
Enhancement Quotes

There are 6010 quotes

"The key, I think, isn't trying to insulate creative and mechanical gameplay systems from each other... but instead to use the respective strengths of each style of gameplay to enhance and enrich the other."
"AI in the creative industries enhances human creativity, and doesn't replace it."
"If I enhance you, we don't specialize at the expense of others; we specialize at the enhancement of others."
"Nootropics...can take you from a functional level to a new level of mental performance that you've never experienced before."
"The college of eloquence bard takes everything that rocks about the bard and just turns the volume up to 11. More like 12, actually."
"Training is supposed to enhance your life, not detract from it."
"With it turned on, you can make everything look super realistic and not creepy at all."
"The right music can really take the experience to a whole new level."
"Augmented reality kind of goes the other way; it doesn't want to take you out of the real world, it just wants to enhance it."
"Uncompromising prosecution, friendly Militarum Tempestas within six inches improve their AP of their attacks by one."
"A successful practice in which seeks to protect, preserve, and enhance the patrimony over many years is one that must be concerned with these three components."
"I think technology will move on to become more implanted...first off by fixing things...later on I think we'll start to use it to enhance things."
"Plus one: put a plus one plus one counter on up to one target creature. It gains first strike until end of turn."
"The overall communication of neurons within your brain was spectacularly enhanced."
"Gold and outlines and borders cleanly accentuate and enhance the art you love."
"Curiosity is what leads to discoveries, and discoveries have the potential to enhance our health, our wealth, our security."
"DNA could potentially be modified to increase soldiers' combat effectiveness."
"Enhance our website means to make something more beautiful, to make it more useful."
"The ability to read enhances your knowledge so much."
"It's going to take our simple lines, add a bit of dimension to them, and a little bit of sexiness."
"Destruction magic is really taken to the next level with the Ordinator mod."
"Ghost's awakened ability if you're very good at playing the champion just adds so much more damage output."
"Ultimately, what we're trying to do is make the game more fun for players."
"It's powerful, but I'm just really excited about how fun it'll make the spec feel again."
"The storm uses seals to boost kinetic powers of the Lancer tube."
"Maximizing bloom effect for a vibrant, cinematic look."
"Warhammer 3 takes many of the series' best qualities to soaring new heights."
"Plus 20% ads time, movement speed, sprint to fire ads movement speed, bullet penetration, let's get it."
"The movie's fantasy elements could benefit from musical numbers."
"And if you want to take your customization to the next level, check out my good luck guide."
"Memorable levels with a strong core theme elevate themselves beyond the sum of their parts."
"That's an 11. when you add in the Cinematic Trail at the start."
"In many ways, it's exactly what you want from a sequel—just more of the last thing but better."
"Machine learning can be used to enhance creative work."
"Effectively restore and even enhance our existing brain function."
"The gameplay enhancements are an improvement which never would have occurred had Nintendo not been willing to dip back into the game and make a few changes."
"It feels like a better version of what was there already."
"Assassin's Creed 2 doesn't just feel like a sequel in terms of gameplay and story, it feels like a sequel in every single way."
"Make this Hyrule more alive, more story and characters, I would very much like that."
"Mods very much improve single player games. Developers do not have the time and resources to include every single little thing that anybody might want."
"I feel like this arm just got upgraded, that's shiny."
"Xbox Series S gets a special new performance mode for 60fps gameplay."
"Probably the coolest one of all is FPS boost."
"The adventurers toolkit will increase your crit chance again and the impact amp will increase enemy knockback."
"Spiritual stamina is the enhancement of spiritual stability."
"Red Dead 2 is excellent... the inclusion of some social and political issues actually enhanced the game."
"You know what this is gonna make for a better video. It's gonna make for a better story."
"This would make this thing handle like a sports car."
"Honestly, when you add flags to these towers, the place just comes alive."
"It just takes things up several degrees of Awesome."
"Additionally, Pokemon really should follow you. The Isle of Armor DLC has following Pokemon, but uh, extending the camp feature to be more interactive and unique could really bring out the personalities of the Pokemon even further."
"Autism is not a defect, it's almost an upgrade, not a downgrade. In other words, it feels like an upgrade."
"This mod list will no doubt transform your game into an experience with much more depth, variety, and many additional hours of content."
"Forge ahead with the battle smith, turning magic weapons into instruments of power."
"The last of us part one is a remarkable improvement over the previous 2014 remaster."
"It looks good; the music has been rearranged for this enhanced version."
"It just takes you to that next level when you're driving a car."
"Open to support and collaboration with other people because I think it could help make whatever you're creating or whatever you're working on even all that much better. Good luck."
"More just more tools in your kit and that means more room for the skilled players to shine."
"In this expansion, we're promoting 10 iconic but underused unique weapons to the same tier of Rarity as Mage blood and Headhunter."
"The music is always three times better in Genshin."
"You won't die with this science and technology, you guys will have superpowers."
"Real-life experiences are crucial, but virtual labs amplify and enhance learning."
