
Process Quotes

There are 13575 quotes

"Executing on creativity is as much a part of the process as the ideation is."
"There's no magic pill, there's just magic processes."
"Discover your life's task. It's not easy, and I don't have a formula for it, but I lay out the process that could lead you to it."
"Whenever you set a goal, just add a few words to the end of that goal which is 'while enjoying every step along the way.'"
"Falling in love with the process is essential for success."
"Success is not a destination; it's a journey."
"The most important part of life, in all of our lives, no matter what we're doing, is like the process."
"The proof is in the process, the proof is in the progress."
"If you rush the process, you might just topple over without a solid foundation in place."
"Always work from the big shapes down to the smaller details."
"Forgiveness is not a it is a process, it is something you walk out little by little."
"Trust the process and enjoy this time right now. Be assured that it's coming; it's going to happen."
"Forgiveness is not an event; it's a process."
"Creativity consists of four stages: preparation, incubation, insight, and manifestation."
"You never go from Fall to Spring without going through Winter."
"Have faith in the process. Just trust the process with this."
"Emotional granularity is not a thing; it's a process."
"Making better decisions comes much easier when you have a purpose and process to frame your attention into and make decisions in alignment with."
"You are going through a beautiful process right now."
"Healing is not an event; it's a process of integration."
"You have to understand how the process of court works."
"Trust the process because the realignment is kind of like going through a home renovation."
"If you have to go through the process, I realized that there's always an answer. There's always an answer."
"Goals really do work, goal-setting does really work. If you follow a process, what you want will come true, it will manifest, you will have it."
"Forgiveness is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven."
"Focus more on the process than the results, and that is going to help you actually stay in this when it gets hard."
"All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end."
"The day you plant the seed is not the same day that you eat the fruit."
"We're here to change the world, but we're gonna do it with a process."
"I became in love with the game because I started to become in love with the process."
"I think just everything takes time, and so you just have to surrender yourself to the process."
"The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit."
"You can't have their promise without their process."
"Trust the process and know that the universe has our back."
"Trust the process. I knew it was going to come, and here it is."
"Bangladesh can celebrate, but to win that big prize, you just need to follow the process."
"The progressive regeneration of the soul is an ongoing process."
"Then the final thing, you get that result. The result just kind of happens automatically."
"It's going to be an aggressively long process."
"Don't rush the process. If you rush the process, all you get is responsibility without experience."
"The kind of discovery-oriented reading...slowly reveals itself over the course of reading."
"Road mapping is much more of a messy process; it's an art, not a science."
"It is time to stop the bleeding in order for the healing process to commence."
"Change is a slow process, one that needs to be taken step-by-step."
"Everything you're going through is preparing you for what you asked God for. You just got to quit tripping while you're in the process."
"When you fall in love with the process, you win regardless of the results."
"All I can focus on is giving my best in each element of the process."
"Your process may be messy, but your mess will become your message."
"Art is not just about the end product; it's the process, its healing nature, it is meditative."
"We should think about the process that we need to adopt and identify the root of the problem, the fundamentals."
"Trust the process, and know that you will be taken care of."
"Dehumanization is a very slippery, dangerous process."
"Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before."
"Trust the process, shift your mind on the possibilities and the magic."
"Grief is the process of uncoupling, unbraiding, and untangling that relationship between where people are in space, in time, and our attachment to them."
"Healing is not linear; it is a process, a day-to-day shifting transformation."
"Manifesting isn't about the end, it's about the bridge."
"Trust in the process, in the divine timing. Everything is working out for the highest good of everybody concerned."
"It's not about the end goal... it's about the process that's gonna get you there."
"Life is a learning process, and we are all going through it."
"There's too many people that are just inconsistent with the process but then always want the result... it doesn't work like that."
"Enjoy the process, enjoy yourself. Like it's okay to have a little fun."
"Quit worrying about the outcome and trust the process. Enjoy it."
"Embrace the journey. It's not about the destination, it's about the path."
"You worry too much about your results. Stop thinking about accomplishment and start thinking about sincere, genuine best possible effort."
"Keep working towards your dreams where you're just happy with the process."
"If you want to make a change in your life, it's not about focusing on the end result; you have to change the process."
"Be patient with yourself and the process, and be patient with others."
"You're not crazy at all; this is actually a totally normal process and a really beautiful process."
"Stop getting attached to the process; you have to be attached to the outcome."
"Purpose requires progress, progress demands a process, process takes practice."
"Failing is a part of the entrepreneurial process."
"Enjoy the process... every single little thing that you work on is actually a stepping stone."
