
Future Technology Quotes

There are 768 quotes

"Human-level AI is several decades away, but we should start the debate now."
Demis Hassabis
"Many people who worry about AI safety and ethics believe that in some form, consciousness can and should be engineered into AI systems of the future."
"I think people will be breaking up with holograms. And that will count."
"This is just the beginning... This is something to understand, that this is going to be incorporated into everything."
"This vest that Tanner is wearing is the future of VR gaming."
"The future may be on our face, or it may be exploring new types of interactions that will flow into other types of devices, including our face."
"Imagine we get to a point where AI already understands you, like straight through your brain."
"Without Sojourner, there is no Perseverance, and without Ingenuity, there wouldn't be the future aerial explorers we're hoping will be enabled by the coming months' flight."
"Future medical devices will be AI instruments, assisting diagnostics or surgery."
"Imagine a world where you no longer have to wait for tragedy to strike so you can receive a heart transplant."
"Cryonics is essentially the preservation of people at the point of legal death... in the hopes that in the future... we may have the technology to fix whatever killed you."
"Once you're in space, there's just massive amounts of resources. People saying we're running out of resources don't know what they're talking about."
"People do not yet understand how valuable an autonomous vehicle will be."
"It's not crazy to believe that at some time in the far future, there could be computers which could do a simulation of a fairly large fraction of a world."
"Without a doubt, we will probably be more empowered by AI."
"Quantum Computing, I think that's going to be the next big race in the next 10 years."
"This is the gateway to the next net. This is it; this is the next node."
"There is no investment opportunity that can even come close to the metaverse."
"There's going to be a dedicated robo-taxi that is going to look quite futuristic."
"The speed with which our machines can learn has raised the prospect of the so-called singularity, the moment artificial intelligence evolves beyond us."
"Futurama showcased a huge future filled with robots, robots are used for all types of tasks on the show, and we're getting close to similar technology."
"Billions and billions of years from now, assuming we survive as a species, we could theoretically have a much more advanced state of technology."
"The simulation argument... basically says that if you think it's possible in the future that we'll be so good at making simulations, the likelihood that you are currently living in base reality is one out of trillions."
"An all-electric future shouldn’t be scary. Your life is already, like, 95% electric."
"Progressive Web Apps... are regular web apps that give the user a native experience. PWAs are reliable, fast, and engaging, and I think that they are the future."
"Seeing cars navigate busy city streets on their own feels like we've stepped into the future."
"The dream is that people will one day be able to just work wherever they want but will have all the same opportunities because you'll be able to feel like you're physically together."
"You'd like to imagine, you know, jump forward a decade from now, you take this, you combine it with OpenAI Jukebox technology, you can make, you can go, 'I want like a brand new Tupac album, and he's gonna tour it.'"
"The digital yuan is intended to be used as legal tender with the potential to replace physical money in the future."
"Self-driving cars could generate billions in revenue."
"This is the 21st century building material that we'll need to revolutionize our country."
"Imagine how technology will be more advanced in 300-500 years if you think about it."
"But what if we could turn back the clock and replace worn out or damaged body parts with completely new ones?"
"Imagine a machine that's a hundred or maybe a thousand times smarter than any living person."
"Physicist Michio Kaku recently revealed during an interview that the world isn't prepared for what might happen if Ai and Quantum Computing are integrated."
"Countries around the world are preparing to have their economies and militaries be run based around AI and automation."
"There is going to be a point in time when it seems really stupid that we let people drive cars because people are so bad at it and the cars are so good at it."
"Web 3.0 is definitely the future and and what three is really uh, and by you know decentralized distributed networks that are effectively owned and incentivized by the people that are operating within them."
"What I think is on the horizon with AI is a much more interactive device which can pick up biometric signals accurately and integrate that into a dynamic algorithm."
"The science of tomorrow starts with the technology of today."
"And so however scary and impactful you think these systems might be now, when it comes to their future capabilities, we may not have seen anything yet."
"The future is actually going to be people who know how to make the machines make money for them."
"The metaverse... it could change our lives in many ways... the future is gonna be wild."
"For mind uploading, I would expect it to be a pretty major sector of interplanetary trade, our topic for next week, simply because if it becomes normal, most folks would want a backup far from where they lived."
"Humanity seems poised to boldly continue to march into a new world of far future technologies."
"Batteries are the key to the future of renewable energy."
