
Mind Control Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"It's very hard to control the mind with the mind."
"You cannot control events and circumstances, but you can learn to manage your mind, which means your responses."
"Meditation is controlling the attention of your mind."
"If you can control your mind, then you have power over your life."
"It is very hard to control the mind with the mind. A simple rule that people can adopt is, when your mind is not where you want it to be, look to your body. Use the body to shift the mind."
"You have to tell your brain what you want because it's always listening."
"Your life will be determined by how well you control your mind."
"If you can learn to just control your mind, you're gonna control your reality."
"Your thoughts create your reality. If you can control your mind, you control your reality. Simple as that."
"We need to teach everyone mind control is real, it exists, here's how to identify it."
"If you don't control your mind, someone else will control it for you."
"If you can control your breath, then you can control your mind. And if you can control your mind, you become the master of your own life."
"If mind control and mental manipulation weren't a thing, Coca-Cola would not be spending billions on commercials."
"Brainwashing or coercive persuasion continues to be active and to develop even a century later."
"The real secret to success and happiness in life is a disciplined mind."
"The Universal mind control technique is what I call phobia indoctrination which is the inculcation of irrational fears that if you ever leave the group or criticize the leader, terrible things are going to happen to you."
"The most powerful way to control your mind and ultimately your reality is through accessing one part of your mind known as the subconscious."
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of."
"If you can win the battle in your mind, then you can win the battle for life. Where the mind goes the man follows." - Joyce
"Breath control, which leads to mind control, which leads to life control."
"Your mind is the only thing you have control over."
"The art of mind control...has become a science."
"The party doesn't just want power over your behavior; they want power over your mind."
"When it comes to your mind, you gotta control your mind."
"There is a war going on and it's for your minds."
"Mind control involves a systematic and coercive process aimed at gaining control over people's thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and beliefs."
"The primary ways of programming and conditioning and controlling the minds of the people."
"They would use LSD to see how much it would affect people and if their minds could be controlled with the drug."
"Logic is someone or something controlling our minds remotely."
"Thor has a strong will and has used it to control some things with his mind. He was able to take control of the Destroyer armor using only his mind in order to fight Hela and have the curse reversed."
"Knock out these programs like divide and conquer and know that the mechanism of things like 5g is to deliver mind control. We de-weaponize things through breaking the mind control and staying in alignment with truth."
"MK Ultra involves ritual abuse, drugging, and hypnotizing victims."
"When someone becomes a victim of mind control, there's pressure put on the human mind and a change occurs."
"If it's a video we can go in, we can play it."
"You can control a mad elephant, you can walk in water and live in fire. But control of the mind is better and more difficult."
"Repetitive behavior is the key to mind control. Think of a hamster on a hamster wheel. They are constantly working their routine."
"Sovereignty is being free of mind control and not giving our power away on any level."
"Repetition, fixation, mimicry - the three ways of getting people into states where they can be more easily controlled."
"The most powerful thing you could do is control your own mind."
"The synthetic rewrite, remember that? Literally, in Babylon Berlin last night, do you remember the doctor, the mind control doctor in Babylon Berlin?"
"Fear is an illusion that's created in people's minds and it's also a tool that is being used to control the minds of men and women."
"Cortana is going to be a mind control that's going to wipe the brains of the Spartans and be in control of their bodies."
"Yogis figured out that slowing the breath controls the mind."
"Your mind can be controlled, fostering productivity."
"It's like controlling the mind through mantra truly liberates it."
"The mind is like a wild stallion. Control it, steer it."
"They're not your friends and not here to entertain you. They're here to control your mind and manipulate your behavior."
"Magic, I think, is an... mind control is probably mankind's most grandest and oldest fantasies."
"Cognitive... ability to move an object just by thinking about it."
"Art Kelly once again is as much acquainted with the concepts of mind control as Hugh Hefner you know I won't say as much because Hugh Hefner was associated with certain intelligence agencies."
"Political correctness is a form of tyranny. Political correctness is mind control."
"We have to finish with a mind control project, it's the only way."
"The mind assumes that it's normal, you're bypassing the conscious mind and you're going directly to the subconscious mind and reprogramming that for more success."
"They're not in the business of entertainment. They're in the business of mass mind control."
