important day at our camp."
"You can take what otherwise is just a completely boring moment in life and yet you have an object in an environment you can create a challenge that can get a group of people so fired up."
"This is the poker cave, and that means we keep going."
"We're all winners here, we all went out of our comfort zones."
"All right, guys, now we have the bonus quest so let's get on to that."
"Welcome to our Fight Club, let's get it popping in this."
"Step into our interdimensional reality, let's enter the buzzsaw fellas."
"I'm getting like a weird Eerie Vibe. I feel like we're gonna see something dude."
"Can you see the sun? Uh-huh, one minute left, you ready?"
"Santa Tower, it is our mission to go out into the city and spread cheer to each and every person for Christmas. Are you guys ready to spread Christmas cheer? Let's do this!"
"'Old' is the type of movie that you gather a bunch of your friends together to hate-watch."
"If you go out there and you're with a group of people using the C-5 protocols and practicing this, you're going to have events happen."
"Join us watching V for Vendetta, a lot of parallels to what's happening in this world here today."
"Anybody up for paying it a visit? Definitely Goosebumps."
"It's 21-day accountability group... the links will also be provided below."
"We did it, friends! 23 Lightning Lanes, every single one in the park."
"Are you guys ready to do this? We are ready to rock and roll, let's go baby, let's go."
"It's gonna be awesome, it's gonna be an amazing adventure, you guys, I can already tell!"
"Get ready to adventure with friends in a beautiful world of wonder in Relicants."
"Let's get excited guys, grab some popcorn, we're in for a long ride."
"Boys tear lists aren't dead... we're gonna bring them back."
"Thank you guys so much for sweating with me today."
"We reveled in it, real explosion of creativity, a lot of fun."
"Rollin' rollin'... are you guys ready to roll unfathomably deep today?"
"Great job, everyone! Let's go for a swim, shall we?"
"It turned out to be an amazing bonding experience."
"I hope you guys are started and started excited to revisit see Mario 3D World with us guys."
"Let's do some good, okay? Okay guys, let's get into it."
"We've sailed with you for the last couple weeks here, amazing. I think it's probably some of the best jam-packed fun we've ever had."
"This my friends and I almost recreated the entire Fellowship of the Ring from scratch in high school."
"That was the most epic week of my life. We had so much fun. I can't believe we did that with this car."
"They make merry as they throw a mini party, everyone is delighted."
"Everybody's gonna go watch them cut the cake."
"Terry love team, all my peeps are here to play tarot with us tonight. Let's tell them what they need to know most for their highest good."
"That's a high-level stretch, more people, right?"
"I think this report still shows quite a lot of upward pressure on wages."
"Separate three two one, oh wow you guys both got it wrong."
"I can't believe we did that. That was the beans."
"We're gonna kill it, you guys! All right, do it, do it, do it! 12 bucks."
"Stand up everyone, stand up! Come on, let's do it together!"
"Grab yourself some saddles, we're going on a journey."
"Now that everyone's feeling better, let's get swimming."
"I think it was when we killed Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas. It was really epic."
"Well shoot, let's do it! What are the other ones?"
"That was beautiful guys, and you know what else it was? It was mandatory fun!"
"If nothing bad ever happened, the future would not have fallen to such a fiery despair in my timeline." - Silver
"It's fun and we want to have fun as we share this message as well."
"Thunderstone Quest makes it feel like you're going through a dungeon, getting your party together."
"You made it through the workout. I'm so happy you guys joined me today."
"Everyone has a good time and it's fun because fun things are fun."
"That's what I'm talking about! Do you want to collect them and tally it?"
"They had them one by one go up to the kitchen area."
"This is freaking incredible, boys. This is so cool."
"Wow, girls, those turned out great, I'm really impressed with both of you."
"We did it! It was so much fun playing these old games. We love you very much."
"Let's do barbarian next week and then we'll do our big survivor extravaganza."
"It's a magical experience. I had a blast with y'all."
"We have our new plan now. We're gonna go to the nightclub and cause a ruckus..."
"Wow guys, that was epic. I can't believe we did that, that was so amazing."
"That's hilarious, you guys need to workshop."
"This was like a proper actual having a game night."
"Guys, let's see what happens. I'm excited for us."
"None of us have got wet yet, and we promised you that some of us were going to get wet."
"It's called the simultaneous sip, and I don't think anything's ever been better."
"Should we play Pictionary? Yes, okay, yes, yes, yes."
"Alright, you guys ready? This is gonna be fun."
"Probably last one then we're gonna head over to five nine."
"Let's go, Jerry's arrested! Jerry's arrested! For everyone, spam 'W' right now!"
"Everybody in front of Gandalf, in front of Gandalf. We're good. We gotta get in the center. Sun in the center. In the center. Further. A little more. A little more. A lovely family photo for the generation."
"Let's not take him to no scary [ __ ]! What about those panic rooms?"
"Hope you guys are ready to rock and roll here."
"They all ran out of the house as quickly as they could and that was definitely the last time any of them touched a Ouija board."
"That was actually insane, we got all the way round!"
"I'm just letting you guys know the potty-mouth crew is here."
"Last night we did the overnight challenge at a haunted mansion and it was all of us."
"Let us commence our conquerors constitutional."
"That's okay, everyone! It's time to sing happy birthday!"
"You guys are being our blog bros like we're just gonna go out here, wait, everyone come up a little, we're gonna try to take a little cute, do you guys smell that?"
