
Medical Education Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"The most joy and meaning that I got out of working in medicine was when I had a medical student with me who I could teach."
"Nutrition is not taught in medical schools... There's a serious problem."
"Modern medical school education does not focus on the body's absolute need for vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to fuel every hormonal, metabolic, and enzymatic process the body needs for basic living requirements."
"Doctors aren't nutritionists. 90% of doctors graduate without one nutrition class."
"It's called the Fauci effect. People go to medical school now, not because of me... it's what I symbolize: people's craving for consistency, for integrity, for truth, and for people caring about people."
"As a lot of us find out on the medical training path, teaching is surprisingly rewarding and fun."
"We can't get our act together and produce enough nurses and doctors, which is just completely utterly bewildering."
"It's about the journey, not about the destination. I really enjoyed and got a lot of value and fulfillment and skills and joy from the journey of going through med school."
"You don't have to really understand evolutionary biology to get through med school. You can actually take all those classes, memorize all the parts and functions of the body... without actually ever studying Darwin."
"The reality is that most people do not have access to diagnosis, doctors, or good doctors with modern training. It is important for us to teach people how to self-diagnose."
"One thing I learned in medical school is that I'm constantly humbled all the time."
"Self-study matters more than classroom learning in MBBS."
"MBBS is the best course in the world. It does not just teach you how to be a doctor; it teaches you how to live life and how to value it. It makes you a better human."
"Nursing school and medical school will humble you."
"Doctors don't get taught much about nutrition, but the real problem is that the little we do get taught is mostly wrong."
"What I see, what we observe, are students who show up in the first week or so of class and they don't understand a lot about the physiology of the way the body works and the way diseases can cause illness and suffering, and over the course of months and years, you see them transformed into someone people who hopefully still have the same compassion that one must feel as you see someone like this suffering but having the understanding of the underlying illness."
"The journey through medical education and board exams is not just about memorizing facts but understanding them deeply to apply this knowledge effectively in real-life scenarios."
"I never once in my entire seven years of medical school and residency training witnessed a total transformation like this."
"It's an important skill for a medical professional to have, empathy. And so then how hypocritical is it for these schools to completely lack the quality that they're trying to teach?"
"What would medicine look like if doctors, nurses, healthcare practitioners had an immersion in wellness?"
"Why do we need to know stroke syndromes? Well, the basic thing is that when someone comes in with an ischemic stroke or a hemorrhagic stroke, they're going to present with particular neuro deficits dependent upon that vascular territory that gets hit."
"What would medicine look like if one of the prerequisites for all doctors entering medical school was that they had a serious illness? Would there be more empathy? Would there be more belief?"
"If you don't remember anything from this lecture, please remember that [sublingual medication] bypasses the first pass phenomenon and goes right into the bloodstream."
"The absolute best way to study anatomy...is actually seeing the anatomy in real life in the cadaver."
"Anatomy is a joy. It's a ton of work because there's a lot of material to cover, but it's fun, it's enjoyable, and it's not super hard."
"There's a lot that goes into starting residency programs... certain specialties represented, certain numbers of doctors, and support staff."
"Medical students need assistance, they need an unbiased training and strong evidence-based methods to both prevent and reverse chronic disease using nutrition rather than medication by using real food as medicine."
"Patients sharing their story online helped me learn empathy and understanding about these complicated loss situations and difficult fertility journeys in a way that medical school and residency never could have taught me."
"Doctors don't know a damn thing about nutrition because they're not taught nutrition in medical school only 28 percent of medical schools even have a nutrition curriculum and it's only 19.6 contact hours median."
"If I see a y qrs what do I need to be thinking about? You got to have a differential."
"You want to be thinking about signs of atrial enlargement."
"Being a med student is difficult and in this series we will show you exactly why is that so."
"Coffee and an EKG book; this is rapid interpretation of EKGs. It helped me pass my tests about EKGs."
"Step one is our first licensing exam, and it's really, really important as to how competitive you are when you apply to residency."
