
Heroism Quotes

There are 21553 quotes

"Griffin did what of course any perfectly normal ten-year-old kid would do: he grabbed control of the car and safely executed a maneuver where he put the car through oncoming traffic into the side of the road, saving the lives of his great-grandmother, his four-year-old brother, and all the other drivers on the road."
Gabe Zimmerman
"When you can imagine yourself or others as the hero, as someone that's redeemed, you have a chance to change the narrative, change the ending."
"The line between heroism and madness is often drawn by the outcome."
"A hero is a hero not because he's doing actions but because he's doing actions that you deem to be heroic."
"Creating something is a true act of heroism because to create, you have to push through the obstacles that invariably arise."
"Hope-filled heroes can inspire us to imitate them emotionally and behaviorally."
"Man's proper stature is not one of mediocrity, failure, frustration, or defeat, but one of achievement, strength, and nobility. In short, man can and ought to be a hero."
"You correctly identified a homicidal maniac and managed to take away her toy. Good job, thank you. It's all in the day's work."
"Local newspapers and TV stations picked up her story, new bulletins highlighted her act of heroism."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"The actions of the officers at the scene... there is no doubt their heroic actions saved lives."
"No icky dragon can stand in the way of Moonpaw."
"Our hero is not a killer, and even Senora, though asking not for pity, receives it nonetheless."
"The younger generation... they're going to become heroes."
"Yuki finally finds some courage and declares that he wants to be a hero in M."
"Yuki then starts ripping all the demons to shreds like a boss."
"Yuki reminds himself that he came to M to be a hero."
"By fighting so bravely, Nicole may have saved a lot of other lives that night."
"Heroes aren't born from the absence of fear, but the determination to stand despite it."
"The true test of a hero isn't in the battles they fight, but in the lives they touch."
"We are all heroes in the end, we just don't know it."
"This is your chance to be a hero among heroes."
"Alicia denied there was no way she would do something like that because killing humans was just too much for her as a hero."
"The concept of being willing to leave this Earth for the sake of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, and being principled dying on principles, that is what makes all of our heroes heroes."
"With just one slash, he killed the archdemon."
"In about 0.78 seconds, he springs into action and pulls the children to safety."
"Uniquely powerful mortal who traversed all of human history and after watching it avoid total destruction by a razor-thin margin for the last time finally said enough is enough."
"If seeing a fireman rescue a kitty from a house fire is too much cuteness to handle, sorry about that."
"When we view heroes realistically as fallible human beings with accessible qualities, ideas, and skills, we can appreciate them and learn from them without diminishing ourselves."
"There is no deed in this life so impossible that you cannot do it. Your whole life should be lived as a heroic deed."
"The hero image is the path of optimal adaptation for human beings."
"With the instruction of an ambulance crew, the gathering crowd quickly turned from bystanders to superheroes."
"100 people lift a bus to save a cyclist trapped under a London bus."
"Heroic of Empire, remarkable feat: an unknown person in a bat costume rescued several people from a burning building."
"The two parts of his name are what makes him the show’s hero – he is 'cowardly' enough to feel threatened by all the crazy stuff life throws at him, but has the 'courage' to power through it to protect the people he cares about."
"There are people who, when a grenade is lobbed through the window, throw themselves on it before it can blow up. It does happen... it doesn't require divine sanction or permission."
"You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Learn to love your own life. Learn to be the hero of your own journey."
"He was what he was, a brave and heroic hedgehog who gave his life to save this planet. Shadow the Hedgehog."
"Heroes triumphing over villains, light overcoming dark, good defeating evil."
"Dark Link has always represented to me... the timeless cosmic struggle being explored within the confines of Link himself."
"Any good hero worth their salt can't be perfect... there always has to be flaws."
"To be the hero he wants to be, he has to change."
"Persal remembers his Grandpa's words to always defeat the evil and help the weak."
"If you're going to write the hero of a story, a central character who ultimately is able to conquer the evil he or she faces, you need to make them earn it."
"Our heroes are supposed to inspire us, either by their ability to grow beyond their own flaws and failures or despite being paragons of virtue and goodness, still having to struggle against overwhelming odds."
"I will fulfill my destiny and save the kingdom."
"Remember who you are and return to us; this world needs champions."