"Handing my sign should we make a fire woody didn't we have a sign and we're playing never have I ever."
"It's simple it's never have I ever done this before."
"Guys we're watching American Psycho."
"I'm really looking forward to watching this with y'all."
"I travel a lot, and the worst thing that could happen is to miss a group ride."
"I like the idea of getting a group together and attempting to play it."
"We fired 6,000 rounds last night and today as a group collectively."
"Maybe make a few bucks, just a few bucks, fun group."
"If you're looking for a splashing beach toy for groups of people, it's wonderful."
"What four-person costume theme can we be?"
"I've never done it either, so let's do it. Alrighty, all the horses from the last group of people that went on the trail ride just showed up. Look at them all!"
"I would not recommend watching this by yourself find yourself a group of friends if you don't have any friends then kidnap some and have fun"
"Gang, I hope you like our Christmas decorations."
"Let's get some sort of group gaming together."
"We're all wearing matching Mickey and gang t-shirts so that's really fun."
"Maybe we should all run a marathon together next year."
"Alright guys, we are going on an amazing adventure."
"This feels like a good movie to watch with people, especially who've never seen it because it's a classic."
"Let's all take a deep breath. Ready? One, two, three."
"I had like three, one was a thousand push-ups for the group."
"We got a big group of people to go see it in the theater opening weekend. It had zero percent, yes."
"I find it interesting to use my left foot in groups."
"Our sugar rush had hit its peak, and we decided to play a game to burn off some of our excess energy."
"I initiated and started a four-person Barber Shop quartet."
"This is going to be great," he said, trying to assure himself as well as everyone else on the boat.
"It just blew my mind as to how much fun could be had by a group."
"A goal of mine in 2024 is to get the group to see two movies together."
"It's always important to remember that Dungeons and Dragons is a group game."
"Fantastic job today, everybody. Thank you so much for joining me."
"This is going to be a seriously cool convoy."
"After an awesome run up here with the West London Classic Ford Crew."
"We're doing great, we're having fun."
"We're all dressing up as dinosaurs."
"Everybody smile now, one, two, three, cheese!"
"We're good, did everybody hear that? That was fun."
"This is awesome for group photos... this is the magic for group shooting that you want to be in."
"It's just another form of recreation for people to do and enjoy as a group."
"I'm convinced the only way to watch these movies and have a great time is you gotta have at least a couple other people with you."
"It's so much fun watching these with other people."
"It's more fun to watch with other people."
"No one got lost on the way, no one fell off the wall; roaring success, I would say."
"You want the whole band to go out to the same place for dinner because it's more fun if you have one big party."
"It's gonna be fun, guys. Let's go."
"It's going to be a great way of getting back into playing Dungeons and Dragons."
"It's very empowering when you do it with a group of people."
"It's gonna be so much fun, we got a whole group of guys out here riding today."
"We just sat around in a circle playing guitar, just talking about My Chemical Romance."
"Well, look guys, we had a lot of fun watching this. We had a good time."
"Hello everyone, we're going to play a game."
"We've had up to four people on this boat and we've actually had a bunch of fun."
"We're all running in sync, nobody getting trampled or injured."
"I hope you had fun today and think about joining us again."
"We tend to prefer good board games."
"Thank you for doing this with us and for doing this for yourself."
"Come along with me and the rest of the High Five gang and make all sorts of strange and exciting music."
"Well, that was an awesome day, guys."
"Let's pack together; we're going to the beach."
"This is one of the few times where we've been able as a group to just enjoy a night together."
"It's a great way to build the community."
"Here we go, are you excited? Yes, we're all excited."
"Group immersions are online group meditations designed to help you experience the unprecedented sense of unity and oneness with everyone listening."
"Everyone get in the car, we're going to Starbucks and Target."
"Let's not forget that although BTS are on their era of solo music, they are still releasing music as a group."
"Once one person starts, everyone wants to be a part of it."
"It was just awesome, especially the last one on the beach, was such a fun."
"We're going to be doing an investigation of this house tonight, all of us."
"What do you guys want to do? I want to make this about you."
"We are having a lot of fun here, I think all of us have bought something from this space."
"Everybody in the course, safe diving."
"Get a group of friends together, like each of you spend a dollar or something, and just rent it."
"We have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves here today."
"That's what happens when we come to the arcade, that's literally what we do, and that can happen for you guys too."
"If you haven't seen Rocky Horror, please go see it. Watch it with friends, I think it's fun in a group setting."
"We all get together at the edge of the woods, find the trailhead, and from there we set out together for a long night of trail riding through some of the South's most uncivilized land."
"When you get someone going with you and you're in unison, or even a group of eight cars just flowing through the track, it's a very relaxing, peaceful feeling."
"Look at all of us; we all have amazing costumes."
"Have a plan for the day of riding and discuss it with everyone in the group."
"Working out in a group not only improves your results and gives you motivation, it also lowers stress by 26% and significantly improves quality of life."
"I think we all had a fun time doing it."
"We have to take a group picture this time 'cause Pokey said so."
"We're having a really, really good time doing it."
"We ended up with 11 for the trip, with that 104 being the biggest, so I'm chalking it up as a massive win."
"We're all about to pull fits around here."
"Hope you guys have been fun and positive; join us on yet another adventure."
"It's like 25 a person, that's not bad at all."
"It's going to be lots of fun here today, guys."
"It's a lot of fun here today, guys. It's a lot of fun."
"Tonight we're going ax throwing, y'all."