"Electric flying cabs will appear sooner than we all expected, namely within three to five years."
"Self-driving cars will just be a normal thing, like self-driving elevators."
"Maybe someday we will harness our Stellar energy and get to explore our galaxy."
"Glimpses into future technology are also going to happen."
"In the future we will be upgrading our bodies and our minds much the way we do machines and I know this sounds like science fiction but what's coming next will literally blow your mind."
"Musk's electric plane could be just a few years away."
"That's the first step to humans actually putting a base that we could live on on Mars."
"I think that MMOs have such a bright future."
"I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication... It will certainly come someday." - Nikola Tesla
"The computer of the future will be as portable as your watch and as personal as your wallet."
"All humans are biased, but in the future, if we're going to be interfacing with an AI as a gateway to the entire internet, we need to make sure it's as neutral as possible."
"The real application is going to be once we have augmented reality glasses."
"Imagine what the metaverse is going to be like... you're excised from society."
"If 2040 seems like a long time to wait to meet a smart robot, do not fret."
"Narcissistic compassion. AIS, you know, it's a threat too but if we're if we had our act together ethically it's possible that AI could become a useful servant rather than a tyrannical master."
"I do believe a lot of these projects will end up being the big decentralized powerhouses of the future."
"Even if we don't get to the point where factories in space are making our cars up in orbit, space manufacturing has the potential to completely change the world in pretty profound ways."
"We want to go from... have a moon base like moon base alpha and... be a spacefaring civilization out there among the stars."
"The 2030s will be the era of commercial space stations, and I can’t wait to see it!"
"These virtual worlds are the future... similar to things we were seeing in the early 90s with the internet."
"The car just gives me a very good feeling, and I think this electric overdrive aspect really could be something for the future."
"It might be improving itself or making a new mind, doesn’t matter."
"Cloud gaming has a lot of potential in the future."
"Preserving the brain is such an interesting thing because could you imagine if you woke up in the future and your brain like was brought back and you had a body and you were like, 'oh my god, you do something different' right?"
"Now we can really build, now we can really figure out fusion, we can figure out energy transmission across large distances, we can do the real interesting [ __ ] that we were too busy wasting 95% of our energy with poor money beforehand."
"The future of content: AI-assisted virtual influencers who can never get canceled."
"Cryptocurrency as a potential savior from the technocracy."
"In the mid-2040s, a climate intervention AI was developed, presumably to help ensure such a time like the die-off would never again occur, and so the A.I. Vast Silver came to be."
"Elon Musk believes that one day we will develop a super-fast charging electric vehicle battery, opening a new era for the electric vehicle battery industry."
"When the metaverse goes mainstream it's not going to look back this is going to be the biggest industry growth-wise in the next 10 years in my honest opinion."
"This is just the beginning... the mission here is to bridge the physical and digital world."
"The future of electric vehicles remains bright."
"Technology linking the brain to the cloud could drastically alter the state of communications between humans and machines."
"2030s: a believable story for commercial Fusion reactors."
"I think eventually we're gonna get virtual reality movies."
"Face ID is the future of how we will unlock our smartphones and protect our sensitive information."
"I think the future of identity is literally like NFTs that prove things about yourself."
"The whole point is to be as cheap as possible. That's, uh, I know obviously in the future, I think it will be, um, you know, will be cheaper on something like Starship eventually."
"Nutrition patches and implants may replace our day-to-day meals."
"A civilization in the 22nd century is very likely to have radical life extension technology as well as stasis options like freezing, they’re fairly interconnected tech that are likely to be something where you have both not either."
"AI is a very different technology from anything we have encountered in the past."
"The future of the human race, like if we could figure out how to power our civilization through using the Earth as a battery."
"We are living in an exciting future where we have routine access to space and commercial space flight."
"Comparing an Apple self-driving system and a Tesla self-driving system sounds like a future I want to be in."
"Our future is our partnership with these machines... in order to have that future work we have to think about how to humanize them."
"Power and propulsion: the twin engines driving us toward a future among the stars."
"Very strong future for VR, very strong future for AR."
"If we're going to build AGI, it must be equipped with the ability to compute consequences and represent certain values and reason over them."
"The only way we can detect deep fakes and other sources of misinformation in the future will be to have sufficiently robust AI."