"So many tulips in the garden...a really nice way of adding some more flowers."
"The Animatrix really enhances the world and the struggle."
"That has really added a new dimension to my gameplay."
"Verbal communication alone is not everything. Things such as body language will enhance the conversation."
"Backlight pops someone out of the background, adds a halo effect."
"Enlightenment is like a different form of human being where everything is boosted."
"The improvement in loads does seem like a very welcome enhancement."
"Grand Theft Auto 5's new enhanced release does a lot to impress the 4K image the 60 fps modes the ray trace shadows even the haptics and the adaptive triggers on PS5 are worth using adding genuine weight to the game's shooting mechanics."
"Mars is going to really enhance whatever motivates you on a higher level."
"So this is a fantastic trick that you can use to change the luminous values of your image."
"You really need mending and you really need unbreaking...those two things make every other enchantment go further."
"Now let me try and add some additional information."
"Rayman Origins takes Rayman 1 and improves upon it in every way possible."
"I think orchestrating this a lot more like adding some strings if it's a kind of strings or some extra textures beyond just piano because as it is it's very bare-bones."
"Perfectly drawn headshots increase the size of the explosion."
"That's how you get this insane crisp sort of super sampled look especially with the sharpening filters that we apply on top."
"Supplements are not the key to fat loss but can dramatically speed up the process."
"Wind Waker HD takes several steps to remedy pacing issues."
"Music arrangements in Streets of Rage 3 were like adding the right seasoning into a medium-rare steak."
"Hooray! The game does come with a hard-boiled mode, which the first game also received in the New Ports so now every game has one."
"The tempest strike is an excellent addition to this kit as well."
"Thankfully, it's only gotten better with age."
"Holy freakin crap does it add a lot of content into the game and rebalances a lot of things and makes it frankly in my opinion more realistic and more challenging and therefore more fun."
"Speedy gameplay for Speedy people just tighten up what's already there and hell maybe throw in a hard mode for the potential of a new game plus."
"Drugs offer us tools to enhance certain tendencies that we have."
"Mr silent king zarak himself is looking really nice down to 420 points can buff himself with his own re-rolls and has the slightly disturbing prospect of resurrecting those trial combiner the katan."
"This right here won't cause no kind of damage to you but nothing this would just do nothing but add flavor awesome."
"This adds fresh life into these games I love."
"This DLC has definitely managed to add an absurd amount of replayability."
"It's just a wonderful extra memorable element to the piece."
"We can rebuild him better, stronger, faster."
"Just subtly add a little bit of burning, and this is just going to slightly further accentuate some of the shadow tones and some of the transitions into the darker areas of the skin."
"It's still pretty it's still natural but it just pops out a little bit more you."
"Striker Jones now gives bonus range and Pierce to any Tower in the game, whoa."
"Tools and straps and just accessories I think you're so important to really be able to maximize your pieces."
"Quite possibly the most important part of this all: my secret ingredient. It will take every dish you make to the next level."
"Adding some fluff, adding some substance to the conversation."
"Slice-of-Life mod: a massive overhaul adding realism I adore."
"Under the sun, that made her beauty become even more and more beautiful."
"Gratitude before a meal makes the food taste better."
"A sword to anything, it does increase its coolness."
"Bowser’s Fury singlehandedly elevates this to A-tier, I think."
"Halo 2 takes everything fantastic about Halo 1 and ups the ante like crazy."
"Combining accessories can enhance your magic abilities."
"Reforging your accessories can significantly boost your magic prowess."
"The twist should enhance the second viewing..."
"Just that little extra detail that makes the game as cool as it is."
"It adds a lot of character to the environments."
"Ideally, Executioner will provide further options for range attackers." - Seth
"It just looks like they've dialed everything up to 11."
"It does get a lot more powerful when you pair a second pair of wireless earbuds."
"Lean into it, use it to the fullest. If you're going to go with the VTT, don't just use it as a shared die roller."
"What XP Supercharge does is it will make your XP bar down in the bottom left corner turn yellow."
"Pressing the 'subwoofer' button activates that subwoofer and things really start subwoofing."
"It actually enhances the fight scene, not from a technical swordsmanship perspective, but from a fancy movie 'you want it to look really good' perspective."
"I enjoy this about a thousand times better because the sound is significantly more interesting and filled out."
"This update adds a few more butterflies... it's beautiful."
"Though commendable work went into revamping Fallout 4’s out-of-VATS combat in this game."
"Conversion intelligence enhances your marketing intuition with AI insights."
"If you add a small amount of another element, you can enhance that ionization."
"The license should elevate the game, make it better."
"It just kind of adds this next level of awesomeness to your notes."
"You probably have to go somewhere else and add more elements to the beat outside of the initial situation."
"He adds a dimension to the lightweight division."
"The themes and stuff are the icing on the cake."
"A more immersive and cool way to play the game."
"Every single returning zone is better than it was originally."
"It doesn't exactly break new ground, but it does a great job at enhancing what came before."
"This is pretty good if you can land it onto Lathral because she's... if she's hit once or you already played a couple elves, she's going to make that many elves."
