
Representation Quotes

There are 12612 quotes

"Her success on 'Living Single' underscored the audience's hunger for stories that reflected their own experiences and identities."
"Representation matters in terms of, if you're a young girl and you see yourself in a position of power or strength or leadership, you can believe that that is possible."
"I see all the comments asking for you, and then I was just like, I just feel, and a lot of people probably feel this way too, they just feel connected, they feel like seen and represented."
"Who gets to decide what's bad for people? A representative democracy that's elected by the people that they represent."
"We see a lot of police in games and we see a lot of doctors in games, but we don't really see a huge amount of firefighters."
"Consciousness is a place where you can represent the mental states of others."
"He really tapped into a group that felt unheard and unseen."
"Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. When you stop representing the many to represent the few, you are jeopardizing our democracy."
"Every step I take, I do with pride. Here I am, a black indigenous trans woman. The music hits, the pyro hits, everybody is looking directly at me on a national platform, and I am living my best life."
"So yeah, every step I take is absolutely with pride because I know that me going out there, simply just to wrestle, is more than simply just wrestling to someone out there."
"Times are changing. They don't quite change as fast as we wish they would, but they are changing, and people like me are helping cultivate that change."
"Every time I step through the curtain, I'm fighting for every person who feels like they aren't accepted because of who they are, and I'm here to tell them they are."
"God, in this time, is preparing people that will be able to represent Him in every sphere of influence."
"In 2018, we used the hashtag #blackgirlmagic houston9, it was the largest amount of African-American women that had ran at one time and won an election here in Houston."
"Storm is badass... I never saw Storm for her skin color; she just looked cool and could control the weather."
"Are they going to really show what she's going through and how she picks up the pieces? That's what people need to see."
"Representation does matter. You hear us say this often in this administration."
"Not every character has to be a perfect little angel."
"In a real democracy, if Dakota gets 2 senators and California would get at least 40 senators."
"Maybe less is more. Maybe the simple, typical mark can stand for everything that they're doing."
"There are so few representations of people of colour in media, losing even one more hurts us, it also silences us so we don't get to tell our own stories."
"I don't think the actors should be forced to come out in order to play a queer character they feel a connection with, whether they are a teenager or an adult."
"It also has a diverse cast that is treated well within their narratives."
"The show is like, 'Turns out, queer people can have more than one thing going on at the same time!'"
"When I first started, no, no, when we first started, we were like, yeah, Asians, go pursue your dreams."
"Representation is so important. That's something that still drives you to this day then, yeah, for sure, to make content."
"We need to get out there and like show that there's more to us than that."
"The Acolyte is going to be something that, like my parents would have allowed me to see when I was younger as a queer person, but I would have been able to understand as a queer person."
"This is the first time you're getting to see an Asian Jedi."
"We know a lot of data that when patients see physicians that look like them, they tend to do better, they tend to have better compliance, and outcomes are better."
"I think it's really important that we have now more representation, diversity in everything that we do."
"Representation is so important for the black community."
"We have got to bring our government back to We the People."
"Disney needs to create new original characters specifically black characters rather than just replacing and substituting one already existing character for another person of color."
"What Joe Biden owes to Black people, and to Black America, in some ways, the same as what he owes to all of America: a competent, functioning government representing the collective will of the people."
"I wanted to see married minority families, educated families, because we exist."
"The Somali people are tired of war and yearning for stability, security, and government which truly represents their aspirations."
"Representation is cool, there's a lot of benefits to it."
"Representation matters. People need to see people that look like them succeed, even if they're getting a little bit of a boost for it initially."
"I do understand that minorities have been underrepresented; it's a historical truth, and I don't deny historical truth. In fact, I strengthen and support the truth."
"There is no such thing as perfect representation, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for it."
"Taking an existing character and altering little else besides the way they look completely misses the point of diversity."
"The relationship between Willow and Tara on Buffy was one of the first of its kind that I ever saw, and that'll always be meaningful to me."
"Disney relied heavily on authenticity and finally representation for Southeast Asians as marketing hooks."
"Our cultures are far too vast and varied to be represented by a single theme."
"There are more Filipino voice actors in Steven Universe than there are in Raya and the Last Dragon. Just let that sink in."
"I'm overwhelmed at the opportunity that we have as a church to represent Him."
"How elated I was because in the early 2000s, you never got positive South Asian representation."
"It breaks me every single time and we don't get to see it."
"God's idea is not to have everybody follow one man of God... His idea is to see that his value system is represented everywhere."
"Involving ace-identifying people on screen, as well as off screen in the writer's room, the director seat, or even the producers table, having ace people at these stages can shape what we see on screen indefinitely."