"Repetition is the greatest form of mind control."
"You cannot take a thought out of your mind, you can only replace it with a greater thought."
"You have the control over your thoughts, you do have the power to surrender."
"Everything changes, everything transitions, the one thing we have control over is our mind."
"They want to control your mind with technology."
"Tony's vision may be the most compelling out of all of Scarlet Witch's mind games."
"If you could find a way to control other people's minds, you could control the world." - Stephen Kinzer
"Mind control robots: the world of prosthetic limbs is driven by technology."
"You can control what enters your subconscious mind."
"The reptilians were able to use mind control on the slave races with greater and greater success."
"You're only free when you're the master of your thoughts."
"Using his mind hacks, he was able to take over the minds of the gods and make them serve under him in his army."
"This is new mind control, so now we are like Professor X off of the X-Men."
"Narcissists use the same mind-control techniques that cult leaders use."
"They are essentially a predator consciousness... controlling people's minds again through whatever means in this holographic construct that we exist in."
"Your mind will do what you tell it. Now that you know that, tell it great things all the time."
"When their state of the art MK Ultra subliminal mind control psyops begin to falter and fail they revert right back to their Roots old-fashioned tried and tested Witchcraft and human sacrifice."
"Everything we learn in the establishment-controlled education systems is specifically designed to program our minds away from the truth."
"Hypnosis is a very focused natural state of mind."
"The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven."
"We have the means to regiment people's minds as efficiently as armies regiment their bodies."
"Distraction is the first principle of mind control, keep the mind blank and receptive."
"One of the things that Lazar had said is there's no instrumentation inside these things... piloting them with their minds."
"This propaganda is so dangerous not because they're just telling lies, but they're attempting to control the narrative which is an attempt to control your mind."
"It's almost as though people have to be deprogrammed like they were in a cult."
"The whole system works on fear-based mind control."
"That's enough, we're gonna wipe thy mind right here."
"Mind control isn't evil by nature, it's for survival."
"MKULTRA very simply was a CIA project aimed at finding the secret of mind control."
"If you rule people's mind, you rule the world."
"Either you control your mind, or you become mind-controlled."
"Take your power back, take your power over your mind specifically."
"MKULTRA was a mind-control program, a brainwashing program the CIA was trying to learn how to control people's behavior without their knowledge."
"Mio had a unique ability to enter people's minds and control them."
"His love for his family and his new home planet prevented Babidi from accessing his mind."
"Possibility of alien parasites taking over your mind: not as far-fetched as you think."
"Scientology is an elaborate system of mind control and thought reform."
"My most important finding is that a CIA contracted agent or researcher for mind control, became that witness’ doctor right before he testified and told his story, and then he goes crazy."
"Roger Cop's mind control power is wasted on him because he assigns punishments instead of turning them into his army of slaves."
"Their weapon of choice is mind control."
"You know you can control your own mind and experience based on what works for you now."
"Biggest advice for me is that the lot of thing thought come in our mind, the thought is only to survive for this body I think if we control our breath fasting and we can control our mind because our mind need to survive without oxygen the mind going to collapse."
"Don't let Mike have your mind and your soul because his goal always has been to keep everybody guessing."
"The U.S. government has been conducting mind control experiments for decades."
"Voldemort, who's also stated to be the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen and can invade and control people's minds giving them visions to torture them into madness."
"But she's interrupted by an attack from the other black widows until Yelena hits them with the red dust freeing them from mind control."
"Delgado's research on mind control places him on our list."
"When Natasha said 'I have no place in the world,' Madame B simply replied 'Exactly,' which sums up what they intended to do: using mind control to create an empty shell following orders."
"Project MK Ultra: the CIA's secret mind control experiments on unwitting citizens."
"Those who have special abilities actually control them with the help of their minds, and a capable person changes the air around him with the help of his mind, transforming it into an element."
"You're in control of your mind and your thoughts."
"It's part of my mind control. I mean, that's the Inception part, right?"
"Batman builds a bat suit with element X that has the capability to not only change people's minds but literally rewrite them sell buy sell."
"You cannot even be happy unless you own your mind, fleeting happiness sure but that internal strong joy that you are as a soul, no you can't have that until you learn to manage the mind."
