
Efficiency Quotes

There are 61428 quotes

"The most productive workers are those who take breaks effectively; every hour, 17 minutes was a break."
"Productivity is actually more about being creative and thinking broader than it is about just like efficiently cranking out more and more widgets."
"The data show... that 20-minute naps or things of the sort... allow the neural plasticity that was triggered during that learning bout to occur much more quickly, and so people learn faster."
"To be successful, one you have to be really good at problem-solving but two, you have to have an obsession with efficiency."
"This is about working smart first, then working hard."
"If you want to succeed, you've got to get deeply efficient. That's where habits and routines come in."
"We might as well smelt some metal along with it and kill two pegos with one stone."
"The timetable makes your entire day into a habit."
"Give me five hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe."
"If you're really on top of something, you can do it with a light touch."
"The 80/20 Rule... 80% of the result that you want actually comes from just 20% of the actions that you take."
"Most of what we do and say is not essential. When you eliminate the inessential, you get the double benefit of doing the essential things better."
"One minute in planning is worth 10 minutes of execution."
"Repeating things that make you better at something, something you want to get good at, do it a lot. You're going to get more efficient at that."
"A businessman is savvy and knows how to properly utilize his business and his profits for maximum efficiency."
"Don't waste your time on tasks that aren't even important."
"A few years ago it was okay for someone to send you a 25-page document. You actually had to read it to understand it. But with automated summarization, our machine learning models can now instantly summarize the main points from a long document."
"Speed of implementation is one of the key traits of successful individuals."
"Through knowledge and experience, Will's movements were reflexive, eliminating obstacles effortlessly."
"Focus on producing high-quality content while saving people time."
"Better, cheaper, faster, more convenient, lower cost always wins."
"Time invested in drawing a succinct and clear UML diagram will eventually pay off and can save your project from design flaws and other errors."
"What's terrifying right now is Serral... can remax with ease and his army is already so so high-tech, so efficient."
"Inspectors general play a critical role in keeping the public informed about how their government operates and in ensuring taxpayer money is used effectively and efficiently."
"A minute of planning saves 10 minutes of execution."
"The Volvo L 350h large excavator in a Danish Quarry showcases its astonishing power and efficiency."
"Productivity is more about doing more of the right things."
"Productivity is about using our time intentionally and effectively."
"Feel-good productivity is a simple method, but it changes everything."
"Whenever you find yourself using backspace more than twice, there's probably a better way of doing it."
"Productivity equals useful output divided by time multiplied by the fun factor."
"The brain is a highly efficient, energy-demanding organ that gets fully utilized."
"The more focus we bring to our work, the less time we have to spend on it."
"It doesn't matter how busy or efficient we are; what matters is how much we accomplish at the end of the day."
"If you can make your work feel good, then you become more productive by default."
"The best productivity tip I can ever give is to really break down your tasks into the easiest, smallest next step."
"Batching is one of the top productivity tips out there because it's so effective."
"It's all about making sure that we're all primed and in the best efficient position to succeed."
"Productivity is efficiency, but the other part of it is living intentionally."
"Your brain is this incredible supercomputer, but when you read, you feed this supercomputer one word at a time."
"Clarity brings speed. It's time out for wasting time trying to be somebody you're not."
"Don't repeat yourself. DRY is an acronym, actually."
"When exploring, if you're trying to do things efficiently, I recommend picking one direction and going in a straight line."
"You are wasting your time and more sadly, you're wasting their time."
"Your ability to see a problem on a boss that hasn't been progressed before and solve that problem as efficiently as you can is what raid leading is mostly about."
"Ultimately, what this means is designing and building in more efficient and sustainable ways."
"Renewable energy will keep improving in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness."
"Meditation will enable you to access deep levels of rest in only a short period of time each day."
"You pay for speed, you pay for troubleshooting, you pay for somebody else who's already done it and not [___] up as many times as you're about to, to get you there faster."
"The humans work alongside the robots in what Amazon Robotics Chief Technologist calls a symphony of humans and machines working together."
"This means that when you shop online, products are readily available, cheaper to ship, and since they are waiting at a center near you, they will ship to your doorstep faster."
"Instead of bouncing around a bunch of YouTube tutorials or a boring old textbook, oh boot, you can just ship code that works."
"The best tool for the job is the tool you know best."
