
Philosophical Insight Quotes

There are 1335 quotes

"Every man is born as many men and dies as one."
"You were put on this planet for a purpose, and it was to be fruitful and multiply."
"Isn't it obvious to you that no one perspective can be correct? Isn't that obvious?"
"The mind is a dam that stills the raging river of the world."
"The Choir stumbled upon an epiphany very suddenly and quite by accident. Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads?"
"You can't lose what was never yours in the first place."
"The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only at the falling of the dusk."
"To question our understanding of reality, just as the cave dwellers mistake the shadows for reality, we may base our perceptions on incomplete or distorted information."
"You and I both agree that consciousness is what makes you you and me me."
"For the philosopher Levinas, no matter how well you know someone, there is always something unknown about the other."
"The human face is the way in which this absence of total knowledge appears to us."
"The incredible journey of life is that you're actually waking up to the fact that you are actually this all-powerful mind."
"The implications of...the fact that at the deepest level we are all everyone and everything...is twofold: one, that we are whole, needing nothing...and two, if it's true that at the deepest level we share our being, We Are One reality...these kind of scenarios would be impossible."
"Savage and formidable Potencies lurking behind the souls of men, not evil perhaps in themselves, yet instinctively hostile to humanity as it exists."
"You are as much part of the material as you are part of the mental, and you are as much part of the mental as you are the material."
"We do have a lot in common: the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we focused on what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows."
"Human beings are animals... We have to start thinking about how to get back to something that isn't actually revolutionary."
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
"The color of the sōlō flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline."
"We are a product of our environment, and our environment is very much a part of us."
"The universe is fundamentally a system which creeps up on itself and then says boo, and then it laughs at itself for jumping."
"We can't call anything truth until we can show whether it is true."
"You cannot be told what the matrix is, you must see it for yourself."
"He's so self-absorbed that I legitimately feel like he would be like, 'Oh well, of course, the mind is the most powerful weapon.'"
"Consciousness itself doesn't have the problem of aging or depression."
"He who has a why can bear any how." - Nietzsche
"There's something beyond the physical in understanding conscious experience."
"The freest thing is being free from yourself."
"There are two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity."
"People are never really free until they understand what they're worth."
"We're microscopic and relative to the potential potentials of consciousness."
"Do not be fooled by appearances, the annex world is no less important than the tower."
"Nature doesn't work in black and white thinking. It works in this and that."
"Meaning is the great antidote to a sense that life is just nihilistic."
"A man is defined by his actions, not his memories."
"The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced."
"Ideas have you, modes of being have you, and that recognition means the first level of attention looks something like worship."
"To understand something, you must become that thing."
"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
"Reality is not going to submit to your logical reasoning. It won't. Certain parts of reality will but not the whole of reality."
"There's a conjunction between responsibility and meaning."
"Responsibility, man. That's where the meaning in life is. So, wow, the meaning of life is responsibility. That is something that I have never heard before."
"Basically everything in the universe is connected."
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." - Albert Einstein
"What's so amazing about these different stages, remember like you're sort of each stage is its own reality but the higher stages are a higher reality that incorporates the lower reality."
"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."
"The UFO experience becomes a forcing function to become a better person."
"The belief in it is the issue, it doesn't matter whether it's real or not."
"It says that what we have is likely as good as it gets and to give in to despair and anger is to deny the meaning of the quiet moments of pleasure that we squander daily."
"There's a difference between knowing and proving."
"There's more to life, more to the world, there's more to everything than anybody knows." - Hypnotized Colorado man
"The real way to tell the difference between a religion and a cult is what happens to you after you leave."
"We experience an asymmetry of knowledge and influence between past and future."
"I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it."
"It's a kind of a lie that has helped us realize the truth."
"Money is not everything. When you think of successful, I feel like it must be somebody who is winning a war."
"Taking responsibility makes suffering an intelligible part of the game."
"If you don't see the beauty, you've not arrived yet. One of these days you actually will."
"There's nothing wrong with recognizing that the world needs to be met as it is not as we wish it was."
"It is disagreement, not conformity, that bends the long arc of humanity toward truth and wisdom."
"The goal of this game is not money, it is not control, they already have all of that. This is a soul world war."
"Reality is so complicated that we're all in a permanent state of being wrong."
"Ultimately, N is defeated, and finally addresses the idea that life isn’t about rejecting different ideas, but accepting them."
"Love is ultimately real; everything else is temporary."