"Quantum technologies are a fundamental area which will change the world, it is a disruptor of disruptors."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that with Starship in the future SpaceX will be a dominant force in the global Aerospace industry."
"Flying cars may not be a common sight nowadays, but various hover car design companies have been quietly working towards this new reality in the past decade, so we might not be so far off."
"One day, we hope that the DS and 3DS can achieve their ultimate forms… low latency and judder-free TV play... perhaps even 3D support for VR headsets."
"I think one of the big use cases that's going to emerge over the next several years for VR is just going to be doing more work in it."
"Bodybuilding is not that hour in the gym; it's number 23 hours outside the gym as well."
"Human ingenuity and engineers will find a way through this, and our best days lie ahead of us."
"It's really amazing that we actually get to see what the factory is going to look like."
"Welcome to the future, it's going to be great."
"If you do want a true HDR monitor that does 4K 144Hz, I'd recommend waiting for a newer generation of these displays, particularly something that supports DSC over DisplayPort and HDMI 2.1."
"That’s it. A first demonstration flight for a Super Heavy Booster and what it could look like when it happens."
"If this is any indicator of what lies below the streets… Amoni-Ram might be the key to pushing humanity into the future."
"There's just something magical about creating that feeling of being around people once you've experienced it, you know it's the future."
"Decentralized applications are the future in terms of what's next after the internet."
"A new era of nearly limitless energy is coming, and it's looking very bright."
"What will be the future of flash games...we haven't landed on anything...what to do with it...cool."
"This gives us the ability to program cells with intention, with atomic control."
"And I think autonomous driving has huge potential to actually make a big difference in safety in the world."
"Automation is the one that offers us the biggest chance of really getting up into space, really having that civilization we all want."
"One day in the not-too-distant future robots will travel to the far reaches of the universe, all systems activate, systems prepare for disembarkation."
"Elon Musk thinks an AI candidate could win us election in 2032 meaning are we coming across an era where we're going to have faceless presidents?"
"Wi-Fi 6 is addressing our needs of the future."
"We should start the debate on the ethical use of AI now."
"AI 2.0 is where the real opportunity lies and it's coming true right now."
"The next generation of AI technology will open a wealth window that could be the biggest wealth-building opportunity of your lifetime."
"Automation is extremely important and in the future it's going to be able to get rid of the type of errors that occur when you put massive pressure on a human being to be 100 perfect."
"An incredible glimpse into the future: the robot that's learning parkour."
"I'm sick of all these punch holes, sick of it. I'm ready for the future."
"The metaverse is supposed to be the future of how we will interact with each other online."
"Will machines ever truly understand humor, love, or art? These are profound questions as we strive for human-level capabilities."
"Tesla is going to have Robo taxis within the next few years."
"The future of military vehicles is electrified."
"The tabletop convection oven is like the future."
"The future of mobility is powered by electricity."
"Eventually guests will be able to interact with these statues using new technology."
"I think future is coming fast, we've been afraid that the machines taking us over it may be possible that it will be a collaboration."
"I can't wait til the day where AI systems exhibit consciousness because it'll truly be some of the hardest ethical questions."
"The dream of supersonic transport was an engineer's dream."
"Will the 21st century see the dream come true?"
"At some point, the grid will be smart enough to almost collaborate with the homeowner to find the best time to charge."
"Satan will sell you the benefits via designer babies."
"It's the right thing to do to truly live with and explore what quite clearly is a massive part of the future of mobility."
"So there it is, the open-world futuristic games that are coming up. They look awesome."
"I know that the internet is the future, I know bitcoin is the future."
"At some point we're going to have the augment reality eye lenses or augmentations and people will say, 'Smartphone, why on Earth would I want something I have to carry around and charge?'"
"The Lagonda All-Terrain Concept: a glimpse into Aston Martin's electric future."
"Smart roads could eventually transform the way we drive."
"People will be thinking back about the days when people actually drove their own cars as an unsafe period of time because the safety rates ultimately of this technology over the long term are much higher than human drive."
"Join us today as we explore the brave new world that might lie ahead for astronomy as we enter the Starship era."
"The dream with self-driving cars would be... hang out in the backseat, watch YouTube videos, and let the car drive you."
"In the distant future, people may outlaw driving cars."
"The gas stations that they exist today in an ideal world are going to be 99% obsolete."
"Space travel is the beginning of the future."
"Knowing that it was used for the next two to three hundred years, besides you and I will be automated by then."