"We've managed to get flights to the Maldives for two with a morning's work."
"Who needs a winch or a vertical trolley when you can just use a production line of coordinated shovel movements?"
"This crew's swift teamwork is almost enough to make the car look sluggish in comparison."
"80% of your success... comes from just 20% of your work."
"Subscription cancellation is genius. I'm about to get on this ASAP."
"The battery drain is nothing short of incredible. You can easily go well into two days with just one charge."
"Forgiveness...getting rid of charges...towards other people...is such a big part of getting yourself to operate at peak efficiency."
"And the best part is it's actually so much easier to install. You just do one step, you put it up, you don't have to mud, tape, texture, paint any of that. One step and you're done."
"We want Google Chrome OS to be blazingly fast. So from the time you press boot, we want it to be like a TV, you just turn it on, you should be in the Web using your application."
"Let the machines do what they're good at, then we can focus on what we're best at."
"Code that wants to be fast is left-leaning, does not mix hot and cold operations, does not make many decisions."
"Turning food scraps into plant food in Just 4 hours."
"It gives me this very consistent linear progress where I'm able to just simplify things."
"It's easier to make a lot of money in a little bit of time than it is to make a little money in a lot of time."
"If we can get the same hypertrophic stimulus with less recovery demand and can do more weekly volume by not going to failure, the solution is simple."
"The biggest waste that product development faces today is not building things inefficiently, but building things very efficiently that nobody wants."
"Nature is simple, nature is aesthetic, nature works with a minimal number of variables to produce the maximum number of phenomena."
"These graphs don't show how much longer and more dangerous these trains are getting, disrupting neighborhoods and congesting traffic during emergencies, all for the sake of efficiency in the form of cost-cutting."
"The idea that we can just pour money into the problem and it goes away is ridiculous."
"In the end, I don't care what bit of equipment you have; there is a young lad sitting in that who is more comfortable, whatever is better, a better fighter."
"Most things in life are a series of five-minute or less tasks."
"The key with being efficient is you got to know where to put your power."
"The goal is not to do more, but to achieve more by doing less."
"The 80/20 rule roughly means that 20% of the effort gives us 80% of the result we want."
"Hard work alone is definitely not enough... you have to work hard but you also have to work smart."
"Let's not waste any time, let's get right into the show."
"A small team with high morale is really hard to defeat."
"Efficiency is good... but there is a point of diminishing returns to using efficiency as your only strategy for productivity."
"It's a lot easier to work on a goal when that goal is a side effect of something else that you want to do."
"Collaboration will be more seamless than ever before."
"Microsoft Teams is Microsoft's newest collaboration platform that will allow us all to seamlessly collaborate, co-author in documents, and have our colleagues all in one place."
"Understanding how to get more for what you put in is the game overall."
"Habits are crucial because the more that you can habitualize, the more you free up your mind to focus on the things that could make that last bit of difference."
"How human beings learn so much from so little and how these insights can lead to build AI systems that are much more efficient at learning from data."
"The sheer amount of orders they go through every day by just how fast and efficient they are inside the kitchen, it's really like a beehive."
"Being super efficient and using my energy for what I'm only passionate about and having clear goals and vision for life is the foundation that I started with for the family."
"Focus on 20% of your actions which will reap 80% of the results."
"Skipping is the most efficient way to move for children at a certain age due to their height and muscle."
"Efficiency born out of laziness is fantastic for problem-solving."
"It's going to say you sure you want to render it's not a real render and I go yes and then it's going to kick out a really really fast play blast version of our animation."
"The spirit pneumatic seeder excels in performing multiple functions in one pass, including leveling, seedbed preparation, soil restoration, seeding, and rolling."
"Every year, Väderstad, a global leader in soil tillage and seeding technology, unveils new innovations that set new benchmarks in efficiency and effectiveness."
"Doing much more with less... this is the ongoing trend and it's something that needs to be pushed forward."
"If God's main aim was to create a universe finely tuned for the development of intelligent life, one has to say that he's not been very efficient."
"The seeds [of sunflowers] spiral out in two directions so that they can pack in tightly without overlapping."
"Spiral turbines may be an interesting way to boost the efficiency of low-cost urban turbines and look pretty awesome while they do it."
"The military method is developed to help soldiers fall asleep in less than 2 minutes."
"So, that means from 10% to 80% state of charge, we'll have a charging time that is under 18 minutes."