"So overall I loved my vascular surgery rotation as busy as it was as stressful as it was and you know as difficult as the Rotan as tiring as it was I I honestly thought it was incredible."
"First and foremost, we need every medical school in the country to require implicit bias training for their students."
"At Med School Insiders, our mission is to empower a generation of happier, healthier, and more effective future doctors."
"I hope that now in my job as a doctor, I can use my YouTube channel to help bridge that medical knowledge gap between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals."
"Learning this stuff really matters... It tells me how sick the patient is."
"A vaccine works by tricking your body into developing antibodies against the coronavirus. Remember, antibodies are those soldiers that attack viruses."
"Use it like a book, learn from it dedicated, throw it in First Aid, review First Aid if you want, use an accessory Pathoma book, and that's it. You'll be fine."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"Doctors are stuck in a system, it's like a black box, and what they don't realize is that most of their education is Pharmaceutical driven."
"But that's it. Those are eight techniques that I've used consistently in the past two years of medical school."
"So I wrote this book because I really feel like if patients have this information and they know that that's what the goal is and that's how people can die, then they won't be so afraid of the process."
"Doing these videos have actually made me a better physician."
"The period of collapse has begun for the Russian army in all areas."
"The first heart sound is the first sound heard at the onset of ventricular systole."
"Vibrations initiated by valve closure are transmitted through tissues to be heard as the first heart sound."
"It is an ethical imperative for every doctor and patient to understand the difference between absolute and relative risks."
"I can't wait to start my fourth year of medical school it's gonna be so much fun and I know that I have a lot to learn but I'm really excited for it."
"Understanding diabetes and what causes it and how to reverse it is critical to becoming healthy humans."
"Ninja Nerd is one of the most utilized resources to supplement our medical education."
"You're the reason I've been thriving in medical school."
"Every woman deserves to be informed and educated about what we put in our body."
"The morgue, particularly for my area of expertise, medical legal death investigation, you learn more there than you ever will sitting in a classroom."
"If you want to call yourself doctor in a clinical setting, it's simple: just go to medical school."
"Understanding evidence is the most important thing in every branch of medicine."
"Medical schools have been slower to integrate evolutionary approaches because of the limitations on what can be added to existing medical curricula."
"Every hour matters when studying in medical school."
"If we want to treat the cause of the causes, lifestyle then the cause is not a drug deficiency isn't a surgery deficiency."
"Rates are pretty bad, unfortunately, the amount of nutrition education got in a medical school and in continued medical education is insufficient to deal with the ravages of chronic lifestyle diseases."
"The biggest cause of this trouble that is unrecognized is the extent to which the pharmaceutical and device industries control the knowledge that doctors rely upon to formulate their ideas."
"Instead of practicing on a one-size-fits-all, we practice on a real patient but a simulated real patient."
"Nutrition hasn't been a huge focus in medical training."
"Educate patients... if every gynecologist knew about endometriosis, none of these patients would have fertility issues."
"My complete process for building a study system is the process we've been obsessing over and implemented ourselves through medical school."
"If you're talented and want to pursue medical education, go for it."
"Physicians do take the class and then they use it in their practices which I think is just one of the biggest Honors that I get to have."
"If you're thinking about becoming a surgeon, if you're thinking about going to medical school, if you're thinking about any of this or you're just curious about what a surgery resident does all the goddamn time, thank you for being here."
"I just saw that there was a huge gap in medical knowledge because I would have never taken a benzodiazepine if I'd known how badly this could go and I never received that in my training so that just made me so angry."
"Remember the pleura is the thin membrane covering the lungs and lines the inside of the chest wall."
"Effort will be undertaken to train a generation of oncologists, oncology nurses, and pharmacists."
"Welcome to War Medical School. We present the cranial nerve exam."
"Most doctors don't understand this stuff to any great degree I mean nutrition is just not taught in med school."
"We need the stigma of when you go to a doctor and they don't know what's wrong with you we need that to be gone we need like the phys the future doctors medical students now to be taught about this illness."