"Guardians can push their Prismatic builds even further with new exotic class items."
"It's a boost to my armor as well for almost eight and a half seconds."
"Interesting NPCs, a mod that adds over 250 fully voiced NPCs."
"A lot of those little builds I kind of made... just to enhance builds with other builds."
"It makes the world feel so much more alive, so much more immersed."
"3D terrain... anything like that that just makes the game pop a little bit more showing the different kind of terrain that's on the board is cool."
"Combining this fighting style's wind nature with swords, B is able to increase the lethality of his attacks."
"You can make Ray tracing look a bit better with dlss xcss to a degree."
"This is amazing, it takes all the greatness of the enthralling performance and just cranks things up a notch higher."
"Removing distracting elements can greatly enhance the composition and colors of a photo."
"Increased reload speeds and big damage buffs against Majors. Minors is a good buff but against Majors massive buff."
"JR’s exceeds those original games in nearly every way imaginable."
"It's a reliable tool that enhances my life, makes my life better."
"I think they're way too small I want to at least double these in size because it doesn't look very cool from Far."
"All about that bacon, man. Bacon makes everything better."
"Why should we not avail ourselves of this enormous creative force to strengthen all our powers and possibilities, to lengthen our time, our lives?"
"Making it positive, making it amazing, making it everything you need it to be and then some."
"We're gonna get a second cube of meat, which means extra damage."
"None of that would have been quite as good without this little guy."
"Elevates not just the visuals but also the feel of the game."
"Expect a dramatic improvement in your financial situation and romantic life."
"There's nothing added here that's terrible, not even close. In fact, most of the new additions are straight up improvements."
"The spear is much stronger now. Very, very good."
"Flagging options is extremely helpful, because you can use it for something more than what flagging is supposed to do."
"We're gonna get extra attack and fast movement...so that's kind of nice."
"Reason then can confirm what we know by faith and can even help enhance our understanding of what we know by faith."
"One thing I was worried about: Is it going to be one of those mods where it's really cool and all they give you new social interactions but then there's no moodlets? However, this gives you new moodlets and it's incredible."
"Micro Dome offers an additional layer of latex for girth enhancement. Girth guarantee or your money back. Micro Dome!"
"Those boots let you move so freaking fast to make you look like freaking sanic!"
"He Powers up Your Heroes by leveling them up even faster allowing your Heroes to get to level 20 before the end of the game."
"Rebirth promises to be something much more a grander game than could have ever been imagined."
"It's feeling much more integrated into the game than before."
"I think the most likely outcome for artificial intelligence is good... it will massively enhance human ability."
"Dynamic weather and environments would add a lot."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"They're doing so much new stuff that it feels like all the hacking that you love from Watch Dogs 2 is like just a great baseline that they can build off of."
"Well, there we are! The resin adds so much to this already 3D piece."
"Equip this soul literally on schmoopy and he'll be a befriending monster."
"Psychonauts 2 just cranks everything up to the next level."
"You're going to get a nice 4x output on your brewing output productivity here, which is a nice increase from most designs out there."
"Imagine this: the Friday Night Funking we've grown to love, in HD."
"Accepting the Holy Spirit is the ultimate upgrade."
"Stress motivates me. I inhale it and use it as fuel."
"MC Woohoo: adding spice to Sim relationships."
"Proximity voice chat makes every single video game better."
"There's nothing like a little bit of blush on the cheeks to just wake the whole face up."
"Hopefully, I gave you a nice collection of mods to make Fallout 4 feel a bit more like some of those other Fallout games."
"Horizon Forbidden West" really does take everything from the first game and cranks it up to 11, starting with the world.
"Each shot fires six arrows... it will do an extra 50% bonus damage and fire additional projectiles."
"We didn't revamp the culture, we added elements to the culture."
"Limiting yourself often enhances the creative process."
"Previously, you only get access to one complication per app. Now in watchOS 7, you can have a whole watch face field with complications from the same app."
"This car really especially gained in the driving feeling."
"It helps stimulate the grandeur of the gym battles."
"It really corrals your decor... it makes everything that you put on it look more elevated."
"Ultimate movie pack: movie night just got better."
"Those tools that it offers you... allows you to have a better experience."
"Resident Evil 4 in VR: an enhancement, not just a port."
"This mod completely reworks the world map in Fallout 4 and really fluffs up its whole situation."
"GCN plus is more of everything you've come to love from GCN but taken to the next level."
"Now it's been updated into the new Unreal Engine and everything just feels so much more vibrant."
"You can charge it to increase the size of the blade for increased damage."
"Improving the ball-carrier system... open field realism."
"Project Nevada, with its new gameplay features, equipment changes, and rebalancing, is the greatest Fallout New Vegas mod of all time."
"Digital touch really does spice up iMessage significantly."
"The AI could react dynamically to your presence. And this game does such a great job expanding on that."
"Every little bit extra just makes more of the story and you tell a better story."
"Spice up your life with this simple 5-minute hack."