"Fear not, however, because with our help, you will become the Drangleic hero you are destined to become."
"Applying knowledge and sympathy to enhance human flourishing is heroic, glorious, maybe even spiritual."
"We did learn that there was some heroism involved in some of the officers who showed up to bring their comrades to safety."
"I want to be a hero not a martyr. I don't want to actually end up dead."
"You are what you make yourself, and that is a hero."
"You risked your life to fight for our family. You're forever a hero."
"Unfortunately, that day never came, and Jaime, finally unable to simply stand by and do nothing, slayed the Mad King, saving thousands of innocents."
"For as long as I can recall, I've quested for a hero of a different kind."
"Well helping people out is all part of saving the world, Ollie boy."
"The real heroes are the law enforcement officers."
"Spider-Man's growth is to realize that he doesn't have to be perfect to be a hero."
"Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; they bring a lot of different things to the table and mean something unique to everybody."
"His self-sacrifice is second to none, which is why I think he's my ideal movie hero."
"Jack Cornwall was only 16 when he lost his life at the Battle of Jutland... He did not panic or flee, nor lie in despair. Instead, he remained at his post, a 16-year-old boy, calm and ready to take more orders."
"Jack's heroism is undoubtable; the young man showed a kind of courage exceptional even in war and paid the ultimate price."
"The fragility of their heroism draws attention to the fact that the very concept of 'good guy' is an inherent fiction."
"A fallen hero has to re-learn to be better and confront what made them worse to begin with."
"The heroism of young men, men who are now half my age, who walked on to beaches, who crawled onto beaches in order to fight off Nazis, in order to fight off fascism, is something that did more than I will do my entire life."
"It is in moments like these, where we maintain our integrity and our courage in the face of impossible odds, that legends are born."
"Heroism is simultaneously the most enduring and transitory quality in all of human existence."
"Be the hero in your own story; don't let your life pass you by."
"It was never about the spectacle of heroism; it was always about great responsibility."
"Cap opted to sacrifice his own life by crash-landing it in the middle of the Arctic Ocean...to ensure the safety of millions of people he'd never even met."
"Tony Stark intercepted the missile and took it into the wormhole...but stark did it without knowing whether or not he would make it back alive."
"Tony Stark...snapped his fingers to turn Thanos and his army to dust...sacrificed his own life to save everyone else's."
"During an extremely tragic event in California, where many were killed, a group of men formed a protective circle around women, shielding them from bullets with their own bodies."
"Heroes aren't defined by their skill with a bow, ax, or sword, but rather the strength of their conviction."
"He's always outmatched, but his bravery leads him to do great things."
"But what makes him a standout hero is his selflessness and his incredible capacity for forgiveness."
"Superman reminds us that you can and should always do the right thing, even when it hurts."
"Normal people in their burdened lives do heroic things regularly."
"The heroism outweighs the darkness, and the philosophy of the United is what has allowed us to grow."
"We are grateful for the courage and heroism of the first responders."
"The hero symbolizes our need to master skills, our need to, much like Superman, develop the necessary abilities to overcome otherwise terrifying and daunting obstacles."
"Powers might make one super, but it's one's nobility that makes a hero."
"Maybe Superman, like All Might, smiles because he's a hero. Maybe Superman's smile was worn because he genuinely enjoys being a hero."
"The parents around America who stepped up...are heroes."
"I really believe that the real heroes here are the students, the students that plugged along that rose to the occasion."
"It's a hero's duty to give people the courage to fight."
"The hero in mythology is the person who goes into unknown territory and masters it."
"Maybe it's a good moment to remind ourselves of all those acts of kindness, selflessness, and heroism that do pull us together."
"In the face of uncertainty, the determination to save, to protect, and to fight becomes the true measure of heroism."
"Ael comes running up to the monster and covers himself in divinity before leaping into its mouth."
"He made a habit of fighting bandits around the domain and was eventually nicknamed the Black Knight."
"Prepping puts you in a position of being capable of being a hero to others."
"We're the heroes of this story. We're the ones it's going to come down to."
"The world doesn't need a hero, it needs a professional."
"Dune was not a celebration of heroism but a cautionary tale, a warning toward Messianic figures."
"This robot then decides he wants to become a hero, helping and protecting all of humanity, and robot kind."
