
Divorce Quotes

There are 955 quotes

"Divorce is devastating for Children and Families by almost every metric."
"If people want to get divorced, let them get divorced."
"We agree that the divorce court system is dreadful."
"We're not anti-marriage; we're anti-divorce. We're anti-government getting into your marriage and deciding what you can or can't do as a man."
"What people think they divorce for is that they couldn't communicate. But why they didn't communicate is because they were doing one of these four things: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, or contempt."
"A divorce is not the end of the family, it's the reorganization of the family."
"I'm pro-marriage. I'm also pro-divorce. I'm pro what can make you happy once you have the information you need to make an informed decision."
"Sometimes divorce that we've looked down upon is something that is a blessing."
"Boredom is a terrible reason to get divorced."
"I wish that I would have not been afraid to tell the truth about my divorce and what led me to my divorce."
"Divorce used to be something to be ashamed of, but today people have really decided to nip that societal shame and instead embrace being divorced as another stage of life."
"Everything changes. That's part of the trauma of divorce."
"I'm in the middle of it (divorce), and... people are like, 'You're glowing.'"
"Divorce rates are higher now not because there are more unhappy marriages, but because it's safer and easier to leave an unhappy or dangerous relationship."
"Avoidant personality disorder is actually the only personality disorder associated with a lower divorce rate when compared to people without a personality disorder."
"It's too easy to divorce, and too many people do it too quickly."
"Don't let it be like, 'Who are you?' 'Oh, I'm a guy that got divorced.' No, you're not. You're just a guy, yeah, and you got divorced."
"Divorcing her was one of my biggest mistakes in my life."
"Divorces are devastating affairs for everyone involved, especially the kids."
"The divorce was finally approved, and she broke down."
"In situations of divorce or separation, the father is typically divisive, encouraging the son to take sides with him against the mother."
"Some scummy lawyers encourage their clients to claim DV to increase their benefits from divorce. This is another reason why you do not get married."
"As head of the English Church, Henry could grant himself a divorce from Catherine."
"It's hard seeing your parents go through divorce when you're not old enough to kind of understand why."
"After long years of unhappiness, she divorced him."
"The number one cause of divorce in North America: money fights and money problems."
"But ultimately, we end up in that seething resentment, and that's where all that sort of the resent-o-meter 10 happens in a lot of the divorce."
"No fault divorce was disastrous to the family because it entitled people to leave their spouse for a greater deal."
"He's worth 160 billion dollars, it was three divorces though, wasn't it?"
"I don't falter anyone for divorcing, but when your brand is your coupleness, something must have really happened."
"We have to go off of evidence, and we should encourage women that are actually abused to go to the police because now we're in a situation where if you don't go to the police, how can I just believe you?"
"It wasn't just what was said explicitly, it's what was implied by the things that weren't said that to me also were a bit of a red flag."
"Women make out really good in divorce generally."
"I think there's just such negative consequences typically that disproportionately fall on men when it comes to divorce."
"Rich millionaires are the ones that have huge high divorce rates and things of that sort, and I think it's because they're just genuinely unhappy."
"Divorce is not the end of your life. You can move on. You can still live a life that is secure."
"You don't divorce a child, you divorce a mother." - Speaker
"God's design is for families to stay together. Divorce can't be as easy as the culture's made it."
"Yeah, they had divorced but pops was a pops ran a meat company for years."
"I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of divorces out there happened between ages of like 35 to 50."
"Women have enormous power in the divorce situation. Not all women, but lots of women."
"Banning divorce means that when you decide to get married you are you are not allowed by the government to leave your significant other in any situation."
"Divorce feels like a hand was burned on the stove, divorce feels like your soul was dragged over coals."
"The reason for our divorce wasn't the reason for our divorce."
"The decision that you make right now to leave your marriage is going to have some sort of long-lasting effects on your children's lives."
"Divorce is like taking a shotgun blast to the face. You can survive it, but it's hard."
"Eventually I realized the best thing they did was to get a divorce, right decision they made."
"I got two Christmases, two birthdays, and I saw both of my parents equally."
"Divorce is really horrible. It is horrible especially when there's kids involved."
