
Generation Quotes

There are 1279 quotes

"There's nothing more profitable than convincing a generation that they can remove those negative emotions if they pay enough."
"Keep going, dude. Like, I love that. You're a great example of how dope this generation is in creating what they want the version of next to be."
"We've got one generation—yours—to lay down this new consciousness, this biosphere for consciousness."
"Because the next frontier is not just for the next generation. It's for this generation."
"It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation... because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation."
"Over the course of days, weeks, months, years, decades, entire thoughts of a generation can completely be changed."
"Could our generation be the last glimmer of hope? Because we are going to be the last generation driven by conscience."
"Our generation is starting to... see more and more activists, and that's really exciting."
"They wanted a generation which, like humanity, had the potential to connect to spirit."
"They were committed to giving voice to a generation that up to that point really didn't have one."
"I feel honored to live in the generation where humour is pushed to the point of complete insanity."
"If you're part of this generation, get involved and let's make this happen. The revolution is happening on the ground."
"In every generation, someone has to stand up and say, 'I'm not backing off. The Gospel is the Gospel.'"
"Our generation's legacy will be that of equality."
"This is the biggest story of our generation."
"He became exactly what he was trying to escape from, a representative spokesperson for his generation."
"GG's, in conclusion, the video was saying that we're washed, it's overtime to hang it up. #GenAlpha"
"Profiting and contributing to the loneliness of an entire generation."
"Ben 10 is the perfect superhero for the Pokémon generation."
"Big tech wants to change an entire worldview of a generation."
"So, it's a matter of re-establishing this identity, you know what I'm saying? I think that there needs to be a young generation that says, 'Yo, this is New York sound.'"
"Gen Z grew up with Omegle, ADHD, depression, eating detergent, and a year where literal clowns chased people with knives."
"This is it, pro-life generation. This is our moment to transform from the pro-life generation to the first post-Roe generation. It's epic."
"Pharisee was an amazing defining piece of Gen 5"
"Millennials are the fastest-growing, strongest generation of knowledge right now."
"Our generation struck the perfect balance of simplicity versus technology."
"My generation is all kind of feisty, and we're, like, ready to get things rolling."
"This is going to be the largest generation of wealth that the world has seen in the shortest period of time."
"It's aggravating when people have such high expectations, you know? The modern generation, the younger generation is criticized for saying okay, you know, somebody texts you and they expect like a text right back."
"It's the start of a new generation and, frankly, I couldn’t be more excited."
"We are proud to be part of the Artemis generation."
"This is looking to be a very different generation of Pokémon."
"I think she's the best actress of her generation."
"How we address January 6 is the moral test of our generation."
"Make a difference in this generation."
"I wanted to see more from their generation, not some kids who have never seen, nor cared about, Voldemort."
"The fact that Glee introduced a lot of wokeness to a huge broad swath of Millennials."
"Every generation has to define for itself what it means to move the needle forward."
"God of War isn't just the best game of this year, it's the best game of this entire generation."
"Small things like that will just breed a new generation of racist people."
"He literally in one generation was like, 'This is a problem,' and look what's happening."
"Pluto in Capricorn generation, they'll build the society, the structure builders on the material level."
"You've got to believe that you're favored. You've got to be able to believe that this is the generation that God wanted you to be born in."
"May we worship the Lord by raising a generation of worshipers."
"This is my intervention for a generation that I think has more information than ever before but are seemingly less informed."
"We're the generation that will experience this event once again."
"We have to be the resistance in this generation."
"Ukraine has sacrificed an entire generation of young men."
"If you convince a whole generation of children that they can choose their sex, they're not going to know where they come from."
"This is really Niche but anyone who's my age..."
"What a better way of summing up the Gen Z experience than finding joy in a crappy situation."
"Despite its success at both dominating the short form content market and crippling the attention span of an entire generation."
"We are the first media generation, causing psychological standardization."
"We belong to Jesus, and we are the generation that shall not pass."
"Our generation is more connected than any generation in the past."
"How do you feel about these two champions and how they fit within the gen 5 games overall?"
"We are the most formally educated generation in the history of the world."
"Influencer marketing is the most impactful form of marketing for an entire generation."
"This generation is crying out for a move of the Holy Spirit, and we need to respond."
"Canceling student loan debt would allow a whole generation to start investing in their futures."
"God damn I wonder what the influence of something like SpongeBob had on our entire generation like comedic taste."
"We love the boomers. Yeah, and you guys got a lot of things right."
"I'm a generational talent as much due to the hard work he put in as to the ability."
"Super Smash Brothers Melee defined a generation."
"I think there's a coming together of a generation that's here to really build the new world as one."
