
Projects Quotes

There are 1917 quotes

"Currently, you've been going through a time where maybe it feels like a certain project or idea that you've had has not really been working out, or maybe there's just been a lot of opposition or resistance."
"One month to turn each of these letters into a work of art."
Jess Carpenter
"It's always prompts and projects like this that, uh, catch me by surprise as to how sort of like well they seem to work."
"Learn through doing...The real learning starts with the project."
"When I read the MIT newspaper and so forth, the number of interesting projects, it's nice to be associated with."
"Words become things. Words become projects. Words become manifestations."
"I've really liked a bunch of the projects that I've covered on this series and really admired a lot of the creators of them."
"I've been kidnapped by my own projects, but hey, I'm back."
"I think there's probably some larger projects I can work on, some bigger change that I can effect in the world."
"I can't wait to help you make some of the cool projects you've got on the horizon."
"In the last seven years, we've invested just a little over five million dollars in energy projects just trying to increase the efficiency all the time."
"Even if you don't use these projects, they will teach you a lot."
"Projects are the most important thing. Work on as many projects as possible. Show them on your resume, it will help you find a job."
"A really interesting thing we're going to get to explore."
"We'll start probably this month once a month taking submissions."
"Every single person that we photographed is doing something that they care about."
"There's all sorts of like fun projects you can do."
"We have so much [ __ ] [ __ ] that we're doing and we're really excited and we hope you guys are too."
"I'm happy to be done, I'm so happy to be able to move on to do new things, new projects."
"I already have plans for the kinds of projects that I want to make in 2023... you're likely going to see a lot more sweaters in the wearables out of me in 2023."
"Honestly, my current whip is always my favorite project."
"It's like criminals almost, I'm not saying that they're criminals, I'm just saying they're not upset that they did the thing, they're just upset that they got caught."
"Putting a project down does not mean it's gone forever."
"Creative projects... it's like putting out little bottles into the ocean. It's like you never know where they're gonna go."
"Whatever inspires you this week is what I would be working on, you know as far as projects, businesses, careers are concerned if something excites you or makes you feel inspired go do it definitely hobbies as well with that fifth house."
"Whenever you look at the gaming space... there's a lot of good projects."
"We love you guys so much, thank you so much Sahara dropping $100 saying build my cactus from the logo."
"Let's do the most exciting, I mean they'll be massive."
"It was the best place ever, I mean the variety of projects they dealt with."
"After spending years starting and giving up on projects, it was so fulfilling to finally release something."
"We've covered some good projects like 'Knives Out' and 'Sound of Metal'."
"My videos are always going to be in the context of my projects and the examples that they can provide."
"This is a liberating moment, a moment for us to look at our relationships, our projects, our self-worth."
"There's a narrative there and that's why things get so bullish, these tip of the spear projects can really multiply."
"I'm always thinking of like random like series and stuff that I'll be doing."
"His mind was constantly going, all kinds of projects, ideas."
"I hope people will take away... been in the works for quite some time."
"I care about it, so for me, it's more like passion projects."
"Looks bloody hectic. Um, now it's time to put on arguably one of the parts I'm most excited about."
"Your support is the reason I'm able to jump into a big project like this."
"I will be happy when this truck is done, we're going to start new projects, it's going to be fun."
"This will be initiated and implemented successfully."
"Take time to finish the projects you've already started."
"Such large-scale efforts and projects are huge starters for networking, connecting institutes across borders."
"Initiating new things, starting new projects."
"Creating or publishing a new creative project."
"I believe that there is going to be more and more updates with this project coming soon."
"You need to get that topical map created as soon as possible."
"Personal projects are some of the most important things to do."
"I'm very excited to see what they're gonna do."
"I've never felt more excited about a project in my whole entire life."
"But then there's DreamWorks Animation's they also have their share of canceled projects but there seems to stand out more than the rest."
"I've got some great video ideas and some builds that I just can't wait to get to."
"April is gonna be the month... to move forward with our dreams, with our ideas, with our projects."
"It's so cool I'm very very excited about that project."
"It's really unpredictable what project is going to blast off the most."
"The Belton Road initiative has 140 plus countries signed on and already thousands of projects."
"The only difference between a project and a wearable project is that the wearable project is wearable."
"Your life purpose involves around starting these new projects and being involved with media and hunting towards your goals."
"I'm so happy to have been asked to be a part of this project."
"It's the perfect time to dive in and create some cool projects."
"And last but not least, a sketchbook... I will definitely be doing this."
"Let's jump right into it, it's gonna be a fun little project."
"Concrete projects showcase skills better than theoretical knowledge."
"Don't work on projects that will make you hate your life."
"Our function is number one to ultimately get to a point where we have the resources to make available to law enforcement agencies and victims' families the ability to ensure that there never will be a cold case."
"You're not gonna get anywhere if you just keep switching projects."
"We definitely had a lot of fun doing this one."
"The more that I'm inspired, the cooler the projects will be."