"Trust the process, just trust it, and follow your heart. Literally, that is how you discover all of this."
"Peace is a process. It's not like the flick of a light switch; it's a process, you understand, like we're cultivating that peace constantly."
"Healing really is a process, and everyone deals with things very, very differently."
"For me, playing the game is the roses. The process, the struggle, the failures, is the stuff that gets me going. Not the accolades, the awards, the money."
"There's purpose in the process, and a lot of times we want to try to skirt that process because it's not fun or it's boring."
"Change doesn't happen that fast; it happens gradually."
"Never make it be about the end result; make it be about effort every day."
"If you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"Mistakes are normal, they're part of the process. Making mistakes, learning, and growing from them."
"The process can be very easy when it's broken into small, simple steps."
"Love is winning, but it's a painful process."
"The act of writing is like driving at night. You can't see beyond your headlights, but you can make the whole journey that way."
"The process I use is an extremely simple one. It involves plenty of preparation."
"Trust the process... You're not going to become the best version of yourself overnight."
"Trust the process... Don't stress, trust God's timeframe."
"All changes are hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end."
"It's okay if you're not feeling confident or feeling like hella sexy after watching this video. It's a very long process that we're all working towards."
"Failing the process is still part of the process. That becomes the story they then go and tell."
"From the outside, yes, I'm successful. Inside, no. I just see it as like a process."
"The Holocaust shows us that genocide is a process."
"Before there is a breakthrough, there's always a buildup."
"I'm trying to like romanticize the whole process of doing it so that it's something that I can enjoy even more."
"It's gonna take time for us to work out how to make these kinds of things work."
"It's a process; we gotta trust the process, trust the rebuild."
"Horizontal progression is more about enjoying the process than the reward itself."
"Do you enjoy the process itself or is the process simply a means to an end?"
"Everybody's got that outcome goal. Ooh, I want a Ferrari. Ooh, I want to make 200 grand a year, right? But they don't think about the process."
"Enjoy the process, don't take it too seriously."
"Our goal is to get it everywhere, and it's just a matter of developing the process carefully."
"Let this thing unfold the way that it needs to."
"Don't think you can outsmart the process. Be patient and hold the energy of worthiness."
"It's important to have fun and enjoy the process, not just the outcome. Passion and joy in what you do can lead to incredible results."
"It’s slow, yes, but it’s also deliberate. I have time to process the information displayed - I can absorb every single swing, every hit, every point of damage taken."
"And remember, it's a process. As they say, the set of HBO's Rome wasn't built in a day. These things take time."
"I wanna milk each step for all it's worth and make sure that I'm not just looking at that, accomplishing the goal as being the end all because really, it may be, like I said, the writing, the conceptualizing that ends up, when I look back on this, the most fun part of this whole process."
"The interesting process is the transformation, not getting what you want all the time."
"Anything in this world that you want to build, that you want to produce, requires steps, and if you don't do those steps correctly, at some point, it will give or will be compromised."
"This is a part of a process, a much bigger process that they can use for their own advantage, develop resilience, become stronger people."
"Healing takes time. Do not feel like you need to do everything today; it's a process over many weeks, for some people can take months, but for others, it can take years."
"I don't think education is so much a state of certainty as it is a process of inquiry."
"If you mess this up, the later products might not have a chance to reach the skin."
"Most importantly, this is gonna sound crazy, but I believe in the process."
"Sometimes things take time to work out, but the outcome is success."
"Every single thing you do, it's a process, and it's a day-to-day decision."
"Learn how to process issues, not just solve problems."
"We go through the complexity to get to the simplicity."
"If you have the process of learning, the results will take care of themselves."
"We stop worrying about the goal so much and enjoy the process, the journey. That's a great tool for life."
"It's a slow long arduous process to start but long-term once you get it up and running it could be one of the best investments that you can make."
"There is something to be respected about process."
"You have to build a house from the foundation. You can't put the roof on first."
"We need to start to enforce our constitutional process so that we can restore faith and confidence in elections."
"Decluttering is not organizing. Organizing is the next step."
"Don't put so much pressure on yourself to have it done overnight."
"You gotta wait, it takes time. Like, some things have to marinate."
"Focus on the task and not the result. We need to find processes that we enjoy."
"A successful DIY project is not just about the end product but about the journey of creation and the lessons learned along the way."
"When you self-publish, you control the process completely."
"Healing is a process, and I'm making the commitment to work on that process."
"You have to detach your emotions from the scale not let this cause you to be super excited and not let this cause you to get pissed off and say it's not working. It's just all part of the process."