"Success is all about how consistent you are and system performance is the output and efficiency of your system over a long period of time."
"The company was built for the sole purpose of helping online businesses run more efficiently and basically reach their goals."
"Canva is a cheat code. Lightroom is a cheat code. And CapCut is a cheat code."
"The speed of software delivery is improved when security is integrated into the pipeline."
"Project management is valuable to businesses because it helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes, both on time and within budget."
"Focusing on a solution...you get to a product a lot faster."
"The deep secret is that we don’t intend to have lines ... If you build in enough capacity, the rides don’t go down and it operates at 99% efficiency, you shouldn’t have 10-hour lines. So, 10-hour lines are not a sign of success. It should be seen as a sign of, frankly, failure."
"Unlike the browser or the real DOM, this virtual DOM is cheap to create."
"Man can release more result-getting power in one hour of concentrated use of his mind than in 24 hours of physical work."
"Efficiency and effectiveness are not the same."
"Having somebody critique your work can be like a shortcut to faster learning."
"We've discovered is or at least highlighted is that you very very often don't need much data at all."
"I decided to take one of the fan-favorite Zelda games, Twilight Princess, and condense a three to four-hour long speedrun down into a simple one-hour video."
"Universal provision against health or employee risks stops the adverse selection death spiral in its tracks, increasing efficiency."
"Let us not confuse busy with productivity; let us not confuse movement with impact."
"There's nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."
"The casting delay has been cut down to a quarter of its original time."
"The last thing you want to do is have too many overlapping duplicative services that cannibalize each other."
"Everything should be made as simple as possible."
"And this robot carries things around hospitals so nurses can spend more time with patients."
"A stitch in time saves nine. Those who are prepared will not fail."
"I prefer to follow a path, a blueprint that somebody's already developed because they've spent countless hours failing and falling and figuring out what doesn't work."
"Imagine if they could replace them all with transistors! The device would be smaller, use far less energy, generate far less heat, and be far more reliable."
"Localization is about regaining efficiency and reducing waste by locally producing as much as possible."
"Society is efficient; here's the dividend of how good we've become in our efficiency and production economically on the technical level."
"Saving time and, of course, reducing stress is going to be huge for many people."
"You gain experience, you level up, you become faster, more familiar with your craft, and more efficient in your craft."
"The two-minute rule is basically if an activity or something is literally gonna take you no more than two minutes, you literally do it now."
"We need games developed by gamers for gamers that don't waste our time."
"Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution."
"I am a business-minded person who likes systems and I like to make things get better and I like to increase the efficiency of things."
"Algorithms offer a set of benefits that humans simply can't live up to, including the ability to cut out all emotion and follow strict rules."
"A computer does exactly what we tell it to do and it's really good and fast at it."
"It's really cool; it works really well. Get a high volume of cars flowing through."
"If we all spend half an hour cleaning, this kitchen becomes spotless."
"Lifesaver. Not only is it saving us so much time by not having to drag all of our packages to the post office, wait in line, pay for the postage, but we can do it all right from our computer."
"Guitars were designed from the beginning to be easily assembled from a core set of parts."
"Optimization, in my paraphrasing, is basically: you should never do anything unless you can get the maximum benefit, the maximum yield currently and forever, from the minimal waste and the minimal effort."
"Optimization is the process of getting the maximum yield for the maximum duration of time from the minimal investment from everything you do today, in the future, and from everything you've ever done in the past."
"The free market... is the best and most efficient system that we have."
"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."
"I think if you serve in the military and you get a good sense of what a blunt instrument it is and how inefficient it can be, you become very skeptical about using military force unless you absolutely have to."
"You don't want to learn a bunch of programming languages first and then go try to build something. You just want to learn the programming languages while you're building something. It's the most efficient way."
"Our world will be surrounded by digital intelligences that are partially like humans and they'll make things more efficient; they'll make new discoveries."
"Learning by doing is the most efficient way to understand and master blockchain development."
"Indexes aren't random; indexes are a better way to get an understanding of something if you don't have the time to literally study every aspect of it."
"With AI, I can respond to your comments more efficiently and engage with you on a deeper level."
"If you don't trust it completely, it's a waste of your time."
"The nice thing about descriptives is it allows you to achieve maximum density."
"Investing in the right system from the get-go because otherwise you're going to end up buying something twice."
