
Choices Quotes

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"Regardless of the circumstances in your life, we all make choices every single day, and the choices that you make determine where you land."
"The choices that we make today are far bigger than just the choices we make today."
"Your life is a reflection of the choices that you make."
"Choose your cup wisely. Start to really observe the cups that you have around you... Start to get rid of your toxic habits, your toxic behaviors, the toxic people, and start to only grab and keep the cups of the things that you actually want in your life."
"Your life is an exact reflection of your choices."
"Everyone is responsible for the choices that they make."
"You should never have to settle for anything."
"Take control of your life by stopping doing the things that make you unhappy and start doing the things that would make you feel joyful."
"Either way it's going to be brutally difficult. Which difficult do you want to choose?"
"Every day you can choose to do something that is going to make things worse and bad and evil for you or those around you, or you can choose to do things that are good for you and your family and those around you, and that brings value."
"The choices that you make will affect how your life turns out."
"Sometimes your family's going to have to get left behind if they're not on the same page."
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"New opportunities and choices are opening up to you. Claim them."
"The subject of economics is about choices and about decisions."
"You have options but you're very picky and none of them really suit you."
"You guys aren't gonna have a few love options coming towards you, and you know, you guys are out here breaking hearts because you're looking for the right one."
"The future isn't set in stone; it's shaped by the choices we make."
"Your future self is going to be a manifestation of the choices you make from this moment on."
"All of these choices are iconic in their own way."
"What do you want your life to be? Do you want to be a person who gives up or has setbacks?"
"In a relationship, you've got two options: you can either grow together, or grow apart."
"You have options in your life; you have so many options. Look out into the horizon in August and look at your endless options and opportunities."
"Your life is a culmination of your choices, and if you want to make better ones, you must expand your mind, consciousness, and focus."
"In the dance of destiny and decision, it's our choices, our paths, that reveal the true measure of our character and resolve."
"Our life is basically made... you make or break your life on the basis of your choices."
"You can change the world, or you can be liked by everyone. You don't get to do both."
"It's not just a single multiple choice; it can be a number of choices, the order you make them in, the best deal with a really interesting mechanic that can be used in almost infinite ways depending on the scenario you're presented."
"Life is always a series of choices. We make them every day, and they shape our future."
"You can either have success or revenge, but you can't have both."
"You got two options: You can give up or get up."
"Eventually, people are going to realize that thermal camouflage is more about lifestyle and operational decisions than it is about buying a particular product."
"What is convenient or enjoyable is not always what's good for you."
"Life is the letter C between the letters B and D. B is birth, D is death, life, C, is choice."
"Our realities are dominated and governed and we're not just talking about freedoms as in freedom of sexual expression freedom of cultural expression but like that we're choosing from a very limited palette."
"The honey hole of those choices I think, which is what I'm chasing, is where what we want is actually what we need, and what we need is actually what we want."
"You have your freedom of will; now, what will you do with it?"
"Opting for the lesser of two evils is still opting for the better choice."
"I dare say Junior trying to get inside but he'll be reminded by Simple not to go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to."
"Be grateful and appreciative for every good choice you make and let go of the bad ones."
"If I make the wrong choice and I mess something up, I can always reinvent myself."
"True meaningful choice is the core element underlying the planning and formulation of a strategy in pursuit of some end goal."
"Each of us, regardless of the job we do, each of us in the choices we make every day, we have to make smart choices for ourselves, for our family, and for every family."
"The difference why adulthood will always be better is adulthood lets you pick your spots and childhood does not."
"No one's entitled to be happy. You earn happiness through hard work and good choices."
"Take the high road because we always have these options to take the high road or take the low road."
"Margin gives you options, and options give you freedom."
"You can listen to the opinions of your critics or you can change the world, but you don't get to do both."
"It's okay to disappoint a parent or a friend, especially if you're doing something that you love."
"You first exist, then your essence is defined by your choices."
"The simplest definition of success is about having more choices than other people in your respective field."
"How are you going to buy a supercar and drive a Toyota? No disrespect to Toyota, pretty reasonable vehicle, but how are you going to buy a supercar and not drive it?"
"Every choice comes with loss... there is no choice that doesn't have loss and therefore some grief attached to it."
"We make the choices, and then the choices in turn make us."