"Fusion is the only reaction that can take us to the stars thank you for listening."
"Fusion is the perfect way to make energy. It's clean, it's safe, it doesn't produce CO2. It is definitely the energy source of the future."
"Interaction with non-sentient will be a required part of life in the Beast system... as well as registration of all biometric data as a form of personal security."
"Cryptocurrencies act as the viable future cash, that last option that basically you always have in your back pocket."
"It's fun to laugh at older people who don't understand technology but what I want to know is when I'm 80 is my grandkid gonna be like geez grandpa do you really need me to show you how to upload your brain to the internet again?"
"The goal is to be able to hopefully in the future find a way to utilize voice control and artificial intelligence to help control spacecraft."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"Bitcoin is gonna be a big part of the future."
"It feels like you're driving the future, but it also has that familiar sense you get a sense that this vehicle is built by a legacy auto manufacturer."
"Mars is a real possibility in the foreseeable future."
"Elsa honestly didn't get too much room to breathe in the first film, and this time it's all about exploring her more."
"There's no doubt in my mind that gaming projects over the next 10 years in crypto and blockchain will eat the internet it is zero doubt zero percent doubt."
"He is presumed innocent, officers arrive at night, there's no blood on him."
"The metaverse is the early stages of a digital hub." - Crypto Stash
"Digital real estate is going to be just as valuable as the physical real estate."
"Spatial reality essentially allows you to put these glasses on, or maybe contacts when they get to that point, and the digital assets that you buy, let's say it's NFTs, you can now actually have them in your real world."
"Lab-grown babies could be a reality as soon as 2028, scientist claims."
"Starship or a Starship-like vehicle will make it to Mars with humans on board in my lifetime, like that is absolutely a certainty."
"This sounds like sci-fi but like we said yesterday sci-fi is here."
"My death is going to be more interesting than most because I've given public approval to use my personality and my body of work to create an AI, and somebody's going to take me up on that."
"The metaverse could change the fabric of reality as we know it."
"Fusion may be the most important technological pursuit in the history of our species."
"In the decades to come, nuclear fusion could not only change everything about the way the world fights Wars but it could literally change the way Humanity approaches the concept of conflict itself."
"I can't wait for a day when orbital flight is routine and reliable and fully reusable."
"And of course I do hope that in the future maybe there's some kind of AI system that's able to give you a personalized Health Report immediately rather than having to wait for appointments for a doctor."
"Perhaps one day there will even be a probe that delivers the ultimate news: we are not alone."
"Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off."
"The Orion Spaceship concept, with some modifications, is the one that will take us to the stars."
"I love putting together these shows and I hope more than anything you walk away excited about the future of games."
"By 2030, telepathy will be widely used, a marking point for humanity."
"We've only just begun to unleash their true potential who knows what phenomenal things they might capture in the future."
"What is Google in 20 years? It's very hard to predict the future."
"Digital currencies are coming, that's programmable money."
"Electric vehicles... could foreseeably have a relatively unlimited mode of transportation."
"The bitcoin system is so perfect that I think it's going to be the future and it is a present already in a lot of things."
"We've witnessed the future, and yet here it is today. You can go and own it."
"All the drone companies told us they welcome competition in hopes it's soon the norm for online orders to be lowered from the skies."
"I think when we talk about Imaging in general there's still very much a future there."
"Integration with AI robots and the replacement of traditional law enforcement is just around the corner."
"We are basically learning to produce bodies and Minds. Minds bodies and minds are going to be the I think the two main products of the next wave of all these AI technology."
"Bitcoin is part of everyone's future and everyone is paying attention."
"This highlights a glimpse into the future where AI creations become indistinguishable from reality."
"The future of machine intelligence is a deep symbiosis with human intellect."
"A money rom might be the key to pushing humanity into the future."
"Tesla's insurance product, using driving data, is crucial for the robo-taxi network and future growth."
"Such a time is quite a ways off, but in the short term, as these things go, I suspect we’ll begin seeing genuine space hotels in the next generation or so."
"Bitcoin is strong, it's only getting stronger, and it's definitely the future, along with Web 3.0 and crypto."
"Forget your flying car, your invisible car is coming first."
"Electric cars are the future... everything should be running on electricity."
"Super soldiers could become a reality with genetic modification."
"Robots are set to take over the world and you know what they say if you can't beat them join them."