"Men always take a W when it comes to divorce not women."
"I just want a divorce. It's a lot better to have two functional parents and two separate households than two that bicker."
"Women initiate divorce more than men, reasons are complex and varied."
"People who do get married don't often see divorce as the first option."
"Divorce seems like a relief but it doesn't necessarily bring happiness."
"Divorce rates are sky high, 45% of marriages end in divorce and women initiate 80% of them."
"His constant attacks on his ex-wife are hurtful and causing further pain to their family."
"Our wounds are looking for redemption unless they're healed. Okay, you keep going for the same guy or the same girl, maybe it's an upgraded version, but it's the redemption of our wounds is why there's a 50% divorce rate in the world."
"The fact that divorce law and societal norms are now encouraging breaking up the family and keeping fathers away from their children."
"Alimony drama" - the intersection of personal struggles and public scrutiny.
"Families don't stay together like they used to; people get divorced, they get married and they get divorced, and it's so common anymore."
"The societal breakdown is a direct result of no-fault divorce."
"People who just assume that your whole life, you get to be in control of your home, your intimate life, your children, how you're going to raise your children. Once you go through a divorce, that now brings in the courts to dictate that."
"Divorce is actually a great thing if you are married to the wrong person."
"There's good divorces and bad divorces. This doesn't have to be a bad divorce. This can be like a amicable split."
"Divorce sucks. I never married or had kids. Clearest decision ever."
"Well, if divorce is the only answer, then we better find out what the question was and tell everybody to never, ever ask it."
"What is the point of risking half my assets, my kids, my sanity for an illusion?"
"If you hate the gays, don't you want them to also get divorced?"
"Why don't we celebrate the divorce just as much as we celebrate the wedding?"
"An angry divorce is better than an outright war and it is certainly better than the geopolitical disaster that is now being threatened."
"When you have good parents in a divorce, they don't try to make it public."
"Her divorcing him has now created a major [__] dent."
"Divorce is not the unforgivable sin nor is remarriage the unforgivable sin."
"What about all the children damaged severely by divorce?"
"False allegations are rare and usually come up in the context of divorce or custody proceedings."
"50% of marriages end in divorce because of money problems."
"Women initiating divorce doesn't necessarily mean they were in the wrong."
"If partners were perfect there wouldn't be such a thing as divorce."
"Eddie Lawrence told investigators that Sara was going to divorce Fred."
"Monroe's divorce was granted on the grounds of incompatibility of character."
"I love my wife and I'm devastated to learn she filed for divorce."
"Divorce is good if you need a divorce, get one; it's none of my goddamn business."
"Divorce doesn't have to be a bad thing; it can be celebrated."
"Divorce is the quickest way for the super-rich to lose a fortune."
"Divorced women aren't second-class citizens."
"Divorce is like it's it should be like it should be an exception toll looking after you not not like the norm."
"Just because you're a woman that doesn't give you a carte blanche to say whatever you want about your former partner."
"Divorce can be expensive. It affects your finances, assets, home, savings, pension, and, most of all, your relationship with your children."
"Just divorce your husband or wife and then go on and live your life happily with the person who you think that you're with um."
"Kenya has been getting a divorce since the day she got married so she's been going through this from day one so just stop." - Miss Jennifer
"Time for divorce, it's unfortunate, but I don't see another way around this one."
"We've made divorce seem so easy, like it's just a thing to do, no big deal."
"Can I just remind everybody, relationships are hard work. If it was easy, you wouldn't see people getting divorced."
"Divorce, especially if it was something you wanted to work on and the other party didn't, is an absolutely awful feeling that I've never experienced before."
"But no charges were filed okay, you got divorced okay, he's gonna lose time with his kids these are punishments for this act."
"A year after New Year's Eve, Nancy had already filed for divorce, she was over it."
"Losing the fantasy of the family that I wanted was probably the most heartbreaking aspect of a divorce."
"Mommy and I are not going to stay married, but what we will stay forever and ever and ever are your mommy and daddy."
"Me just saying I'm divorced, I don't see the problem in that at all."
"Statistically, the younger women marry, the sooner they get divorced."
