
Originality Quotes

There are 5242 quotes

"The first is creativity, like how original is the island. What did their brain come up with?"
"Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value."
"Without risk, you have no creativity, no art. Without risks, you have remakes, you have Charlie's Angels, The Saint, Mission Impossible, The A-Team, coming soon Battle Star Galactica."
"Original films have the liberty to explore uncharted territories of narrative themes, character dynamics, and visual storytelling."
"You have to be an independent thinker in order to be successful."
"I always think it's crazy though when the copied video does better than the original video."
"At the end of the day, as long as a game does enough to set itself apart from the games that inspired it, we really shouldn’t be upset about clones or rip-off."
"In order to restore anything to rebuild it, you have to get the original blueprint."
"It's going to be so authentic, original. I feel like that's what makes legends."
"I think in terms of originality and influence, it's Kanye West."
"It's not just original ideas that make things original; the combination of existing ideas can do that just as well."
"God has made each one of us as a first-class original; do not die a second-rate copy."
"You have to make that leap of faith to produce something that's original."
"And after all of this, I still cannot recommend playing anything else other than the very first game, as that small, self-contained gory horror game is all you need, and what Corpse Party truly is."
"I want this to stay pure, a clear transmission not informed by the language or ideas of others."
"I've always had the goal of being a deep, free, and original thinker."
"Everything was original once. That's why we remember where everything begins."
"You either fail a groundbreakingly brilliant idea or you succeed long enough to see yourself become repeatedly replicated by people who don't understand the original context that made it work."
"This extra development time will enable our teams to deliver a remake that feels fresh while remaining faithful to the original."
"It's always nice to keep things original and looking original on the outside."
"You're self-made, original, you don't copy other people."
"I think the most important thing for young bloggers, or you know, writers or anyone in the creative class as we call it, it's like, it's really to like have an original point of view."
"I was so happy to see this end result... it is one of those rare horror sequels that is worthy of the original."
"There's no law that says a fake can't surpass the original."
"I've never had an issue with remakes that take creative liberties because the original still exists."
"Now, go off and find your own way through the strange darkness of your own creativity. Or, in simpler words… keep making stuff up."
"You cannot expect fans to get excited with endless sequels and remakes that repeat the same stories over and over."
"Transformation is where if you have something that's wholly unique from the original, then it shouldn't really impact the original."
"Whether Mr. Mutt with his own hands made the 'Fountain' has no importance. He chose it; he took an ordinary article of life, placed it so that its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view, and created a new thought for that object."
"The art world would have to contend with the notion that the source of the original creation is only a small part of what makes something original, what makes something art."
"I didn't want Spiders to be the next Bioware; I wanted them to be the first and most fascinating Spiders."
"I just hate when a game feels like I've played it already, and it's a brand-new game."
"It's true that people are tired of reboots, and it's nice to see original ideas get financial backing."
"It's unfortunate that people continue to be so unbelievably unoriginal these days."
"It's just so crazy to think that when Unohana turns to face Kenpachi and she has her long flowing hair, her scar showing on her chest, she has that almost glazed over sadistic look on her face, you are looking at an original member of the Gotei 13."
"The only way you're ever gonna bring something new, you're gonna be remembered, you're gonna have a fresh voice is if you're not afraid to go against the grain."
"Mainstream is taking an L because all the independent artists are killing it and being badass and original."
"My priorities are highly invested in originality, breaking away from some of the more negative aspects of the genre."
"The world of Nirn is this exquisite mix of both typical fantasy derivatives and alien uniqueness that culminates in something beautifully original."
"What is originality, if not stealing from so many different sources that you can no longer identify one single point of influence?"
"Music school, I think for a lot of guitar players, is like the place where originality goes to die."
"If we look at originality as this pure form of creation where the only contribution is that it was done first, we will lose so much creativity in this world."
"Original music is the best. You never ever want to be anywhere near having to ask permission to do something."
"I don't sample anything. 100 percent original."
"Think outside the box, be creative, be original, be fresh."
"Everything that any artist creates is drawing so heavily on so many influences that, to me, originality is almost a myth."
"It used to be funny; it used to be always like, that was the big thing. You had Dunkey there with just really funny and original stuff."