"Dry fasting is where you don't consume any food or water for roughly 20 to 24 hours... One day of dry fasting is equivalent to three days of overall fasting."
"One of the biggest reasons to use Svelte is its ease of use... you can do a lot more with less code."
"Develop a sense of urgency. Get the reputation as the person who does things fast."
"I was trusted because I was authentic. I was efficient because I didn't obsess over outcomes I couldn't control."
"Marginal versus effective: there's a difference."
"You can't be a scientist that's 100% efficient. If you're a scientist I had saying efficiency, that means you're discovering nothing new. You're not making any experiments that fail. It's through that failure that we learn."
"This is more or less how you would build a website now using AI tools and you could do it much faster than you could ever do in the past."
"If you're installing a water cooling system at the same time as you're building your system, you're actually going to save a lot of time compared to installing it later."
"It is certainly possible to achieve long-term muscle growth with substantially less time and effort than what is deemed optimal."
"This machine will work so much more efficiently if your body, mind, emotion, and energy are aligned and organized properly."
"The accumulation of resources is one of the primary motivators for people to work harder, innovate, and prescribe capital efficiently."
"We delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe and the fastest booster program of any major economy."
"It's better to be safe and do everything right, then go quickly and then have a mistake."
"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own."
"It's genuinely not worth dwelling on the other ten percent; just get the 90 done and that's good enough."
"If we could start setting a theme this week, starting today, of on-time and nominal launches, that would be magnificent."
"Working smart, not hard, can lead to smoother and more aligned processes in your work and health."
"The more languages you learn, the easier and faster it gets."
"Primary Psykers can now cast two, so they got a lot more efficient."
"I feel like that might be one of the best of the discipline."
"You can learn a new language with Babel. One study found that using Babel for 15 hours is equivalent to a full semester at college."
"We identify the four fundamentals which define the pure Android experience: intuitive user interaction, no bloatware, fast performance, and power efficiency."
"Every feature we develop stays true to the pillars of OxygenOS: reliable, efficient, fast, and user-driven."
"The idea of taking a thing and priming it to do work for us in the future, particularly work involving things with variables such as time delays and buffer sizes, is very powerful indeed."
"Create templates for your repetitive tasks. Often, getting things done is much less about willpower and much more about your environment."
"With HelloFresh, you have foolproof step-by-step recipes ready in about 30 minutes or less, and they're delicious."
"We can cut the learning curve and go learn straight from somebody who actually does it."
"The entire purpose of the chemicals industry is to purchase a low-cost feedstock and convert it into a high-value product as efficiently as possible."
"Electric technology also opens up a host of new efficient designs for future aircraft."
"Efficient and he's lighting it up, so he's got the best of both worlds."
"The best service is not needing service in the first place."
"Efficiency remains always an important aspect, but you have to think about efficiency not just as speed but as an enabler to things."
"When you express things directly, you can maintain it; it's easier to find errors, it's easier to make modifications."
"Accuracy is important, because inexact measurements can negatively affect the entire process. Precise work saves huge amounts of time, labor, and money."
"Pseudocode is when you simply write out longhand how you want the program to function, how you want different operations to happen."
"We're burning five percent less fuel for the same power; the EGT is down one hundred and thirty degrees; the air/fuel ratio is up; the cylinder head volumetric efficiency is improved."
"A problem well understood is a problem half solved."
"A computer scientist would say that that third algorithm was on the order of, that is, Big O of log n."
"The aggregation of marginal gains is the one percent improvement in nearly everything that you do."
"We're going to remake the world, and it'll be less efficient but more robust."
"Cleaning and tidying speeds up exponentially when things have a home."
"The idea here is we're looking at power variants for the open world; they're the most efficient, they'll get the quick kills."
"Just by knowing these five things, 50% of your questions are solved easily."
"The process can be very easy when it's broken into small, simple steps."
"Learn to use the internet to sell; it becomes an extension, it works when you're sleeping."
"If gaffer tape is not already in your home, it should be. It's black and non-reflective, so it hides from the camera, and it doesn't leave a bunch of residue behind."
"The focus is on designing a military that is sufficient to do the job that the military has been assigned."
"Work produced or studying effective studying done equals the time you invest times the intensity with which you invest that time."
"Quiz and recall...the best way you can study is to quiz yourself."