"The single greatest need that the human being has is for meaning. It is even greater than for sex."
"We are not privileged, we are not special, we have a solar system."
"The desire for freedom is classical, adheres in the human mind and in the human soul."
"Everyone's the protagonist of their own story."
"Reality is not something that's fixed, it's something that can be tinkered with."
"The eyes once bleached by Falling Stars of utmost revelation will forever see the faint Insight drawn by the overwhelming question as only the true inquiry shapes the edge of thought."
"Horror shows you that any control was an illusion in the first place."
"Patterns arise from chaos is what he's saying."
"Any kind of belief is a prison. Any kind of belief is a prison."
"I love the world I lived in. Just the fact that I can think that makes me very happy."
"The human being has the capacity to make order out of chaos, and that's what gives us intrinsic rights."
"Dreams don't always exactly work out, but that's life."
"He's a mixed bag. He will always be a mixed bag so long as he doesn't have a worldview."
"Life is beautiful but it all depends on what you focus on."
"I genuinely think there's no greater tell of the simulation than Deja Vu."
"Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"Prudence is the answer... I think prudence is the answer."
"The objective is to realize that you are nothing other than awareness."
"For those unaware of any higher sphere, it is a deadly poison."
"There is always something new under the sun."
"Every nation, like every human being, has a darker side and a lighter side." - Michael Kennedy
"The truth of that moral has proven itself on innumerable occasions."
"Humanity finds themselves in a state of ubiquitous misery."
"At some point, we're going to stop separating the natural and the artificial, everything is going to become one."
"Identify your why - the man with a strong enough why can endure anyhow."
"We all have our delusions, our ideas of how the world works."
"But yeah, I mean, I think I think that's where many people are, a sense of spirituality, a sense of something deeper, a sense of the meaning and profundity of life perhaps goes beyond what Richard Dawkins' picture suggests."
"If you're nothing without the saber, you don't deserve to wield one."
"The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability."
"We are all more alike than we are different."
"You never quite know what to expect. Good and evil are engaged in a never-ending battle."
"Life deals its own karmic cycles and lessons."
"The line between good and evil runs through every human heart."
"Those external factors beyond their controller they're what shape us in a way we kind of are those factors even Faraday who serves as the final."
"Humans are odd but there is grace in their feelings."
"I believe that here there can be no confidence and ultimate confidence, but I see that we've seen some glimpse of this confidence."
"Good people are good because they're good and bad people are bad because they're bad."
"I was dead for billion years before I was born and it never troubled me one bit."
"Who would have thought that angels and demons could wing us closer to truth?"
"You can't be 100% neutral ever, and even aspiring to be is almost a fallacy."
"Truth is more important than an individual's happiness."
"This series draws so many parallels to our own existence."
"There is either a form of happiness beyond reiterating pleasures or there isn't."
"You're not a drop in the ocean, you're the ocean in a drop."
"Desire is powerful but disconnected from the will we are helpless."
"The best possessions of man are his senses and when he uses them all he will not be deceived in his survey of nature."
"The approach is the destination, and we are never finished."
"It's almost like dying. There's no borders. It's just all there. It's delicate. There's just the thinnest layer of atmosphere keeping us protected from the vacuum of space."
"Our greatest enemies play a role in our greatest liberation."
"The things you don't know are in the shadows of the things you see."
"At our most basic level, we're all the same."
"The brain refers to itself as a brain rather than as 'me' and 'you'."
"Relevance is irrelevant if we're not first contributing something of value."
"You don't need to be from some out of step sect to believe this, you just have to be human and acknowledge what people actually want."
"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
"The belief was never founded on that story; the story was founded on the belief."
"Every life means something every life has meaning to it."
"A certain darkness is needed to see the light."
"Life needs things to live, but we're not actually living."
"The past is a lie. It is merely a series of intricate narratives told by people desperate to make sense of the nonsensical." - Omar Ibn Rashid
"I only know right now that everything we know is probably wrong."
"Compassion for oneself is the basis for compassion for others."
"Love is what we really are. You are the universe, the universe is in you."
"Wisdom gets you the life you love. You don't get the life you love because you love life."
"Life's deepest truths come from experiencing reality, not solving problems."
"Even though we detailed today a lot about bosses that make us rage, make us quit, and definitely give us some very salty opinions, I don't want you going out into the world feeling bad and carrying negativity and anger out there."
"History teaches us that events are often cyclical and that in the end, man is more opinionated than wise."