"Good representation should allow people to feel seen in the same way a straight relationship is portrayed."
"The MCU has had a less than abundant list of queer characters in their movies and shows so far."
"Loki's gender fluidity came as a welcome surprise to many of us."
"In the Marvel comics, Loki as a gender fluid figure is arguably the best representation."
"Maybe I just want Valkyrie to be gay, okay? Maybe I want to see Tessa Thompson run into the sunset with the woman of her dreams."
"Having representation reflect the world we want to serve is the best thing we can do for our long-term business."
"The government's job is to represent the will of the people."
"My spaces are a physical representation of my mental space."
"The American independence movement was inspired by the desire not to be taxed without representation."
"The tough part about being a minority in anything is that so many people are counting on you to reflect their experience. The best you can do is reflect your own."
"Currently, many people are enjoying The Little Mermaid and the amazing vocal abilities of Halle Bailey and the representation black girls can enjoy."
"Representation involves interpretation and interpretation involves encoding and decoding messages."
"Maybe the word is the relatability, and that is when I feel the most grateful. That's just like the representation of who I am on screen when it is valued and rewarded."
"To be the voice for the voiceless and representing the unrepresented, despite all the barriers that society may put in their way."
"This is the kind of thing that will bring people to tears when their Sim can finally be like them in real life."
"I remember a lot of folks praising 'Rent' because it represented pretty much everyone, even though a lot of that was kind of shallow or based in tired tropes."
"So with that in mind, why not take a chance on an Indiegogo for a project specifically about pan and ace representation?"
"It's cool to see something of myself represented in a character who wasn't a monster or a freak."
"We all want to be represented in fun, cool ways."
"Rocky Horror Picture Show is an example where representation is important."
"Representation matters, not just in who is shown, but in who is telling the stories."
"We need to discuss what is good representation, accepting the fact that being queer is as messy and complex as heterosexual relationships."
"Imagine if we had a Senate that was elected according to where we live, but a House of Representatives that was elected according to where we work."
"This is how you represent Xbox; this is how you represent Microsoft Game Studios."
"Don't you think it would be nice if people had representation in their workplaces?"
"Our representation, everyone, we have incredible teams and support systems around us."
"When we don't see ourselves reflected in writing, in TV shows, in movies, in meaningful stories around us, we start to think that there's something wrong with us."
"Representation doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. By diversifying the writing rooms, asking more from white writers, and acknowledging painful histories when necessary, Hollywood could provide more well balanced and thoughtful media."
"Representation is extremely important. How someone sees media that they feel reflects who they are as a person is a very human experience."
"Representation in media: We want to see ourselves in our art, we want to see people like us and our friends who experience things we experience."
"Shoe on Head wants to be an advocate for what she believes in."
"I was absolutely mind blown and amazed at the stellar job that the series perhaps completely accidentally does in busting all of these preconceived myths on the impracticality and constrictiveness of period dress."
"I think that both points of views deserve to be represented on television."
"I respect the fact that now the female representation is extremely important. I think that their experience is important to highlight."
"I'm going to speak for our ancestors and I'm going to ensure that their voices are heard once more."
"We need to come up higher and be excellent people who represent the God that we say that we serve and love in a way that he deserves."
"I really give a [expletive] about the people that I represent."
"Do you make Christianity look miserable, or do you overflow with joy?"
"The good thing about it is that a lot of the people in Brazil are black, and they look like me."
"I hope you understand that non-sexualized depictions of women, the inclusion of people of color, and queer people in the games themselves, making them and writing about them, is a net positive for gaming."
"I'm trying to be the Black Dr. Seuss of it because when I see children's books, there's really no representation of black kids."
"I love movies about adolescence... what if you took a movie like Stand By Me but instead of like four white kids in the woods it starred kids like me and my friends."
"Representation is so key to inspiring the youth, especially in industries that they already have less access to."
"I enjoy providing great service to customers and I will always positively represent your company brand."
"Music is the most representational form of art because I think that the world is made out of patterns."
"Gender inequality is consistently associated with a lack of female representation at the top."
"Representation is at the heart of evolution. You've got to see people who reflect you in the work."
"I believe the right to express yourself and the right to have a representative in the government is fundamental."
"Without participating in electoral politics here in the United States, we wouldn't necessarily have someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
"Every single person involved who watches this video should a) figure out who their house representative and senator is, b) contact them, and c) tell them that they will vote for their direct opposition in any election regardless of how much they hate them if this comes to pass."
"We must make sure we don't give platforms to those who are lying to our faces but we also must make sure we are representing the full spectrum of debate."
"Our voices, our stories, and our perspectives matter. Let's use them to progress."
