
Personal Value Quotes

There are 3168 quotes

"Never forget that your work matters, even if it only matters to you."
"Your worth as a human being is not necessarily tied to the outcomes of your actions."
"The difference between ego and confidence: the egotistical person has a value that is determined by others and the confident person has a value that is determined by yourself."
"We remember the things that matter to us the most."
"Curing loneliness comes from the value that you provide to others."
"Your passions, your dreams, your goals are valuable because they matter to you."
"The better you treat others, the more they're going to treat you better and put you at a high value."
"People will say it's just exercising, it doesn't matter. To you maybe. To me, and to hundreds of thousands of other people, it's much more than that."
"Our sexuality... is the most sacred amazing gift that we are given."
"Freedom is the number one asset you will ever own."
"It's not what you get that makes you valuable, it's what you become that makes you valuable."
"All have infinite, internal, eternal, and unconditional worth as persons."
"Loving what you do is certainly a part of it, and I think seeing value in what you do...those are all very encouraging to me."
"What matters is how you think about yourself when you're by yourself."
"Self-worth and self-esteem are not about elevating ourselves above others or external validation, they're about recognizing our intrinsic value and honoring ourselves."
"If you don't feel you're worth it, you're going to keep making the wrong decisions, and you are worth it."
"Remember your worth. You are enough. You are worthy."
"Self-esteem is called self-esteem, not social media esteem."
"This shoe was really special to me because this is the shoe that I proposed to my wife in."
"How sad would it be, how tragic would it be, if that was all you were remembered for? What's on the resume?"
"Maybe they like you just because of who you are."
"Joy has become more important to me every year that I've been alive."
"Every skill you add to your skill tool belt makes the rest of your skills more valuable."
"Believe in yourself, because if you don't believe first that who you are, this being that you are, your life here on this planet is of value."
"Tapping into your divine feminine energy means tapping into this innate sense of worthiness and understanding that you are a valuable person."
"A human being owns nothing except their efforts and their efforts shall be seen."
"He was seen as a valuable addition to the Gambler team and Weasel Nation as he was not only a skilled pilot but genuinely an incredible human being."
"Self-reliance is possibly the greatest value in my life."
"How you feel about yourself when you're by yourself, it's all that matters."
"The sense of independence that I got growing up is my most valuable asset."
"When people do not honor your boundaries, they are teaching you and telling you what they really think about you."
"Whenever you have to look outside of you and the Creator for a sense of worth or value, you are setting yourself up for abuse and misuse."
"You have worth and value, and that your physical being needs to be respected."
"You bring something to this world that no one else has. You have a unique perspective, a unique background, a unique everything that no one else in this entire world has."
"Life extension is definitely really important to me."
"Life has no meaning a priori; it is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose."
"Berserk is a series I hold very dear to my heart."
"You are someone who is very valuable, you are someone who is the ultimate prize in their eyes."
"It's not meaningless because it means something to the people that get married."
"Your dreams are important. They are significant, they are valuable, they matter."
"Assuredness is your belief that you are worthwhile, your belief that you're of value."
"My biggest one of course is self-sufficiency."
"Your rank is not your self-worth... your worth as a human isn't determined by those external things."
"You've got to value yourself more, your sanity, your health, your well-being more."
"I wanted to share my perspective and if I even helped or said something relevant for one person out there, that's worth it to me."
"Each person has something to bring into the world that only they could bring into it."
"The idea of knowing that you're not forgotten is extremely important."
"The important is you're shining within yourself, and that's all that matters."
"The God of the universe, who holds worlds without number in His hands, holds you in His heart because you're His precious daughter or His precious son. Know that you're loved."
"What's the most valuable resource? It's your time."
"If you're going to improve yourself, you should do it for you because you are a person too. You matter."
"When you make money, to me, money is just freedom. It's the freedom to either not work, to travel, or to be comfortable."
"Despite my issues with weight, I've learned to appreciate that my value and what I have to offer have nothing to do with it."
"You are talented and that you matter, and that you are the future of this industry. Don't let that flame be extinguished by our collective mistakes."
"You may be jobless but you are not worthless."
"It is how you feel about who you really are that counts."
"For me, life has always been about the funny... all we was after was what we called a good laugh."
"You are feeling the way you're feeling because you are a Chanel bag being sold on a Walmart shelf."
"I pride myself on knowing the value of a minute."
"What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
"I love and cherish this watch even though it's very beat up because my grandmother wore it, and I will never ever get rid of it because of that."
"It doesn't matter what you have on your wrist or what other people have on their wrists; it says nothing about us."
"If you're measuring your self-worth by how many people who share your gender are CEOs, that's a sad statement on you as a person."
"We have forgotten as people that we are the value."
"I think that you're also realizing your value... you're realizing that it's a lot higher than you used to think."