"When it comes to your dreams, you have two choices: pursue them or be haunted by them."
"Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather be a pig than a fascist."
"Under capitalism you have the choice between working for the unelected guy, beating the odds and becoming the unelected guy yourself, or starving."
"God makes provision for our bad choices. The creator, the almighty, makes provision for our bad choices."
"Would you rather every movie you watch replaces the lead role with Nicolas Cage or every song you hear performed by Nickelback?"
"Would you rather lie every time you're asked a question or tell the truth every time you're asked a question?"
"Would you rather be SpongeBob or be Patrick?"
"Would you rather be telekinetic or telepathic?"
"If life is all about being hard, we have to choose our hard."
"This is the end of Skyrim, my friends. But maybe it didn't have to be this way. Maybe if I'd been stronger, maybe if I wasn't a wizard, maybe if I had a companion, maybe Skyrim could be saved."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: affordability, universality, or quality. And you can have two of those three things, but not all three."
"Choices matter, the ending is personal to you, and you live with the outcomes you create."
"Inherent in our plasticity is the ability to make choices of our own free will, perhaps especially when those choices don't make much sense."
"Living freedom and having to live with the consequences of choices are essential."
"In life, as our great friend Jazz Waters used to say, you can be great or safe, but you can't be both."
"You got to choose the kind of person that you're going to be."
"Sometimes the right decision is the hardest one to make."
"You can buy a Ferrari... makes sense as an evolution."
"A wise woman never falls in love; she always walks in love."
"Choose your pain: would you rather the temporary pain of separating from a person or the lifelong pain of having wasted your life with a person that never deserved to even be in your presence?"
"We are all human, and that's okay; we all have our boundaries, we all have our choices."
"Why not become conscious of the choices that you are making and then begin to create your life like an artist?"
"I judge people beyond the basis of whether they make good choices given the knowledge they have."
"What you cling to in this season of transition in your life will determine whether you go forward or stay at the gate."
"Life is about choices, and sometimes you get to choose peace."
"Feminism could mean that women now have the option to do whatever it is that they want to do."
"We've become so comfortable just detaching from things so quickly because there's a million options out there."
"We're in charge of our lives, and the lifestyle choices we get to make every single day."
"If you are still breathing, you still have choices and you can still affect your future."
"The caliber of your future will be determined by the choices you made today."
"Making healthier choices now could significantly improve your health in the long run."
"Do you know what it is that you value? Because ultimately we're always choosing people based on our values."
"If you love getting into the ins and outs of building your character, if you want to have a big choice to make every level, if you want to see the impact of making choices from one level to the next, the warlock is a great choice."
"I knew pretty young that I'd rather have choices...as a little kid, I said I want to have those choices my mom doesn't have at all."
"Given the choice between being hungry and glass, most people are still going to choose alive but hungry."
"Every purchase you make is a vote on what you want versus what you don't want."
"This game looks so cool, so you can choose all your own proteins and toppings."
"You could go down one of two paths: where you're like, 'This world is messed up and all this messed up stuff happened, so I don't want to continue the cycle,' or 'This world is messed up, I'm gonna create one of the good ones.'"
"As a storyteller, I've always been fascinated with the idea of recreating this notion of choices and fiction."
"If you are following your passion and making choices from your heart, the universe will love you for it."
"You'll have multiple options come in... you'll be able to choose from what you like."
"Have fun with the choices you make, the actions you take, and the thoughts you have."
"It's not about the money, it's about choices. It's about lifestyle. It's about freedom."
"It would mean not having to choose between rent and groceries and not having to ration my partner's meds."
"Goku realizes it's not that fulfilling, even though it's a safe option."
"It's much better to end a relationship that wasn't working than to continue in a harmful one."
"Learning how to be solid with you, taking care of you, and learning how to accept another person's live and let live, and then choose: Do I want to be with you?"
"We are being constantly told that we have only two options in everything... and I think we have much more options than that."
"Every day we get multiple times to vote on what we want to put inside our body."
"Every moment is an opportunity for you to say a word of Wicked to say subhanallah alhamdulillah or whatever it is or a moment to sin which is the worst thing that you could do with the moment or a moment that can go to waste."
"You knew he had three kids when you started dating him."
