
Fear Management Quotes

There are 842 quotes

"Health is not not being afraid, it's being able to healthily flexibly move back and forth from a state of fear to non-fear."
"If you can just slow down the emotional brain and train the rational brain to work a little bit faster, your whole relationship with fear completely changes."
"If you get angry at those thoughts... if you run from the monster, it chases you. And if you face it, it runs from you."
"It's said that the true measure of courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you." - Psalms 56:3
"This is the message that changed my life personally, just walking through fear and anxiety and walking through that with the truth of God's word."
"Prophecy protects our expectations from fear and doomsday predictions."
"We're going to use the fact that your mind is either working for you for excitement or against you with fear to your advantage."
"Fear is real. You can't control the feelings that are going to rise up in your body... but you can always control what you think, and you can always make a decision about the actions you're going to take."
"Fear is the mind killer. You can't be in fear because once you get into fear, you make stupid decisions."
"You have either the option of going flat out and to turn off your brain and just go flat out, and cross your fingers it's gonna work, or you have to cultivate something to deal with fear, to deal with emotions, and let it go."
"So I will take the hurt of stepping out of my comfort zone but I will remove resistance of fear, uncertainty, and doubt so that it's only discomfort and not suffering."
"It's not about making the fear go away; it's about facing the fear and jumping through it."
"Be totally present... your mind, in order to be fearful, what it's doing is it's jumping into the future and it's projecting images of bad stuff that's gonna happen."
"The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they handle fear."
"If you focus on what you fear, you steer in the direction of what you focus on."
"Fear is something that we all experience, so the question today is how to keep it from controlling or even crippling our lives."
"Fear right now is not going to serve me, so I'm going to put that aside."
"Every time you are in fear, you are moving away from the present moment and the power is right here, right now."
"Courage... is acknowledging your fears, analyzing the consequences, and then deciding you care so much about it you're still gonna take one thoughtful step forward anyway."
"Acknowledging and being sensitive to your own fears is a true demonstration of bravery."
"The real struggle in a relationship is balancing both [fear of abandonment and fear of being smothered] because you have two people experiencing each of those fears."
"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquering of our fears."
"The trick isn't about overcoming the fear. It's about acknowledging it... and then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being controlled by emotion."
"The whole purpose of this preparedness thing is not to live in a petrified state of fear and dread and negativity."
"Fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill-health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age, and fear of death are the six basic fears that need to be eliminated."
"The irony of obsessive loss aversion is that our worst fears become realized in our attempt to manage them."
"Instead, we need to learn how to negotiate with these fears. Don't just shut them out; it won't last."
"Dreaming may have developed as a way to prepare our brains to handle the situations of which we are most fearful before they happen."
"How do we rid ourselves of the fear of suffering? The suffering is happening because your faculties are not held in your hands."
"The grace to make changes is for people who can feel the fear and move with it, move with it, move with it."
"I think religions are the stories we've told ourselves to keep from having to admit that we don't know or to assuage our fears."
"Education, critical thinking, and familiarity are key to diminishing fears, not by saying 'don't be afraid,' but by giving people the tools to assess their fears rationally."
"I try to stay as stoic as possible at times like these and not succumb to fear and irrationality."
"You're going to start observing and being very mindful of the thoughts going on in your mind, and as soon as you observe a thought that's based in fear, that's based in scarcity, you're just going to observe it, but you're not going to get involved with it."
"When we get to periods of extreme fear, what I like to do is block out the noise and look at the fundamentals to see whether there is any basis for extreme fear because if you have noise and extreme fear and no fundamentals to back it, then it could be the biggest buying opportunity before a parabolic bull run."
"Whatever is meant for you will come into your life. Don't block that by being in resistance and holding on from a place of fear."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the mastery of it."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the determination to move forward in spite of it."
"There's something spiritual to all this, and just know this: the Bible says that Satan is the one that traffics in fear."
"The tipping point for us was when we were more afraid not to do it than we were afraid to do it."
"True courage doesn't come out of lack of fear; it comes in the face of fear."