"Self-worth is what you believe you deserve, and it's not what everyone else believes that you deserve. You are setting your own value."
"Faith in God is like gold in a woman's purse; she doesn't often know it's there, but it's right there."
"God didn't put you on this earth to have low self-worth, you are worthy, you have great value, you are someone special."
"I am confident in what I have to offer. I'm comfortable with who I am."
"Now they see your value, that's what's freaking them out because they know that you're the real deal."
"High-value men are the guys who set themselves apart from the traditional average guy; they are the top shelf men who are non-conformists."
"At the end of the day, your physical appearance will only get you so far."
"I like you because of who you are, not because you're someone's son or because you're smart or anything."
"Remember, people care about people who care about themselves."
"The worst poverty in the world is having no value for yourself as a person."
"Value your self-worth, and that's what makes you guys so attractive."
"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
"Every individual viewer... amounts to much more than the data that has been collected about them."
"Your worth is never changing. It just doesn't change. We can't do things to earn more or lose it."
"Ego is just a self worth, a feeling of value."
"Recognize your own worth and value first, and that's when other people start recognizing your value and worth."
"It's really important that we take an inventory of what energy we've been giving out because we need to know and value that we have value."
"Please value yourself, love yourself. You are worth more than this soul-crushing job."
"There's nothing more important to a woman than her peace. A woman has to value her peace, protect her peace by any means necessary."
"There is something about you that really is so irresistible."
"That day we walked out, I treasure that day."
"Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth."
"Those socks I was laughing at had a huge value to him because his late wife made them before her passing, and he's been wearing them for years."
"This poor old man lost everything when his house burned down, but somehow he was still happy. That's because he saved the one thing that meant most to him in the entire world, his cat."
"You being you is enough, I promise you that."
"If someone's attracted to you, that's because there's something attractive about you."
"So for you to say you're not special, well, I'm special to someone just like you're special to someone."
"Your value comes from you and what you decide to do with your life."
"The more you're up in vibration, the more valuable you are in this time. Not only are you counterbalancing a ton of people who are at a low vibration on the planet, but there's going to be a lot of people that are going to come to you and ask you for what you have."
"If you don't get in somewhere, don't take it personally and don't judge people super harshly based on where they do or don't get in because it's not really a fair value judgment."
"Sometimes you got to hold your dignity when you know your worth. Ain't no price on that."
"I don't care that I could buy them off the market for 100k, but the meaningfulness of me getting an untradable rat means the world to me."
"The more you value you, the more other people are gonna feel and reflect that back to you."
"If you want something, don't cheap out because it's your home and you want to feel like home."
"When you've accomplished something difficult, you regard that as worthwhile."
"Being financially stable and independent is crucial for a high-value man."
"Women are born with value; men have to earn their value."
"It's really all that matters how you feel about the person that you see in the mirror."
"Whereas for me, camaraderie and closeness and all that, that means a lot to me, man."
"If you have a movie that means something to you, absolutely have it."
"I'll never forget that feeling, and just, I can't say how much that means to me."
"Independence is something that's extremely meaningful to me."
"$882,000 is the price that I paid for being happy, for being able to indulge myself on all the luxury items that I've bought over the past 40 years. It's worth it. It is. It's worth it."
"And I think the great problem of growing up at the moment, particularly for young people, is that you're told that if you're not rich and famous, your life is not really worthwhile. And that is such pernicious crap."
"It's not about your body, maybe it's not about what you're made of, it's about who you are and the people you love."
"You and the damn Company, what about our lives, man?"
"It's not worth trying to be a tough person. Where does it even get you?"
"My daughter is wearing my shoes that I released...this is something that money can't buy."
"Don't listen to them. You're smart, you're pretty, you have a lot going for you."
"Confidence is the most valuable thing in the world."
"As long as you have your confidence, it doesn't matter."
"I don't care what you think of it; it is the greatest instrument you will ever own."
"The only value you really have to offer, as corny as it sounds, is your own uniqueness."
"If you have any gifts and if you have any talents in the world, if you're not using them in the service of others then they're worth nothing."
"Time slows down when you understand the value of your time and enjoy every aspect of life."
"If your house is on fire and your family is safe, what car do you save? The only one I save is the Cannonball car."
"Most importantly, I think about you guys in the comments section... That means the most to me, even more than my Lambo."
"You accepted me for me, the good, the bad, the ugly."
"You have to learn to look at yourself and to realize that you have value and you have meaning and you have purpose and that is intrinsically yours."
"The value of a man is not in the mistakes he makes but in the consistency of his character over the years."
"Radiate your authenticity, which is your true value and worth."
"It shouldn't matter. I should be adding value to your life of some capacity. It shouldn't just be something that you can get anywhere else."
"Self-awareness is sexy. A man who is a high-value man is an aware man."
"You forgot who you were. You forgot your value. It's time to release it because if you don't, you're missing out."
