
Healthy Lifestyle Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Prevention is key when it comes to cancer. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active, you can help reduce your risk of developing cancer."
"The idea of slowing down, being more mindful, being in the present, good food, exercise, good friends, good relationships. All of that good loving."
"If you have a high vitamin D level that's coming from a healthy lifestyle, that's associated with good health."
"You need games that you can play, you need fun things that you can do, fun things that are actually good for you."
"I think we should be supporting everyone's efforts, even the small efforts, towards living a more healthy, compassionate, and sustainable lifestyle."
"You have to find the balance, you have to find a way to be happy to not be so consumed with being healthy, and that's how you can truly lead a healthy lifestyle."
"Be a healthy weight, keep your weight within the healthy range, and avoid weight gain in adult life."
"Life here isn't perfect, but Miss Yui lives among nature, she eats healthy food, she has a family, she has a community, and she has an occupation that gives her purpose."
"It's not that hard you know as we talked about the blue zones it's eat real food."
"Nourish your body with chef-crafted, nutritionist-approved recipes packed with clean ingredients."
"Make sure to eat a healthier diet and have a healthier lifestyle so you have a better chance of surviving this thing."
"We should be eating food as close to what our bodies evolved to eat, which is whole, real, unprocessed food."
"If you're eating real food most of the time and you're moving your body every single day... then I think the results will take care of themselves."
"He's just an amazing paragon of someone who's living a healthy lifestyle in his early 50s, outperforming individuals in various athletic events that are half his age."
"I'm living a much healthier lifestyle and I have so much better coping mechanisms."
"Choose carbs wisely, prioritize sleep, and keep stress down."
"H = N/C: Healthy life expectancy is proportional to the nutrient per calorie density of your diet."
"This is how we want to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to make workouts that are fun, that are doable, but most importantly, that are effective."
"Three basic things to prevent autoimmunity: clean diet, filtered water, stress management."
"More important than any of that, get outside, exercise, eat healthy, talk to people in real life, make sure everyone around you is doing well."
"The actual practice of eating healthy, drinking healthy, sleep, and exercise... doesn't have to be super hard."
"I'm a big fan of a protein shake in the morning. I feel like it just gets you going."
"Get after it friends, eat real food, start exercising more, walk, you know, keep those glucose levels and fluctuations down."
"The secret to a healthy life is to have polarity between yourself and your wife."
"Just eat healthy stuff, regular exercise regimen that works for your life."
"The only sustainable healthy way of addressing that is to find a way to get comfortable with who we are internally."
"By becoming aware of bad habits and patterns, you can release them to make room for new ones that sustain a healthy lifestyle."
"I hope this motivates you to maybe even live a healthier lifestyle, get to the gym more, start focusing on you because at the end of the day all you have is yourself."
"I like the idea of getting back to the source of your food."
"It's a time to channel your energy into creative projects or healthy Endeavors and find time to reignite your passion for life in general."
"It's so important to have good exercise, good eating habits, good sleeping habits, and laughing and smiling."
"You don't want to download certain information to your baby in the womb while you're pregnant. You want to make sure that you're eating a happy and healthy diet so that baby can come out happy and healthy."
"I've never regretted a run, going to bed early, eating healthy, because it always makes you feel better."
"Fresh air fresh fruit fresh veggies that's all it takes well I don't eat fast food no sweet teas and no soda that'll do it too."
"Making hydration a priority is a healthy way to approach our life, even if you're not exercising vigorously."
"It's all about a good fun healthy balance between your many different priorities."
"This is something again an easy easy fast way to get some good healthy green things in your winter diet."
"Aging is a gradual process, but if you live a good healthy and strong life, you should be functioning well into your 80s or 90s."
"All of us have these resolutions of getting fitter and healthier and eating cleaner."
"Exercising regularly, eating a diet that includes fruits and vegetables... and not smoking, of course."
"Healthy eating just makes you feel good honestly. It's as simple as that."
"People are sick of it. At a certain point, you've just eaten so much junk food, you really actually want a vegetable."
"Eating the right kinds of food, stretching, having correct posture, having a consistent sleep schedule— all of these things are going to do you wonders if you can start implementing them from now."
"You can have a perfectly healthy and active lifestyle while not eating like a ton of meat."
"I look at healthy eating as such a priority in my life that I find time again this is not every day, I'm not succeeding every day but I'm doing the best I can."
"It's so nice being back into just a nice healthy routine."
"It's about leaving physical lifestyle, respecting the body that you're leaving, constantly addressing it, being aware of it."
"Find healthy foods that you actually love eating."