"I'm always up for original sci-fi, and I do like the art style presented here."
"What I encourage you to do is to think about whatever it is you're bringing to market in those kinds of ways. Don't let somebody else write the rules; you write them."
"This entire concept of this unwilling passenger tagging along in your head feels like a genuinely original idea for an RPG."
"The notion of a work being 'original' is often a blend of several ideas coming together to form something you haven’t seen before."
"Ip Man... the original is still number one with us."
"It's no doubt that originality has been down the drain, but if you look in the right spots, there's still some refreshing and scary movies out there."
"Be original. If you can come up with something that is original and unexpected, then it's going to have more impact."
"This is what there just should be more movies out like this, where it's not this big blockbuster. It's just mid-budget, original film."
"Do we just like horror movies now? They're fucking original."
"Make work that is original and true and objectively great."
"My advice would be to just do something different. Don't do what everybody else is doing. Find out what is different about yourself and the way that you make content, and then just be different, be unique."
"At the end of the day, we are all creators. Some create new ideas; others recycle those ideas."
"No summary will ever capture the feel or full content of the original."
"Creating an interesting image is less about copying something that's already figured out and more about relying on that fundamental knowledge to create something unique."
"Original thought is rare and precious. The act of original thinking is difficult, highly valuable, and rare."
"You're only going to start living the day you commit to generating your own original thoughts."
"Just because something is different and just because something is something other people aren't saying doesn't mean it's meaningful."
"Don't just copy somebody else. Find something new. Find your thing. Develop that."
"This world is beautiful, a world that people actually took time to create instead of copying others."
"Many of us are just longing for actual creativity, something that actually has depth to it and isn't just superficial and shallow."
"I just prefer original stories. It's always better and more interesting to just tell original stories."
"They added things, they changed things, because they had a really good awareness of what made the original game great."
"Remember why you started doing this in the first place. Are those reasons reasons that sustain you emotionally?"
"And if your first Original Character happens to be you with better hair, then whatever, man, you do you."
"It's always going to come back to the original... how can you appreciate a remix if you've never heard the original?"
"No one is created to do what you are created to do better than you! You are the original!"
"Hollywood should stop making remakes if they don't have original ideas. There are a million more fairy tales and stories out there to use."
"Taking someone else's body of work and fixing it or improving it, in air quotes, is infinitely easier than taking a blank page and turning that into a body of work."
"His drumming style was as original as his personality."
"Few can hold the title of being an original source of that innovation, blossoming an entirely new genre of gameplay and design."
"In an industry run by franchises and pre-established IP, Nolan is the only person with enough will and leverage to get a studio to back a $200 million fully original concept blockbuster."
"What I value most in cinema is originality. I want new stories, new twists, new auteurs, new movie stars creating iconic roles."
"No idea is truly original. Artists have always been the sum of their influences, plundering the art they love and putting their own spin on it."
"The knockoff is never as good as the original."
"An original is always worth more than a copy."
"We become obsessed with creating something original, but original might mean original to you, but it's not original to being."
"I was like, 'Oh, there's an original. I have the image and likeness.'" - "I was like, 'Oh, there's an original. I have the image and likeness.'"
"There's something here, something else that wasn't in comic book form."
"A singular cinematic experience to say the least. Every once in a while you see a movie that's so startlingly original you can't even tell the story."
"Being original, and saying no to peer pressure."
"It is impossible to be a maverick or a true original if you're too well behaved and not willing to break the rules."
"The movie only comes off as unbearably modern in a preachy, unoriginal way that's been done a thousand times already."
"If you want something to exist, sometimes you have to create it yourself."
"I try to be funny and I want to be original and I want to express my opinion."
"How are you going to be better than everyone else if you're just copying their vision?"
"The Blair Witch Project as a piece of media is a brilliant trick that can likely never be played again."
"It's not really some passionate type thing, and it's cool that you're like that but that's why I feel like more of the same sound keeps coming out."
"Don't rehash the iconic stuff everyone already knows, come up with something completely new."
"Study hard what interests you the most... in the most undisciplined, irreverent, and original manner possible."
"And for the love of god, don't try to be Picasso."
