
Personal Efficiency Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Your engagement with technology doesn't just have to do with laziness or discipline or you sucking at life. It has to do with a lot of like the state of your mind, your internal emotional state, your fatigue state."
"A lot of the productivity tips that people give... are actually more pitfalls than tips."
"Focusing on one task at a time is actually benefiting you and helping you to not waste so much time."
"In the world of highly organized individuals, time is treated as a valuable commodity."
"Bruce Lee said, 'If you value your life, you will value your time,' because time is what makes up your life."
"Do the best work you can, not the hardest work you can."
"The human brain doesn't know the difference between something you vividly imagine and something that's real."
"Being on time for things is kind of like a magical power."
"Have you ever found yourself wishing for more efficiency in your day-to-day life?"
"If you're a music lover, you definitely need Spotify."
"One of the things I like about discovering new apps and new workflows is that when you find the right one that works for you... it becomes almost a tool for thought."
"Well done, Scarlett. Your efficiency literally amazes me. We love that for you and nobody saw."
"My philosophy about using technology is, you have to master them. It needs to work for you, and you shouldn't work for that."
"It's not that much time if you dedicate to it consistently relative to what you would spend on figuring out what to eat."
"Focus and night owl: the perfect combo for leveling up."
"Power is really nothing if you can't harness it and make it accurate for you."
"Every single person has the same 24 hours in a day, the celebrities, the most successful people in the world, your role models, the people that you aspire to be more like."
"It's not procrastination, it's called strategic timing."
"I spend so little time on my mistakes it would make your fucking head spin."
"Find out when your personal peaks of attention are."
"It's taught me how to prioritize and use my time more wisely, something I've never been good at."
"I used to color code plan all the time and I absolutely loved it."
"If I can spend some time now and save some time later, that's kind of one of the big aspects of my Minecraft world."
"Complete package bro... the way you stay on top of everything and your Workhorse... that is very motivating."
"I feel like I am is a reasonable time to start 9:00 or 10:00 as well is totally fine it really just depends on how you structure your days."
"My ability to be able to actually get my shopping list in place is super easy."
"I love being productive... so often people don't organize their stuff."
"Prepare your work area...getting your work area set up and organized will immensely benefit you."
"If you master preparation it avoids stress buildup and anxiety."
"I promise it's going to make your life so much easier and you'll be on time and you won't forget your appointments."
"A never-ending story with someone you've known before in a past life."
"Sacred union of the divine masculine and the divine feminine."
"These tips and tricks have made me more productive and I'm sure they'll make you more productive as well."
"I just get more done, I'm just a better person when I'm wearing track pants."
"Simplifying your state is a huge return on investment."
"My workspace or my desk setup has a huge impact on just how productive I am."
"You do have enough hours in the day. You do."
"It's personal preference... it's what makes you the most productive."
"I just think it's an upgrade from a backpack because everything that I need in here I was like I don't need that big backpack thankfully I'm the one with the backpack."
"The power of saying, 'I don't have to do this, I get other people to do it for me.'"
"I feel like superwoman because I feel like I've done five million things in the last two hours."
"Overall it's just a clever little way of tracking your stuff."
"Don't quit, triage your time, holy [ __ ], it's going to start taking care of itself."
"If you do this religiously, you're going to find that your efficiency, your happiness, your productivity is going to go through the roof."
"Being productive is an art form, it's a way of alchemizing your energy."
"I am a genius. I managed to return two library books and I did it right the first time."
"I'm very productive not because I have superhuman motivation and determination but because I've got stuff to do"
"Honestly, you shouldn't have to spend more than one hour on anything you build. That's sort of how I'm thinking."
"I find it crazy what you can achieve in just 15 minutes."
"You've got to be lean, okay? You've got to be lean and you've got to live the lean lifestyle."
"I want to organize it in a certain way that it's easier for me to get ready in the morning."
"I feel so much more productive."
"We have to find the ways that we are wasting our energy and recycle that, reclaim that energy."
"Use a calendar... The more you can follow it, the simpler your life is."
"Everybody wants to be more productive."
"I think it's good for us to be on a schedule because I know I do so much better when I have a routine."
"Life hack number two is buy back your time."
"Seriously, it doesn't have to be about sharing your code or getting your code on CRAN, it's about saving yourself time."
"Productivity looks different each day."
"So when Dwight logs in, he can select this view and know right what he needs to work on and have all the information that's relevant for him at any given time."
"The important thing is you find what works best for you and develop a workflow that helps you get the result that you're looking for."
"It's just the best way for me to feel organized and prepped with my outfits."