"I want the least amount of hassles and I want to create the easiest nut milk."
"Start a garden if you're not already, because then guess what? All the greens and all the foods you're putting into your blender that cost you some money is going to be free."
"Man, greens out of my garden plus the cucumbers and celery that adds a nice neutral flavor, man this stuff tastes delicious."
"So it's great to just set up your environment such that it's going to promote the healthy choice."
"Your best weight is whatever weight you reach when you're living the healthiest life you can enjoy."
"We're gonna eat good, we're gonna be healthy, we're gonna work out, we're gonna try to win, that's our goal this year."
"I love eating healthy food because I love the way that it makes me feel like I feel like it makes me just it make it genuinely makes me feel a lot happier."
"Channel your energy into really productive and healthy outlets."
"The thing I'm noticing is it feels really good when you make like the good choices the healthy choices Even in our snack choices we're really like changing what we buy so I think it's going to make a big difference mentally and physically."
"The purpose of me doing this challenge is to show you that you can have your favorite foods in moderation and still live an overall healthy lifestyle."
"You can look younger if you eat healthy and work out."
"So you can do more things, enjoy life with less issues as you get older."
"Exercise, eat healthy, get outside, talk to people in real life."
"Lure Sue is currently 46 years old but amazingly looks a little above 20, sharing her beauty secret of a healthy lifestyle and moisturizing."
"Find a buddy... to join you on this plant-based challenge."
"it's more important than ever to really practice giving yourself some space living a healthier lifestyle."
"It's much easier to eat healthy when you only have mostly healthy foods to choose from."
"Fitness is about doing exercise you enjoy and keeping a variety in your routine."
"I found out that I can eat the same takeout food that I like to eat maybe once or twice a month and if I was craving something that I would usually order takeout with or that is usually unhealthy I can just make it myself just in a healthy way."
"Highly vibrational people are mindful of the energy they consume, opting for nourishing plant-based diets."
"I exercise regularly, I eat pretty healthy, and I feel great."
"Surround yourself with healthy food, and that's what you'll eat."
"I'm going to continue eating healthy, exercising, keeping a good positive mindset."
"See the sun, work out, get a proper amount of sleep, and eat whole, vitamin-rich foods."
"You don't have to stick Quito all the time I think if you focus on a mediterranean-style diet over the next couple of months you'll enter the new year in a really strong fashion."
"Stay outside, get fresh air, take a lot of vitamin D, exercise, eat right."
"It's in a glass bottle, we love this. It's Youth To The People Kale and Green Tea Spinach Vitamins Superfood Cleanser."
"Sustainable habits are key for living a healthy lifestyle, and restriction is never the answer."
"Start by cutting back on fast food and soda... don't set yourself up for failure, set yourself up for success."
"I do try to eat healthy when I can, I drink a lot of water like I mean a lot."
"Yeah, if you've had a good night's sleep get up early and and start the day with some kind of exercise yeah it sets you up for the day you know mentally for sure."
"You want to be fit? You eat good food, exercise, do it consistently, end up fit."
"Clean living: no smoking, no alcohol, no squandering your nights by playing cards in stuffy rooms."
"I eat healthy to feel good basically and it works."
"Oh, I got, I got the world's best fiance ever... She cooks great food that, like, healthy that I eat and I stay lighter. Better, so I love it dude."
"The only diet I need to do is eat good and work out, there's no other way around it."
"When we actually feed ourselves good quality calories and do the things that we're supposed to do, which is stay physically active and get good quality sleep, all of these things converge to really help our metabolism rightsize itself."
"I eat pretty healthy 80 to 85% of the time."
"As you make these healthy changes in your diet and start eating better you're going to notice that your brain is going to work better as well and you're going to be able to think more clearly and feel sharper."
"Don't underestimate the power of those lifestyle factors staying fit exercising eating a healthy diet not smoking not drinking alcohol in excess protecting your skin from the Sun these things can go a long way."
"Take care of yourself, eat good food, exercise, rescue animals, give lots of love."
"There's a pretty good chance you're also then going to be leading a longer life."
"When you start to plan ahead and get some of these foods into your house and you have a preparation plan for when you do have a sweet tooth, whether you're stressed at work and you need something to turn to, you have healthy options."
"Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries is essential to keep your life a drama-free zone."
"Good job with all this healthy shopping."
"What we know is that this pretty much sums it up: if you avoid fatty meats, you eat your veggies, and you get your daily exercise."
"I want to go out and show that there is a clean, healthy way to stay motivated."
"What you do is that you implement these products within a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet."