"Once you get really good and fast at this stuff, it's going to blow your mind how much of your email you throw away once you kind of lose the fear."
"Once you start to see it as a thing that's being done for a reason, I think it makes it a little bit less scary."
"The Bible teaches a perfect love drives out fear, and fear will only suck your relationship dry."
"It is so important that we don't allow the fear of it happening to shut us off from the possibility of meaningful loving connection with men."
"The fear is justifiable, but it's not a sufficient reason to retreat."
"You are always going to have a little bit of fear in you. It's normal. The difference is some people choose to be aware of the thought and then flip it on its head."
"It's nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear."
"Don't be scared of how it might turn out. Everything's gonna be fine."
"Sometimes they think the consequences of being vulnerable are going to be the end of the world, and when they see, and I thought it was too, and it did not end up being the end of the world."
"Avoiding fear won't help you overcome it; you have to face it."
"The fear of failure, the fear of abandonment, the fear, all those fears that take place and um, I mean understandable."
"Conquer the fear of death, conquer any fear."
"Money is a resource. It is there. The minute you're afraid of money, the minute you're afraid of anything."
"Writing a list of all of your biggest fears and going all in on each fear at a time until you overcome it."
"It's okay to be scared. It's okay. But you know, like you say, 'haints get a nun.' But what's happening if you're hanging off a cliff? You're gonna be scared."
"This is about recognizing the truth and seeing the fear, identifying the fear, and it's not so fearful."
"Remember, it's not right yet... feel the fear and do it anyway."
"Fear, when it runs out of control, is like a fire. It consumes you."
"If I serve a God who created the same things that I'm afraid of and he loves me logic says he's going to protect me."
"The only thing you have to fear is fear itself."
"You're afraid that's robbing you of all of the experiences that you want to have in your life."
"Rather than being afraid of it, you need to learn to harness it and use it to your advantage."
"He's in charge, and so we don't have to be afraid."
"Are you paralyzed by fear? That's a good sign. Fear is good, like self-doubt. Fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do."
"Anyone that's perhaps hesitant for getting a vaccine, because you're maybe needle-phobic or you have a reaction like I do, there is... it's easy for me to say there really is no reason to be."
"Don't take everything so serious and be afraid of everything you see."
"Don't let fear of being cursed or ashamed motivate your giving. Trust in God's provision."
"Monsters allow us to visualize these fears and help us deal with them more easily."
"Don't make decisions based on fear as always stay safe out there."
"I think there's more power in being able to take responsibility for the things that you do versus avoiding the things that you want to do because you're afraid."
"This is about transforming fear into actions."
"You can't fear man and trust God. If you're going to have faith in God, you cannot fear man. The two cancel each other out. Faith and fear cancel each other out."
"Replace fear with hope, research, information, and an action plan."
"Doing things that you're uncomfortable with or scared of is how you grow as a person."
"Witness your fears, call them out, and defuse them."
"There's claims from both sides about wide-scale use of alcohol and drugs in order to try and get these guys to overcome their fears and go forward, even though their chance of survival is very, very low."
"Figure out what you're afraid of and then make a plan."
"It doesn't just happen instantly, even though it's still really scary. You still have to get the creatures out."
"You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time."
"Stop doing stuff out of fear of what people will think or out of fear of upsetting people."
"When you are encountering that fear... you submit even more to Christ... you're renewed and you're recreated."
"If there's one takeaway that you get from all of this, don't be fearful."
"Fear immobilizes, faith moves even when you are fearful."
"Accepting the endless cycle of change helps big and small fears fade away."
"Jesus told us more than a hundred times, 'Do not be afraid.'"
"A lot of people are afraid of deployment but it's not that bad if you break it down into steps."
"There's always a logical explanation for things, even if they do seem absolutely petrifyingly scary."
"Don't live in fear, remember that God is still on His throne."
"Take the power that you've been giving to fear, take it back and give it to yourself because you hold the power to make the changes in your life that you want to make."
