
Financial Health Quotes

There are 585 quotes

"Within the course of seven months, people pay off $8,500 of bad debt on average."
"Receiving money is actually a sign of self-respect because you need the money to survive, you need it to thrive, you need to improve your life."
"Wellness is... living well in every capacity... financially well, relationships are well, everything about it as well."
"Being on top of your finances is one of the hottest things you can do for the new year."
"My credit score is about 810. Yeah, um, is 807 on one platform and 810 on a different platform."
"Let's help them too because I promise you, man, people be honest, everybody, asleep. Calm. Who here has over 750 credit?"
"Build those levels of wealth, those stages of wealth, you build along a healthy journey and a healthy relationship with money."
"Saving money is not fun, but it is very important for a healthy financial lifestyle."
"Liquidity, cash... is the oxygen you breathe for your finances."
"The outflows were the result of malicious and false rumors about the bank's financial health spreading around on social media."
"Our goal is to be healthy and strong so spend less than you make."
"Debt should not be considered normal; it is a vicious, pernicious destroyer of wealth-building potential."
"Getting healthy with money is very similar to the way you get healthy with food, which is to say, in a very moderate and progressive way that allows for the way you honestly live your life."
"Studies show that Gen X people in their 40s and 50s are financially ruined because they made really poor financial decisions when they were younger."
"We want our branches to be destinations where people can go to get the advice they need to lead a financially healthy life."
"Lower inflation generally is good news, but there's a couple of points to remember: first of all, inflation is cumulative."
"Financial progress that Tesla's making is excellent."
"Bankruptcy: affects credit scores, financial options."
"Having a good credit score is really important. Rocket money will alert you of changes that might be affecting your credit scores."
"Their sales are growing and also their net income is growing, those are both beautiful metrics."
"One of the most important things on this balance sheet here is looking at total assets, are they growing or are they declining?"
"Some people are doing better than they think, and others aren't doing nearly as good as they think."
"Fear is coming back to some degree in marketplaces, and how that's actually healthy."
"U.S. banking system is in a great state of health."
"Not being in debt is also fun, damn congratulations!"
"You gotta have good credit score to have a great life."
"Cut out the unnecessary, enjoy financial stability and new perspectives."
"When I developed financial boundaries... it gave me the power to be authentic."
"Increasing the earnings per share and the free cash flow per share and returning money directly back to me."
"We've achieved our fourth sequential quarter of profitability."
"Disney is a really good company that is performing well and they also have a very nice dividend to go along with it."
"This company has a robust balance sheet with no long-term debt."
"Your finances are just becoming more balanced, more equal give and take."
"Let's be weird by you not having a bunch of debt like the average American though. I prefer that kind of weird."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you need help and take some initiative with your debt right now."
"You should gift yourself getting out of debt first."
"Money is something to be loved rather than feared."
"Financial stresses aren't just psychological; they also physically hurt and even damage the body, possibly even fatally."
"We're seeing delinquencies really start to spike now."
"I think it might be good that we're having a market crash. I think it's healthy."
"Stability and confidence are one of the most important things in economics."
"I want you to find a way to have a healthy relationship with your money and with your wealth where you can say okay three years ago I was here I started from the bottom now I'm here right."
"Your net worth statement is a great spot in time check to let you know if you're where you're supposed to be."
"The margins on this business should become beautiful over time."
"Maybe having a little thought that they can pay some more bills, maybe inject more money into the economy."
"S&P Global upgraded Tesla's credit rating from BB Plus to BBB."
"Savings is paying yourself later for the future."
"These corrections are needed for a healthy move to the upside."
"Health is the most important thing. If I had all the money but I can't like do anything, I would give the money up to be able to go do the things I want to do."
"Let's continue to grow those businesses and get financially healthy together."
"Staying on top of your paper clutter... makes a huge difference not just financially, not just credit wise, but also for your mental and emotional health."
"Is there something much worse underneath the hood in the plumbing of the financial system that is about to break?"
"The company has hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and very little debt."
"Imagine waking up knowing that your club's not in debt, that your owners aren't bleeding you dry."
"Well, now Americans thankfully will no longer have to see medical debt on their credit reports."
"Stop going broke trying to impress these people."
"Maintaining a good credit score is critical to financial stability and leverage."
"Positive cash flow is the amount of revenue left over after you've paid your bills."
"The trend looks very unhealthy, well it's parabolic, right?"
"The longer your credit history, the better your score."
"The credit bureau wants to see that you're using the credit card and that you're paying it off on time."
"Building your credit score in your 20s is a Smart Financial move."
"Those three numbers pretty much become like the gatekeeper that decides whether or not you buy a house, rent an apartment, obtain a credit card, leverage your money, and even in some cases get a job."
"Organic revenue growth, free cash flow per share growth, and predictability are key indicators of a company's progress."
"Revenue continues to go up, regulatory credits continue to be a smaller and smaller percent."
"A positive for the club because the debt goes, that's a positive."