"With each new generation, the warrior kids of Dragonball just get stronger and stronger."
"The world war II generation is disappearing at a very unfortunate rate."
"We're literally the generation that's always connected."
"This is the card of the generation of bliss, the continual production of bliss and happiness and love and joy."
"It's a new day, a new day has dawned. An Artemis generation is taking us there."
"It's the Beatles of our generation."
"We grow up in a fast food generation."
"Blow my mind: All of Gen Z are now teenagers or adults."
"I think millennials are kind of considered the last generation to be alive before the internet was like, you know, kind of taken over the world."
"We have the most anxious, depressed generation in history."
"We're like the last generation to know what it's like pre-internet."
"It's an opportunity for me to kind of express what our generation is feeling right now through my art."
"Fighters of the generation always to a degree pick and choose."
"We're living in this generation where access to the internet and social media is so prevalent."
"We are all first generations of mind that share the same mental parent."
"People should take advantage of what's available to them in their generation of life."
"There's a generation rising who are going to fundamentally change humanity."
"There's a whole generation that is about to go on a pioneering exploration of the Unseen like we've never seen before."
"There's a generation that has to see the beloved."
"They really innately feel this coupling of value creation and impact more so than any generation I've ever seen."
"My blessing for the next generation is that they'll open up their hearts to the enormous Wellspring of blessing and light and goodness and peace that God wants to rain down on them to open up their hearts and accept it."
"It's one of the experiences of my generation... this experience of incredible disappointment which we can't express."
"You enter a prompt, click generate, and you get what you get."
"If you want the most accurate generations from the prompts you give it, you want to use something like Dolly."
"This is the book that's going to inspire a new generation."
"He is quite easily one of the best talents of this generation, and maybe ever."
"We are a generation walking by feelings and not by faith."
"Gen Z has one of the highest levels of underemployment we have ever seen."
"The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace."
"Well guys, it's been 15 years, and I'm so excited because the sixth generation 4Runner is finally here."
"You're a double portion generation."
"The biggest thing that our generation talks about is just the loneliness."
"I want to see a people that will bring glory to your name in this possibly the last generation."
"A big problem about generation is that a woman is loving men more than she's being loved by men."
"We are the final generation; God has laid it out in detail over 2500 years ago."
"Kids these days are so freaking smart and have a world of information at their fingertips."
"‘Pump Up the Volume’ reflects that generation."
"Our generation had dumb games too. We had Tech Decks, they had three-story domes."
"How is that me not moving fast, right? Me getting married is moving fast, and it's because we live in this backwards culture, it's a backwards generation."
"I just feel like it's really scary what's gonna happen to this generation below."
"Generation X, we are the latchkey kids that were raised by the boomer parents. We sat in the way, way back seat of our mom's station wagon, rear facing at the people behind us. Just waving."
"Social media is the best worst thing that happened to my generation."
"This is the easiest generation to follow the Lord there's ever been."
"Generation must be associated with the benefics, and corruption must be associated with the malefics."
"What defines an Xennial is your adolescence was social media and largely mobile phone free, but the onset of your adulthood coincided with social media and widespread mobile phone usage, right?"
"God is raising a generation, a Jehu generation, who will go like mad men through the land and destroy the idols"
"Finally, what I need to do is to create or to generate my JWT token."
"A generation is so unbelievably sad, it's [ __ ]."
"...a once in a Generation novel that meets the moment."
"I feel like our generation is very much go-getters."
"Someone in this generation needs to stand up and tell the devil no more. And I mean, I'm talking about no more."
"I think you can relate to this and you do something for so long. I think the fear of staying somewhat relevant or mattering to the next generation of people who come through is very much weighs heavy on you."
"This generation that we're in, it's kind of like an overlap between the older generation and then their children right now that God is focusing on."
"For every generation, God has a message."
"A single second in your presence can change a whole generation."
"I find myself in a familiar position: that of reacting, something that our generation has been doing for quite a while now."
"There's an entire generation of people that should be inspired by what we're doing."
"The problem is we're raising a generation that wants impact without intimacy."
"Living in this wicked generation, we too should receive the same testimony."
"...the more hate we see in the world, I think what we're seeing is a tremendously hurting generation."
"Knoxville is like of the Howard Stern kind of mentality of the old school, and I'm like the digital mentality."
"We're losing a generation of boys."
"We have become a generation of cell phones."
"Boy, Grandma, when I get older and I have kids I'm not going to be mean to them and get mad at them. I'll be real nice and understanding like you, Grandma."
"The piece launched Miller into the wider public Consciousness and helped turn Vogue into a voice of a generation"
"I'm done because if I can make music that can affect the generation like that."
