
Determination Quotes

There are 140534 quotes

"You are absolutely figuring it out before the end of the year, and then putting your energy exactly where you want it to go."
"Success doesn't come without hard work first."
"Your emotional intent is so strong and so aligned and your motivation is so strong that you don't give up."
"I don't care how many cars passed me on the left lane going to my destination this morning. I don't know. I'm focused on a destination, which is up here."
"Fueled by remorse, he was determined to rescue Carlin and the other kidnapped children."
"We will get justice one day for mom, whether it's 5 years from now or 20."
"I really want people to find what they're passionate about and go and fight for it. Any time you hear the word no, I would just ignore it."
"Champion mentality: it's not about winning, it's not about a trophy, it's about having no quit."
"You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you stay focused."
"If we want to achieve a better future, we have to accept that as things stand, it won't be given to us but it's ours for the taking."
"When there is a problem in front of you, you should viciously try to pursue a solution."
"What matters is to keep going no matter what, keep going."
"I refuse to succumb to depression. I refuse to collapse mentally and give up. I will know the only person who can control my mind is me."
"Rule number 76: no excuses, play like a champion."
"Chase down your passion like it's the last bus of the night."
"Your role should be to open up every door possible. Let the world close the doors you're not meant to walk through, and walk through the ones that remain open."
"I fought, and I will fight. I have a fight in me. I will fight."
"I would rather die. I will live on my feet, I'll die on my feet rather than live on my knees."
"In her head, it wasn't even an option; she knew that she had two kids at home that she needed to return to."
"Right now, I'm hanging on by a knife edge. Both of us are in peril."
"In the end, it's gonna be a terrible failure or a brilliant victory on my part."
"They're not going to make any foolish decisions, but they're also not going to give up."
"The world has the habit of making room for the man or woman whose words and actions show they know where they're going."
"Kobe Bryant is no question about it, Kobe is there to kill you."
"Dean's a fighter; he's not gonna back down from a challenge."
"Resilience is the ability to bounce back when you've been put down."
"If you're going to win, you must be willing to shoot your shot."
"There's only one way to do it: you got to do what others can't or won't, and sometimes you gotta do both."
"I think it's a moment of brilliance separating two pretty equal teams."
"It doesn't matter how fast the wind blows, it will not knock me down."
"I don't care what they say, this is personal to me, 100%."
"I'm ready to do what I need to do to get my life back on track."
"By the time we pulled the sixth plug out of the boat, we're... I'm bailing like a maniac."
"Finding peace in yourself and just be like, 'You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm moving forward.'"
"One thing coaches can't teach is determination."
"If you want it bad enough, you find the way. You make the way. If there's a wall in front of you, a challenge, an adversity, if you want it bad enough you find a way over the wall, around the wall, through the wall, you break through the wall. You'll get on the other side of that wall. You will make your success a part of your reality."
"Determination is the power within to keep you from giving up on your dream."
"Perseverance is what kicks in the moment you want to quit. Perseverance is what kicks in the moment it gets hard."
"Perseverance is when you keep going even when you don't think that you can."
"Someone with perseverance keeps trying to succeed even when it's difficult. They keep going."
"You can't let your start determine your end. That is not how it works."
"Never back down, never give up. Simple as that."
"I just didn't want to lose the game...we just played it for them."
"But no one seems to have told the Ukrainians or Moscow, both of whom seem determined to fight on even as the war extends and the costs mount."
"The race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but it is he that endures to the end."
"Perseverance is what kicks in the moment you want to quit."
"What you gonna do? You gonna give up, or you're gonna keep going?"
"Perseverance means the ability to continue doing something in spite of difficulties or opposition."
"Every fighter faces a choice, a commitment to the grind, a choice to sacrifice blood, sweat, and tears in the relentless pursuit of victory."
"For me personally, it's not hard to stay focused at all. I'm fully locked in."
"Whether you back it up with your fist or you back it up with your mouth, you want to tune in."
"May not be the biggest man in the fight but he is definitely the man with the most fight in him."
"I've been grinding all my life, sacrifice, hustle paid the price."
"Success in the ring, like in life, comes from picking yourself up more times than you've been knocked down."
"I can think of many times when I should have quit and I didn’t know when to say when."
"We have been, to Putin, as you can see from what we've done in Ukraine, like we will stand up for the things that we believe in."
"This is what champions are made of; this is what champions do."
"Oh yeah, playing with humility and determination."
"There is one magic requirement to get the most out of this book: a deep, driving desire to learn, with a vigorous determination to improve your social skills."
"We got too much at stake, we gotta let it ride."
"It's going to be explosive; you have to take someone's soul, you have to take their spirit."
"Trust yourself and whatever it is that you're trying to do."
"My day has been good, man. I woke up; I got my Japanese lesson today. Shit's hard, bro, but you know, I'm chugging along."
"Even if I'm scared, I'll still fight to protect everyone."
"I'll figure something out. I love you guys so, so, so much."
"You have to be an advocate, period. And sometimes it is relentless all the time."