"Paul faces a deadly needle, and to survive he has to stay still, mastering his fear and his body."
"Confidence comes with practice, right? So if something makes you feel afraid, you just gotta try it. You have to get used to doing it a few times."
"Turn around and approach. The monster will cease to be monstrous."
"Highly successful people recognize when fear is holding them back and then they learn how to put the gas on to move forward."
"Life is just too short to waste it in fear of something that maybe shouldn't be feared at all."
"Anytime we see this happen most people panic and no good financial decision comes out of fear."
"Courage is really not the absence of fear, but it is the management of fear. It is available because or else what is courageous about it?"
"I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence."
"Fear prefers to dish out punishment in smaller quantities."
"Success comes from keeping fear in check, saying 'yes I can'."
"Fear is like fire. If you control it, it can be your friend. If not, it can destroy you."
"Becoming fearless is key. Our bodies are automatic systems to tell us fight or flight."
"Fear is an illusion that's not real. You look in the mirror and you tell yourself what you are, that's what you are."
"Every time you fall I do temporarily forget these boots will save us it's pretty scary."
"Our challenge is to hold on to our hope and our outrage without being hijacked by our fear. It's okay to feel fear. It does not mean that you cannot move forward."
"I'm not saying the virus isn't real; it's just nothing to be afraid of."
"Eliminate fear by conscious practice. You have to consciously practice the right things over and over."
"Every warrior must fight their inner fear of failure."
"I think in fact if there's anything any message that we're getting in the media it's don't be afraid of aliens."
"Should I believe this? No, you should not because that belief is causing you fear and causing you harm."
"Fear is always a constant, but accepting it, that's where we win the battle."
"Courage is acting as though you weren't afraid."
"Don't be afraid, the only thing that's going to guarantee that is doing nothing."
"I want to make decisions based on curiosity not fear."
"Fear is never good. It's really not a healthy feeling."
"You never overcome your fear of failure, you just live your life in spite of it."
"You don't need to overcome the fear, you need to level up your fear resistance."
"Have a happy Monday. Don't fear anything, okay? Fear is of the enemy, and worrying is the sin."
"Fear and panic are dangerous, concerns and worries are understandable, but let's calm down and do the right things."
"Tackle the problem first and face it. That's one thing I wasn't doing at this from the start. I was scared to face the story, I guess."
"Fear attracts that ultimate outcome, so navigate through using trust, using transparency, using your intuition, and then knowing that the universe is going to help you get on the right path."
"Don't let fear have all of you. Save some of you for your faith and your fire."
"If there's any one particular fear that you should have, you should fear the unknown around days like this."
"Teach me how to navigate these fears, teach me how to stand up."
"The thing that everyone realizes is that once you've uploaded your first video, all of that fear kind of goes away because you realize, that no one gives a shit, like no one actually cares whether you're uploading videos to YouTube."
"Courage is the willingness to act in spite of fear."
"I had such a fear of being wrong, I also had a fear of being right."
"I need an elytra, and then I won't feel terrified."
"Fear is a demonic spirit, rebuke it in Jesus' name."
"Bravery: being the only one who knows you're afraid."
"There's no need to succumb to fear during these times. Staying informed is critical."
"The difference: hustle because you love it versus being dragged by fear."
"Keep doing what you're doing. It might be nerve-wracking, it might be scary, okay?"
"I do not bring these topics up to place a spirit of fear on you. Do not have fear. This information is for eyes to be awakened not to start some revolution."
"At first you got to get over that fear like I'm never probably going to see this person ever again."
"Free solo means it's terrifying and I saw it last night it's also incredible."
"Confidence starts with the willingness to try. The greater confidence you have, the more you're willing to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and beat fear."
"If being fat is your number one biggest fear you are going to have a rough time being an adult."
"You don't need to be afraid of these things you need to be prepared for them."
"Fear can be something that can either suppress you or it can be used to propel you."
"Expose yourself to the thing that you fear, but in very small steps so that it's manageable."