"Superman is the hero that inspires the world to be better; he can't do that if he himself is not better."
"We are looking for heroes, people who came and did the right thing and left."
"The violin belonging to Wallace Hartley... has become a symbol of heroism and selflessness."
"Roy Benavidez had survived six hours in hell and saved eight lives."
"President Ronald Reagan would present Roy Benavidez the Medal of Honor, saying, 'If the story of his heroism were a movie script, you would not believe it.'"
"Benavidez said of his actions, 'The real heroes are the ones who gave their lives for their country. I just did what I was trained to do.'"
"Desmond Doss... saved many of his comrades' lives in battle without firing a single shot."
"The character shown by these people, the actions they took, the risk to personal life and limb to ensure that others could live, because they'd already seen so many die, that's where it goes from being in awe to being in reverence."
"His stories from the front line meant that for the first time people back home could read about the immense bravery of the bloke next door."
"His bravery was suicidal and utterly selfless."
"I'm here to stop you, and I don't care what happens to me."
"The measure of a hero is how they succeed at being who they are."
"Oh my god, killed the boss in like a second, you're the greatest hero of all."
"He showed great courage while he treated the wounded men under enemy fire."
"He earned the Medal of Honor after saving several wounded men despite being seriously injured."
"I'm not a hero. I did what I had to do to defend myself."
"Katniss becomes a well-known heroic figure in Panem, but at the heart of it, she was just a regular girl who only gained the importance she did via tenacity."
"Putin will go down as the great international criminal of the 21st century...and Zelensky will go down as the hero of it."
"Heroes are marked by courage and compassion."
"In her Harry Potter universe, heroes are marked by courage and compassion."
"I think the hero is our humility within the admission of our vulnerability and need for nature."
"True heroism is not just about having the strongest powers but about making the right moral choices, even when they come at a great personal cost."
"The only thing I can do is fight on. For the world's sake. For her sake."
"Leorio is probably one of the closest things to a hero in this story."
"Staying true to himself and refusing to change is far more heroic than caving to the pressure to be more like everyone else."
"You say you're no hero. I gotta call bullshit on that. You're exactly the kind of hero the world needs."
"She says that he is humanity's last hope against the evil monarch, and if he dies performing a dumb stunt, the world will be covered in darkness."
"Ready or not, world, I'm coming to save you."
"All of the greatest heroes have flaws; all of the greatest villains have moments of humanity."
"Not the hero we needed, but the hero we deserve."
"The real heroes here, because, yeah, putting yourself at risk for others, that's like the ultimate thing you can do."
"Heroes have less to do with what ability they have and more to do with who they are willing to save."
"Parents are superheroes; they spend every single second of their day thinking about another human."
"In the following years, through many hardships and ordeals, he became a capable ninja regarded as a hero both by the villagers and soon after the rest of the world."
"You keep cleaning up after everyone, Batman. And how long before they erode themselves? The ones that don't hate you, they'll start to rely on you, depend on you."
"Deep down, buried, he wanted to save his people. He wanted to protect the weak and defenseless like he had always done."
"I've seen families do heroic things and defy all the odds."
"The hero uses his willpower to overcome tragedy."
"Heroism is not just about capes and fighting villains; it's about facing the day with courage, no matter the size of the battle."
"The heroic ideal is an important thing because it should be an aspirational figure."
"Thou who would slay the dragon, if thou seekest to behold this world in its true aspect, abandon thy reason, cast aside thine heart, and thy life both."
"Prophet time and time again going big on a variety of heroes."
"Bad guys look out for themselves; heroes look out for each other."
"I may not be the hero you want but I'm the one you got right now."
"Those teachers who died protecting those children in their care."
"A scent of change stirs in the air, spring is fresh on the horizon. With it comes a chance for renewal, a chance for new heroes to blossom."
"In a new era, with new heroes, the district takes center stage."
"The hero that the Philly Fusion were hoping for."
"Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives."
"You don't have to get into a giant laser sword fight and blow up three spaceships to become a hero."
"Luke's heroic traits are well defined in A New Hope: he's courageous, loyal, and impulsive."
"I wanted to save lives. I don’t see how that could be a bad thing."
"The time for heroes is here, and there's no better moment to show who you will become."
"Adam Warlock, the church's original Golden God, would be the only person who could save them."