"Medical students and doctors need to have adequate training in nutrition and lifestyle medicine."
"Enslaved black people's bodies were exploited for the development of some aspects of US medical education."
"Medical schools relied on enslaved black bodies as anatomical material and recruited students in southern states by advertising its abundance."
"When you see multi-organ system involvement, you should think about syndromes or systemic conditions. Syndromes like DiGeorge syndrome and systemic conditions for your exam are going to be things such as infectious disease, rheumatologic."
"We want to produce caring competent and compassionate physicians and we want to follow the trend that's happening within boards and across the country and that is integrating basic science and clinical science more effectively together."
"Heart failure is a failing heart, but you don't know what heart failure is if you don't know what the job of the heart is to begin with, okay?"
"Talking about bow movements is something that we did in medical missionary school and it was... we never got bored at Medical missionary school, it was always interesting."
"Medical schools want you to interact with patients so they can see that you've done it before."
"Another cool thing is that since you're working directly with a physician, you'll develop a really close relationship with them."
"If you know any other languages that you know are maybe commonly spoken wherever you live, you can volunteer at your hospital or maybe even get a paid position to serve as a translator between a physician and a patient."
"The opportunities are endless, and I think the important thing is to remember that you just want to directly impact patients in some way."
"Are you hoping to become a physiatrist to get into medical school and match into a desirable PM residency? You'll need to not only crush your MCAT and USMLE but also shine on your personal statement, secondaries, interviews, and other soft components of your application."
"The achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body it attaches down to the calcaneus or heel bone right here and then it actually runs it becomes muscular right around here we got the calf region and actually crosses the back of the knee."
"I'm going to show you specifically how I use it in all the settings and the decks that I use that have helped me be successful as a medical student."
"In order to become a cardiologist in the United States you have to, again, complete four years of med school, three years of internal medicine, and another three years of a cardiology fellowship."
"In medicine, we get told what to think, not how to think. You have to learn things the wrong way because that's how they test it."
"Try to make your study as frictionless as possible. Use USMLE resources as a primary learning tool for your medical curriculum."
"This video is really about how to learn medicine in a way that helps you understand and recall information through reasoning rather than through pure memory."
"...the underdogs which are extremely underrated especially by imgs we don't even incorporate them into our timeline until we get to the point that we have to do them and then they seem like huge roadblocks."
"I think medical education is going to be significantly different a decade from now because of large language models and just the information that they bring to people's fingertips."
"As doctors, we are meant to be responsible for teaching the next generation of juniors that come after us."
"What's more important than even worrying how residency programs are going to look at you is actually becoming a good medical student."
"The structured evaluation letter idea is to try and get an honest letter particularly as we're moving towards USMLE pass fail on step one and I don't think that the letters are ever going to be honest."
"Why don't they teach this in medical school? At least as an option. I mean, why don't they even teach a nutrition class to start with, Chef here? It's crazy."
"Hopefully to help you to gain a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of heart attacks, also known in medical jargon as myocardial infarction."
"At the end of this presentation, participants should understand gestational age determination and the importance of accurate assessment in pregnancy decision-making."
"If you guys don't know, I'm a second-year medical student studying at King's College London."
"When you do it right, it can actually be a lot of fun and add a lot to your experience as a medical student and as a future clinician."
"This kind of logic and thinking is something that's used all the time in medical school."
"Five states passed new anatomy laws which both increased the penalty for body snatching but also made it easier for medical schools to obtain unclaimed bodies of people who had died in the care of the state."
"Prove to yourself first that you can do well in medical school."
"Getting into medical school is not just about the acceptance; it's about proving you can get through it."
"Once you've been shortlisted to this second round, your grades do not matter anymore. What determines whether you'll get into medical school is based on the results from these two components."
"The kind of student we are looking for is the student who wants very much to have the medicine in their future be better than medicine is today."
"Reveal what you bring to the table that's unique; what background experiences or passions will you contribute to the incoming class and to the medical program as a whole."