"There's something I always find really satisfying about witnessing the completed project."
"A clean surface! How can I... what project can I do here? What can I bake here?"
"Very exciting times for us with all these projects and excited and grateful to each of you for being so supportive to me over these years."
"One of my favorite projects of the 2010s decade."
"I'm very excited for the future of this project."
"This is about keeping the foundation's other projects, which include so much of this techno-fascist world they're trying to implement."
"It's the time when you just need to understand that your creative project will be very successful indeed."
"Everything's going to turn out great. Projects will be stunningly successful, and exciting new career opportunities are possible."
"Each class includes both video lessons and a class project, something that you can do yourself."
"The best projects evolve, not wait for three years."
"Now is a good time to get creative and start a new project."
"Now is the time to launch projects for visibility and reputation."
"The proposed project presents a significant threat to National Security."
"A rusty tank... maybe that's the vehicle I need to fix up."
"I am so excited for that one... creating things for the experience."
"This is our longest running unfinished project in the world and i kind of don't ever want to finish it just because of that."
"There are so many things you can do on your own and build those projects on your own."
"I genuinely believe that together we're going to create some really epic stuff."
"I knew I needed to sink money into these projects I really care about."
"9 to 16 months is where I feel comfortable saying right now."
"Every project you get involved in stretches your mind."
"This is one of the best projects you can work on as a beginner."
"We talk about all things related to creating, living, and making projects."
"It's like a vacation week with so many projects to do."
"So, you're thinking about getting a project car. Good, that's great news."
"My dad made a canoe. That's a real cool project."
"It's a wonderful time for you to be creative and work on your projects."
"He's created countless amazing projects over the years."
"Homeless Pimp is looking at the same Moon as us, he's alive and well, he's just setting around the country on different projects."
"The ace indicates something new, could be a new project, but it's definitely a card of achievement."
"This took all day long... it definitely was an all day project."
"It's a incredibly noble impressive and fascinating projects that you have going on there's a ton of them and my hat's off to you man tons of respect for you."
"Don't question yourself. If you like a project, stick with it."
"I'm excited about it. It's a very cool project."
"Google is canceling multiple projects basically all of the games that it had slated for release beyond 2021."
"I want y'all to be subscribed surprising I'm saying like really shocked you know giving them that right now so we got the YouTube content coming we got beside me coming out what other upcoming projects can we expect from you this year."
"If you have bomb ass side projects, it's going to be pretty easy for you."
"Let's look at some secret projects... behind the scenes."
"You're going to find that you can give form and structure to your creative projects."
"But this episode is all about the large main trunk of the tree, for this I decided I would like to mill it into planks for use in a number of different wooden projects that I have in mind."
"Project time management ensures that projects get completed on time."
"Proving once again that you can make amazing Indie projects."
"Every project introduces change, so in a way, project management is change management."
"That small project has grown to be absolutely massive."
"This is really great for your kind of side projects or something you want to just test out."
"One really impressive project is way better than 10 mediocre projects."
"It's never to write off a project regardless of how crazy it sounds."
"Out of everything we've done though, project cars have always been a firm favorite."
"Marvel is honestly my first love and I'm excited to get back to my roots a little bit because we know that this is going to be just quite the Catapult into the upcoming projects and I'm here for that 100%."
"I've got things in the pipeline but I'm not talking about them right now and um we'll see. Right now I'm enjoying my family."
"I love projects like that where you feel motivated after you're done to keep going."
"Let's just keep doing cool stuff like this."
"It's always exciting when you do a project and hope that it's going to work, and it does."
"This could indicate bigger projects, things becoming a lot more substantial."
"I'm so excited for all of these projects and I can't wait to take you all along with me."
"I'm so looking forward to that, that is an October project so we'll have a lot to look forward to this season."
"I love having a new project; it really makes you feel fresh and new again."
"I'm a very busy woman, and I'm always working on a different project."
"Doing projects is going to help you accelerate a ton faster."
"I'm very interested in this project, I'm really impressed with the kinds of things you're doing here, and I'd like to be a part of that."
"There are so many fun projects happening... they're going to be the truest expression of me."
"I have the best job ever. I get to spend my day at work here with my wife and my baby at my beautiful property doing projects that I love."
"I've compiled 25 of my best DIY projects to help you transform your outdoor space into a true oasis."
"It's gonna be a fun project; we can't wait to see this thing run."
"Projects need to build around motivated individuals and they must be trusted to get the job done."
"Keep yourself busy because even though I got a lot of rejections during this time period, the only thing that kind of did keep me motivated and keep my head in the game was working on my own personal projects."
"I absolutely love little projects like this that only take around 15 minutes to do."
"You do good for the environment and also the community when you do these projects."
"It's going to change no matter what sort of project you're working on."
"I'm sure at some point I will replace this with something exciting, but at the time, I just thought, 'I'm done with this as a project, I'm ready to move on.'"