"When you feel good, you tend to eat in a more healthy way."
"Moving our bodies, getting outside, cooking together, and coming up with nutritious snacks can actually be pretty fun."
"There's nothing so clear-cut that it's as simple as saying, 'eat this, don't eat that' and you will or won't get cancer."
"I really do feel like though I was kind of spiraling a little bit the Vegas thing for a couple weeks and like mid-June, and then uh, yeah, late June I fixed it after I went to Red Rocks and I've just been doing way better eating healthy before the show."
"I feel really good when I balance my life with healthier choices like working out."
"We sometimes underestimate the importance of empowerment, reducing stress, and just overall healthy lifestyle and how that affects the disease itself."
"I'm gonna start making some smoothies soon."
"I know it's bad, I need to start over. I need to do a restart into a healthy lifestyle."
"Really important for kids to see working out and see it as a healthy, normal part of life."
"How do we find that Middle Road where we really prioritize nutrition and we do eat healthy and we do fuel our bodies and we do cook at home as much as we can and and you know we're conscious of ingredients and all of that."
"Sex is normal, sex is healthy, you know, it's good to talk about it, it's good to talk about it."
"So, my philosophy is, alright cool, if you're eating unhealthy 100, start off eating healthy 60."
"There's nothing that tastes as good as being healthy feels."
"I can't wait to get off tour just to start getting to the gym again, eating healthy again, start reading books again, go on walks again, absolutely."
"It's a bunch of baloney that it's difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to eat healthy."
"I got a fresh juice it was like carrot, lemon, orange, ginger, apple, and lemon. It was really, really good and super refreshing."
"Love getting up early, working out, and living life now. That's my motivation."
"It just feels like so much better to be in a healthy body and a healthier mind."
"Because I eat right, and exercise!"
"Exercise and other health behaviors and social connections and being a good emotion regulator also matter for telomere length and health."
"Eating this way is not boring, it's not complicated, it's not hard, and it's absolutely delicious. This is a lifestyle that you can sustain for the rest of your life."
"It gives you some motivation and inspiration to get out there and live a more active healthier lifestyle."
"Working from home... gives me time to do things that I want to do like eating healthier as well as making my own coffee at home just the way that I like it."
"I'm gonna start my day right, healthy."
"I feel so lucky to have a routine that includes these easy to make healthy breakfasts that start my day with success."
"I eat vegetables to be healthy and hopefully live longer."
"The Andersons love the healthy outdoor life: fresh air, plenty of exercise, and good food."
"Just find things you love, things you like to do, and kind of put them together in a sequence that you like, and it really helps you stay on track, stay healthy, motivated, all of that."
"We had all that we needed for our simple lives: just gravity, a garage full of iron, grass-fed beef, sunlight, and a sauna in a pool."
"I have a healthy relationship with food, I have a healthy relationship with activity and movement and exercise."
"We only have 24 hours in each day, so if you start doing something healthy, you begin to crowd out the bad behavior."
"You can eat great food, you can still live a healthy lifestyle, have fun doing it."
"Just by eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly, you'll already be reducing a whole lot of stress."
"Eat well, move more, stress less, love more."
"Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce your cardiovascular risk in the long run."
"Eat like you love yourself, move like you love yourself, speak like you love yourself."
"Good choices this morning, head to the gym and then have a healthy breakfast."
"Have a realistic view of food, and when you're trying to do healthy diets, you can make a healthy diet that tastes really good and it's fun to eat."
"It's wedding day, we are just about to head to get an acai bowl for breakfast."
"My goal is fat loss that is effective, healthy, and gonna last."
"Everyone's there for the same reason, trying to live and lead a happy lifestyle and healthy lifestyle through the sport of swimming."
"What are things that you really have control over? What are the things you could do to lead a more resilient life, a more healthy life?"
"Riding bikes is like doing drugs without side effects."
"Imagine being able to prep all those kind of veggies ahead of time, all these kind of healthy meals."
"We're blessed with the ability each day to exemplify a healthy lifestyle."
"We can choose habits and work hours and lifestyles that are healthy and that serve us."
"The drive to feed my kids healthy to eat healthy is to be a healthy person and to be responsible for this human body God gave me."
"Hi, I am your main girl Mel. I'm happy to have you here because I'm here to help guide you through your healthy hair journey."
"Find something that feels healthy and sustainable that you can do for the long haul."
"A healthy diet and lifestyle was good for about a decade of additional years of life."
"It's a combination of three things for healthy weight loss: mindset, healthy eating, and fat loss home workouts."