"The average credit score right now in America in 2021 is seven 11."
"Delta almost doubled up cash and cash equivalents year-over-year, that's huge."
"This isn't some miracle job; chances are it's just gonna put you in debt."
"Historically black colleges are doing better than ever financially."
"The economy is still hurting and it is changing."
"High quality businesses with great balance sheets are the winners."
"When the company's revenue is increasing but their operating income is decreasing, it's a red flag."
"I generally think that it's a good sign when the company is able to pay out dividends because it shows that the company has such a remarkably large pool of liquidity that it is willing and able to give cash back to its shareholders."
"Good credit is sexy, y'all. I want to get a shirt that says 'Good credit sexy,' though."
"The American consumer has been resilient despite all odds."
"Look good, feel good, apply that positivity over to the financial endeavors."
"Part of loving yourself is taking care of yourself, taking care of your mental health, taking care of your Financial Health."
"I would be far more comfortable owning a company that I know has no debt."
"Stop spending... stop draining yourself financially all right."
"We need a good and healthy relationship with money."
"Credit Suisse today is hardly any worse than the Deutsche Bank or other large banks in Europe or in the U.S."
"I am blessed. There is no lack, all my needs are met, and I am out of debt."
"Becoming the best version of yourself physically, mostly spiritually, financially."
"You're not throwing money away if you have the money to spend and you're mindfully spending it in places that you want to go with people that you want to be with."
"Your reality is not your potential. In order to heal that financial depression, we gotta change our philosophy."
"We've paid off our other loan, now we have 80,000 in the bank and no debt at all."
"Profound challenges ahead but our club is built on a solid foundation with a robust financial base and diverse revenue streams."
"You can be financially free but not be financially whole, you can like I have reached financial freedom but a few years ago I was a whole financial mess."
"Your finances looking good... a lot of good stuff happening."
"Build a good credit score; lenders will give you a lower interest rate."
"The balance check ensures assets equal liabilities plus shareholders' equity, a health check for accuracy."
"Operating margin will remain among the highest in the industry."
"Once all of this stuff sells, I mean we'll get back to a point that's really really healthy, that's for sure."
"Managing cash is critical for the well-being of your business, and cash management does not happen by chance."
"Manchester United have to become a debt-free football club again, that's the absolute must."
"The single most important thing about our new owners is to make sure that Manchester United becomes a debt-free football club."
"Changing your money mindset can have a really positive effect, if you respect your money a little bit more, you're less likely to impulse buy."
"Tesla's financial position has never been stronger as they've paid down debt and built up a massive war chest of cash."
"Not all debt's bad; we might take out a loan to buy a house or a car and as long as we're in a position to pay off our debts, this is a good thing."
"Being free of credit card debt is an amazing feeling."
"Market cap looking much healthier today at 2.4 trillion dollars."
"By this point, we also have a pretty strong economy."
"Positive free cash flow, EBITDA, and net income for every single company."
"Literally you are becoming wealthier every time you pay down the mortgage."
"Bitcoin's looking very healthy, making its progression towards $5,000."
"Before you can try to help other people... you should aim to do so once you're free of bad debt."
"Recovering from overspending hasn't meant I'm free from wanting stuff. I've just unlinked the desire for stuff from the behavior of buying stuff."
"Life, as hard as it often is, is inherently beautiful and doesn't need to be escaped or fixed, especially not at the expense of financial health."
"Donors want to know you're financially healthy."
"Elevate the financial well-being of humanity."
"Money is a real thing... it's all a part of us closing the generational dysfunction, getting rid of generational dysfunction, closing that economic gap."
"According to the balance sheet at the end of the fiscal year, we had cash and restricted cash of 635 million dollars."
"Next green wave has less than 1 million dollars in total liabilities now."
"Tesla's CEO said unless something changes significantly with rivian and Lucid they will both go bankrupt."
"Becoming financially healthy is a lifestyle change."
"Building a great credit score is like your resume."
"Having a good supportive spouse is one of the better catalysts for financial well-being."
"Protect your credit score because that's your access to credit lines down the line."
"Financially flourishing: six months of expenses in savings, diversified investments, and sustainable income."
"And as you might expect, the financials are also on point."
"It's a very good year for your wealth Virgo Moon and ascendant Saturn 6th House shows profit ingenuity definitely pay rise all of these things new jobs very very favorable during this year."
"Profitability ratios are financial indicators used to evaluate a company's ability to generate profits."
"Roblox is in a pretty strong financial position considering their large cash position and the fact that the majority of their liabilities are just revenue that is waiting to be recognized."
"Prevention is better than the cure... it's way easier to prevent bad credit than to cure bad credit."
"A time where you can heal through your relationship not just with money but also with food and with material objects in general."
"No debt, we're buying a big super club with no debt, that's rare."
"Game pass is very, very sustainable and is not burning cash." - Phil Spencer
"Assets on chain mean constant auditing, a healthy practice for the ecosystem."
"We need deflation to happen, people need to deleverage."