"Disco Elysium proves that you can get away with cliches if you execute them well enough and make up for them by being original in other ways."
"What really impresses me is when artists have a very distinct style that's their own."
"I'm really trying to do some original and creative content."
"His original color and personality does come through."
"Originality is the bedrock principle of copyright."
"This is a thoughtful, provocative, and thoroughly human horror film that also has one of the most original and unconventionally scary movie monsters in recent memory."
"We didn't want to be just a video happening of people building."
"There were so many ideas in this show that were completely original and yet they've become so synonymous with the character that they almost work better than what was originally canon to the source material."
"We want to create original, enriching, long-lasting game worlds."
"It's just unlike anything I've ever seen, it really is."
"Wholly original and terrifying in the most unexpected of ways."
"I'm not going to focus on any of them i'm also not going to use any previously established main villains from other live-action movies or any villains we expect to show up in future live-action movies."
"This car has only 29,000 miles and it is completely unmodified."
"What makes something original anymore is your spin on it, your style, your personal emphasis on your project."
"Next time you hear that inner critic in your voice, challenge where it came from because it is not your original voice."
"There's no other version of these stories that will give you the true intended experience besides the originals."
"Unless you're reviving a long-dormant series, no one celebrates a rehash."
"This is one of those books that feels like it's riddled with cliches but you have to keep reminding yourself that it predates these things becoming cliches."
"You can manufacture everything except for originality."
"It's okay to be inspired by people you love to watch on YouTube, but do not make the same thing they make."
"People crave originality, people crave a real story, something they can relate to."
"It's a really clever interesting time travel flick with a lot of elements again that are derivative from many things but as a whole it doesn't feel like anything else."
"Better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."
"The original Matrix stands alone on its own as one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made and even though it did borrow from a lot of different places, the Wachowskis did a really great job of bringing all those things together."
"The most unoriginal thing a human being can do is copy somebody else's creativity."
"The idea of sand worms was a very interesting one."
"There seems to be some confusion. My question to you is this: if the people that shape the narrative are all going in on one side, do you think that would be enough to sway votes that could be able to sway another?"
"He had his own thing there's no you didn't sound like anybody and nobody's really sounds like him"
"Rumbleverse was a shining beacon of originality."
"It's a really cool concept and I love the fact that something different is coming out."
"Bars, bars, bars. Originality, originality, originality."
"Nothing is sacred to Rick Sanchez." - "Because if you're gonna copy someone else's homework, you should at least jazz it up a bit."
"The girl from ipanema has become kind of a xerox of xerox."
"Originality and just overall it's just going to increase the quality of your content because you're going to actually have something to add to the internet."
"I like to take something really normal and then just add the smallest little element to it that just makes it a little bit out of the ordinary."
"This is camp Lady Gaga I have to say really truly did camp in the regards that she didn't go for the obvious which was clothing she went for the obvious which was a performance art."
"We made a game with really no thought of making a sequel or extending the story."
"With nothing to compare it to, the first version of anything can pretty much stand alone."
"Create something that has not been seen before and you will feel fulfilled."
"They're tapping into the same source, it doesn't mean that one is influencing the other necessarily."
"It's the most original and unique Yoshi game in a long while."
"An epic view, my God, why can't my enemy do stuff like this? It's so original."
"Think outside the box. Don't just try to copy somebody's lane."
"Sea of Stars really nails it, bringing so much more of its own depth and new features."
"If you can have it original and different but still pull that into the mix then I feel like you're really winning."
"So what I got from this ungrammatical block of text is that you feel like I'm copying you dude."
"Why would you want to push the same product everybody pushing?"
"If you're going to do a sequel, you've got to do something different and original because that's keeping with the characters. It needs to challenge the characters in ways they were not challenged in the first film."
"Stop reading the same stories, stop giving us remakes of all the same comic books and fairy tales and things we've seen five billion times."
"Just have fun, be original, get some good stuff up, and honestly, that's all I can give you."
"Norm was a pure comic. He once wrote that 'a joke should catch someone by surprise, it should never pander.' He certainly never pandered."
"Just keep going, make sure your content is original and edgy and spicy."