"Change appearance? Oh, we can pick a different color? Silver and gray."
"You set the tone and standards, and then it's up to you to choose whatever you want to do."
"Do what you want, but just know there are repercussions, good, bad, or indifferent, that are going to come behind it."
"We make our choices, and then our choices make us."
"You had two choices in your life: you could keep the peace and you could line up with the others, or you could walk at your own pace in your own direction for your own reasons and accept the consequences and rewards that come with being your own person."
"Some interpretations even state that every decision a person makes causes a branch in reality, where the person made the other decision."
"Genuine freedom doesn't just mean doing the opposite of what we did before, it means having a wide array of options available to you."
"Go where you are valued, go where you are appreciated."
"Why would you throw away something real for something temporary?"
"It's like, if I'm with you, I will stay with you, it doesn't matter if these other people are interesting or whatever."
"Someday, you a multi-millionaire, you have a lot of choices to spend your day."
"Either you dress for the war, or you stay home."
"Making healthy choices is often about better, not best."
"The real question of cultural relativism is whether these cultural choices are wholly arbitrary with none being better than another."
"I think it's important that we become more conscious of our choices."
"Choose people who choose you and let go of people who let go of you."
"You have to make the choice to either live with your limitations and excuses or to change your life."
"If someone's not choosing you fully right now, that gives you every right to be able to be like, okay, I'm gonna move on. I'm gonna find someone who wants to choose me totally and wants to choose this relationship totally."
"Games with a high degree of permanence are designed around your choices, mistakes, and discoveries not just affecting your immediate gameplay situation but having knock-on narrative and gameplay effects that change how you'll be playing hours or even days from when you made them."
"So the next time a game asks you to make a choice that's gonna have lasting consequences, it might be worth asking yourself why this is happening. Is the game trying to get you attached to a particular place or character? Is it trying to raise the stakes? Or is it teeing up a personal story that you're gonna have to finish yourself?"
"Society is driving 80 miles an hour into a friggin' concrete wall, and they can stop, slow down, or turn."
"I don't choose things because I love them. I choose things because they make sense."
"We are molding and we are forming that world through the choices that we make right now."
"Just know that you, the viewer, are responsible for this choice, and honestly, I'm glad you guys made it."
"The journey of self-improvement and achieving one's goals can be pursued in many different ways, with or without the use of steroids."
"Will you muster the courage to journey toward enlightenment, even if it means distancing yourself from loved ones, or will you remain nestled in the comforting embrace of familiar delusions?"
"It's all about choices...I've met many attractive women and that's not the only thing that I'm looking for. It's also about personality."
"In the vast sky of possibilities, choose the drone that elevates your vision."
"You always have the option to lighten up. It's legal in almost 200 countries."
"I couldn't dare do that. For what? Who gains from that? Not my people. I just couldn't be a sellout. I couldn't be an enabler."
"Are you a vegetarian, or why don't you eat meat? And my argument is like, why shouldn't I be a vegetarian?"
"When Naruto made his choice, he chose his friends over revenge; when Sasuke made his, he chose revenge over his friends."
"Find the bigger, better offer – there are bigger better offers than fear and anxiety."
"Back within the safety of Fort Tarsus is where my story begins. This is your chance to develop a richly personal narrative where your choices have consequences."
"My son, there are two wolves inside of my heart. They fight each other terribly. Each is trying to destroy the other. One wolf is evil...The other wolf is good...The young grandson looked nervous...and then he asked his grandfather 'Which wolf will win?' The old Cherokee simply replied 'The one that I feed.'"
"The tiny choices we make over and over create our character, they influence our mood, and they determine our quality of life."
"Who you are today is just the result of the thousands of choices that you've made throughout your life."
"When we get into a position where we have choices, how empowering to be able to use them."
"When your mom told you, 'Pick one,' the reason that that was so painful is because she was asking you... to lop a piece off."
"It's up to you. You get to choose which path you want to take."
"Will life on the Rim, with its many unexpected dangers, force the fearful scientist down a much darker path?"
"What else you going to do, quit? What else you going to do, man? Go back and be a fat sit around and do nothing, be nothing, contribute to nothing, become nothing, build nothing? That's the other alternative I'm just not willing to accept that as my reality."