"When you have great credit, you walk differently, people treat you differently."
"Game Pass is sustainable and not burning cash." - Phil Spencer, 2021.
"The biggest threat to your finances is yourself. It is your temperament."
"Focus on fundamentals, cash flow, and dividends."
"Know your net worth statement, it's your true financial health check."
"Net income also on a GAAP basis also positive for the third quarter in a row."
"Reducing cost per vehicle, free cash flow generation, while maximizing delivery volumes." - Rob Ma
"Estee Lauder has insanely good free cash flow growth."
"Wealth measures how much money your money is making, and therefore your financial survivability."
"A billion in free cash flow, cash up to six point three billion from five point three billion this is huge."
"The financial security and health of the company has never been stronger."
"Markets do move in cycles. Natural corrections are going to happen and they're actually healthy things for the overall market."
"It's not just about the work from home thing; it's the fact that these companies are still growing, generate massive amounts of free cash flow."
"Manchester United becoming a debt-free football club again... it's so important."
"It's time to improve your financial health and habits."
"We think we're very healthy after this correction in terms of leverage that's in the system. So we're pretty bullish right now."
"At this stage, we are cash flow positive and funding our projects internally."
"The beautiful thing about credit is it can always be rebuilt and restored."
"Checking accounts are actually stronger up and down the income level than they were in 2019."
"Adopt a minimalism habit for healthy money habits."
"This company actually has a strong balance sheet."
"The financial position is kind of stunning as well. When you see exactly how much cash this company spins off, it's quite stunning." - James
"NATO now is very financially sound, it's very strong far greater than anybody ever thought."
"Tesla is one of the best balance sheets you're going to find..."
"It will be the single most important legislative step the U.S. has ever taken to combat the climate crisis."
"Your money is going to be improving, your health is going to be improving."
"Saving 10% of your money off the bat is something you have to do to change your financial status."
"You want to make sure the balance sheet is strong, you know that they have the financial capability to weather whatever might happen."
"Living well below your means I think is such an important part to uh the the total health sphere."
"Your financial health is more important than your credit score."
"A good practice is to check your business credit report at least every six months, which is usually when you start to see a bump in your overall scores."
"Your first loyalty is to your financial health, to your habits."
"You're about to experience stability and financial health."
"Their health of the company: holding a lot more cash than they did 10 years ago."
"The key factors are your credit utilization rate and debt to income ratio."
"You're missing out on the bigger picture of your financial health and wealth long term."
"Your money list or your budget is not there to say no... it's here to say yes in a way that is sustainable and healthy and safe."
"What unhealthy money habits are preventing you from getting out of debt quicker?"
"If your best mental state is to be debt-free then throw it all at that."
"Paying off your credit card is a healthy Financial habit but who wants that because it makes you less profitable for the credit card companies."
"There's a physical change in your body when you don't have any payments. Your body recognizes, 'Oh, we're safe now.'"
"Debt prevents you from having margin when you have margin between your bills and your income that's your big wealth building tool."
"Operating expenses is actually decreased relative to income. This is a good thing."
"...being in good financial health is as much about how you manage your money as it is about how much money you make."
"Paying off debts and building an emergency fund provide a solid financial foundation, reducing financial stress and helping you make informed decisions."
"Financial Peace University is the difference between trying to get in shape and just thinking about it."
"The majority of the value of a company comes in its ability to generate cash flows."
"I used to be stressed about my money, but now I'm learning how to enjoy it."
"Your credit worthiness quote-unquote is based upon a number of factors. Name three of them: your income, yeah, your debt, and your repayments."
"One of the best things we've done is focused on getting out of debt."
"...I expect to see growing free cash flow from this company, steady and reliable growth rates from the company, and growing dividend payments."
"I have a great relationship with my money."
"Sometimes enough is enough, can you pay your bills, are you happy, do you really need more?"
"One of the best advantages of a spending tracker is less anxiety."
"The difference is that we're in much worse shape economically now than where we were in the 70s."
"Every debt that is paid off increases cash flow."
"The less debt you have, the less likely you are to declare bankruptcy."
"What matters to me is a good balance sheet and a growing company."
"You'll feel better about yourself when you're debt-free."
"Achieve Financial confidence, Crush debt, that leads to more fun and fewer payments."
"The core banking system is in rude good health, to use a British expression."
"Financial health is essential for a stress-free retirement."
"Financial health gives you the ability to have a good work-life balance."
"Ultimately what really matters is whether the business is continuing to produce good earnings, good cash flows, good dividend growth."
"Financial wholeness is when all aspects of your financial life work together for your biggest benefit, your greatest good, and your richest life."
"Their balance sheets are in great shape."
"When you can get that financial piece straight in your marriage, it is extremely powerful."
"...we would all be better off financially, psychologically, spiritually, morally; it would be a completely different world."
"Trading risk versus reward here, you can buy a company that's growing with low debt, strong free cash flow."
"Don't live in fear, take charge of your credit and take back control of your life."