"Success and failure are generally slow processes. Either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them down."
"The journey, the process, that's where the fulfillment lies, not necessarily in the accomplishment of the goal itself."
"For women, romance, courtship, and intimacy is a slow process that takes time and cannot be rushed."
"Team-building is a very long process; no team's truly ever perfect, and it really never ends."
"That kind of vigorous back and forth -- that imperfect but well-founded process, messy as it often is -- is at the heart of our democracy."
"You don't want people to get destroyed by the process, especially when they're innocent."
"Democracy is messy... But the journey is worthwhile, and it goes beyond casting a ballot."
"It's not about the destination, it's about the climb."
"Post-production isn't cheating...it always happened in the old days."
"Our definition of building is really 'trust the process'."
"Your miracle is in the process. If you avoid the process, you avoid the promise."
"Embrace the process. It's all you have and it's all you'll ever have."
"The joy is in the creation, not just the completion."
"It is the process, not the end product. It is the process of working with friends or solving a problem or just being in a sort of communication, having the community of the thing you're doing."
"Allow yourself to write badly. Write a bad, bad, bad first draft and then edit it."
"It's a process of back and forth, you know, we start with mass out and mass out is the simplest and cleanest a map will ever be."
"Innovation is a process right, you don't just do it, innovation is a process."
"I love the process of going from knowing nothing about something to mastering it."
"Just trust the process because it is taking you in the direction that you need to go in."
"Always prefer the journey to the destination."
"Let's keep watching what we can see from now and then we'll talk about everything at the end."
"The first step in any process of change is becoming aware."
"Process is important. Process means due process, process means free speech, and the ability to engage in the intellectual exchanges we're talking about."
"If you use this five-step process and you really focus on your approach to the market you're going to remove all emotions."
"There's a time to do that. It's called the primary process."
"Crushing is a stage, it's not a destination."
"Design doesn't need to be done, it doesn't need to be complete, it just needs to be better and better each time."
"Victory isn't just about the prize, it's about the journey."
"Taking things piecemeal can improve your writing by leaps and bounds."
"If you're curious, you know how I made one thing or how I got to one point you can basically go back and see it."
"We're going to start drilling holes, get everything figured out, and we'll keep jamming from there."
"It's less about technology and it's more about user experiences."
"Trust the process. Everything will work out in the end."
"The fun in discovering the answer is the process of discovering the answer."
"Yes, I think that's that's kind of my process is reactivity."
"Good process results more often in good policy than bad process does."
"Visioning is an ongoing process, constantly reassessing what's the next piece."
"And like I said all you need to do is repeat the process and start to make money with YouTube shorts 2021."
"Thank you for watching, I hope you have enjoyed this process as much as I have."
"Debugging is one of the parts that is half done."
"There's no shortcut but is there a process, a practice that can be the process of practice?"
"Just start making stuff; you can fix it later."
"Find a way to make the process feel enjoyable, and you'll have more fun along the way."
"Creating is hard. The best we can do is sit down and create something, anything, and let the process organically unfold tolerating ambiguity, frustration, and changes in the grand plan."
"It's hopefully going through the restart cycle."
"There is a desire to have a civil process to the best extent possible."
"America cannot move on. It must have a legitimate hearing and a legitimate process that is completely transparent."
"Events like this start and they come to a conclusion, but we never start the process of real reform."
"I don't need to get everything done right here right now. I need to be patient and just let things flow."
"The creative process is very much like gardening."
"I start with the beginning and the end visually."
"Unity and unifying isn't a feeling, it's a process."
"Enjoy the process and have fun making all of these different applications."
"Don't rush through it... take your time... enjoy the process."
"I've learned and just trust the creative process that like sometimes you feel less creative sometimes you feel more creative but it'll always come back."
"An artist is never done, it's constant iteration."
"You are divinely supported and guided through this process as you go along."
"Suddenly the whole scene started to come together out of these random elements."
"Some of us, we don't know a better way to do it than to do it messy."
"It's not just about escaping and everything is good, it's about this long recovery process."
"Trust the process... because I promise when you get out on the other side You're Gonna Be Free as a bird."
"We got to add layers, we got to do this in layers."
"It turned out that he was more than keen to go ahead with it and excited to document the process and see the results."
"We had a system, we had a process, and I felt like we did that."
"This crude matter is much more amazing and the process that it goes through is much more amazing than anything fantastical we have yet thought up."
"Trust in the process. I know it's easier said than done."
"Successful gamblers focus on process much more than results."