"It's hard to say exactly how much it matters that these projects are part of an ongoing story that's still being told."
"Projects aren't finished, they're only abandoned."
"Projects are anything that takes more than one step."
"Airport rail links are projects like the Reb or the Picadilly line or Vancouver's Canada Line"
"My goal is to really provide you with the tools and techniques to quickly get going, get your hands dirty, identify problems, work on projects, and then fill in those gaps."
"It's just nice having the free time to do these projects that we've wanted to do but just haven't had the ability to."
"This is great but like how do I get started now?... doing projects... build like an image processing application."
"The best way, hands down, I don't care what anyone says, to learn AWS is through hands-on projects."
"If you want to do your certification, go ahead, but just make sure you follow it up with actual practical projects."
"Have fun with coding and explore quirky projects."
"Projects often bring unique challenges. You might be asked to deal with the implementation of a new internet system or a new accounting system."
"That's a great deal if you got projects coming up."
"Probably put it like this, I haven't dropped a full-length project since 2019."
"If you want to learn a new technology, build something big in it."
"Learning a new technology is best done by building something big in it."
"I'm actually really proud of that project."
"...one of the most amazing projects that we have ever been a part of."
"I really, really like this project... damn near love this project."
"The first thing you need to do is to prioritize and decide what projects are really going to make a difference right now."
"Getting started can be one of the hardest parts of any new project."
"Join it, there are literally thousands of people just like you or at least a few of them might be like you like-minded people that you'll be able to connect with and collaborate on projects and do a ton of cool stuff."
"I've got a huge list of projects coming up doing all sorts of weird stuff, so like and subscribe if you want to see more of that in the future."
"You can use them in your sequences and projects to get great-looking results."
"Now, if you're like me and you're always doing a bunch of Linux projects and you got to spin up those Linux machines fast and have it always available and possibly public LE node's your front."
"I hope you enjoy today's projects, and if you have a favorite, let me know in the comments section down below."
"Let's go and do another unoriginal project."
"The winter is not my favorite time of year and this is kind of just an exciting fun project to take on and to participate in over the next couple of months that will be I think really interesting."
"You can create a separate key for separate projects."
"Projects like this are what got me into editing and what got me into making my own."
"Got the headlights knocked out, the switch panel knocked out, tons more projects to come."
"Nothing brings a project together quite like decals."
"Projects need to be built around motivated individuals who are trusted to get the job done."
"It's always a lot of fun to build these projects and make these projects and just try things that I've always wanted to try."
"You might be completing a project that allows you to have a lot of space for something else."
"In order to share your projects with others, you need to click on the share button."
"If you spend a lot of time on your projects being perfect, you're not going to make money that way. You have to get the stuff done quickly."
"Next video, I'm going to be back to working on stuff. Maybe combining two non-functional winches into one that works, or maybe something else. I don't even care yet. But no matter what it is, I'll be having fun."
"Resin is really fun. You can make everything from miniature environments like the Pokémon one that I did and I had so much fun putting it together, to really ambitious huge projects."
"When you think about the Magnolia and Calo, you know, two projects out of New Orleans responsible for contributing significantly to the hip-hop culture."
"The father-daughter duo has a unique bond and they're ready to show it through their collaborative projects."
"The end result is one of my favorites yet and has really kind of got me excited to start working on more projects like this."
"These projects are very beginner-friendly and achievable."
"I've never proclaimed to be an expert Carpenter but when it comes to taking on projects like this even though you might have a plan in mind you've really got to think on your feet and adapt as you go to whatever makes the job a little bit easier."
"If you happen to see something in this video that you like and you want to take some of this yarn bags and projects off of my hands, I would greatly appreciate it."
"Projects like 'You're gonna start a YouTube channel, you're gonna talk about this stuff, and it's gonna be awesome.'"
"Keep yourself busy, guys. I'm constantly doing this, doing that, I'm working on projects within the house, I'm working on content creation, but I'm staying out of the kitchen."
"The profits from the website always go back into creating these projects."
"This project, it has gone on to become something so much bigger than we imagined."
"I spent my life trying to keep you and your brothers out of the projects, now, you marrying into him?"
"...a really nice toolbox so they can finish their projects."
"Honestly, I really like projects like this."
"This is the time to show your creativity, bring it out to the world, work on a lot of creative projects that will bring you financial growth, financial gains."
"It's just about plugging their projects and then trying to act like they actually give a [__]."
"Make a great project and you'll gain people's attention."
"This is also a good time to do business projects or side projects."
"There's actually very sophisticated projects people could participate in."
"We have a lot of stuff planned and we're really trying to step it up next year so your support goes a long way to new builds, completing the bus, the Raffer project, and helping Raldo and Hos and you get merch and you get a chance to win the truck so definitely check it out."
"Not all projects are quite as life-changing, but we are making serious progress on finishing our to-do list."
"The final little bit is to mount everything into my breakout Project Box."
"...every project just feels more enjoyable."
"The best projects are actually solving real-world problems."