"Some of you Geminis are going to have a happy divorce party."
"At first, her divorce put her in a state of shock."
"Divorce takes bravery, whether you wanted it to happen or not."
"Marriage is a contract; if a couple goes into marriage knowing that divorce is an option, then they should be allowed to."
"Yes, it is what you think it is—I did get divorced."
"Thomas signed the papers to give his wife what she wanted."
"The entire amount of the divorce settlement was donated to charity."
"Men always underestimate the pain their ex-wife wants to inflict the faster you realize you're in a war the better you will fare."
"Just as God can forgive any other sin God can and will forgive the sin of divorce."
"After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates have announced that they are divorcing."
"You're not a divorced person you're just some dude that got divorced."
"What really happens that really takes men through the process... and kind of burns them up is the divorce courts, is the child custody cases, is where they cohabitated and now it's a bad breakup."
"Within four months I got an email one morning in 20 January 2020 that, 'You're now divorced decree absolute,' you know, attached."
"Women are the only category of people not covered. Everybody else is covered."
"People look down on divorce like I get the comments of 'you gave up, you quit,' all these things. People never know how long you're trying."
"I chose one [divorce attorney] and we set the process in motion to get an emergency hearing."
"They got divorced, and they did, they got divorced."
"You ain't got no prenup and she was like I don't want nothing from him."
"I've seen 0% of child-centered marriages work, but I've seen 100% of child-centered divorces work."
"I'm a nice guy and this is the most considerate way to end a marriage."
"Narcissists are all about winning, which is why divorcing a narcissist can feel impossible."
"The narcissistic divorce will cost three to four times than the average divorce."
"It's not going to be 'fair' and it's not going to be amicable."
"No fault divorce is a legal process which basically just means you can end a marriage without having to prove that any spouse is at fault for the breakdown of the marriage."
"Getting divorce is still a bad thing, but it should not also come with the stigma that is attached to being a divorcee."
"Now almost a year later, I am a free woman. I got to keep the house, my car and my business."
"A third of marriages end in divorce, and they're the lucky ones. The others end in dying."
"Everyone loses in a divorce when they're trying to win."
"The only way to win at a divorce is by trying to work together."
"Lack of commitment is the most common reason given by divorcing couples."
"When you divorce women and they have completed their waiting term, do not hinder them from marrying other men if they have agreed to this in a fair manner."
"I want to divorce you. You will end your marriage, yes."
"Divorce is not good for the child, but staying in a chronically unhappy, conflicted, negative relationship is worse. So neither is good."
"Women with ADHD are much more likely to go through divorce than men, and why is it? It's because of the societal expectations of women, which are impossible to meet or very difficult to meet if you have ADHD."
"The number one cause of divorce is money fights and money problems."
"It always fascinates me why people get married and find themselves in divorce court in less than two years."
"Insecurity was at the root of the issues that this couple brought to divorce court."
"There's nothing that a housewife audience enjoys more than sitting back and watching other women their age who appear to have more money, better plastic surgery, and a fancier lifestyle get divorced."
"When she signed the divorce papers, she was overwhelmed by a sense of freedom."
"It's always really funny when you see these videos of girls who are going through a divorce and things don't seem to go their way and all of a sudden they regret."
"My stepmom refused to return my cats after the divorce and admitted to releasing them in the middle of nowhere. They were probably killed by coyotes. She then left the state."
"I just don't want to be married to him anymore."
"What an ugly thing. I mean, if it gets proven that she orchestrated it like, oh my God, this is going to be very bad for her divorce."
"Life goes on after divorces, and you have to move on."
"Beating your wife is a good reason for a divorce."
"I never want to divorce as an adult, but I understand now that divorce is necessary if it's healthy for the family."
"If you know someone going through a divorce, be there to support your friends and family."
"You're not alone if you've ever been through a divorce."
"...it is important to the court that a child of divorced parents is made to feel and understand that divorce is not the child's fault."
"If they competed for the love of their children, it was like all divorced parents when holidays come around."
"if you'd like your case to be heard on Divorce Court call us toll free."
"Find every single reason not to get divorced. Seek that counselor and do what you gotta do."
"Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I end up getting a divorce. We just weren't meant for each other at this particular time. We grew apart."
"Navigated the aftermath of their divorce."
"I'm Pro divorce existing like I think it's important that if two people really you know aren't a match or there's abuse or whatever that that you have a way to get out of it."
"Rappers getting married and preachers getting divorced. Are you here today?"
"Both of my parents were divorced since I was two."
"It's a choice to get married, you make a choice to get married, and in most instances, it's a choice to get divorced."
"He had felt lonely in the latter days of her marriage, and she felt even lonelier now that she and Freddy were divorced but still living under the same roof."
"There is life after divorce, separation, and being jilted. But you have to first of all find your hope in God."
"I'm filing for divorce not because I want to, but because I realized I'm being abused and this isn't okay."
"I'm feeling for divorce and when I told my wife she cried and told me that she is sad but she is in love with this guy."
"The one commonality found in how men respond to their divorce is by how they respond to being single."
"That's fine. That's fine. So is divorce!"
"Men's health also declines after divorce: weight fluctuations, depression, anxiety, insomnia."
"The suicide rate for divorced men is nearly two and a half times than that of married men."
"He is a divorced single man and I don't think big papa have ever been divorced."
"Getting divorced should be just as celebrated as getting married."
"Anakin Skywalker and Padme's relationship is 100% a metaphor for George Lucas's divorce."
"I am now an officially divorced woman."
"The divorce happens emotionally way before it actually happens on paper."
"If you're getting divorced, well go for it. And if you are single, you are a freaking legend!"
"If you are getting engaged, oh, go for it! If you're getting married, you better sit down, get on that knee, and hand out that ring. If you're getting divorced, oh, don't you cry in that tissue, girl."
"I believe that you will help me. That was the condition when we got divorced. Don't forget it."
"The main thing that mattered to me at this point in time was that I signed a divorce paper."
"This woman instantly telling you to get a divorce is not your friend."
"Divorce is horrible, divorce is no joke, it's a traumatic experience."
"Divorce is one of the ugliest things I have seen."
"I realize that we failed as husband and wife, okay? I get that. I accept it. But the thing I miss the most is our friendship."
"Divorced people aren't supposed to be happy. What are you talking about? They promise to be together forever, they couldn't manage to do that, so they should have to live with their mistakes."
"Despite her successful career in Hollywood, her first marriage to Jean Dickinson, a college football star, ended in divorce in 1960."
"The strain on Angie and Bert's marriage proved too much to bear, and the couple divorced in 1981."
"Struggling to come to grips with the end of his marriage, Ted finally brings himself to sign the divorce papers."
"After a long-term marriage, parties should be in a roughly equal financial situation for the rest of their lives."
"The path post-divorce has not been easy, but it has allowed me to start rebuilding on firmer, more honest ground."
"Janet said she was planning to divorce him."
"Their marriage however faced challenges and after 17 years Michael and Juanita decided to file for divorce in 2002."
"Juanita receiving one of the largest divorce settlements in history at that time reportedly around $168 million."
"Divorce is possible, may even be necessary."
"Sacred can mean 'special contract termination is usually by mutual consent whether part of the contract or not.' You make a good point about no-fault divorce being part of the contract."
"Want to hear a joke? My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better."
"Through that divorce, I've kind of regained that financial freedom."
"She questions why he is suddenly interested in her life as for 9 years he did not care what she did and now that they are divorced he has become curious about what she is going to do."
"We have mutually agreed to divorce, but we'll remain a team when it comes to our kids."
"Love or hate, people feel it when someone breaks up or a marriage ends, especially when there's kids involved. It's like literally the saddest thing."
"The whole world is basically just speculating and trying to guess what's happening. I mean, I'll just say right off the bat, I do not have love for men who divorced their newly birthed significant others."
"Maybe divorce seems like a very scary thing, even if you have all the privilege and the means in the world."
"Just because you're not married anymore does not mean you can't stay friends and you can't have a good relationship for the children."
"If your husband filed for divorce, he don't want them all, start over and get you something better."
"Divorce her for sexual immorality."