"Whoever controls your mind controls your emotions."
"The government has been working on mind control for decades now and it's getting better all the time."
"Some of the accounts that you read were probably a result of a mind control experiment gone wrong or maybe even right."
"I definitely think we're being, our minds are being controlled all the time through everything we watch, through everything that we hear around us."
"It's your mind not your enemy that lures you to evil ways."
"Can we get control of an individual to the point where he'll do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?"
"Project artichoke was an unethical and official mind control program."
"...mind control becomes destructive when it undermines a person's ability to think and act independently. I think that is the key: thinking and acting independently."
"If you control the mind, that means you automatically get the body."
"MK Ultra makes the victim at the beck and call of the Handler so that they are not their own."
"MK Ultra is trauma-based mind control. Demons enter through trauma. That's no coincidence."
"Comedians and musicians and magicians are like the closest thing to real-world magic because it's like almost mind-control."
"If we can control our minds, in a world where everything feels out of control and uncertain, look inward, find the control and the stability you need inside there, and then the funny thing is, is that if everybody does that, the world will be more certain and stable."
"'They used drugs to obtain information from spies or something, didn't they?' 'More than that. They experimented on humans to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control.'"
"People were controlling lights with their minds."
"We can be doing better to reach out to the middle of America and to the Believers who are still trapped in the mind control."
"Your mind is in control of everything."
"It's hard to control your mind with your mind but you can control your mind with behaviors."
"The mind is the most powerful part of our being and the hardest to control."
"Hypnotic techniques are used to alter mental states, undermine critical thinking, even to age regress the member."
"Being able to resist the urges of the mind can help us be more focused."
"Something that can break the mind control," Cricket said, too excited to be chastised.
"Your mind makes a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
"If you control your mind, you have controlled everything."
"You have power over your mind, not outside events. Once you realize this, you have true power."
"The idea of a government agency trying to control people's minds might sound like science fiction, but it really happened."
"Unicron instead begins mind controlling Death’s Head, but this gives Rodimus a chance to enter the astral plane and open the Matrix inside of Unicron’s mind, which can hopefully destroy him once and for all!"
"It's not mind control... it's actually letting your mind gain control."
"The ability to change your mind state at will... would be a bit like having a superpower."
"Understanding mind control at the molecular level can help neuroscientists better understand how neurons work in general, including ours."
"Yoga is chitta vritti nirodh, stopping the modifications of your mind."
"Breath control is only an aid for diving inwards; one can as well dive down by controlling the mind."
"A spiritual being of divine intelligence to control my mind."
"Whoever controls your mind really controls everything that happens in your life."
"These things can read your mind and project thoughts and images and sounds to you."
"The battle between Christ and Satan is a battle for the control of men's minds."
"Educate everybody what mind control is and how to protect yourself."
"The world is doing everything it can to control the mind, to change your mind."
"The psychology behind addictive games and social media platforms like Facebook are certainly a form of mind control."
"If they control your mind, they control everything."
"The mind is a wild horse... it runs aimlessly, but the horse has to be directed."
"Yoga is the control of thought waves in the mind."
"The mind flickers; the mind has to be quietened, calmed down, and focused."
"You become the master of the mind rather than the servant of the mind."
"Loki wanted to lose. He masterminded his defeat, fighting off the mind control he himself was under. As such, he deserves a chance to make up for the events he was at the center of," you concluded.
"Telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind."
"Control your mind, control your thoughts."
"The mind is very difficult to control and it is fickle."
"You can't become a martial artist unless you can control your mind."
"Draupadi has five husbands... Draupadi is the mind controlling the five senses."
"It's your mind and you should control it."
"The only enemy every living entity has is an uncontrolled mind."
"We must not listen to the mind; we should make the mind listen to us."
"The biggest feature of this is that the user can move it with just their mind, and on top of that, you can actually feel the sensation of touching something."
"Media definitely has the capacity to control the mind."
"That's so cool," Nico blurted out, "you have mind control!"
"The key is to be the master of your mind, your emotions, and your body."
"Hello, my name is Shinso, and my quirk is mind control."
"You have learned to control your mind."
"Once your mind is in your control, you're enlightened."
"The mind not in control is your worst enemy; in control, your greatest ally."