"It's kind of crazy that Spider-Verse manages to give you the older Spider-Man story you wanted as well as an origin story after we've already had three already. And yet somehow it makes it feel fresh."
"This is really a true nod to the original game... we want to preserve that game and the structure of that game as much as we can."
"Listen to your imagination, come up with new original ideas."
"Let Lovecraft be your inspiration, but do your own thing."
"When you're original, you get bashed for being original."
"Movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals."
"Always and new. There's no question about that."
"Fighting is the original form of human competition, and fighting games are about as close as you can get to that without one of y'all going to jail."
"You can't make a ripoff of something and then at the end be like it's a parody guys."
"It's okay to find something and make it your own."
"Creating this more original content has given him a better piece of mind."
"It comes out of absolutely nowhere and tweaks the 'It was all a dream' concept just enough to be original."
"I think somewhere along the way they forgot that the first Terminator movie was not a massive apocalyptic world ending sci-fi Mega Blockbuster filled with CGI all over your face."
"Gintama's humor stems from itself, not from insulting other anime."
"Develop your own voice; stop copying the already successful artists."
"It's about putting a new idea, a new thought into the world that's never existed before."
"Be careful what you copy. I didn't say not to copy. That's dumb. People will tell you sometimes, 'Don't copy. Be an original.' No, you need to copy a little bit."
"Looking back, these movies are just freakin perfect, they're original, they're smart, and honestly have a really beautiful and uplifting message."
"Ultimately, even if you do something that's totally different from what other people are doing, it's a crapshoot if you will ever get seen by anybody."
"ABC, always be creative! Too many these rappers are not related." - H Mack
"They don't want to just take Witcher 3 and make a cyberpunk reskin and sell it."
"It's original, it's fresh, and above all, it somehow remains consistently enjoyable despite its peculiar trappings."
"Is it fair to say Rey's story is similar to Luke's? Yes, but I feel it's disingenuous to say it's a rehash of A New Hope." - Defending against accusations of unoriginality.
"Lego City Undercover is Traveler's Tale's first attempt at an original Lego game... Not based on any movie franchise."
"It wasn't 'oh hey, this looks just like Prometheus.' It was a realization that these developers weren't just aping an art style; they really clearly understood it."
"It's nice to see something that you can't easily categorize."
"Nothing about this magic or this fantasy setup is standard or expected."
"Agent Under Fire was originally meant to be…well, anything other than Agent Under Fire."
"I finished making the best and most original Lego course."
"I think you absolutely do right you got a lot of the time it's derivative but not derivative enough you didn't create anything you captioned it in a lot of cases."
"It doesn't follow that same old Hollywood prescribed formula. It's a film that stands entirely on its own. It is awesome and fun."
"Monkey Kid is truly one of, if not the best original LEGO theme we have gotten in a while."
"A fresh slice of awesome." - Fringe's creation story.
"I think the golden rule of a good interview is don't ask questions that people can find out from Google."
"I want to go on record saying this... I will die on this hill defending the original five nights at Freddy's game."
"It's okay to not fit in, be original and be yourself."
"If you were to just start rapping up to the standards of the hip hop mainstream, what makes his music worth arguing over would be gone."
"Even when I'm trying to avoid copying the Sidemen, I still copy the Sidemen."
"Everybody's doing the same songs over and over again. These guys are talking about real stuff."
"Do your own thing but don't copy them... you're never gonna be them ever."
"Why are we watching your adaptation if it's just a remake of the old one?"
"It's called YouTube, it's not called freaking sponsor brand tube or whatever. We're the ones that started it and created it bro."
"Every major video game franchise started with someone taking a risk on an original idea."
"A great horror movie with such a simple premise... it just thought it was such a unique way they unfolded the story."
"It's almost a reverse of a mascot horror game."
"Create your own concept and work really hard and spread the word."
"This is not a carbon copy of what Marvel was able to pull off."
"Originality and consistency are keys to success."
"If you're gonna go for a Borg origin story, create a new alien race, create a new world, create a new idea that can really kind of impress us and blow us away with how original it is."
"The outside still has that '70s color scheme we all remember so well, and that bit of originality is the icing on the cake for me."
"Superman: Let's give people something original, not just another reboot."