"For almost every pre-med, going the U.S. allopathic route is the default, and the best choice."
"An attending is going to teach you much more if they know that you're interested and you're actually trying to learn."
"Participants should be able to recognize the importance of a systematic fetal anatomic evaluation in the first trimester."
"Every applicant is really unique and people come from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, so there's no one right cookie-cutter way to go into med."
"You get to see every stage of the process for medical school by working with these medical students."
"This is going to be my first ever med school test/exam."
"A great presentation on the radiology, good review of the guidelines."
"We're examining the career of what might be called scientific medicine, from humoralism through several subsequent incarnations, down to the modern biomedical paradigm."
"The Paris School of Medicine... is universally known as the moment of transition from medieval medicine to modernity."
"The main place of learning was the hospital ward where famous professors conducted their rounds with a retinue of hundreds."
"The new medical education was practical instruction, and it was hands on, with training on the ward from day one."
"By the end of this lecture, you should be comfortable with sensitization of nociceptors and how it leads to mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia."
"What I want for you to come away with today is to understand the approach to the liver from a logical standpoint and how to begin to identify patterns of injury."
"Medical students are entitled to working in a respectful environment."
"We help International Medical graduates from the beginning of the way with USMLE tutoring, with advising to find the right path to achieving your dream and matching into residency."
"I want to be that guiding light to help you guys feel good about your journey, feel positive, feel confident, and reduce the stress of getting to medical school."
"My journey to medical school was not straight; there were lots of ups and downs."
"Remember, all discussions and scenarios in the Plab 2 exams relate to best current clinical practice."
"So guys, come with me, and let's get started on A to E assessments of your GCS patients."
"Physicians start medical school with a high degree of empathy and compassion."
"Let's go and get started with obstetrics; this is really a rapid review of everything you need to know."
"UWorld is difficult, but going in and using it as the opportunity to practice the application of sciences that you've already learned is perfect."
"Medicine is a piece of cake if explained properly."
"Medicine is a piece of cake if explained properly, which is kind of rare these days."
"This is MP practice made simple. I'm Liz Rohr, a family nurse practitioner, and these are the weekly videos to help save you time, frustration, and help you learn faster so you can take the best care of your patients."
"This is Medicosis Perfect Scenarios, where medicine makes perfect sense."
"My goal with this channel is to try to give you the confidence to succeed in the ICU."
"Welcome back to Citizen Surgeon; I'm here to help you get comfortable on the wards, in the ICU, in the operating room, and of course, to crush your exams."
"At the completion of this webinar, participants should be able to review normal ultrasound anatomy."
"Thank you, doctor. This is the most pleasurable feeling that you get as a med student."
"Before we really go into detail, I would like my students to be very, very crystal clear about these different types of hemorrhages."
"You are watching NP Practice Made Simple, weekly videos to help save you time, frustration, and help you learn faster so you can take the best care of your patients."
"Very important to be able to organize your thoughts, make that differential diagnosis, and then go forward with a treatment plan."
"It's so important for international medical graduates to do well on these tests."
"In order to get one of these higher scores on the MCAT, you need to know everything that there is on the test."
"A basic understanding of ultrasound physics is essential to reliably acquire quality images and provide accurate interpretation."
"We're going to try to get you to five differentials."
"Med school is not just about passing exams, it's also about making sure you climb these hurdles."
"The e-learning platform is also used for continuing medical education where African doctors have an opportunity to learn from the knowledge of Indian doctors."
"Every skill you learn in the medical sciences can pay the greatest dividend of all: life."
"You really have to have a good foundation of the skeleton and also the other organs and systems in the body because in x-ray, we look at all types of body parts."
"Medicine makes perfect sense with Medicosis Perfectionalis."
"I'm wearing scrubs today because today we're going to actually start doing a local anesthesia injection."
"I'm just so grateful for honestly the opportunity to be a med student and to work with human beings like this."
"The path of getting into medical school is arduous, with complexities, nuances, and roadblocks that can stop even the most ambitious of pre-medical students."