"That didn't happen and to exchange that fear or even not even exchange it but just override that fear with gratitude."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's acting despite it."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the willingness to face it."
"The answer is not fear. The answer is not panic."
"Fear will lead you to what you're really afraid of."
"Fear of a tower moment... change your mindset."
"What would it be like if you apply this same intention the same power and energy to breaking your fears of food?"
"We're surrendering any need we have to control out of fear."
"The fear of the thing is usually worse than the thing itself."
"Courage is to take action in the face of fear."
"Belief is prioritizing what God has said above what fear says, above what the world says."
"Fear's just saying, 'I'm asking for more information.'"
"Let fear coexist with your dream. Don't wait for the fear to dissipate."
"Perfect love casts out fear. If you bring that fear in off the screen, that fear will surely disappear."
"Deals a lot with fears... everything we don't like to confront directly."
"There's nothing to fear but fear itself and when you come from love you're coming from the heart and that is Leo."
"Speaking of important things, if you feel fear, you should do it anyway."
"Fear is a very powerful element of your emotional guidance system. So when you feel fear, it makes you know that the next step is to turn your attention towards whatever perception that is or whatever thought you're thinking."
"It's okay to start before you're ready, you gotta start poop your pants scared, you gotta just start."
"Undying belief, terrifying fear, and the ability to delay gratification."
"The answer to crippling fear is trust in God's love, care, and provisions for us."
"Ash encourages Lily to not give up on overcoming her fear."
"Trusting yourself to know that you're able to adapt... and to not be afraid of the unknown."
"Feed the beast, starve your fears. Focus on what you want to make happen, not on what happened."
"Just because something is a first doesn't mean it's bad, don't fear yourself out, stay the course, focus long term, focus on investing not trading and you'll be okay."
"It feels like a tremendous relief... something that was really pretty scary worked out very well in the end."
"Enjoy your day, don't be afraid, don't buy into the fear."
"If you are playing Apex and can't really seem to improve, some big tips I can give you is to simply just not play scared."
"Don't be afraid of what is to come and don't grieve over that which you have lost."
"Work through your fears and make some adjustments."
"Living your life in fear isn't the way that we should be; it's allowing our faith to be greater than that."
"There's only love. Whenever I go into fear... I go right back to love."
"Your mind can be controlled, fostering productivity."
"Let go of your fears; don't attract something bad into your situation."
"Make friends with fear, you'll be even stronger and more cunning."
"Heroism is not being fearless, heroism is taking action despite your fear."
"Don't be afraid of the unknown, pay attention to your dreams and allow them to take flight, not your fears."
"Embrace your fear of rejection but don't let it control you."
"Monsters aren't ever going away. But we can seek to understand them."
"It's not something to fear, but fear is not gonna do you any good."
"Learn to love failure. Pursue it with reckless abandon. Turn fear into fun."
"All animals are part of the angelic realm and if you look at things like snakes and tarantulas, I think this person called up bugs but it's familiarity, being familiar with those animals helps you regain some level of comfort and stops the fear."
"If you're prepared then you don't have to fear anything."
"You can't be scared by something when you are expecting it to happen."
"Courage must be summoned in spite of your fear."
"Don't fear the unknown. Lean on your circle of supernatural support."
"There is a new beginning happening here... but there are... fears that could be holding you back from going down a new path."
"Don't let your fear of making mistakes hold you back."
"Courage is not having no fear; it's having fear but acting despite the fear."
"I will not allow my own fear to get in the way of a healthy delivery."
"Fear is that energy which is most used and fed upon by those entities you describe as negative."
"Trusting yourself to know that hey this is what I'm here to do. I'm not going to let fear talk me out of it."
"This is not about fear-mongering. Entertain the possibility and think about what that means calmly and rationally."
"There does come a moment when the fear of continuing on the path that you're on becomes greater than the fear of taking action."
"I think we shouldn't base our decisions by fear, what might have come. I think we have to do what is right."
"I think a lot of people go into it afraid there's really nothing to be afraid of there are pros and there are cons."
"We are entering into the very final harvest."