"Samsung are showing way more spirit than a lot of people gave them credit for."
"The team showed great character to bring out a good away result."
"Put your mind to it, put your heart to it, and you'll make it happen. Put your blood, sweat, and tears into it too."
"It's time to go home, and they declare that they will be going where they belong."
"Usado is determined to protect her, Kazaki, and the people of the Kingdom."
"It doesn't matter if it really is the future, I know what I must do."
"Get to the point where anyone else would quit, and you're not gonna stop there."
"I think that though failure in the actual accomplishment must be recorded, there are chapters in this book of high adventure, strenuous days, lonely nights, unique experiences, and above all, records of unflinching determination, supreme loyalty and generous self-sacrifice on the part of my men."
"If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies."
"If you have enough willpower, you will find a way."
"I was either going to be successful, or I was going to be successful. There was not a plan B option."
"Perseverance means I don't quit, I don't stop, I don't give up."
"We can do that forever as long as we're here."
"You either walk off the field and say, 'Hey, I don't want to do this anymore' and you give up on going after your audacious goals, or you gain really humility."
"I'm gonna make this work, and we're going to make this work."
"In this life, he would not allow anyone to trample on him and his loved ones."
"Somebody's got to fight for it. Somebody has got to fight for it."
"If your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve."
"The difference between people who actually build and people who say, 'Oh, I could have built if I really wanted to,' is the fact that they don't quit when it gets hard."
"I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
"What do you want your life to be? Do you want to be a person who gives up or has setbacks?"
"Whatever I wanted to pursue, of course, I'd go through the roadblocks and I'd fail a lot of times, but like if I stuck to whatever it was, I would achieve a good level of success."
"You can do absolutely anything if you set your mind to it."
"You know you're smart. You have to believe in yourself. And when you want something, you can get it."
"And guess what? She does it. Hedy decides she's going to make a movie called 'The Loves of Three Queens.'"
"When your heart is set on something, you get closer to your goal with each passing day."
"We are on our way to absolute victory. Victory is now within reach."
"This just shows that you can do anything if you set your mind to it."
"The male lion is determined to chase and protect the belligerent lioness to the end."
"We're not going to allow that. I think that people understand that."
"I will struggle but I will learn. I will be what I was meant to be in this world, and no one can take that away."
"Arno is just the larger-than-life character that Ezio was: witty, charming, and willing to do or say whatever it takes to get what he wants."
"When you're really good at something, you can't be denied because you're good at that specific craft or whatever it is you do."
"I will be victorious. Everything is designed for me to come and be victorious and move forward in my life and career."
"Ruck decides to prove the power of an amulet crafter."
"Figure out what you want, find out what the price is, and just be willing to pay that price."
"Don't miss the end; don't tap out. If you have to pause it, go to work, come back, finish it on your car ride home, do that."
"The world belongs to those who can keep doing without seeing the result of their doing."
"I'm going to keep doing stand-up for the rest of my life, or at least try to."
"This is going to take a long time. Damn, I wish I made that joke. That's pretty funny."
"You're not going to allow outside interference, and you're definitely not going to allow past interference, not anymore."
"Never get outworked. If you outwork every person in the room, then you should be alright."
"I would rather be a free man in my grave than live as a puppet or a slave."
"I have recently decided to choose optimism without any compromise, without any doubt at every opportunity."
"Uniquely powerful mortal who traversed all of human history and after watching it avoid total destruction by a razor-thin margin for the last time finally said enough is enough."
"Whatever I believe, I should make happen. It's that simple."
"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"
"Every time she catches her breath, she chases down the trick."
"We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield."
"One chance is all you get in life, and I'm about to take my chance and win on the first try."
"My whole mindset is I want to come in, do my job, be myself, and just dominate. I want to dominate and win games, and I have to be myself in order to do that."
"As a competitor, as driven as I've been in this game since I've stepped foot in it, I'll never accept that."
"With the power of all the angels, I will make it to the top."
"If Adam tried to steal my donut, I will travel to the end of the world."
"Quit is never the option. Quitting is not the solution."
"Give a man a purpose and the ability to achieve it, and he'll crawl over broken glass with a smile."
"I'm going all out. I want to pull it. It is such a gorgeous looking card."
"Stay determined, but don't forget about magic, the essence of the soul, the essence of life, and the ability to enjoy it for all that it is in the present moment."
"You have absolutely zero chance of becoming a content creator if you quit."
"We're fighting for our lives out here, aren't we?"
"I'm proud of myself... I really just put myself to it and was like, who cares what people have to say."
"You're the exact recipe that the universe loves to work with because you're not afraid of the work, you actually enjoy it."
"Sometimes you just need to have some [foresight] and just push your way."
"You're done with compromising; your focus is now on how to win how to win the battle with my enemy."
"You're just not paying attention to distractions, you're being very focused on what you want."
"My main message has not changed at all since Jackson Hole. The FOMC is strongly resolved to bring inflation down to two percent, and we will keep at it until the job is done."
"In September, you are going to be feeling extremely motivated and extremely determined."