"So if you're a medical student or you're a PA student and you're struggling with your history exams, hopefully this video is going to be really helpful for you guys."
"I cannot believe I am over halfway done with my third year of medical school."
"The purpose of these presentations is to inform and educate on the latest advances in cardiovascular medicine."
"Hello and welcome to Insight Ophthalmology, I am Dr. Amrit welcoming you to the Diabetic Retinopathy series."
"I learned about a lot of things in medical school, but dying was not one of them."
"As a physician, I educate my patients every day to be their own best advocate."
"Welcome everyone to this webinar on tips and tricks to examining the mid sagittal view at 11 to 14 weeks."
"My inspiration for doing this was a similar video by Jared Gardner MD, who is an amazing social media guru and doctor."
"Learn from the fear and the mistakes of your attendings. And then when you’re an attending share those mistakes so that your trainees can learn too."
"If you decrease the blood volume, you decrease the EDV, decrease your stroke volume, which decreases cardiac output, and that eventually decreases the blood pressure."
"Everything that you need to become an osteopathic physician in this country is the same in terms of the requirements of what you would need to become an MD or an allopathic physician in this country."
"It's historic and it's a recognition that at the end of the day they're medical school students, they're future physicians."
"Now more than ever, medical schools are more interested in the humanity side of medicine."
"I guarantee that whatever level of radiology you practice, you are going to find a pearl or two to take home from this."
"After you see a case in the hospital, look that case up afterwards because it's much more interesting to see things like DKA, heart failure, COPD exacerbations after you see a patient and see the management."
"Start forming daily habits now that you want to carry into medical school."
"My goal with this strategy is not necessarily to get 100 or the highest marks in the class, but more so to gain a good comprehensive understanding and foundation that I can build more medical knowledge on top of."
"We are creating the template for educating all physicians on the form of manual medicine that we call osteopathic manipulative treatment."
"We need to diversify medical education and provide resources that include all people of color."
"My first U.S. clinical rotation was a steep learning curve for me both personally and professionally."
"The best part about being a medical student is being a student."
"Being a medical student actually makes you that one stem cell who can adjust in any situation life throws at him."
"Whatever experience you have had, that is good experience for being a medical student and being a doctor."
"I'm happy to update that I will be attending med school this year."
"This approach will help you stay organized and efficient when interpreting ECGs so that you can correctly interpret them every time."
"Learning coronary angiography depends on practice; the more you see, the more adept you become."
"The inferior poles of the two kidneys are shaking hands."
"All right, so you want to do well on your rotations, you want to do well on your shelf exam, and you actually want to remember what you learned on your clinical rotations."
"This is MedCram where medicine makes perfect sense."
"This is a very, very, very important topic, especially if you are working in the ED or if you are working in the trauma bay."
"We're going to be talking about just a general search pattern for head CT."
"In the grand scheme of things, what's one year going to mean when you're in medical school for four years and then residency for another three to eight?"
"Medical schools want to see that you have grit, that you have stamina, and that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get into a medical school."
"We will be going over pain management."
"Medicine continues after residency, you're constantly learning."
"Welcome to Radiologists Headquarters. I'm Doctor Dan Koval, and it's time for five cases in five minutes."
"These are your in utero resuscitation measures, and you can commit these to memory because these will be on the test."
"If you understand preload and afterload, then you can answer many questions about heart output dynamics."
"It's kind of a stereotype that medical students know about, to just watch out for scrub techs because they're mean, but I'm excited to hear from a PA and a scrub tech themselves and hopefully gain a little bit more perspective."
"I hope the quick tips in this video helped you out with ACLS."
"They've been married for eight years and met in their first year of medical school across a dead body on a dissection table."
"You are more than capable, and getting into med school is more than achievable so long as you have the passion and the perseverance."
"Distinguished future physicians welcome to Stomp on Step 1, the only free video series that helps you study more efficiently by focusing on the highest yield material."
"These are all really important skills that could be applied to life as a medical student and even life as a doctor."