"Promoting a really healthy lifestyle, not only with diet, but also avoiding substances such as tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, is always helpful, especially in the organogenesis or organ development period during pregnancy."
"My fridge is nice and organized beautifully so I can see all my snacks, all the healthy things right up front."
"We're not forcing anyone; you can persuade someone to eat more healthily."
"Our relationship to our body image should be based around just living a healthy lifestyle, not to look a certain way."
"I feel like the big picture is just to have a healthy lifestyle and to feel really good."
"This is how this healthful living leads to health, and this is how you do it."
"See, clean living, sunshine, that's what it's all about."
"Make sure our blood pressure is good, we sleep enough, and especially get out there and exercise."
"Keep practicing, keep drinking lots of water, eat your greens, eat your beans, eat your nuts, your quinoa, all that healthy stuff."
"You're fueling your body in a healthy way and moving it, getting your heart rate up, it doesn't make sense to be listening to just mindless things."
"My strength is to do the right things, to eat good, sleep well, train well, and to improve myself in football. I do it always."
"Healthy food, yes please; foods that you're gonna like and healthy foods that you're gonna eat."
"Figure out what you're going to eat all week. You can roast a ton of vegetables in the oven and then you can add them to salads, eat them with your meals, and just do it."
"Going on a super healthy diet is going to cost me a lot more money, but it's worth it."
"We're not going to just eat healthy and lose weight for 3 months and then go back to our old eating patterns; rather, we're trying to find a healthy way of eating that's sustainable long-term."
"You need to start taking care of your body, eating healthy, getting good sleep."
"Focus on your skincare a little bit, eat healthy, try eating less oily junk foods, drink heaps of water."
"This salad kind of takes a lot of prep, but it's worth it."
"It's a balance between Monday to Sunday, try at least five days eating healthy."
"So can you buy fresh fruit there, or vegetables? Fresh fruit and vegetables, this is exciting."
"Exercise and eating healthy for me have become one; they go hand in hand."
"Leaders and teachers need to make careful decisions about what pupils need to know and be able to do to make informed decisions about leading their own healthy active lifestyles."
"It's important that you have a healthy lifestyle that combines diet, exercise, mindfulness, stress management, and pursuing and improving love and connectedness to other people."
"Instead of craving the couch and Egg McMuffins the next day, I woke up feeling invigorated."
"I need to eat healthy, like I remember the beginning of the summer when I moved to New York City, I only bought fruits and vegetables."
"Starting fresh on Monday, trying to make some of my favorite healthy meals, and so far so good."
"I fly up and down those alley aisles. I don't drink, I don't smoke, all I do is regulate bingo."
"It's all about education and making sure that you can actually build a healthy, sustainable lifestyle."
"Changing the lifestyle to make it a healthy lifestyle so people can be healthy, prevent disease."
"It'll be nice to have those fresh produce ingredients for you to cook with when you make your amazing food."
"I like to eat healthy all during the week when we are home."
"Green Chef definitely supports a healthy lifestyle with pre-portioned easy to follow recipes delivered right to your door."
"That's what it's all about, I try and just plant that seed for them to pick up a board, and it's such a healthy habit for life."
"I love cooking, I'm very passionate about food, I'm such a foodie, and I really strive for like a nice healthy balanced lifestyle."
"Wake up early, work out, and eat healthy."
"A normal healthy diet is gonna work, so you know, eat multiple meals a day, have a balanced diet, have snacks when you want them."
"I really prioritize what we call health span, the number of years of healthy living."
"Building myself steam, drinking tea and healthy greens."
"I like to eat like this, I like to meal prep and just make it easy on myself."
"There are several things which makes me happy: to eat healthy food, going out for a workout, or being with friends in the weekends."
"Replace soda with fruit juice, replace milk with soy, almond, or coconut milk, and stock your fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies."
"I truly believe that it is the only way to lead not only a healthy lifestyle but a happy, satisfied, fulfilling one as well."
"Now we can stop that nonsense, just get on to a healthy lifestyle and love our bodies."
"I'm trying to find peace in the slower moments and learning how to slow down in a healthy way."
"It's so much easier to stay in that healthy lifestyle and balanced mindset."
"This recipe is very approachable, and I think it's really good for new vegans."
"The best way to live was to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables."
"Quality me time with pure low caffeine green tea along with movements, plant-based whole foods, and quality sleep."
"I love to keep these on hand for berry freezes, topping my oatmeal, topping smoothie bowls."
"I love a really healthy lifestyle, fitness, and eating healthy."
"I'm five weeks sober, five weeks of eating a healthy macro-based diet."