
Pharmaceutical Industry Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The idea that all of the pharmaceutical industry is holding on to a cancer cure is very skeptical."
"People need to consider is that the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry really have built-in incentives for you continuing to buy their products."
"I believe most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma, your life trajectory often involves dreaming and wanting and enjoying helping people."
"The money was there, but how does the motivation, the money-driven motivation of big pharma, lead to that kind of allocation of vaccines?"
"During the COVID period, we saw the greatest transfer of wealth we've ever witnessed. Trillions of dollars went from ordinary people's pockets...into the people who were investing in pharmaceutical companies."
"The pharmaceutical industry funding alone has become so dominant that last year it accounted for three-quarters or 1.1 billion dollars of the agency's drug division budget."
"Pharma industry corruption... is the Rosetta Stone to understanding what's gone wrong in healthcare."
"The plasma fractionation industry: These are the pharmaceutical companies that buy eighty thousand liters of plasma from the Red Cross each year."
"If stem cells, fetal stem cells, ever become widely used, it will change the entire profit picture of the pharmaceutical industry. They don't make their money on well people; they make their money on sick people."
"The very idea that an increasing number of people are discovering this technology, many of whom no longer require the pharmaceutical medications they were expected to be prescribed for the rest of their lives, is an extremely frightening reality to the current business paradigm the pharmaceutical industry has relied on for decades."
"The drug industry, at its will, could bring the nation to its knees financially."
"I think Big Pharma is absolutely opportunistic."
"I personally think a big reason why would happened to me happened was because I spoke out so forcefully against big pharmaceutical companies."
"Big Pharma got us out of this, not Joe Biden, not even Donald Trump. Big Pharma."
"If the average person knew that regaining their health was as easy as cleaning their intestines and the environment they expose themselves to, then we wouldn't need prescription drugs."
"The world needs to wake up to the fact that big pharma... has a really big strong motive for maximizing D deficiency."
"We are, in other words, a culture with no faith in Big Pharma, and yet also with unquestioned faith in Big Pharma."
"There's a huge Big Pharma industry that has their money in their hands and everywhere, that I think is worth criticizing."
"This case was the first to bring criminal charges against the most senior executives of a publicly traded pharma company for their role in the opioid epidemic."
"The pharmaceutical industry finances about 75% of the FDA's drug division."
"The idea of a drug handling weight loss when people should just follow a good diet and exercise, companies that make money off people eating unhealthy are very, very scared."
"The best examples of the pharmaceutical industry not only helping but significantly extending life."
"Pharmaceutical companies are meant to serve the good cause of making the world a better place by trying to find a way of abolishing simple or more complex diseases and life-threatening ailments."
"The modern-day pharmaceutical industry started to develop around the 19th century."
"Developing a new drug costs around 2.6 billion dollars."
"Medical journals have evolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry."
"Over prescription is such a problem in America today that pharmaceutical companies need to answer for it."
"The pharmaceutical industry spent 83 billion dollars in 2019 on R&D...for every drug that actually hits the market...it's costing like almost a billion."
"We beat big Pharma so bad, they're running to the bank with it."
"There's nothing more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry than frankly a sick kid."
"The FDA has been aware of these connections for years and has covered it up on purpose to protect Big Pharma."
"Why have you not heard about it? Why can't you go to boots and buy leptin?"
"Quality control and safety are the dominant factors traditionally in the pharmaceutical industry."
"Big Pharma is controlling our legislatures, controlling the airways."
"Big Pharma should be super curious. Shouldn't he say yes, we're working on that? Or I'd like to wait until those studies are completed? Or you know I can present you with a few hypotheses and this is what we're..."
"The power of the pharmaceutical companies will dissolve."
"I like that he's challenging the system, you know like no one is brave enough to challenge Pharma ever."
"Pharmaceutical companies were more evil than you thought."
"It's still a frank allegory about pharmaceuticals greed corruption and human ignorance."
"In America, drug companies can do whatever the hell they want."
"Psychedelic therapeutics will completely disrupt the pharmaceutical industry in one of the biggest disruptions in history."
"Every joke has its truth: big pharmaceutical corporations lobbied government and the media to try and convince people to take their drugs."
"Big pharma is playing into people's desperation with recent additions to the type 2 diabetes treatment space."
"Do you see what a wonder drug that people think this is and what the big pharma funded media did to it?"
"The FDA is being funded by the pharmaceutical companies they're supposed to be regulating. Is that a problem?"
"You will be nothing but a drone, you will be a product and property of these vaccine consortiums and we cannot permit that to happen."
"Vaccine inequality it's like a great talking point at Davos it's the stuff of press releases meanwhile in reality publicly traded companies that run uh our pharmaceutical Industries they are selling their goods to the highest bidder."
"The problem isn't you know yes pharmaceutical prices are ridiculous."
"Big pharma is tanking, their entire model of using synthetic drugs is failing."
"We can literally eradicate cancer with the blink of an eye... but we're so concerned about biopharmaceutical companies making massive billions of dollars."
"Every social media company is working hand-in-hand with big pharma and the government."
"America what it do it poisons us with food then it sends us to the pharmaceutical people right who's given us something just to treat symptom of what we're doing with the food."
"Healthcare shouldn't be about making millionaires out of pharmaceutical companies."
"The pharmaceutical industry alone has spent billions on lobbying and campaign contributions. They can charge any price they want for medicine."