"Elation and despair: progress requires an optimism and pessimism to coexist."
"This might change the way we look at our place in the universe."
"To be humble means to be grounded in the truth."
"Eternity is not something everlasting and you can have it right here now in your relationships."
"Recognizing we live in clown world doesn't mean literal. It's an act of philosophical transcendence."
"Everything is as it should be, although mankind is far from experiencing its potential."
"The fault though is not in the stars, it's in us."
"History doesn't always repeat, but it sure rhymes."
"The truth will set you free. Truth is the most important thing in the world."
"I find it so interesting here that she fixates on this idea of a death of an ego because through her wisdom through grief she has come to the understanding that you're not in control of anything when your time is up."
"Not all treasure is silver and gold." - Virulent Viper
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"The purpose of the world is not to be an insipid fool's paradise, rather it is to be a tragedy in which the will to life recognizes itself and turns away from itself." - Schopenhauer
"You are life passing through your body, passing through your mind, passing through yourself."
"So was it worth doing the trolley experiment? I think it was definitely worth it."
"Life definitely places philosophical demands on you."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"I've learned to love the thing I wished most had not happened."
"To turn one's back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment."
"But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability."
"Trust that things are going to sort of flow into the right space."
"The deepest darkness is always the most enlightening."
"If something can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who believe that they're free."
"Thinking is the highest function of which a human being is capable."
"The name of something is not the same as the value of something."
"Common sense isn't so common, and that's true."
"We live in a paradoxical world of integrated multiple truths."
"I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are just details."
"Maybe not everything should be valued based on how much money it makes."
"No matter how evil somebody is, there's some good in all the evil people."
"Steiner's teachings provide a framework for understanding the complexities of the human experience, offering insights into the interplay of spiritual forces that influence our lives."
"I think the mind is the only thing that limits us."
"Jupiter is spirituality, philosophy, understanding God... he magnifies or exposes things."
"It's the human heart in conflict with itself."
"If you can start to break the small gears in the machine of the cosmos, some of the larger gears will follow suit."
"Only kindness that makes sense anymore... raises its head from the crowd of the world."
"Everything is possible but not everything is real."
"When you emerge on the other side, you'll find nothing, but that nothing will be clear and bright, a guiding light into a better yet fleeting life."
"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men."
"Nothing is exactly exactly not only power we said knowledge and wisdom so all of your attributes that you have... are superior to the tree."
"Awareness of death is just the tax that we pay for the gift of being self-aware. It's like it sucks, but that's the price we pay to be able to be human."
"If you can measure it, it's science. Everything else is poetry." - Dr. David Spiegel
"There is a crack in everything and that is how the light gets in."
"Reality is the thing we have, hard as it is to sometimes see."
"The truth doesn't work for everybody - sobering realization."
"Time is not linear, okay? So when we say 2020 to 2024, let's not get caught up in our ego consciousness and really track those years."
"The past and the future are linked, always linked."
"The greatest truths are so simple that most people will stumble across them, pick themselves up, and just keep on walking because they won't even recognize that they just hit an axiom."
"What makes it worthwhile, right? You know, you're completely out... you have no idea what you're... It's almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is. Responsibility. That's what gives life meaning."
"The line between good and evil runs through every heart."
"Human beings are a little bit too complex to have one answer to that question."
"Sin is redefined... it's not moral wrongdoing, it's dysfunction and ignorance of the true self."
"I'm a staunch atheist... but at the same time, I accept that the loss of religion did play a part in the rise of hopelessness."
"Contradiction is so fascinating to me because it exposes the lie that you're telling yourself."
"The thing that always interests me is I think like contradiction is so fascinating to me because I think it exposes the lie that you're telling yourself."
"Strength is relative and can therefore only be measured by what's around it."
"Nihilism is the act of willing nothing because mankind will desire something... in the absence of something man will sooner will nothing than not will at all."
"Life is so complex... sometimes it's just everything."
"Time can be our tool, but we can be its slave."
"Freedom, when understood, brings people together."
"You cannot predict the consequences of freedom."
"The truth is like the Sun, it can't be hidden for too long."
"The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility."
"Miracles are a dime a dozen. They happen every day. Ah, but the mysteries are the things that we can ponder for eternity and I believe it." - Tom Hanks.
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it does tend to rhyme."
"Nothing really exists, and my fear of that known existence."
"When the time is right, the meaning shall reveal itself."
"The more you think you know, the more you know you don't know."