"The difference between an indecisive person and a decisive person is that the indecisive person tries to pick the right choice, and the decisive person makes whatever choice they pick work."
"It's not what you're capable of, it's about what you choose to do."
"When that day comes, you're going to have to make a choice, a choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not."
"It doesn't matter that, say, Bloodborne clearly has a best canon ending. The fact that you put in all that extra work to get it at all is what makes that choice worthwhile, not any illusion of control over the story."
"Ultimately, decision making is about trade-offs."
"Choices are your best way to define the truth about your characters in the eyes of the audience."
"No one put a gun to my head. I had choices to make, and I made the wrong choices."
"Life is precious, and I bet that if you could speak to any of the people who lost their lives in this story, innocent or otherwise, they would simply wish that they had taken a different and more positive path."
"Elections are a choice between where we are and where we want to be."
"I'd rather have manna and be free than have the best delicacies of life and be enslaved."
"Every morning you wake up, you have two choices: You can either continue to sleep with your dreams or you can get up and make your dreams come true."
"I don't believe in bad people. I believe in bad choices."
"Everyone has an evil bone in their body, but we choose whether or not to use that evil bone."
"If I have the option between decluttering a linen closet or watching something on my phone, well, it actually takes a lot of willpower to choose decluttering the linen closet because I don't get as big of a dopamine rush from that."
"Life is choices. We are the people we are today because of all the choices we've made before today."
"There are 8 billion people on this planet and an untold number of wonders and marvels out there, and you choose to watch a naked man in a pot."
"We the Revolution, for a time, had me appreciating the way it tackled false choices."
"Which would you rather do: would you rather be able to be invisible, or would you rather be able to teleport?"
"The idea of spending a whole weekend at Coachella... is incredibly expensive."
"You don't have to do what's obvious. You got lots of choices."
"You either die rescuing Mokuba, or you live long enough to be the one who kidnaps him."
"If I want nuts, I'll eat nuts. If I want M&M's, I'll eat M&M's."
"Let's face it, at one point, women had to have children to survive. Those days are gone."
"Which sacrifice are you willing to make? Do you bow to the world, do you bow to the enemy, or do you bow to the throne of God?"
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other."
"If you want to be single, then just be single. And if you want to be in a committed relationship, choose someone who's not going to cheat."
"I really believe in this idea that people, when armed with all the context, will make the right choices."
"No amount of money in this world will have me put my kids in a position where they can look at me 10 years from now and say, 'Mom, why did you go back after what they did to us?'"
"It's not what you were given at birth but the choices you made throughout your life."
"We're here to live these lives and make these choices, and the more we can learn and grow through this existence, the better."
"It's better to be a weenie than to be a meanie."
"This game has the craziest choices we've ever had to make in a Roblox story and has twists and turns that we never saw coming."
"The entire structure of modern society is built around the idea that you have choices about where to allocate resources, and you should try to allocate them to places where the most good can be done."
"Your life at this moment is the sum total of your choices."
"We should always encourage women to know that there are other options."
"Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life."
"A slave is set free. It's not merely economics; it's choices and margin and future. It's everything on the list."
"Broad is the road that leads to destruction, but narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
"In the United States of America, no senior should ever have to choose between whether they are able to fill a prescription or fill the refrigerator with food."
"Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?"
"You cannot choose the best option. You can only choose the least worst."
"You can just not be weird about it. That's a choice you have."
"It's the wolf you feed...we have options and I hope we make good choices."
"Life is a tapestry woven from the threads of our choices and chances."
"I'm a PlayStation guy at the end of the day, but I have to say, if I didn't have any biases going before this, I'd probably end up getting an Xbox Series X if I had to pick between one system."
"What happens when one's choices are completely taken away from them, and when there's little forgiveness or help for mental health."
"Life is a game of balancing the battles we choose to fight."
"Two roads diverged in a wood, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"What's worse, to put your life at risk, let's say, or to put everything you love at risk, or to lose your conscience?"
"The things we choose about ourselves are the things we are."
"Making friends is difficult, and what we do is we give them a choice: You can make real friends, which is difficult, or you can have invisible, made-up friends on your phone."
"There's nothing wrong with liking crack either, but you shouldn't smoke it."
"There are literally no more excuses. You either want to do it, or you're not gonna do it."