"These moments that are here right now, they're very special."
"It wasn't about the cost or the gift at all, it was just very thoughtful."
"You're amazing, incredible, and valuable. Don't you forget it."
"No one else can ever determine your worthiness."
"There's gonna be men that started saying actually you do have value."
"If I help a few people, that's worth it to me."
"I just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it."
"Your value and your worth, you're the one who determines that."
"People protect what they value and what I want to encourage is for people to value wild places as a space to mentally, physically, and spiritually recharge."
"Our worth is not measured in money or anything else, my worth is 2003 knee success stories."
"I've had this watch longer than you've been alive."
"I think this bike has tons of character and I have a lot of emotion attached to it."
"Please take care of yourself, take care of other people, why? Because you deserve it, you really, really do."
"Creation and storytelling exist within all of us. I think there's a lot of value in what we can craft ourselves."
"The worst thing you've ever done doesn't Define you and the greatest thing you'll ever do that doesn't Define you either you don't get to Define yourself God defines you"
"And so the question remains: are you worth remembering?"
"I was raised very, very strict, and they always had me work incredibly hard to understand the value of the dollar, the value of work, and the value of making something of yourself because no one else is going to do it."
"You come in to block them. That's what he values you as a person."
"He really saw me, that he actually cared, that my life meant something to him."
"Variability can be very desirable, what makes life worth living is variability."
"They want to bring you out of that because you do matter and there are going to be good people that come into your life that appreciate you and honor you and value you the way that you absolutely deserve."
"Once you special, you special, you understand?"
"God cares about you more than you care about yourself."
"You're worth more than social media makes you feel."
"You're not dirt. You are worthy. You're a good man."
"Passion itself I have in the project is enough self-fulfillment that money can't buy."
"Death teaches you how fragile life is and how to value every moment."
"Your existence alone is enough to value your self-worth."
"You gotta figure out what makes you special."
"You are more than a number on a scale you are more than a pretty face you are more than what anyone could perceive you as as far as your exterior goes."
"God has designed someone out there who loves you and who will value you."
"Probably my favorite item in my entire collection."
"Lies can't hurt me, Hans. My value doesn't come from stuff; it comes from God who made me and loves me, and that's the truth."
"Understanding that your value is multifaceted is crucial."
"My most valuable asset at this point is my time. That's what I care about, and I wish that for everybody. That's my whole point."
"There's Something Something Beautiful when you recognize how good it makes you feel to be altruistic, to have integrity, to add value."
"I'm choosing to live because your life actually matters."
"I would rather have four quarters than 10 dimes."
"Isn't that nice when you're a kid that thing that means a lot to you when you're a kid even if people don't get it now you're like you wouldn't when i was a kid it was so... oh yeah huge."
"Your life matters. It's explicitly important to say."
"If you're rooting against crypto, you must not like yourself honestly and you probably don't like freedom."
"Know your numbers... You're too precious to all of us."
"They see you as someone very special to them."
"It's your choice how you feel about yourself. Only you can determine your worth."
"For some of them, they have had this epiphany, they have realized that you mean the world to them."
"Many people dream of having a day like this, perhaps even more lavish... but many will agree that it's worth it when you get to say those magic words, 'I do.'"
"How you feel is far more valuable than anything that you could buy to show the world how you feel."
"What people do is so much more important than the titles they get given."
"Movement is one of the most important things to me."
"People have gotten to see you play, but in the end, he's always going to be proud of who you are as a man."
"You have such a kind heart and soul and deserve the best."
"I'm not gonna settle for anything less than what I deserve."
"My circle is shrunk in size but increased in value."
"The most valuable thing that you can possibly have is wisdom."
"I would rather spend less, just get one, and then love that one with a passion of 1,000 burning suns."
"School has always been that one place where we can hopefully find somebody who will love us and value us for who we are."
"You're a good person and that's all that matters."
"You hurt [] and broke []. Yes, there's some women out there who don't care about what's in your wallet so long as you raise the vibration of their experience when they're around you."
"It's not about them hating you because you cost 10 grand."
"Your self-worth is not tied to a, how much money you make."
"The ability to find that point of connection in every interaction in your life is a gift."
"They find you as someone incredibly special like a very lucky find to have in their life you know someone you can't be replaced someone who's going to do very well for themselves in life."
"No one will value you more than you value yourself."
"It's a mind-bender because you're working at this level where you're like everything I'm doing is worth this amount."
"This person really values you, cares about you, and respects you."
"You are special, you have something different."
"Books are the only inanimate things really in the world that matter to me, and art's not inanimate, it's good."
"Your body is much more than a product that can be put on a shelf."
"The confidence it takes in a person to both like recognize the value and being able to be articulate and then like to actually speak up and ask something like that."
"You are worth so much more than you believe you are."
"It's that life-changing thing that happens when you're seen, valued, and adored."