"In my opinion, Viola is such an important main character; her existence matters so much, and the fact that she gets to find love, and the love that she wants and deserves with the person that she loves and deserves, oh my God, it was so beautiful."
"Royals are not supposed to share their innermost thoughts. That's not why they're there. They're there to represent their country, their culture, their heritage, their nation."
"Confirming Dumbledore was gay outside of the books and then not taking multiple book and movie opportunities to actually depict this is only about the 40th worst thing J.K. Rowling has done."
"It's a shitty trope not because every single gay character in every single piece of media should be expected to be immortal, but firstly because when gay characters tend to die disproportionately more than straight ones, and they're holding up the weight of being the only gay characters on the show, you've just killed off 100% of your gay representation."
"When the only gay narratives are tied to death and misery, and that's like the only representation you get, it kind of sucks."
"I believe in a government that's of the people, by the people, for the people."
"Trump is one of the only politicians in recent history to actually speak to a forgotten part of this country."
"The Sonic fandom is the representative for all fandoms; it contains every aspect and personality that any and all other fandoms have."
"The good, the bad, and judge accordingly, and as a piece of fan of myself, an because I have a business suit, I shall represent the fandom today."
"Most people haven't met a trans person in real life, and all we're seeing is trans people in the media, which is usually not great representation."
"It's okay to be different, and if people got more representation, we would have a world of people who weren't so hateful and less confused."
"Netflix is being woke in the fact that they are showing Alexander being entangled in a homoerotic relation."
"For a long time, Yoruichi was the poster child of strong female characters in Bleach."
"Michael would tell the court through his lawyers that it was a childish and stupid thing to do."
"1408 is a representation of the tipping point of depression."
"It's important not to get typecasted, especially being a Latino in this industry."
"It wasn't Jeremy Lin who failed in the NBA of becoming a true star, it was the NBA who failed Jeremy Lin."
"You have to have pride in your last name, your nationality, your heritage, your industry, your community, your family, your country... everything is about representation."
"When we're portrayed on the big screen, we're always on drugs, off drugs, in jail, out of jail, not around... This is one that kind of has a positive message."
"The lasting legacy is that we opened doors for a lot of creators, for a lot of talent, for the industry to view us, Black women, differently."
"They will never tell you what they represent upfront because what they represent is something that no one would believe."
"If we don't control and own our media, we can't control our images and how we're produced and depicted and distributed around the world."
"I've spent my whole career standing up for ordinary people."
"We need more women, and women of color particularly, on the bench."
"The first Cabinet ever that is evenly composed with as many women as men in the Cabinet."
"The first Cabinet ever with a majority of people of color."
"Confidence and beauty standards intersects with so many identities...you deserve to be represented."
"The government does not respond at all to the needs and aspirations of ordinary people, highlighting a serious democracy deficit not only in the United States but in many other countries as well."
"Representation in kids media has a bigger impact than I think we really ever knew about until now because it really impacts the bullying of real children."
"It's weird if you have a race that is depicted as a real-life culture, and then you have the problems and the stereotypes of that fantasy race mirror the stereotypes and the problems of the real-life culture that it's representing."
"The show is often seen as important for its representation of Black families during the early 2000s and heralded as ahead of its time."
"In an effort to rectify this, Griffo sought to create a black superhero that could sit at the table with Superman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, and The Sentry, and hold his own."
"The Proud Family is a rare gem because it has a Black girl as a protagonist. It's hard to find shows with Black characters as the protagonist instead of side characters."
"We need more Black cartoons. Why is it that when I turn on my TV, there are not that many cartoons out here that are showcasing Black families or Black characters?"
"Adventure Time's portrayal of neurodivergent behaviors and the challenges to relationships they pose was the one that came closest to what I felt I was going through in real life."
"A proletarian democracy would better represent the working class than a bourgeois democracy."
"Representation in media helps empower people and legitimate their struggles."
"Positive representation can minimize homophobia and racism."
"You get a mainstream movie that represents your culture well, something that doesn't happen much, if at all."
"Then mostly foreign and white fans who've never not had tons of media that represents them only seem to be able to talk about this movie in one very specific way."
"That doesn't even really have anything to do with the culture that's being represented."
"And very often, actually completely ignores the context of the culture being represented."
"Encanto is a story with a diversity of meanings. Some people read characters in the movie as queer as a form of self-expression and identity solidification."
"Stating that Encanto is a queer narrative is good."
"If they start to put money into black men ensembles, then we will show up and watch it."
"I have never seen a story that was more representative of my life that has nothing to do with me."
"Representation matters, and inclusivity is not the same as racism."