"I want to be a person that's going to affect the generation."
"Everyone at school listens to her, she's honestly sort of the voice of her generation."
"I think a lot of people will relate. Our era will definitely relate. The youngers will listen."
"Welcome to a new generation of Wrangler."
"Some people will be creating problems, some people will be creating solutions as a generation of people if we create more solutions than problems we think we are having a great time."
"This generation has a rounded and more sleek look."
"You can buy one of these, a Suburban of this generation for five seven thousand dollars, a really, really nice one."
"The problem with AI generated characters is that they are non-reusable. The moment you click generate again, the character is gone forever."
"So even if it wasn't a perfect generation, this one's pretty close."
"May the Next Generation make up for the loss of the generation before."
"A new generation with new justice."
"You are the generation that will live from the throne."
"There's a generation that I'm raising up. Somebody shout, 'The Remnant is on the scene!'"
"At the end of the day, you still the OG, and I would love to embrace the OG generation, all that, because that has nothing to do with it when it comes to respect."
"You are the only Bible that this generation is going to read."
"It's time again for God to show his power through you and through me to this generation."
"I'm a 1992 baby. I grew up with Britney Spears."
"There's a generation of kids that are coming up that think that something is true because it feels like it's true."
"Which generation Miata looks best? For me, it's the ND."
"Every generation, there's this tool to change the lives of those at the bottom class and at the top."
"I know it might sound crazy, but I'm a 90s kid."
"Everything is generated forth by love."
"Back then, you know, you mentioned that about like security guards, like how they respect you and everything."
"We were the generation that redefined it."
"Now everybody sees, yeah, I'm young and hungry, and I'm a new generation. It's my time now."
"A generation without hope is a generation without testimonies."
"In hip-hop battle rap whatever it is, life in general, as far as the generation behind us, attention is the new currency."
"We have to model courage to a generation that feels like they have no reason to be courageous."
"And this movie did a good job of being the first ones that are like really poking fun at gen Z in a smart and funny way while still being a decent plot."
"We literally brought in an entire generation to skateboarding. From 2016 to 2020 was like our biggest, like, we had the freaking world in a goddamn choke, bro."
"It's lonely without them. As you grow older, you learn one thing - every house needs young people."
"Every generation should do better. I can say I did better than my parents."
"I want to serve You in my generation."
"Korean Americans have a term for 1.5 hours, 1.5 generation."
"God is going to use your voice to reach this generation."
"The baby symbolizes the next generation of Eldia."
"I know people in this generation had a lot of great opportunities where the timing was just right for so many different things."
"He was a member of a generation moved by patriotic spirit."
"It resonates with people, they just love it generation after generation."
"Every generation has read this book and has been like, 'Oh, we're entering Orwellian times. It's happening.'"
"I think it's widely understood now that climate change is the single biggest challenge of our generation."
"We are the final generation, but that's different than saying we're living in the end times."
"The seed image is an AI generated image that you provide to guide the AI in generating new images aligned with your vision."
"Raise up a generation ready to die for the faith."
"Ending poverty in our generation: still time if we try."
"God is calling us in this generation."
"I think that my generation actually needs the most help it's sad to say but there's so much going on with social media."
"You are the generation of young Israelis who must make peace with your neighbors."
"He belonged to a generation that valued hard work as the path to success."
"Did you know that was a title? Like, did you know, like kids now know like, 'Oh, I'm a producer'?"
"It's arguably one of my most disliked games of this generation."
"...we will see a generation of young people...that will know how to build."
"Our generation is more fixated on the aesthetic of love than the reality of love."
"Every hip-hop generation is five years."
"My greatest generation straddled Brokaw's... I think of the book by Tom Brokaw... about how the time of the Second World War produced great leaders... in art."
"We can raise up a whole another generation of singers, worshipers, musicians."
"Generation of winners, like dudes produce, all I do is win, win, win, you know what I'm saying."
"Personal development is our generation, right? In the past, didn't we have people who transformed? There wasn't personal development."
"We are the generation that's going to operate in Divine intelligence."
"A step change for quality was made in the fifth generation."
"This movie resonates incredibly well with people my age, with Millennials."
"I feel like this generation just got to get it together. I want to see more people loving on each other."
"Zoomers are going to save the world, write it down."
"Will we be a generation that cultivates a personal faith and intimacy with Jesus to marvel?"
"I'm looking for a marvelous Faith in our generation."
"Our Generation takes its lead from you, we always have. You must face this. If you don't, neither will the rest of us."
"...a massive generation of young men did... that is your mega quotation..."
"The story of this generation is the story of this extraordinary man who sought to save the soul of America."
"Save yourselves from this crooked generation."