
Personal Health Quotes

There are 1146 quotes

"Don't forget to take care of yourself as you care for someone else."
"It's like a game, like how healthy can I get?"
"I've had junk food my addictions around me all the time, and it's because I used willpower."
"Everybody's a more pleasant person when they have a good night of sleep."
"It's very difficult to bring your light to the world, the light that's going to leave your mark on the world, that's going to influence people, if you are burnt out and you are not healed."
"When you understand what you are, you see what different combinations of doshas look like."
"Stress management is all about taking charge of our lifestyles, thoughts, emotions, and the way one deals with problems."
"You can't help everyone if you're not helping yourself."
"For me, discipline has literally been something that separated me and my companies from the competition. It's improved my marriage. It has, at 47, put me in the best shape of my life."
"Poor boundaries can really impact our lives in many ways: it can put us at risk for entering into toxic relationships, it can put people at risk for dangerous situations, it can also result in people taking on more than they need to, taking on more caregiving responsibilities, more work responsibilities in a way that can really take a toll on both their physical and their mental health."
"Loving yourself is being honest and working on yourself and improving yourself, but doing so in a way that is positive and healthy."
"The idea that a check engine light for your car can inform you of issues is coming to healthcare to give you your own early warning signals."
"Be the best version of you; you can look at me for inspiration, but at the end of the day, this is your body."
"It's a very individual conversation about your circumstances, risks, benefits, and for you to make the right choice."
"I am someone who simply cannot function at all without a minimum of eight hours of sleep."
"He went six months with two to four hours of sleep every night."
"Sometimes these start to give me actual headaches so I'm going to finish my iced coffee and make some dinner."
"I'm trying to get back into working out and being more active because that's something that really helps me."
"Your body is super powerful. The point is, you can build immune health."
"Just get moving. Whether that's walking, whether that's incorporating some of my training curriculum, but don't let yourself get intimidated by the possibility of getting in better shape."
"After fasting on the regular for 20 hours, my hormone belly went away. I never thought I'd have a flat belly at 60."
"I used to think you can't have feelings 'cause we're all these alpha males. We can't have feelings. You can't. I feel like that's bullshit. You're just gonna explode."
"I lost 25 pounds. That's what happens when you starve yourself for 23 hours a day."
"The best diet is the diet that makes you feel the best and gives you the most health."
"Not everybody has the same response to any particular food, which is why it's so important to know your body."
"What you do to benefit your own personal health also happens to benefit the planet and the animals that we share the planet with."
"Let's be the best examples that we can. Let's work out, let's eat healthy, let's do all the things."
"I lost 29 pounds that I have lost in one year from intermittent fasting."
"Healthy sleep can range from six hours maybe slightly less than that, out to 10 or 11 hours."
"You get to know your body intimately and that's one of the most important things."
"Food is medicine. What you take in the form of food is something that should fit your constitution, that should be in harmony with your constitution."
"The things that have genuinely helped me out in my life so far are going to the gym and eating healthier, going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, writing my goals down for the week, the month, or the year."
"Take care of people. So, take care of yourself. You really have to."
"Everyone should be able to expect some level of privacy, especially when it comes to something as intensely personal as your health."
"The very beginning of this conversation is what's it worth to you. What is your quality of life equation?"
"I think I found a diet that works well for me. Obviously, it will be different for different people, but this is what allows me to be consistent about eating quality foods."
"We're going to see how I feel after drinking alkaline water only."
"If you can't take care of yourself first, you have nothing to give the world."
"If I eat meat, I feel like a million bucks. I'm ready to rock."
"If you're watching this video, then chances are you've attempted to diet on your own in the past and you likely saw some success with it, maybe lost a few pounds or maybe lost a ton of weight, but eventually, you reached a point where you just got stuck despite working out and dieting as hard as ever."
"Healthy relationships come from two people who are both coming from a place of health."
"The most important intervention for me, in terms of changing how I experience myself and how I manage my health, has been my morning meditation practice."
"Your PH balance should mean everything to you... be very careful who you lay down in the bed with."
"Any way of eating can be sustainable if you learn how to do it."