"That's why because if that Ivermectin did treat covid they couldn't get their emergency use authorization and they would have lost that hundred billion dollars."
"Some refuse to believe in germs, claiming they're pushed by big Pharma."
"Asia's richest man has stepped down, he's the owner of a Chinese drug maker that currently has a virus vaccine in the works."
"The pharmaceuticals spend about 17 of our total medical budget."
"Big Pharma helped out developing the vaccine, they probably accelerated its development faster than any other vaccine in history."
"We were all deceived... big Pharma is very much getting profits from this."
"Our government is 100 corrupted covid was run a hundred percent for the profit of big Pharma it wasn't to keep you healthy those people don't give a."
"The FDA is the only thing standing between you and the money-hungry pharmaceutical industry it's meant to regulate."
"Investigative journalist Katherine Eban is the author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom."
"It was all about challenging the hypocrisy of big Pharma."
"Money cannot be the obstacle. We need to take those tens of billions of dollars the drug companies made off of us, claw it all back, and then put it right back in our communities to help people get off the drugs."
"It's an indication of the power of the pharmaceutical industry to influence public policy."
"The net effect of the drug industry in the last two decades on society has been a negative one."
"The largest lobby in Washington DC is the pharmaceutical industry. It owns both parties."
"America's fight against the opioid crisis drug distributors are expected to agree to a multi-billion dollar settlement this week."
"The pharmaceutical industry is enormously greedy."
"Now the issue of patent protections in order to bake in profits for life-saving drugs is nothing new it is a regular occurrence in our capitalist system."
"Simply believing that depression is a chemical imbalance of the brain when it can't even be tested for is a very naive approach from the medical profession and the pharmaceuticals that have preyed upon this for many years."
"Drug companies prioritize profit over patient well-being."
"Corporate crimes of drug companies go unpunished."
"They'll give you every drug for every disease based on some bullshit end point, some uncontrolled study, they'll bankrupt society because they're saying that, oh, you know, just on the safe side, we could try it, can't make it worse, right?"
"They have almost zero incentive to really do the right thing and they have every incentive in the world to support big pharma."
"The pharmaceutical model of mental health is only capable of treating symptoms."
"How will the pharmaceutical industry make money unless they buy their way in?"
"The American people, in my view, no matter what your political view may be, are sick and tired of being ripped off by drug companies and paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, including insulin."
"Alternative to Big Pharma based on quantum physics."
"The independent critical evaluation of a drug's performance is suppressed."
"Last year prescription drug prices went down for the first time in 51 years."
"Pharmaceutical companies will continue to extort insurers and ultimately consumers with the drugs they're being held ransom by."
"As long as the pharmaceutical industry is allowed to operate without oversight, they will continue to raise prices until there's not a single American who can afford their drugs."
"The second rule we're finalizing today will transform the way the U.S government pays for drugs to end global freeloading on the backs of American citizens and American patients."
"For generations, the American people have been abused by Big Pharma and their army of lawyers, lobbyists, and bought and paid for politicians."
"It's been a fantastic pandemic for Pfizer; they've made 40 billion dollars of profit."
"Being a big drug dealer is going to make you a lot of money but... what's going to make you even more money... being like the biggest pharmaceutical giant."
"When people talk about more funding for mental health services, we're not talking about more funding for the pharmaceutical industry."
"Big Pharma profits are plummeting because the pandemic's over. How are the establishment going to tackle this paradox?"
"AbbVie offers incredible value and growth, successfully integrating the Allergan merger."
"More obese people, more people with heart disease, more people with cancer fuel big pharma."
"The European Union carrying water for the big drug companies."
"Martin Shkreli is the creator and founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals."
"Big pharma under fire like warriors taking out the castle."
"Being ripped off by pharmaceutical companies is the number one priority for Americans."
"Regulatory compliance is the majority of the cost of the drugs."
"I would hope that Republicans and Democrats could come together to take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry." - Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont.
"The incentives for building vaccines for pharma have historically been poor."
"The Senate has finally also taken on big pharma and will, after decades of trying, be able to negotiate lower prescription drug prices."
"Big pharma, the trillion-dollar industry, is under massive distress."
"You've got big pharma working with the FBI to target a critic."
"We need to get rid of the revolving doors. Unravel corporate capture in the pharmaceutical industry."
"We are going to substantially lower drug costs in this country."
"Big Pharma charges Americans more than three times what they charge other countries simply because they could. I think it's outrageous."
"stress keeps the worker ill and then multinational pharmaceutical companies sell them drugs to make them better"
"If you're in grief you're not depressed, you don't need an antidepressant. That is pure capitalism going wrong."
"The oversized profits that pharmaceutical companies collect in the United States encourage them to do lots of research and development."
"We are beginning to take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act passed several years ago."
"14 of the top 15 pharmaceutical companies use our product."
"Greed, pharma wants to keep their profits high, and they have aggressively lobbied their home countries in the U.S. and in the EU to make sure that they can achieve that goal."
"Pharma are the guys in the arena; they're out there trying things."
"We think that we'll see a massive change where big pharma will be distributors only, and will buy drugs from small companies."
"There is nothing about the way the pharmaceutical industry works that suggests this is a free market competitive economic sector."
"Medical affairs prepares you to be successful in the pharma industry; the skills you gain are easily transferable to any other department within the company."