"My parents realized they had achieved their American Dream because the daughter of two blue-collar immigrants would make history and give voice to people just like them."
"Think about if you were a little girl in a wheelchair and you saw this Barbie in a wheelchair. It's huge."
"If you're a little black girl seeing the president Barbie... that's amazing."
"It's very, very dangerous to iconize people because when you iconize people, and you make them represent a cause, that is the worst thing that you can do for the cause."
"Let us please figure out how to resurrect the concept of leadership so that somebody wise is in a position to tell people you know what, that stuff doesn't speak for us."
"Brexit has become a proxy for a host of concerns... about why London gets so much and everywhere else gets so little."
"Are we being represented properly by our political parties? They're breaking apart, as it would appear Brexit is just too difficult for them to cope with."
"Once you sign, regardless of what I think about you, I'm going to support you because you're representing a badge."
"Being a representative of your public didn't just mean channeling what your public wants at any given moment; it also meant sometimes standing up to that public and saying that what's best for them is not necessarily what they think it is."
"There's a great quote in the documentary 'Misrepresentation' where they say, 'You cannot be what you cannot see.'"
"It's not just about the media... it's about association, peer-to-peer representation as well."
"Social media really gives power to underrepresented communities."
"They're not after me; they're after you. I'm just in the way."
"Visibility and representation in certain fields can impact self-esteem and provide role models, but one shouldn't need to see someone of the same race do something before believing they can do it themselves."
"You don't see disabled women represented in the modeling industry."
"I'm going to represent Mexico... I'm going to make Mexico proud."
"Not because you like me, just because Izzy sucks. When I represent your country more than Izzy does, it's easy to support me."
"What the government in a democratic system is supposed to do is represent the will of the people, nothing more and nothing less."
"Have tools in place, have coloring books that look like them, give them dolls that look like them, tell them positive imagery and history of dark-skinned women."
"The exemplary democracy for the world should be one where every vote is counted."
"Being from Okinawa is my biggest strong point. Anywhere I go, I always rep it so much."
"You can't be what you can't see and so media should show the true reflection of who is watching it."
"Games started to become overtly and deliberately political in their content, messages, and representation."
"If you make a representation, don't ever bend it or exaggerate it. Just tell the truth. Period."
"That was actually a really good representation of what it's like to be a developer in the gamer world."
"Rejected by Shark Tank, Melissa Butler's Lip Bar becomes the largest black-owned Makeup Company at Target. So, this is a huge deal."
"It used to be that we would elect people to represent us, and those people held our ideals, our morals, and our values."
"What I want from Jewish representation is difficult to nail down, but it's more than waving a Menorah around."
"I do carry a lot of the weight y'all say to me on my shoulders, and I want to do my best to be the best representative for y'all."
"I am deeply honored to be like this representative for y'all."
"I think a lot of the stuff that wokeness has brought us is actually like a social good... like having cartoons that are upfront about their representation and what they stand for."
"Jesus is our champion, our representative. He stepped forward and fought for his people."
"I want to do my best to be the best representative for y'all, cuz I know a lot of y'all go feel like you've gone unheard."
"At the end of the day, Villanelle and Eve see each other, and by extension, allow us to feel seen in their complexities."
"Disabled characters in our films and TV shows should be more than just a magical prop that inspires the main character."
"Stan Lee has always said that the best thing about Spidey's costume is that any kid could imagine themselves under the mask. It could be anyone."
"As a child who grew up loving and reading comic books... seeing a depiction of what looks like my face on the cover of a comic... it's more than a dream come true."
"We're not here to represent all people with EDS or all people who are deaf, or all people who are blind. We're here representing ourselves."
"Our platform is speaking for what [___] want to say but can't get to y'all."
"Halle Berry's Best Actress Oscar win overcame decades of discrimination against black women in the film industry, albeit briefly."
"This year had unprecedented levels of representation for Asian and Asian American women at awards shows and as box-office hits."
"We have citizens that live in the United States that pay taxes, that have citizenship, but they get no representation in Congress."
"Now we have this medium, and there are people like you, you know, who get to do that for us."
"I think what people are talking about is representation. I do believe that representation is something that is important."
"Is there a healthy aspect of narcissism in cinema? I mean, imagine you go through life never seeing yourself in a film."
"We're the only people who let celebrities, athletes, and entertainers speak for us."
"I knew that people of color, black people, needed space to be unburdened. I knew that they needed space to feel seen and heard."
"I think everyone should get a representation in every higher-order social structure they are a part of. That's my goal."
"I'm a dad with a webcam, but I speak for a lot of people."
"I'm on the stand, I'm the voice for these people that don't have a voice. I'm brave enough to be their voice."