"Wendy is still able to do many things for herself, most importantly, she maintains her trademark sense of humor and is receiving the care she requires."
"I know the system that I'm on right now; I can't sustain for the long run. I know I have to start changing things in my life, my routine, eating better."
"Since I've been on carnivore, I feel decades younger."
"Sometimes it's individual response too. How many times have you been to a doctor and you had to switch to another drug because it wasn't effective for you, whereas for the next guy it worked just fine?"
"It's different for everybody. Not everyone's skin is as reactive to what's going on in their gut."
"One thing I wish I knew when I was younger, it's less about eliminating and more about knowing what to bring into your diet."
"It's not leftist to work out, it's just a good thing. Not everything you do is supposed to be for revolutionary purpose."
"The power of the CGM is that you see what happens in real time in your own body."
"Self-love is the best love. If you don't have self-love, then you're not loving yourself, man. That's not good because you need to have the best self-love."
"It's not selfish to look after yourself. It's actually selfless."
"What matters most in your life: your health, your family, your loved ones."
"Nobody wishes this kind of thing on anybody. All of us at Vote for America at the Lincoln Project send our very best wishes to the president and to Mrs. Trump on a hopefully speedy recovery." - Jennifer Horn
"I do not miss that style of eating it made me feel so horrible it made me feel lethargic it made me feel bloated it made me feel sleepy and just not good about myself like it just didn't make me feel good about myself."
"When you're not out and about vlogging, people have questions because the last time you actually were bed-bound when you said you were bed-bound."
"I cured my rosacea, and honestly, I feel like I cured my rosacea."
"Anytime in my life, and look for my late 30s, I very much did that due to injuries and being beat up and hurt my body was falling apart."
"It makes no sense when we know that everybody responds so differently to these different diets to say this is the diet for you right it's like you need to to to to try it and see what works."
"Taking care of yourself is about returning to the things that bring you joy."
"I feel like everybody in my life truly right now just wants what's best for me and I want what's best for them and it's so incredibly healthy and I think it all stemmed from also taking care of myself and putting myself first."
"Ultimately, you don't owe anyone your health."
"The secret is taking full responsibility for your health."
"Bolton has paused his touring plans... to focus on his recovery."
"My dad literally, his medicine is honey and cinnamon. He takes honey and cinnamon, mixes it up, and he takes a spoonful every day, and my dad has never been sick."
"I think I get quite tense in my legs... I tried so hard to relax then."
"Who doesn't like to hear nice things about themselves, but it is pathological when you absolutely need it and can't live without it."
"Losing weight was the most positive thing I've ever done for my body."
"Boundaries are important... It's important to establish healthy boundaries energetically from a young age."
"I have not had any soda since 2020 I have only drank water."
"Glad you went carnivore and feel better thank you me too."
"I take only two supplements: magnesium and vitamin D."
"There's no benign food, so it's very much about drilling down and listening to your body."
"I've never felt more in tune and Alive as I do now eating Whole Foods, ancient Foods, heirloom Foods."
"I want you to be a happier, healthier person, and it's okay to work on yourself, man. I do it, and I'm better for it too."
"I lost seven kilograms, started sleeping better, and had twice the energy."
"You're not selfish for putting yourself first, it's about setting boundaries."
"Get well soon. Oh, it's fine, I just get headaches now and again."
"Most of health does not get created by the doctor... it's created by your lifestyle."
"My body honestly has not felt this good since college."
"I feel like I've got my mojo back of the gym I feel like I just needed some time off so that I could rejuvenate myself and I feel like that's quite an important thing to do sometimes."
"It's the overconsumption of carbohydrate that exceeds an individual's tolerance. It's not some magical number; it's different for everybody."
"Our ego is so overdrained by the news, marketing, education, politics, etc., that it causes a fight-or-flight response all the time."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking a poison and yet expecting someone else to die."
"It wasn't until my body completely broke down and my body developed all of these health issues that I realized something has to change here."
"Realistically, you're not damaging yourself, you're actually healing yourself."
"Since being vegan, I don't feel lethargic after I eat."
"Nobody knows your body like you know your own body."