"Saving innocents in imminent danger will make your legend grow."
"Maybe everyone is completely in the dark about what the heck is going on, but since you're prepared, you saved the day."
"The world is full of unfairness; it's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness."
"JFK was a world war II hero himself, rescuing 11 of his Navy men."
"Sometimes, being a hero means making the tough decisions, not the popular ones."
"Yonsung appeared just in time to use his strength to defeat the monster and save the goblins from destruction."
"We don't get to pick and choose our heroes sometimes."
"Zelenskiy is a hero on behalf of 44 million Ukrainians. He's asking for more help, and the administration should be doing more, faster."
"Arthur didn't start a hero, but he became one of the best in the most natural and engrossing ways I have ever thought possible."
"Liu Kang was designed specifically to be a more heroic figure than most of the others, with a less-violent, less-dirty fighting style that suited his honorable shaolin background."
"Tyrion isn't bumbling around making grave errors until Tywin saves the day. Tyrion is the true hero despite Tywin taking all the glory."
"Deku wants to save the smiles on those in danger by being the next symbol of peace."
"This is why Kisuke Urahara feels like the behind-the-scenes hero of the series, one who didn't even ask for anything in return despite having everything taken away from him."
"Our dark knight, willing to do what must be done, regardless of how ugly."
"Those who stand when they are needed the most will earn the respect and love of their countrymen."
"You don't need to be everybody's hero right now; you simply need to focus on yourself."
"The greatest people on the planet have suffered the most. Suffering is purification and preparation for personal heroism."
"Real masculinity is not toxic... it was real men who stormed the beaches and saved us in World War II."
"Being Spider-Man is hard; it means doing the right thing, even when it hurts."
"They can smite evildoers, protect the innocent, heal the wounded, and even are granted blessings that can inspire their allies in battle."
"One of the major themes of The Lord of the Rings is that of small people, who are not themselves very important, yet accomplishing big things."
"You're way more than you think, man. Stand up, do something difficult and heroic. Burst out of your bonds."
"My destiny is to defeat the ultimate evil and bring peace."
"When the shit hits the fan, you are the hero."
"Instead, his forces were met by the heroism of President Zelensky and the resolute determination of the Ukrainian people."
"We're saving the server. We are being heroes, aren't we?"
"Every story needs a hero, it's only natural that a story about teachers and the education system would find one character to pen heroic ambition and sainthood on."
"We are all that separates the world from darkness. The enemy is ruthless. We cannot, we must not fail. Duty first."
"I promise I will strive to be the perfect hero."
"The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be."
"Heroes don't have the authority to arrest people or punish them. The only reason we're allowed to use our quirks is because of the regulations put on them."
"The word hero has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams."
"Erlang Shen, the miraculous sage of the Red City, the greatest warrior of heaven, the one who defeated the invincible monkey king."
"Constantly saving people with a fearless smile, he's the greatest hero, and I want to be just like him."
"Heroism is choice. You're choosing to do something that ordinary people won't choose."
"Heroism doesn't happen by accident. It's a choice for him that is crystal clear."
"You think I don't know when it's hero time? Somebody could die."
"Maybe if I pretend everything's a big joke, I'll be able to do what I have to do."
"Everyone sees the hero that the Flash is, but no one has mentioned the man. They don't know how human he is."
"Living up to a legend can feel impossible some days, but because of his friends and his family, he will continue to be the hero that everyone hopes for."
"David remains one of the greatest heroes of all time. His legend, his poetry, and his life work endure."
"We must now join forces one more time to ensure that the heroes of 9/11 are not abandoned when they need us most."
"We are eternally grateful for their heroism and for those who in the 18 years since, tens of thousands of men and women, first responders, relief workers, local residents... have shown us the true spirit of America."
"It's everything that you could want from an action movie. You have a hero to believe in."
"The soul of the individual eternally hungers for the heroism of genuine being."
"You can't be a hero in China. I kind of don't really believe that. I think you can be a hero anywhere."
"People like Mark Jones, Mike Taylor, and Fred W ought to be considered heroes instead of being treated like a skunk at a picnic by our bureaucracy."
"I am Justice. I am Vengeance. I am the Knight."
"We have to be happy for our heroes doing heroic [expletive]."