"Never send a low-class warrior to do a Saiyan Prince's job. You've done enough; stay here and watch me. I've got something to show you."
"Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose, but that strong and indefatigable will which treads down difficulties and danger."
"With your determination, you'll achieve rising success and prosperity."
"You have this determination, your wanting to move things forward."
"Better to die on your feet than live forever on your knees."
"Fight for what you love so much that you would do anything to achieve it."
"Liverpool have got to win, and they've got to keep winning."
"So, when I do run for mayor, nobody will be surprised. People may laugh when they hear it... But, people have laughed before, and I've done it before."
"Just because you're little don't mean you can't be the best."
"I'm 17 years old... I promised myself I would stay focused and reach my goals."
"The answer is that Trump has always had a burning desire to prove people wrong, sometimes they're people he loves like his father, but more often he's spurred on by the thought of shutting up his critics."
"As long as you don't quit, you're already winning."
"In the face of such horrors, we must hold to our path."
"I believe that you should burn the ship, go to war, don't take any prisoners, go out and claim what is yours, and do it or die trying."
"I'm going to do it my way, and I'm going to have a smile on my face when it gets there."
"We all have a decision to make: We can choose failure right now... or we can choose to go through the hard door."
"They embrace their shared determination, knowing that with Raftalia's unwavering support, they can conquer whatever trials lie ahead."
"With Philo playfully launching Motoyasu into the air, Naofumi decides to participate in the race."
"A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it."
"The journey of a fighter is not measured by wins alone, but by the courage to continue when odds are against them."
"To break the soul of whatever's in front of you... if you keep on attacking something, nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless."
"Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done."
"You can do whatever you put your mind to, surround yourself with good support systems, and put in the work. Oh, and don't forget to stay relentless so you can become indomitable."
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the determination to face it head-on."
"Coach, you got something on your mustache. Yeah, I know I do. This isn't a beauty pageant; it's a football game."
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
"Every great story happened when someone decided not to give up."
"Underestimation is the biggest mistake one can make in the face of determination."
"We keep doing what we have to do, and that's all that matters."
"I am literally willing to do anything to make this work. I have to succeed."
"Not personal, it's business. I'm tough, I'm talented, I'm taking over."
"Keep fighting against those people. Our family knows who will win this fight."
"If you put your mind into something, you can do it."
"I pushed so much harder when someone is, like, no, you can't do that. I'm, like, well, okay. Watch me."
"You think I'm playing. Even in your dreams, I'm going to be there."
"Not only did he fast for 5 days, but he ran five complete marathons... and he was a type 1 diabetic."
"I wasn't the best at anything. I'm not gifted; I'm just driven."
"A goal has to be the thing that you absolutely demand of yourself that you achieve."
"Whatever it takes, we will do it. We're going to have an s arcade; it's going to remind us of some Chuck E. Cheese."
"If you're not willing to capitulate, then you need to be in it to win it."
"Dreams plus reality plus determination is a formula for a successful life."
"I've never met anyone who was genuinely successful that wasn't hard-working."
"Whatever experience I lack, I make up for in heart."
"The only thing on my mind is how we're going to win this. The only thing on my mind is how we're going to make sure that we correct what's happening in America and we bring this country back together."
"The real goal is just one. We gotta complete this challenge with one fish, no matter what."
"What I said about having created you, it was all a lie. You really are the ultimate life form my grandfather created."
"I do not want to lose a single more time in this video."
"Qualifying for the World is something that's probably going to be something I have to face, but that's fine. Why not?"
"I didn't know whether I would succeed, but I did know I wasn't going to stop."
"I was always certain that I wasn't going to stop. I didn't know whether I would succeed, but I did know I wasn't going to stop."
"If there's anything you listen to, all the stuff that I described that was really tough, it was not as hard as me quitting my job."
"If your dream causes you so much pain, then you will quit what you're doing and do it."
"Now that Scott and Matti have set a fire under my ass, I plan on taking this competition by the balls."
"I was quite shy and quiet, but I'd always have some sort of anger or self-belief to try to prove my worth and prove people wrong."
"Man, it's not how you get knocked down. It's how fast you get up."
"I always want to get better. I think I'm a little bit relentless in that capacity."
"We are fighting for the future of humanity and we have a plot and I thought, 'Okay, we're going to go in here, we're going to kick ass and get the kid.'"
"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay."
"Commitment means that you say you're going to do something, that means you're going to do it."
"You know what you want, you're very determined, you're very ambitious."
"People really like that about you: you have your mind made up on something and you go after it."
"You have a very ambitious energy, very strong-willed again, and very loyal to the dreams and things that you want to achieve."
"He was determined to make the most of what he had."
"On that day, Bill vowed to become strong enough that no one would ever be able to hurt his loved ones again."
"Like I said, you got to make a bad situation into a good situation, you know what I mean? Whether we leave today or tomorrow morning, we're going to get the job done."
"Don't have 'quit' as a word in your arsenal."
"I picked up that shovel, and I made my own path."