"Understanding of science will help you adapt the plan to what works best for you."
"You don't have to get down to below 25 BMI to see significant results."
"Always take a break when you feel like you need it because it helps. You'll come back better than ever."
"I feel like I'm 35 years old again really I swear to God I feel like I'm 35."
"Walking away from something when you know it's bad can be a good thing."
"I reached a point where I didn't want to feel that way anymore so I was going to do whatever it took to get rid of my acne."
"Whether you have mild or not very bad acne or whether you have terrible cystic acne all over your face regardless it still impacts you so much on your self-confidence and the way you feel about yourself."
"When I really cut both dairy and meat out and went vegan and plant-based my skin started to show improvements within three or six months"
"I don't feel I look 45. Multi-collagen helps improve skin texture."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I'm all stuffed up because I have been treating myself poorly and not sleeping enough trying to get it done."
"Food is a very powerful tool to change everything that we believe in, the way that we look, the way that we approach problems in life." - Joshua Weissman
"Every single person has a level of bio individuality. Research and data is great, but honestly it's just research. It's not the end-all be-all. We have to know what works for us."
"Things are crazy, moving on. Yeah, you'll be hospitalized soon. Let's have some fun."
"What prescription do you need to write for yourself?"
"The mind can hold tremendous power over our bodies."
"Let go gracefully, freedom curiously enough although this says you know makes you aware that someone or something is draining your life force."
"The only one you can really count on for your health is you."
"Sometimes you want something so bad, you don't care how bad it is for you."
"Your brain feels less foggy, I feel sharper, I feel less heavy, I feel less tired, I feel like I can do a hundred things in a day just because I've switched over my food."
"I probably got in the best shape of my life at 52 years old."
"You can heal your body and your life if you're willing to change."
"Sober is really good, I really like being sober, I like not having to think about it."
"I'm in the best shape of my life physically."
"No man has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training."
"Health is wealth and mainly to just tell myself that it is okay to be where I'm at right now."
"I've had 35 operations and I'm 37 years old so I'm crushing it."
"The best predictor of your future health is your current health."
"Meat makes me feel awesome, and every time I've tried to transition to a much higher plant-based diet, I don't feel as good."
"It's all awesome but I feel like I'm done... I really need to take a break."
"I don't like daylight saving time. It makes me sick."
"CBD is amazing, it's really changed my life."
"That's a good workout... a really good workout."
"Fasting is honestly like so advantageous from many many different perspectives."
"Alcohol probably like I I know definitively that alcohol only makes my life worse"
"I am the first person to take the vaccine, so woohoo!"
"You will lose your sanity if you don't have a little time to yourself."
"Get out, exercise, sunlight, health, happiness, and beyond."
"Self-care is bad? Your head explodes because you're taking care of yourself as a human being. That's awful."
"If there's ever been a time where you got to take your weight seriously today's the time."
"You're not feeling a hundred percent today, so you're protecting me."
"Not putting up with any kind of toxicity, anything that's gonna look or feel unhealthy for them."
"Most people don't stand a chance even if they want to be healthy."
"How much do you think he gained? What do you think he did? What do you think of his diet model?"
"Focus less on how your body looks but how it makes you feel."
"Healthy people respect healthy boundaries. Unhealthy people have never met a boundary they like."
"The bottom-up revolution is individuals taking charge of their own health."
"Zero carb daddy: 7.8 now 5.2 A1C lost 78 pounds."
"Keto works for a lot of people, but it doesn't mean that it works for everybody."
"Don't let yourself be consumed by the job, keep yourself in a healthy space."
"I've always been in good shape generally speaking people always say well you you know and this is only relevant because of the show otherwise I won't be talking about it because it'd be boring to people and it's boring to me."
"I don't know why everyone demonizes it but the girl obviously does know how to build a balanced snack and ultimately I'm just glad she's not forcing herself to eat something that she hates."
"Just focus on being healthier right now, then those results will last you much longer."
"Having high blood pressure is not your fault, but it is your problem."
"Your habits are gonna affect what you eat... do you exercise... do you invest in your education..."
"Epigenetics is our controllable variable. It empowers us to influence our own health and experience of life."
"The best fat loss diet for you really does primarily come down to the issue of sustainability."
"L Charles Bentley almost had to get his leg straight up cut off."
"I think the biggest thing for me, just like someone who's like just trying to stay in shape is like breakfast."
"Life is more effortless when you're healthier, happier, and wealthier."
"Time to walk away from what's stressing you out."
"I'm not anti-vaxxed, man. I've vaccinated in so many ways."
"I'm excited. Let's find out what I can't eat."
"Take time out to take care of yourself, self-care is essential."
"This is about wanting people to be informed about the health decisions they are making for themselves."
"You have to learn how to create your own health on a daily basis."
"The best workout is the one that you're gonna do."
"I would rather see folks focusing on how clothes make them feel rather than the number on the scale."
"Please take care of yourself and each other."
"Help me to eliminate anything that's unhelpful or unhealthy in my life."
"I always encourage people to listen to their body, not to Dogma. A lot of our nutrition advice is based on 'be keto' or 'be paleo' or 'be vegan' or 'be this' or 'be that' - be raw. And the truth is, it depends on you."
"It's not about denying yourself a food that you love outright but about collecting data over time on how food makes you feel."
"To feel good, you gotta feel good and it's hard work to feel good."
"I'm mad because I've had this surgery before, it's not a fun one, not a quick recovery, it's not something that I'm excited about."
"The greatest gift you can give to the world is a healthy you."
"Breast reduction surgery is something that has happened before and my family has been talked a lot about a lot before in my family."
"You need to honor your own health and release envy. Trust your path."
"If you're scared to check your bank account, your screen time, or what's going on in your body, that is a really good sign that you have to check it right now."
"I'm doing something good for my body... giving my body the nutrition it craves."
"Decentralization is epic, we need more of it."
"I've personally been working on my health of late, losing 60 pounds over the last year, and I have to say I've simply have never felt better in years."
"I committed to making 10 key lifestyle changes to see if I could turn this all around."
"Within just seven days, I've managed to bring the average sleep time all the way up from four hours to almost seven."
"Feeling pretty good, had a really nice sleep last night."
"Practicing good self-care is important to keep my memory functioning at its best."
"It's just what I found works for me and my body."
"I've been doing yoga the past few days and it's really been making me feel good."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"Don't underestimate the power of an impact of the impact that you can make by being healthy and caring about yourself because you can help so much people by just doing that."
"The magic comes when you get rid of the toxic stuff."
"I am very much pro-vaccine. Now that I've had the vaccine, I'm done. All that's going to happen to me if I get a breakthrough case is I will have the sniffles."
"The truth is, for many years, I have not been well."
"Take good care of you and make those positive changes."
"I was really happy with my results because I've dropped like three percent body fat."
"I love my Peloton anytime I'm feeling like [__] or whatever I just go get on."
"I'm starting to think I might be better off without any of them in my life."
"Within a couple of weeks, I was noticing dramatic weight loss. I had much more energy, I felt better."
"I didn't get a lot of sleep paralysis while I was involved in Santeria."
"You cannot take care of other people if you are not taking care of yourself."
"Your hair is asking for a break and it's also asking for oxygen lay off the bleach you idiot."
"We need to start teaching kids to trust their own inner wisdom about food."
"Thanks for watching, y'all. I'm feeling a little bit better."
"This low-fat experiment that I did on myself gave me insane results."
"I had arthritis as a kid. That's one a lot of people don't know. I had child arthritis in my legs when I was younger from like the age of 8 to about 11."
"Food as medicine or healing myself of hypertension, sleep apnea, and obesity."
"Stay safe, stay sober, whatever that looks like to you because there is no wrong way to recover."
"He was just burned out by the age of 42, he had just burned himself up."
"It's easier to get going, more energy, just feel better, just feel better."
"Caring for myself is not an act of self-indulgence, it is an act of revolutionary warfare." - Audrey Lord
"Anything that can remind us to take care of ourselves and to put ourselves first as a general matter, I am definitely down for."
"You can feel better by taking care of yourself first and foremost."